60 niggers shot, nine dead in Chicago since Friday

60 niggers shot, nine dead in Chicago since Friday
Dozens of people were wounded in shootings across Chicago since Friday, police said.
One paramedic described the evening as "a war zone."
Since midnight, police said 43 people have been shot, six fatally. Since Friday at 5 p.m., 60 people have been shot, nine fatally, in shootings in Chicago.
34 of the shootings and five deaths occurred between 10 a.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. Sunday, according to police. During one two-and-a-half hour-hour period, 25 people were shot in five multi-injury shootings.
"We know that some of these incidents were targeted and are related to gang conflicts in those areas," said Chicago Police Chief of Patrol Fred Waller at a press conference Sunday afternoon.


free healthcare provided to all

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Marches ain't going to do anything because no one wants to turn anyone into the police.

You either let the police handle things, or you let the gangs handle things. People go nuts on the police when they make a mistake, but the gangs don't care who they shoot.

These communities can continue to align with the gangs, or align with the police. There's no middle ground.

Not moving fast enough to be a positive for our people.

When you take tribalistic savages from the jungle and Savannah and make them wear white clothes, they're still tribalistic savages.

Sounds to me like they should actually have a black free zone, because its already a gun free zone.

I support a black free Earth

Hang on, hang on. There’s an idea in there. I think we could turn this into something.
“We blacks won’ go there no mo’. If we don’ go there, they can’ shoot us.” #BLAXIT #blackfreezone

I support a black-free universe.

disappointing, only 9 dead though

A little on the nose but something like
Dont get shot #Blaxit

Why the fuck aren't our boys in blue there with their tanks and their guns and their bombs.

We needed a thread why?

they must be very greatful they live in a white country full of people able to save them from their own stupidity. imagine what we could accomplish if we didnt have to babysit them. but atleast they worship, adore, and do anything to protect us and our people/culture as a result, right?

I know right? How can niggers shoot so much and aim so little?

ironically checked

I am glad that I am in Queensland but I saw the niggers at train so it is safe to say that once the nigger population reach 10 - 15 % then SHTF happens.

the bigger problem are jews, look at this nonsense.

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Well at least we can all rest easy knowing that none of those niggers had to go into dept because of medical bills.

first post best post

Don't forget to check the weather and heyjackass.com before travailing to Chicago


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#Blaxit? Lol..Is that like Brexit for America…we need our #Blaxit?

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these numbers are not nearly good enough, either the fatality rate has to climb dramatically or the rate of shootings has to increase 1000th fold.

do the jews have a monopoly on funeral homes in Chicago I wonder?

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Sounds like a good start.

60 niggers shot!? That's as many as two thirties!

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those results were prob shown because you used the word nigger and shot. google has word filters that trigger preselected results for certain words and that is an example of those kikes trying to further push and develop (((White guilt))), which you obviously know. just conversation
use searx.me for searches, it has a built in proxie

I would not even have police or medics go in there. Honestly it's just saving them to where they then go back and kill the rival gang and do it again.

welcome to Johannesburg, USA
I wonder what the common element could be

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The tanks are saved for when White families and communities don't want to submit to the government. Niggers are allowed to breed and kill us while the police hold a boot to our neck.

I know this image exists since at least 8 years ago, history repeating itself to the number.

They should hold some firearms training classes so the niggers can learn to kill each other better.

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White yanks need to crowdfund a project to pay the niggers to be sterilised.

do I even need a :^)

That is like 60 scoops of nigger.

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or we could just drop off bags of guns in nigger neighborhoods and let them wipe each other out

in your heeeeeaaaaaaaadd

Anyways this is pretty standard for a warm weekend in Chicago. Warmer weather = more niggers outside = more nigger moments = more nigger shootings

I thought the CIA already did that? Where do you think all those niggers got the guns?


This is the epitomy…If we cannot raise the iq standard, and implement qualified psyche evaluations, these pigs will remain your "peace officers".

Those 14% that got charged prob livestreamed their dinduing. If you kill someone in Chicago you will get away with it.

is there anyway the chinese or russians will supply them with even more weapons? RPG's would be good

3D printers and the NRA of course

They are shit at shooting. More injured people instead of many dead niggers mean more tax money being drained.

this is exactly why I am hoping for a race war. I do one shot, i get on kill. these niggers will blow through their ammo in 10 seconds

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Ah I understand now. You want the niggers to be busy. So busy that they don’t know that they are instigating a race war unintentionally.

We Need to Ban Muzzle Loaders

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This is just the caveman hunting down kings to harvest their melanin. How else could those pale skins compete with their solar powered excellence.

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Negros are already aligned with the police. Even in your most (((republican))) only slightly left of center town the police function as body guards for negros.

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If you can get me a passport and get me to Africa, I will fix this myself.

Essentially these 34 happened on Saturday night.

There is a classic term that applies to this;
Saturday night special
noun / NORTH AMERICAN slang / informal
Sat·ur·day night spe·cial
a cheap pistol or revolver, easily obtained and concealed.

Thanks for posting, Op. What Zig Forums needs is a regular weekly Chicago Shot Clock … makes me nostalgic for 'Coontown'.

Attached: Saturday night Chicago.png (1700x1700, 1.76M)

Not with that I wouldn’t.

Notice how those evil rassis wyte EHS mutthafukkas is goin' into da hood to exploit dem po black peepo…

You hear that sound?
That sound of silence?
The crickets?
The deafening silence from everywhere?
That's the sound of the MSM and BLM talking about this.

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They can't even kill themselves properly

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Does that include extra dimensional light absorbing stealing immortals?

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Sitting US Senator (((Brian Schatz))) calls for liquidation of all whites.

These niggers, 3.5% of US population, commit over 50% of all the murders. We don't have a gun or violence problem, we have a jew and shitgolem problem.

unfortunately this


The only thing sad about this is the police aren't the ones responsible and that most of them are being saved by medics.

o fugg

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Wall off the city, turn it into a giant prison. Make Escape from New York a reality, only with chimpcago.

- White people build it
- Blacks move in for gibs
- Blacks tink dey can run tings bc whites make it look easy
- Blacks chimp out
- Whites bail
- City goes to shit after blacks take over

150 activists blocked traffic on Chicago's Lake Shore Drive on Thursday afternoon in an attempt to stop violence in the city.

Looks like their march didn't work, kek.

Even Trump isn't dumb enough to send in the storm troopers to help a city craft a narrative against him. Chicongo is career suicide for anyone that wants to fix it.

It's epitome, and not only did you misspell the word, you've used it incorrectly to boot. You have earned the rank of doublenigger.

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Daily reminder that redditors suck zognalds cock

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pretty decent but they need to improve their aiming

And complete silence.

The leftist media makes it clear that nigger lives don't matter

Crook county is corrupt as hell and our Superhero Robert isn't paid enough to keep saving the good citizenry from his arch-nemesis Male Black.

Daily reminder that if you bitch about paragraphs being more readable

you might be




Daily reminder that a single sentance is not a paragraph.

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We need a GlobalWarming chan.

Friendly reminder Chicago's ridiculous murder rate is the result of the city agreeing to not "over police" negro communities.

Perhaps the Dems are smarter than we thought, they are just letting them slaughter each other en masse. Let the garbage take itself out.

haha the ballistics gel farted

You know who's fault this is. And there's a political party with people ready to take responsibility on your behalf.

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If we could only teach them FREEDOM, and the value of being PATROTIC… if only they could see the American DREAM… just maybe, just maybe we can all just like get along man. Maybe we need to do more, most cities have a black police chief, but we're still failing our black brothers. Could we look into housing them in the suburbs? Jump start that dream by showing them the better life. We all bleed red, white and blue, man.

Daily reminder that r/thedonald cucks that have been lurking for only a few weeks need to go back to the gas chamber. >>>/oven/

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It's called Chicongo for a reason.

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arm these niggers with ar15s, pistols aren't getting the job done

We have to raise taxes.

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OP using an old pic from Canada… lazy nigger.

Meanwhile, in NatSoc China…

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Pollution can be fixed like it was fixed in Los Angeles in the 80s. Niggers Disease is terminal however.

Yeah, that's why the chinks are fucked, they're nothing more than yellow niggers.

Like this

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Yeah, no.