IIT I am going to argue that what we know of history is a fallacy in terms of mankind evolving. Instead I am going to argue that there has been a concerted effort of international bankers behind the scenes that has carefully purged the most beautiful, heroic, valiant, brave, loyal, moral, intelligent and independent of our people. This program of dysgenics is a thoughtful and careful breeding of a slave class of humanity that has all of the finer character of our people weeded out from their DNA and we are basically nothing more than a reverse engineered slaves. It is also my opinion that our people are unique in all the world and that we, in hidden history covered the Earth as its caretakers. I believe that secret cabals and criminal mafia has existed in the background of civilization quietly pulling the strings to ensure that no nation can be free of their grasp, that no nation can exceed a threshold of intelligence (before they are slaughtered) and that all nations and government military organizations were engineered and promoted as 'patriarchal' just to ensure that the very best of our genetic lines were extinguished in war after war and that when this was not feasible 'men of commerce' starved us to death in planned genocides. The dysgenic slaughter covers everything from removing the prime breeding ages of men and mutilating them in foreign wars (in olden times men without offspring did not go to war so that their seed and line was passed on) to forcing 1/2 human nigger DNA on Empires to destroy them via racial mixing, lowering the morals, IQ and devastating culture. ←-this is not even something debatable that has happened politically over the ages. WE KNOW THAT THEY PLANNED AND DESTROYED EMPIRES VIA MYSEINATION.

When we look at a modern example such as the Bolshevik slaughter of Russia we can carefully observe the Jewish mind at work purging the most beautiful, productive and intelligent of the Russian people; so 60 million of the cream of the Russian people needed to die to purge the best of their genetic lines. Russia today is much more violent, jew friendly, less moral and less productive according to Bolshevik plans. Conversely, just as a blow was delivered to the Russian nobility; a great blow was delivered to Europe in WWII in the form of the slaughter of all the nobility (noble souls of its pride and joy; it's youth) by selecting them for extermination at the hands of a 'jewish/ZIONIST' FOREIGN that was as brutal as a meat grinder and destroyed all nobility via death or via soul crushing machinations. We can see the vindictive behavior of these ZIONISTS who played both sides of the war for entertainment and as a method of ensuring the most damages and destruction to the heart of the European people.

By selectively destroying nations and empires, through mysegination (their greatest weapon) these same international bankers managed to utterly decimate their enemies empires one after another selectively breeding out the traits that caused them trouble. Intelligence and independence, morality and productivity.

I guess we should address who their enemies are…the enemies of the international bankers were a proud people who did not make good slaves but would rather slit the throat of someone who was attempting to be 'master' over them. We Ethnic Europeans are all that is left of the once mighty bloodline that used to rule over the Earth as its caretakers. We are naught but a shadow of our forebears in ethics, spirit and honor, but what little we have is struggling for its last breath in this final political and military conflict. But it is this last drift of spirit that the jews yearn to crush completely. This last ember of nobility that once blazed eternally in the frosty air of our homeland is nothing but ember and smoke. All that is left of our nations have been overthrown and invaded, our homes plundered by the weapon of myseginating the races together in a melting pot. Only we remain on Earth.

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Other urls found in this thread:


low iq detected

Not your blog.

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If we looked into dysgenic breeding programs such as the inquisition we can see that it was targeted specifically at the most noble, moral, intelligent and clever of our people. That our morals and our ways were intentionally overwritten by the morals and ways of the jew/international bankers. When they had removed our beliefs from our people it became increasingly easier for them to spiral down dysgenically…so once when usury was outlawed under pain of death (flaying alive) as the nobility were either murdered or forced to contaminate their bloodlines with jew blood they became lax on their protection of our ways, culture, technology and people. When enough of the blood of the nobility became contaminated it was overthrown and disgarded. No longer did a lord or monarch have a genetic connection to their kin to ensure their health and wellbeing. The kin became slaves, usury became rampant. Murder and torture of your serfs (who had no blood relation to you became the modus operandi). The gradual creeping overthrow and subsequent dysgenic and mysegeintistic contamination of the very last of the NOBLE PEOPLE has come.

As the Council of 300 will gladly tell you their goal, which is not a new goal but is the same ancient goal of all religions, governments, finance, education and entertainment was to destroy the caretakers of the earth and replace them with the genetics of 1/2 men, replace the spirits of nobility and push everything aside for a chance at a 10,000 year reign of absolute destruction until every resource on earth is used up, all life is used up and the planet can be tossed aside like so much garbage.

Now we know that the jews/islam ran a 1,400 year slave trade out of Africa and that they destroyed many empires by mysegination of the people for their destruction.

We can look at the Empire that were destroyed via 'race mixing' agenda which is also part of the genocide.

Empires that were destroyed:
to name a few…the slave trade maps give a clearer picture of the nations that were required to myseginate themselves. But for clearer proof we could look at the jews themselves.

As part of their great love of raping niggers the middle eastern people imported many millions of sub saharan black slaves with an average IQ of 70 into their population. Before peoples understood the science of genetics they were not aware what would be the result of raping an 1/2 human nigger and bearing offspring with it. Both the jews and arabs (which simply means 'mixed' as in mixed race) partook heavily in fucking niggers that they dragged up out of Africa in brothels. The jews that existed before in the region were probably similar to us in IQ and culture (after all before the racial mixing great civilizations were born in the middle east). However, once the RAPEmixing began their average IQ was lowered from something that was probably comparable to our to a mere 84 points for all of the middle east. (see picts).

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We’ve all heard of the global cabal. Snowden. Julian. Etc has blown the whistle. The real question is. How do we destroy the entire idea or system that people subscribe to. Pollution. Etc. human trafficking.

Good, filter me, I won't miss you…it wasn't that difficult last time, but I see you still couldn't manage to figure it out…perhaps there is too much nigger blood in your veins.


t. (((kalergi)))

IKR…imagine that this was not a 'new plan' but one that had been going on for THOUSANDS OF YEARS in order to destroy and alter humanity into a slave race.

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We can’t blame any /one race. So many agendas. So many thoughts. So many ideas for global domination.


Look at the distribution charts of the 'jew' slave trade…keep in mind that before the jews themselves figured out the detrimental effects they simply had offspring with the brothel slaves. This utterly decimated their DNA and left them almost lobotomized with nigger values as well. After they understood the role of blacks in lowering the IQ, and basic capacity for civilized behavior they would take any and all brothel children that were born from the literally ENDLESS millions of RAPE dolls and would either crush their head in with a rock or simply slam the child on something hard until its head caved in. They were not happy at all about incorporating more of this 1/2 human contaminate into their genetic lines. This is why they term themselves 'black nobility' ←-impossible since blacks can not be nobility, that is reserved only for Aryan people.

Alright, would you believe me if I told you that my spellchecker 'mysteriously' wasn't working anymore (unknown reasons) and that I had actually taken this into a FUCKING INDEPENDENT ONLINE SPELL CHECKER KNOWING THAT I AM BEING FUCKED WITH AND that is what it came up with…fuck me…I suck at your FUCKING SORCERY AND 'SPELLS/SPELLING' but I have a GODDAMN POINT OK…I did my best by spell checking it TWICE and that is what you get, alright?

low iq detected

low iq detected

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This is what Zig Forums /pol late night looks like? Interesting. Aryan is such a weird word. I believe it’s IRANIAN origin. Look it up. What if America is just a big psy op from the Persian empire?

Are you sure you know where you are? You don't seem to have much of a grasp of what is currently happening in global politics.

Can you detect a filter as well? Lets see…

Yes we can

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So if this is the truth about Masonic lodges, why do so many members of the K.K.K become recruited by them? As with other various pro-white groups. Plus we can see whites use a plethora of Masonic signals.

This is actually a good question. And I have a number of reasons for considering this. I honestly think that the jews are like lap dogs to the people who are actually running the show. I think that the people in charge might actually be the original group of international bankers from Babylon…this is why they don't mind us killing all the jews…but I am still pondering this. Besides the jews are just miscegenated low IQ (for the most part) destroyers at this point.

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I think the lodges used to be pro-European…their origin is in the City-States of the middle ages. Outside of their actual esoteric origin which would not align with semitic culture or ideology their origin was within the trades. I think that as the destruction of the European nobility progressed to such a point that all the entire parasitic class of European nobility was either dead or racially mixed with ZIONISTS that the lodges whose purpose was originally pro-European was overthrown as well. In their mind their is like a caste system that they adhere to…Nobility, Commerce, Trades and Farmers (which they rank as the least important of all peoples)…It has been a long time since I researched it so maybe if I have this wrong someone can correct me, but I think that is the caste system of the Masons.

ik im about to go fringe for a second but what if kikes have actually evolved into a different species, a parasatoid version of a human.

if you compare parasitic ants to jews you get a perfect match.

Can you explain the babylon international bankers theory?

I’m under the impression “The Knights Templar” invented our modern system of banking and checks.

learn to write retard

what's it like being an invasive foreign body?

We know that they are parasites which is why I spend so much of my time advocating for the flat out murder of anyone displaying parasitic characteristics when/if we can get control of our breeding again and begin to eugenically work our way out of this mess. I know that the kikes are not evolving any longer because parasites are not forced to evolve since their niche is sufficient. This is why the destruction of Ethnic Europeans is so important to them. We are very close to a complete breakaway civilization and never being parasitized again by them. They don't want to be left to fend for themselves any more than any other parasite wishes to loose its host. They will most likely die if the host advnaces far enough to leave them behind. I think WWI and WWII were both attempts to retard the growth and expansion of the European mind and creation/inventiveness. So basically the slaughter of a hundred million or so people bought them the time they needed to try to solidify their plans for global domination. All of these things were them trying to hold down a bird that is trying to get away from them.

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fuck off outgroup

No, even back in the days of Sparta the international bankers were present manipulating the nations and empires of the earth. I am going to link you an absolutely excellent video on this very subject (it is not long) called Sparta's Unknown War. This isn't VertigoPolitix page but IDK maybe it got taken down off their page by YT. 12 min.

Also, the free PDF online of The Sumerian Swindle; How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (A literal MUST READ; it is an easy read but even if you only got 30 pages in you would understand a tremendous amount about financial history of the Earth)

Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Northern India used to be white countries. Their are still minor white populations in these areas.

All you need to look at the future of America and Europe is look to those nations.

Oh crap…yes, the Templars did invent chits (what we call checks) and encrypted ledgers. So, modern banking was the result of their inventive codifying of 'fiat currency'. However, they were all tortured to death and destroyed by a monster that was much more powerful and vicious than they would ever be, their leaders were killed in the most vicious manner imaginable and their inventions were overthrown and commandeered by 'dark lurking forces' that hide in the background.

clearly OP must be doing something right when the kikes instantly gone after him, and yes this sneaky bullshit they've been doing since the end of the Ice Age must end at some point

Fuck the kikes and their white left shabbos golem subjects

Yeah, I know I think I have figured out 'the program' for the Earth. I was mentioning Brazil…but we all know that Brazil with its 'Kalergi plan' genetics is the poster child for the International Bankers. Brazil has 10% of the total homicides of the entire earth. I is a nation wracked by upheaval and extreme violence. This is part of the program of the Council of 300. I will put a video in the next reply that covers much of the military ideology behind the 'program' of the Jew World Order. Listen VERY CAREFULLY to the verbage and the way that they speak about 'common people' it is very revealing about the agenda for humanity.

Attached: Street-kids-murdered-to-clean-up-Brazil-ahead-of-the-world-cup-620x264 (1)

Video: seriously pay attention to the way our own military describes 'the peasants' that would be you, I and our offspring. Sorry I don't have the whole thing…for some reason the whole thing won't upload no matter what service I try…but this will get you close enough to have an idea of what is going on. 4:13 seconds total length.

They have even anticipated the only resistance that will be possible to their well funded military occupation of the planet.
Doesn't it make your heart break that this could be their IDEAL future on Earth?

LMAO they 'love' me, no matter where I go they show up en masse…just wait until the real fighting starts as I keep rolling out OP's…it gets pretty brutal usually like 15 against 1, a bit like a war zone…but I don't mind, I am used to it by now.

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Are you aware the 'sekrit people' Truman talks of are the yids and their proto-white left sympathizers, right? well, it looks like these 'secret' and oh so scary people are not so secret and scary now, aye? Trump really did a hell of a number on them

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We should easily be able to counter their efforts to commoditize culture by pushing credo as culture/culture as credo. i.e. culture is a set of values — not a set of things.

If culture/identity isn't a physical characteristic, that does NOT mean identity is purchasable.

Religion as well, to an extent, but religion is quickly dismissed by shallow thinkers. So instead of Christianity per se, espouse Christian VALUES. Christianity can easily be (or at least *appear* to be) "debunked."

They may rob us of our past by blurring lines and corrupting historical records, sure. But even without a history, we can present an ideal future to strive towards — and that is something they cannot take from us.

Take white Americans vs white Europeans: They look alike, but yuropoors are so cucked, they may as well be different species: I actually heard one say "I wish our government had given us the right to bear arms."

They didn't understand that the second amendment wasn't the US government granting a right to its subjects — it was the US government acknowledging the existing natural right of its citizens to self defense.

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Or you know, it's a shit thread, with OP samefagging asking himself stupid questions so he can attempt to elaborate more and seem legit.

Sage goes in all fields

Trump is part of the Western Cabal. This is a fight between the Eastern and Western Cabal/Criminal Mafia…the result of EITHER of them 'winning' is going to be a disaster for you. Re Trump; What protection do you think 'money' offers you among people who own the printing presses? None, it is meaningless when they can simply snap their fingers and create more. Jews suck at almost everything, they really are pretty stupid and incapable, but they did manage to equate 'money' with 'success' in your eyes and so you have a set of values based around money that are artificial and false. No amount of 'money' which is simply a figment of their imagination can help you challenge the status quo. You must, at this point be a 'member of the ZIONIST movement to change anything politically. Neither of these is an option for 'slaves' people like you and I…our options are born of massacre and blood, secret operations and revolt. None of which are going to be financed, supported or lauded by jewish financiers. They prefer a 'controlled massacre' of humanity like their planned wars and starvations. Never in the history of Europeans has the enemy been sheltered WITHIN our nations, by our own 'leadership', when the war began.

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Or you are the faggot in total denial about everything from the Kalergi plan to the invasion of Europe. I guess people will have to decide whether to trust you and your wisdom or their lying eyes.

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My only worry about your stance is that it is not enough. Our culture won't matter when they come in for the final kill. They have spent the last 2,000 years murdering Europeans. The semitic catholics occupied Europe and murdered 100,000,000 Ethnic Europeans via torture and inquisition. Can you imagine what the Earth would be like right now with the lives and offspring of that 100,000,000 people still living? We wouldn't have had to worry about any of the things we are preparing for, the war/extermination programs. We would have literally covered the globe. So a culture or set of values is not enough when a people are facing genocide. This goes back to my refrain that an ideology is moot in a dead genocided people. Everything dies with them, their culture, their gods, their knowledge and beliefs. This has happened countless times on this planet as cultures and peoples 'got in the way' of the parasites agenda. Take Libya for example…they utterly destroyed the entire nation for wanting to be on the gold standard and bucking the central banks. Now they are flooding it with niggers as well…the nogs are not just coming into Europe they are flooding all over the entire Sahara as well.

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I agree with the dysgenic goal of those in control.

The reason why, however, is that these people are not merely looking to consolidate power and plunder the planet of its riches. They are acting as a protector of this planet ( in their eyes ). This is a sort of Ozymandias type situation for those who have read watchmen.

Human population growth is an exponential function. And exponential functions have doubling rates. On a finite planet with limited resources this poses a problem because we will reach hard caps to stop such a thing from happening such as war, famine, disease, lack of space, lack of resources, etc.

Now take a look at the increase in human population since we began exploiting oil. It's startling.

Now take a look at exhaustion rates of known resources such as minerals and oil. We don't have a large enough supply of this stuff to last humanity more than 500 years. And in terms of history that is a blink of an eye. And counting on technological improvements to solve our issues is not a guarantee. Where we used to put a straw in the ground and have oil come flowing out, we are resorting to sifting through sands and digging deep into the oceans.

I believe a catastrophe is being planned. The elite see us as a menace that won't stop reproducing and won't stop consuming resources. They can't withhold said resources without skyrocketing prices and causing potential unrest. And in all honesty, Why do we need 7 Billion people on this planet? Wouldn't 5 Billion be enough? Logically, we can all justify our own existences, but it's pretty easy to discount the "others".

The elite are in control of these companies and I believe that they know damn well that resources do have a limit to them, and although that limit will not be reached in our lifetime, they are planning for the future. As elites, they feel it is necessary for them to take charge of humanity and guide it to safety. These are utilitarian principles and we all know how rights and abuses are carried out for the sake of the ends justifying the means.

I could be wrong and maybe they just want to consolidate power and do not see themselves as arbiters of humanity. But the issue of resources is still a looming problem. If not 500 years down the road? What, 1000? 2000? We've been exploiting oil for a little over 100 years? That's nothing and most of the easy to get oil is gone already!

Can't say I'm surprised

Great blogpost you cockgobbling retard. That's not how proof works neither do you point to anything that would connect "international bankers" to the rest of garbage that you deem worthy enough to force it down our throats.

How on earth is the occurrence of increasing dysgenics related to international bankers?

I considered your hypothesis as well for a while, giving them the benefit of the doubt for altruistic actions. It didn't explain why they were importing higher reproductive lower IQ genetic material into nations that are in a balanced and perfect stasis with their environment, having a close to or perfect replacement population (Europeans). By flooding Europe with fast breeding low IQ peoples it would seem that they are working in exact contradictions to their supposed goals…if this was their stated goal. When Europeans reached a stasis with their environment they destroyed our nations by flooding them with genetic trash that reproduces exponentially.

I strongly doubt that the statistics that they ply us with are truthful. For example, when they analyzed the plastic islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean they found that although Europeans are heavy consumers of goods and resources only 10% of the plastics in the ocean are American. That means that 90% of the waste and destruction is the direct result of the 'developing nations' that these parasites seem to adore in favor of a more conservative people.

I think the catastrophes are probably more cyclical than planned. I was reading a CIA document a few months ago called something similar to Adam and Eve the true story of creation…I'd link it but I am not at home. Anyway a one liner caught my attention in the document. And I am paraphrasing…but it was along the line of the fact that their was some cyclical phenomenon that cause catastrophe when population reached a peak number. It seemed to be indicating that the population explosion was the prime factor in the destruction. But I got the feeling while reading it that it was not similar to a Malthusian Collapse in the authors mind but an actual phenomenon of the character of the Earth and that the only solution to this cyclical collapse cycle was mankind voluntarily curbing his population.

I think there are many things in terms of history and the Earth (?simulation?) that are kept hidden from us to consolidate power.

I will try to remember to upload and link that CIA article later this evening when I am not traveling. Anyway, thanks for your comment. There is a possibility that we are being selected for our unwillingness to procreate like rabbits or breed a dysgenic future. All of the mystery schools record what is termed 'The Harvest' (vegas ritual seems more meaningful) at the end of each age…even Hermes-user mentioned the Harvest in a few of his posts. This was traditionally viewed as the harvest of food (humanity) for the 'gods' but even I am not sure what they would mean by that phrase. It is possible that the harvest for god is the 'spirits' and the harvest for the Earth is humanity or the physical bodies. Wouldn't it be weird if 'oil' was not a product of plants at all but the dead and rotten bodies of millions and billions of human bodies. In that very real sense 'oil' and all of the other resources are 'renewable' if they are manufactured from the bodies of the billions of dead of humanity. In that scenario humanity becomes the renewable resource of the system and The Harvest itself becomes an essential part of keeping the Earth as a renewable system.

Anyway, thanks for your comment. It really helped me to think a few things through.

I haven't had a chance to finish my OP yet and today I am traveling. I was hoping to finish tying the information together tonight when I am settled. I do need to sleep and I have a life outside of Zig Forums unlike yourself.

People, please spread this.

A US senator from Hawaii, (((Brian Schatz))), tweeted that he agrees with Sarah Jeong, ie, that all whites must be exterminated. This is a US senator saying this.




What a revelation!

Who the hell on Zig Forums doesn't know this already?

Two most important targets to stop dysgenics

This cult that's been running the world is older than the Jews. Read the book of Enoch. It began when the angels fell and taught men war, magic, astrology, etc. The Jews at the top of the organization aren't even jews. They come from southern russia, not the middle east. Their religion comes from Babylon. not Israel. If we gassed the jews tomorrow then some other group would be annointed the jews by demonic entities that are above the ability of men to destroy. Really, if you look at British history you'd be hard pressed to find anglo's of higher moral character than jews, which is why freemasonry spread so quickly.

Throughout history, the Babylonian cult has hopped from empire to empire, destroying each in its turn, and it will continue to do so until Christ returns.

OP needs to learn to say more with less.

Nope. The recent population boom was their doing. Norman Borlaug was heavily funded by elite institutions. Without him none of the 3rd world could have its current population boom. These shitholes are full of pollution and waste far in excess of developed countries, and even if they did use less, they're exporting them to white areas like said.

No one benefits from hordes of untermensch other than the elite. Not the planet, not the middle class, not the poor, no one. Their reasoning is simple: the lower the average IQ, the easier to control, then they can rule without worrying about a revolt. You don't need supernatural explanations, nor 4000 year old conspiracies. The Jews ended up in charge because they're cohesive, while the old Anglo elite was not. Unfortunately for them, they share the fault of every elite group, which is getting fat on their own success, and ignoring the hungry rivals waiting for them to slip up.

Frighting topic. Whether certain instances were a deliberate conspiracy or not, it's worth following it through and making a strong case. Shill replies are basically guaranteed.

im glad you're waking up. you're right about the cullings and dysgenics. 2 things: Patriarchy wasn't installed to kill off the men, useless wars do that. Patriarchy is the natural order. 2. its spelled *Miscegenation.

post again when you have a solid plan to ext*e the js, n*s, mu*ms, and genocide the fed*l gov**t, free** & J*s

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I don't know what you're talking about, OP. My country's gene pool is healthy and strong.

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fuck off smiley

post again when you understanding 8ch formatting summerfag cocksucker

kike detected
i really wish they would have burned lots of people at the stake. that would have been cool. also, they would have been KIKES since the inquisition was specifically designed to root out marranos crypto-jews for you newfags

I watched it.
Nice stuff!

Not understanding the Babylonian religion. {sigh} women following the cleansing of the Court of the Dragon Priestesses are burned at the stake…this is why the jews have a fall feast of the (holocaust) or burning of the red heifer…fuck it…it would literally take to long to explain the purpose of the 100 million EUROPEANS, not fucking jews, who were murdered at the hands of jew during the semitic invasion and enslavement of Europe. You are not keeping track of your own dead, BUT I AM and they sure as shit are…they revel in it.

~ Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn

Do you even understand the significance of them murdering ONLY EUROPEANS IN THE WWII 'holocaust' (THE REAL ONE?).

Disturbing…what country is that?

Cool…he is really fantastic, isn't he (and his team). I was disappointed to see so many of his videos removed from his YT page. Thankfully others are keeping them archived.

If you remove all immigration, then population will suddenly decrease.
Actually whites (and Japanese) are pretty good in keeping in a relatively stable equilibrium with their environment.

Your theory is flawed because there are populations which stabilize with their environment, and on the other side, there are unredeemable populations , like africans, who cannot produce anything of value and due to their stupudity give birth to 10 kids or more.

The only country where that can possibly happen.

beautifully articulated

That's incorrect; it's misc- as in mix and gen- as in origin, gene, race, creation, etc., mixing of races.