I've attempted this in the past, but Kikey and his goons deleted it immediately. It's time to talk about manipulation of language. And not just your average communist fare—we're talking about smart shills. The type that don't immediately out themselves, and try to plant that blackpill seed in your mind. Real evil motherfuckers. Let's look at examples.
This is a very contentious example, because shills love to claim that they "have always typed this way" and that "it's only natural that you put space for readability".
Bullshit. These low IQ motherfuckers don't even know what a paragraph is. A paragraph starts with a sentence that sets the tone for the rest of the thought, and then expands on that thought through the following sentences. If someone shotgun fires one sentence after the other, with a space inbetween each line, he's a retarded fucking shitskinned nigger, and you should filter him.
that guy's a sick son of a bitch and you are no better than him for posting that shitskin
Charles Miller
This is about the health of our board. I think this is far more important than some retarded nigger meta board.
Ryder Martin
Stay mad muzzie
Eli Adams
kill yourself, you fat autistic permavirgin faggot
Isaac Ramirez
what's the story behind the monk in OP's pic?
Aaron Baker
Anthony Scott
Are you trying to make my point for me?
Reminder that the only weapon that jews can wield against you is the social card. Because they own the social deck.
Jason Mitchell
this is an anonymous image board this isn't an english forum it's high entropy and doesn't reward effort-posts it rewards interesting and relevant info, instead it's a place to share and learn we have our own way of doing things because that keeps outsiders out lurk 6 more years
Adrian Taylor
A huge part of the virgin hatred that you see in western culture is literally jews bemoaning their own unfuckability.
Jackson Evans
Man, you can’t read.
And you don’t belong here.
Caleb Anderson
also spreading fornication culture. nothing wrong with being a virgin; sex is for reproducing yung snow niggas
Joseph Cruz
The fuck I can't. First off he started bitching about the fucking roach. It isn't hard to make a proper thread. This little attention whoring cunt is just here for drama which is why his faggot threads end up getting locked or pruned.
Leo Allen
forgot sage
Thomas Gray
Stop talking like a fucking nigger, you retarded piece of shit.
Benjamin Collins
it's meme-speak. don't you watch varg's videos? gtfo
Caleb Gutierrez
This thread is about identifying plebbit niggers. This is another example of how to do that.
Owen Gomez
Go fuck yourself, you stupid inbred kike. I choose who I follow, and it isn't people like him.
Parker Richardson
Shills everywhere
Gabriel Foster
kill yourself
Jeremiah Gutierrez
if you want a real education, download and listen to the audiobook "The Hebrew Bible" by Lawrence H. Schiffman
Spoke saying to physically and metaphysically kick mudslime hordes out of south-east asia out and keep them out, over on facegoy and jewtube. Kikes shut him down and kvetched. Ashin Wirathu.
Justin Miller
Well as far as I know there are muslims living in countries like Malaysia and Singapore. I understand what he means but Malaysia is literally Muslim homeland at this point.
Hunter Watson
If they do a double tap per sentence that's a bit retarded. I normally paragraph then double tap normally.
Or like this. With one tap and short sentences. Just for formatting sake with brevity and cold stops.
but something like this…
is absolutely…
Sebastian Torres
my le dude
le most epic
le science
rick and morty
t. atheist
John Kelly
This is a very contentious example, because shills love to claim that they "have always typed this way" and that "it's only natural that you put space for readability".
Literally I have always typed this way long before "reddit spacing" was even a thing Back then people said I was a retard who needed to learn2grammar now it's called "reddit spacing".
OP is just a schizo JIDF shill trying to invalidate any messages coming from people who don't care about grammar or have their own way of typing. "No goyim! Don't listen to anyone who "reddit spaces", they are just shills! Only listen to US!"
Adding to the OP, because it was a admittedly a rush job.
This is the holy grail of the communist ad-hom repertoire. They're literally using Soviet tactics against you: archive.is/HPwGR
Literally any time someone accuses you of having mental illness—specifically schizophrenia—they are a hardcore communist. DO NOT respond to them.This may seem obvious, but we do have a lot of cuckchan refugees lately, and we need to teach these retards how to filter on sight.
Austin Taylor
I've also heard the argument here that 'reddit spacing' could be attributed to boomers, and not necessarily subhuman shitskins. While this sounds like a kike argument, it does have its merit—boomers are incredibly stupid. They've been out of education for over two decades, and they haven't honed their language on the internet as the younger generations have. There's a very real chance that "reddit spacers" are just your retarded dad who types with his index fingers.
Grayson Young
This is a communist attempt at cultural appropriation. The chans, starting with 2, have always been Japanese culture boards. If someone finds your appreciation of the culture "weird" or "creepy" they are a low IQ normalfag who doesn't understand that their favorite culture is run by child-fucking goblins. Anyone who asserts that anime is not part and parcel with our culture is an obvious outsider. Filter on sight.
Aside from the obvious fact that many anons here are not those, the opposition loves to use this ad hom to pit women against us. Obviously, women are led by feelings—not logic—so the kikes chose to prey on that and tap into their "thinking." If they can get our 'better half' to hate us and think we're basement dwelling virgins, they've won without firing a shot. Needless to say, that argument has no weight here. Instant filter.
Did I say that schizophrenia was the holy communist grail? This might tie for first. TPTB absolutely fucking HATE autists. Autists have the following qualities:
Don't ever think for a second that autists aren't public enemy number one for the NWO types. We are literally the final boss of the internet. The reason these kikes pump billions into researching/infiltrating us, the reason that 'autist' is now the number one insult on the internet, the reason they are literally shitting their pants trying to understand—it's all because we're autistic.
You even have fucks like Kikenwald going on CNN and calling us out wholesale as basement-dwelling virgins. They wouldn't be doing this if they weren't pants-shittingly AFRAID.
Isaac Perry
To be fair, 4chan was formed based on internet culture and anime. We only happened because of politics (Gamergate and moot shitting the bed). We can still appreciate and enjoy anime, but Zig Forums is more formative to 8ch's identity in my opinion.
No, go fuck yourself. Evangelion by itself is better than any western media, ever.
Matthew Davis
Lucas Rogers
For your next trick, you won't be able to type the word 'God'.
Landon Turner
The absolute state of D&C on this board.
Also, the above is a really unnatural way to write. Deal with it, Shlomo. Your attempt to encourage Zig Forums users to make their content harder to view isn't going to work here.
Kek, look at all of these r/thedonald civnat cuckolds kvetching over the oblivious redditspacing. Good job, OP, you've dealt a serious blow to these faggots that are obviously here to subvert the board in favor of their "anti-racist" ideologies. That's corroborated by the influx of shills on this board these past few weeks, and honestly, I don't think I've ever seen it this bad before.
Calm down, nigger. I didn't think about combining the second post material with the first. My mistake. So I just went ahead and chainlinked to provide context.
I think with this, I've elucidated the fact that jews use 'mental illness' as a weapon against the goyim. There's a reason that the field of psychiatry was literally invented, and is populated by, jews. When they can literally define what mental illness is—like the case of sluggish schizophrenia in Soviet Russia—they can then round up anybody that disagrees with them. It's literally thought crime, straight out of Minority Report.
Andrew Cook
You stupid inbred kikes can't stop shooting yourselves in the foot.
Parker Torres
Oh, that reminds me—the use of exclamations (!). There is literally no reason to ever use those. Trump does that as a subtle troll, because he is a master of language. What it does, is essentially infantilizes the conversation. Women frequently use them because they are infants in adult bodies. I also see shitskins frequently use them, often Pajeets, because brown people are the most effeminate men in the world.
I'm rambling, but using exclamations basically means you're a faggot, a woman, or a master Twitter troll.
Michael Nelson
Oh, another reminder. Honestly, thank you, a56ec5—you're such a textbook shill that it's easy to make examples out of you.
People accusing of slide threads are, I would say, about 70% shills. Sometimes it honestly is an appropriate accusation. But honestly, when you take into account the actual current quality of this board, you will see a whole lot of nonsense. When people say, "duh, a thread died for this," you can typically respond, "Yeah, what, the (((esoterics))) of Hitler thread? Go fuck yourself."
Jordan Collins
A corruption of "my man." Someone else pointed this out in another thread, and I found it very important—there is a concerted effort by the communists to take away the word 'man'. Presumably because they want to make an amorphous, genderless blob out of the populous, but who's to say? Anyway, if someone says anything other than "my man" or "my nigger"—no, NOT "nigga"—filter them.
Benjamin Cox
This phrase is straight from the shill-heaviest times of cuckchan. A few months back, you could hardly look at a single thread there without someone spewing it out.
Brayden Hughes
Piggybacking off of this, if someone says nigga, niBBa (seriously, what the fuck is this?), or any variation other than fucking 'nigger'—filter them. It's similar to how jews have to write 'G-d' instead of 'God'—it's an instant tell that the speaker is a leftist.
Note, the communists call this term, "the hard R."
Dylan Edwards
Do you honestly think it looks all that much better now, user? Let's call a spade a spade. We are constantly in flux with shills.
Tyler Stewart
While I have a captive audience, I'd like you all to understand that Sam Hyde of MDE fame is a kike. I know, I know, he's made some great comedy. Some very incisive shit. I've seen his Faceberg posts—he definitely knows the fucking score. But he's a kike.
I would take his current advice to throw Tim & Eric under the pedobus, but you have to understand that he's an opportunist kike. There's a very real chance that he's using them as a shield to defend against his less savory behaviors.
The problem with pol on 8ch and 4ch is that it really is just another meta board.
Jace Flores
It is not flooded with shills and shitposting anymore, it IS completely shills and shitposting. They've even become lazy enough to slide the catalog with the same recurring threads, over and over, not even bothering to hide their israeli flags.
What I meant to imply was, the shills 'good' at their job are shifting all their focus here. They started turning up after kikefy was outed. All sitting in some basement in Tel Aviv, using the exact same phrases and language repeated endlessly, and making the exact same abhorrent posts that they spammed across cuck/pol/.
Oliver Long
This is an extremely important point in the vein of language. Language really is just a series of variables put together. Much like genetics, and much like a programming language. Once you see the similarities, you can almost instantly tell who the speaker is. Be it woman, shitskin, or commie.
Zachary Hughes
Third time of you shitting up a thread. You jews really are afraid.
Ryder Bennett
Thanks for providing an example, faggot. Also, congrats on the first post bonus.
Aaron Wood
And Rei is better than Asuka. Prove me wrong. You can't.
Luke Thompson
The only thing she needs is a date with a trash compactor.
Henry Sanders
The board has been the furthest in the gutter I've ever seen it after the nigger ban/unban modshit. I'm glad to see you're trying to educate the newfags on proper board culture. I know many smarter than I have left but this place still exists so it should be tended to by some anons