They're being outright blatant now!

You love us you stupid fucking goyim! You'll die for us you fucking goyim!

I just saw two of these billboards in Indianapolis and I want to vomit.

Attached: Billboard_Supporting_Synagogue_0_50386828_ver1.0_640_360.jpg (640x360, 57.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How's the child sex ring going?

and I forgot to sage


i hate it when i forget to sage slide threads

rabbi, you made so many mistakes with that little comment that it's comical. i'm not gonna point them out, because i want you to keep fucking up like that. but needless to say, you convinced exactly no one that you're one of us.

oh is that the excuse?
kek you're worthless as a shill. you should be fired.

So, uh... Are you saying that the blood libel is actually libel? As in, denying that jews kidnap goy children and slaughter them?

What the fuck are you retards yacking about!?

Jew billboards in Indianapolis. This is what this thread is about. (((LOVE))) billboards that proclaims that all the goyim should love the poor oppressed jews that were "Hey, Rabbi. Watcha doin'?"ed in Carmel, Indiana.

It's not a poster it's multiple fucking billboards all over an entire city.

A sitting US senator, who has power over military, law enforcement, etc., has stated he believes whites must be liquidated. This is coming from a man who has genuine power to take steps to eliminate whites.

I can understand why a coconut nigger would want to "liquidate" whites, but on the other hand they should be grateful we didn't just kill them all off and take their island. We just took their island.

Oh, nevermind, he's a kike from Michigan. Well, I can still understand.

That was one mistake we never should've made. They were all on a fucking island for fucks sake!!!
The will was lacking

Attached: e7c1ed12447bf4411609e2ef1c2312d0c9092a882acc768bfd67bdd5d2f7c566.gif (168x168 108.47 KB, 7K)


Attached: 93438ac362b2a868188fcaa8e3aa2115d5cb8264ec3d8993f3a520bbec97b1e9.jpg (467x393 575.58 KB, 144.63K)

Too bad

Attached: 1533417991888.png (701x506, 32.24K)



Attached: I aint clicking that shit nigga.jpg (600x600, 34.38K)


Attached: th.jpg (427x800 17.42 KB, 109.23K)

We need to cruise right past pogrom and directly to anuddah shoah

Attached: merchant billboard exploitable.png (640x360 214.05 KB, 247.56K)

somebody get a ladder and make this shit real. copy over the "welcome to Indianapolis" line with a web link to some red pills too.

Get a grapple and write something then.

Nice fucking quints. Yeah, we are some massive fucking pussies.

Brazen or desperate? To me this reeks of desperation.

Either way it's rather disgusting. I fucking saw that shit and had to do a double take. I saw a second one and though about getting off at the exit and taking a picture. The 2 I saw were digital billboards around the west side of the city on the 465 loop connecting to the I65 South. There's also a literal "Jewish Hospital" in Louisville, KY

How do you figure a kike to be a coconut nigger?
He's a well known and obvious kike.
Kikes aren't white, nor are they anything but a kike.
If a kike is something other than a kike it's a literal rat.


Attached: incendiary balloon.png (640x360, 252.8K)

Attached: Welcome to indianapolis when love is genocide copy.jpg (640x360, 93.3K)

How do you figure a kike to be a coconut nigger?
He's a well known and obvious jew.
Kikes aren't white, nor anything of the like
And if not a kike, a rat, through and through.

That's why they call it blood libel, it's all lies, goyim. Never mind the multiple sainted children who were ritually murdered by Jews or the multiple expulsions for the same reasons. Can't possibly be any truth to it.

Ten years ago if I saw a thread like this I would freak out thinking CIA niggers or hackers are posting spoof threads to gaslight me but now thanks to mike pence being the VP all the world's woes have made their way to my once humble little state.


Attached: glow-in-the-dark cianigger spook spay paint.png (660x509, 157.85K)

MY state, ya cunt.
Shoot me an email [email protected]

Attached: xspaying-cats-procedure.jpg.pagespeed.ic.YBwPl8nqf4.jpg (300x300, 20.13K)

Attached: Shreks sharpened and blurred again cringe comp.png (1080x720, 162.89K)

Your state?
BITCH this is not only MY state in bold and caps this is my fucking reality.
Everything happening is like my body processing toxins from too much alcohol and fastfood.
Jews are like diarrhea, something I cannot control but unfortunately it just happens.
Welcome to my reality, NPC, I'm sorry this is all happening.

Who is requesting justice

Yeah, well your reality is shit and you're shit for having a shit reality.

For what

Go ahead, dummy. It's posted public on my website

Also, I feel that the jew would be more like a disease carrying mosquito.

Attached: a05bceff438986c9339e8a660c7cae0b7a09c589f588d14d00101e894f60cc8b3333333333333333333333333333333.jpg (640x360, 52.21K)

Does anyone recognize the font they used in the billboard?

Attached: Snap Billboard 2.jpg (640x360, 53.43K)

Kike-ish Sans

Is this surprising?

Attached: Snap Billboard 2 sans bold.jpg (640x360, 53.64K)

The sad thing is that christfags probably put this up, not Jews. American Christians are worthless scum that should be processed into useful products like soap and gelatin.


fuck off kike

Attached: love your race.png (640x360, 232.79K)

Attached: hitler thumbs up.jpg (360x451, 61.52K)

would be a shame if they all got burned down, and i would really cry if someone found who ever payed for em and shot them dead

You're missing something, though. The kikes who put them up are the most likely to also burn them down.

If you read the article I posted it says exactly who put them up and who helped fund it. It was "Chris Iverson the Vice President and General Manager of Lamar Advertising Indianapolis, Outfront Media and Fairway Outdoor Advertising."

Altogether twelve digital billboards with the same message of love can be found from South Bend to Mooresville.

So the advertising agencies who own the billboards did it all themselves.

One more set of these.

Attached: billboard mussolini.png (640x360 242.52 KB, 217.32K)

It would be a shame if the board of directors, ceo and cfo of the company were shot dead

Did you forget to use tor this time?

Kek, holy shit. What a fuck-up that guy is.


Attached: JewsLoveWalls.jpg (640x360, 58.94K)

Don't worry…once ww3 starts i will have no pity over you filthy cultureless american. Nor you. nor anyone from you retarded cultureless "nation".
You aren't worth the oxygen you breath cuntbag.


Like I said (before neo-kamphy mods deleted my post), most likely a christcuck.

Your filthy music, filthy movies, filthy clothing, filthy food, corrupted mentality and ideas are poluting the world.
Americanism is the plague of the 20th and 21st centuries and it will only end once every american citizen is exterminated.

Attached: Billboard_Supporting_Synagogue.jpg (640x360, 20.01K)

Le wut says the cia agent


Attached: 9a2e80196004687ed0f9a793b42d5df9fe089c58a35f3b45ed6db687cbb43d0e.jpg (415x515, 60.16K)

Best one.

Attached: varg blue.jpg (177x202, 16.62K)

That's exactly what they are

Your (((filthy music))), ((((filthy movies))), (((filthy clothing))), (((filthy food))), (((corrupted mentality))) and (((ideas are poluting the world.)))
America was fine until the kikes got their hooks in it. Good news though, the boomers and shitlibs who shilled americas future away for the kikes and love their based brothers will be among the first to be taken out by those groups. The rest who are well aware of their kikery get to enjoy whats to come. Never forget: The only mistake america ever made was fighting against Germany in WW1 & WW2 for obvious (((reasons))). Rest assured that will never happen again.

(((Hart Celler act))) (((Federal Reserve))) (((The Civil War))) (((Missouri Compromise))) (((NAACP))) (((13th Amendment))) (((14th Amendment))) (((15th Amendment))) (((19th Amendment))) (((not having a ban on Jews from the start))) (((oy vey Judeo-Masons are white!)))

Attached: Ben Garrison seal of approval.gif (500x500, 194.84K)

America was never right. Sprang from a kiked Empire, infected with kike ideas of revolution, deism, liberalism, and individualism. America was always meant to be the best Jewish vehicle, ie. the goodest of goys.

Nigger, we need revolution in our current state of affairs. We MUST revolt. We MUST deny this decadence and decay and we MUST restrain and vanquish the rampant disease of "progression" and liberalism which is currently infecting not only our entire culture but our current state of mind. Whether the creators of this nation were jewish puppets or not is currently a non sequitur. We must focus on the here and now and learn from the supposed mistakes of our forefathers. Either way, what they proposed in the first articles of confederation and the declaration of independence are still currently proper ideals to strive for. As it states in our declaration,

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

As declared in this quotation, it is our right and duty to alter or abolish the current governmental system and instate a new governing body which suits our needs to attain aforementioned safety and happiness. It is not specific on the ideology of government and does not state that it must be any form of capitalistic or democratic systems. This leads way to a new governing body which should harken back to the holy roman empire, which is what the original creators intended in their Republic. This original ideal was, of course, poisoned and corrupted by international provocateurs whom controlled the British Empire at the time and demanded they also control the new independent colonies in the new world. The last President that fought against this cabal and won was Andrew Jackson. The last President who fought against this cabal and lost was John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Report it to the city council for terrorism and cite the USS Liberty.

It seems the time has come for them to pay with their minds…
And many of them are already BROKE.

Attached: LOVVVVVVVE.png (1280x720, 717.52K)