and on Zig Forums.
I remember back on halfchan many years ago there were some CP posters, but only a tiny minority. Faggot was an insult, and furries and zoophiles were equally despised. Now everywhere I look sexual the deviancy is overflowing, the streets are full of faggots, trannies, crossdressing children, and here on Zig Forums the front page has deviant board after deviant board, /cuteboys/, /loli/, /zoo/, … This is not how man is meant to live.
I protested several times here, but unheeded; this Western society including the chans is just too far gone - a textbook example of a slippery slope, and it will only get much worse. You can elect a hundred more Trumps, but if you don't stop sinning, which takes effort, self-discipline and renunciation, your degenerate ways will overpower you in the long run. This is how Rome brutally fell, not because the Romans were unaware of their mistakes, but because they too much enjoyed making them.
I have believed the chans, as societies outside of the mainstream, could be used as a force for good, but I'm thoroughly disappointed. /loli/ being featured in the header for this last week has been the final straw. I'm leaving this place for good, to go back to the real world, to my kin, to talk where blood may listen. I advise you do the same, since all battles are won in the real world only, and only fighting in the real world truly counts. Whatever the future may hold, each one of us will be personally accountable for his actions on the day of judgement.
In this sense, go with God!
The Degeneracy in this world
Other urls found in this thread:
Without this place, and halfchan, there is nowhere for our traditionalist propaganda to emanate from. Of course the internet is full of filth. To many people this very board is a bastion of depravity due to the cultural marxist indoctrination espoused by our prussian educational system. If you cannot endure the temptation/offense you must to frequent this place, then you may be of weak moral fibre. You take the good with the bad. You ignore or disprove shills, you keep writing and making images/content and trying to better the world. This is the front line. This is where we spread the truth from.
Do not give up. Maybe you need a break, I can understand that.
Remember, you're here forever.
Cool; see you next week.
You can only clean the places that are dirty. You have to forge your path in the filth of the underground.
Get out jew.
Lolis are pure.
The guy in your image was literally a cocksucking homo, according to his own close family members.
We will make our own websites and chans. We will not win this this war by building on rotten foundations, and I will not qualify this villainy with my presence, and neither should you.
Stay, and things will never change, leave, and there will be opportunity for new.
You must be stronger than the degeneracy in order to destroy it OP, you can do it because you already are stronger than it degenerates fear their fate.
Wanna know how I know you're pathetic IRL
God Bless, OP. With people such as youself guiding, we will not falter.
Uh huh, go post on your tumblr.
OP reveres probable-Jew bog fodder.
You don't fix broken places, you create more beautiful places for people to inhabit.
This is how I know you are a larpfag
All that does is further fragment an already small community of content creators. Lets say just for bullshit that there are 100k shitposters between here and the other chans. 10k are probably shills, 20k are probably shitposters here or there for the lulz, 50k are probably lurkers, 15k are reposters and engage in /seriousDiscussion/, and 5k are content creators and quality thread starters.
Zig Forums is the slow board with an emphasis on quality>quantity and it has much more moderation.
Halfchan is the fast moving content distribution method that overflows into the normiesphere.
Another forum would be slow, hard to find moderation for (I work, can't be here all the time) and would probably turn into more of a honeypot than most of this site already is. The reason for all the filth you see here is the same as why this board exists here.
The age of exploration has gone. We only have broken places to fix left.
May have been may not have been. I will not judge a man by rumors, but by his work, which was excellent and as far away from sexual deviancy as it gets.
His work was anti-White, pro-Jew christcuckolded garbage
Many of us were led astray and only being in the muck for so long can wake you up.
The moderation of 4chan is FBI, and I'm pretty sure this site too, and it can't get any more of a honeypot than that. Mods we would find easily, and the reason filth exists is because the admins won't remove it, not because it is vital for anything, certainly filth is never necessary and always harmful.
There are several reasons why someone might have a narrow or skinny bony bum;
1. An old withered woman
2. A little boy or man
3. A little girl
4. Someone that's sick
5. A junky
Regardless of the causes, if it's got a narrow skinny bum I'm not interested and neither is my dicque.
Then leave faggot
t. Seraphim (((Rose)))
You say loli is degeneracy, but I was there at halfchan in the time before yours, and there was a loli board, and we basked in their purity and innate goodness.
That's the book he wrote before he became Orthodox, so obviously I won't reflect the understanding he gained later in life. But here's the book:
It doesn't mention the Jews, nor the Holocaust, nor does it say Hitler was the most evil man ever. What it does rightfully say is that Hitler's National Socialism has a spiritual emptiness, which in my opinion was its only imperfection and its downfall.
If you really knew this place you would know your message is futile. The people here have built in defenses to immediately disregard any attempt at pulling them away from this. Only they can realize they need to leave.
So back when he was still getting fucked in the ass and sucking cock in the San Francisco gay scene?
Let's select some quotes:
Eugene Rose was literally a Jew (his mother's name was Esther), and so are you.
Exactly what I mean, no engagement, just a mechanism of defense to immediately disregard and maintain integrity of the hug box.
I gave up on having serious conversations here when I realized that about 2/3 of the memes here were created in St Petersburg RF. I'd find them forwarded to me by mailing lists my mother subbed to - that's when I realized it was all part of a huge disinfo campaign. Here they're edgy shitlords, there they're angry old "concerned citizens", elsewhere they're small businessmen, and yet elsewhere they're worried christians.
Same. Fucking. Memes. Just hours apart.
You are nothing but a disinfo agent.
And all these incels. They are degenerate interior excuses for men. Those with good white genes attract the perfect trad wife with ease. When the day comes the Jews are taken off their throne of shit and into the oven the incels should be gassed along with them.
Slide thread.
A sitting US senator, (((Brian Schatz))), who has power over military, law enforcement, etc., has stated he believes whites must be liquidated. Sitting US senator saying this…
OP you are so fucking full of shit it's coming out of every pore. Nobody's leaving until the work is done and the work is never done as long as the kikes are around. Gas yourself you Semitic subversive cunt.
Who said that? His nose obviously isn't Jewish, and neither does he have a semitic phenotype.
Tip of nose hooks downward. Near East phenotype.
you're an amusing idiot
His phenotype is almost non-existent in Norway and Sweden, his alleged ancestry. But if you give Ben Shapiro a ratty beard, they could be brothers. Looks like a kike, acts kike a like, has kike names. Then the probability is high that he's a kike.
You realise the NSDAP fixed a broken Germany right? Retarded analogy there m8
I can't speak for /zoo/ but /cuteboys/ and /loli/ forsure have less activity than they did in 2018
It was a new party and a mass party, which is also reflected in the mass rallies which too were new (thus the pic). An imageboard is much unlike a country, the latter has a physical existence while the former only exists as long as it has participants, so an imageboard is more like a party.
He's a European mutt like all Americans. His mother has a German name, so she isn't Jewish as you claimed.
Older phucker here (50s). My dad's father and mother came to America in the early 1920s. He had stories about hyperinflation and stacks of cash to buy daily groceries. He and she both had 8th grade educations, coming here at the ages of 17 and 16.
They came to the US, settled down and had a family, then the US crash happened. They moved back to Germany in 1934 and stayed until shit started to hit the fan in 1938. They saw the writing on the wall. The crazy fucker was going too far and it would not end well. They came back to the US and made it all work out. Dad was valedictorian of his high school and got a scholarship to Wash U med…
The point being: we are close to 1936 now. Be careful how you go from here. We can choose our path.
well if your family history is any indication you'll be bouncing out of here the moment things go south so why care
hm, i hadn't noticed tbh fam
The chans are just an honest, unabridged reflection of how society is and how people think. In the same way that the military is inevitably a reflection of the society backing it. Shit that we're all thinking but can't say in normiespace, but it comes out here. The degeneracy boards, leftypol, etc. they're just signals, symptoms not the problem in and of itself.
Only kikes get butthurt at loli. See you, Jew.
The joys of a white country
Some more select quotes from Rabbi (((Rose))):
Standard christkike anti-national anti-racist rhetoric, reflected perfectly by the modern left (ideological descendents of judeo-christianity)
It is always good to hear Christians admit that the ideals of leftism are Christian ideals. That they believe the ideals of Karl Marx are basically good. It really helps to understand how the world got to be in the shape it's in today, under the influence of traitorous christkikes. The only issue he takes with it is that it is not possible in this world, but that you need to wait for Jesus to create the kingdom of God, then live in spiritual communism for eternity as the bride of Christ. Why being the "bride of Christ" would appeal to a dick chugging homo like Rose should be apparent.
Your grandfather was a traitor and deserved to be killed.
Hopefully we will take the path that allows us to put as many faggots like you in the ground as possible.
Hi, boomer. You’ll be first to be executed.
I realize you’re too young to be a boomer, but we don’t give a shit.
Honestly, anyone over 50 is just too far gone at this point to work with. They will need to be liquidated.
be careful with that edge kids, you'll cut yourself.
Well, we’re laughing. Just not at something you’re going to like.
Killing cowards and traitors is not edgy
Degeneracy was fine on the chans, it's just that dealing with that shit in real life can literally get you killed (AIDS, trucks of peace, shitskins nigging, aloha snackbars, anthrax, etc) which hinders ones ability to shitpost in the future.
the LARP is strong with you
scared i am
You are a welfare queen, a slave to Zionists. Your family has denyed its own birthright.
It's would be a waste of energy to kill people like you, honestly.
filtered for posting D&C bullshit with the sole purpose to irritate people
10/10 jesusposting
Jesus died from homosexual gladiator bdsm.
Why would the chans not be degenerate? That's literally how they started. Most of Zig Forums got redpilled on /b/, because in an attempt to be even more degenerate people would get into other "forbidden wrongthink", like larping as "Ebul Nazis" during "stormfag" raids. Same as how /x/ got started, larping as "spoopy occultists" led many people to actually get into the Occult or Paganism. Hell, I was kind of a Leftist at the time (not that I even cared or thought about it back then). But then, as one by one people realised the truth of things it stopped being just a larp. So the language & overall culture remains - because it discourages outsiders from watering things down. Nobody will spoonfeed you, you stand alone. And it's tough to bring ego into an anonymous imageboard, which is refreshing from the endless circlejerking of everything else we do. Truth has to stand on its own terms here. In Jungian psycho babble speak, the chans are the Shadow of the collective consciousness of the Internet. And while that means there's a lot of trash, it's also one of the few places where you'll find a few precious nuggets of truth & power. Don't worry about the CP posters etc, they'll get theirs eventually.
Who is in more need of help than these reprobates? Where better to get experience and refine arguments?
Take a break if you're tired.
If you really had been here so long you wouldn't be bitching about loli you fucking faggot
I don't know about zoo, but I seem to remember there constantly being loli threads and trap threads on /b/. OP you seem like one of those ones who wants to divorce the history of /a/ and /jp/ from Zig Forums. It was all an interconnected culture. You're concerntrolling.
Degenerate interests do not interfere with the ability to share relevant information on the board. They probably detract less from Zig Forums threads than the lengthly complaints like yours do.
Jews rape kids.
When full or half finally falls, only then will you know hell. The dominos are dropping. I seriously hope you guys make your own websites and product lines. You reading this, you just needed an idea of what to do. I am the answer. Imageboards are going to age 20 years soon. I hope reaching infinity has given you the solutions you seek.
Early Internet was far more degenerate.
nah its pure degeneracy, your basically a pedo if you like loli porn, youll be included in the day of the rope
Keep telling yourself that