IIT I am going to argue that what we know of history is a fallacy in terms of mankind evolving. Instead I am going to argue that there has been a concerted effort of international bankers behind the scenes that has carefully purged the most beautiful, heroic, valiant, brave, loyal, moral, intelligent and independent of our people. This program of dysgenics is a thoughtful and careful breeding of a slave class of humanity that has all of the finer character of our people weeded out from their DNA and we are basically nothing more than a reverse engineered slaves. It is also my opinion that our people are unique in all the world and that we, in hidden history covered the Earth as its caretakers. I believe that secret cabals and criminal mafia has existed in the background of civilization quietly pulling the strings to ensure that no nation can be free of their grasp, that no nation can exceed a threshold of intelligence (before they are slaughtered) and that all nations and government military organizations were engineered and promoted as 'patriarchal' just to ensure that the very best of our genetic lines were extinguished in war after war and that when this was not feasible 'men of commerce' starved us to death in planned genocides. The dysgenic slaughter covers everything from removing the prime breeding ages of men and mutilating them in foreign wars (in olden times men without offspring did not go to war so that their seed and line was passed on) to forcing 1/2 human nigger DNA on Empires to destroy them via racial mixing, lowering the morals, IQ and devastating culture. ←-this is not even something debatable that has happened politically over the ages. WE KNOW THAT THEY PLANNED AND DESTROYED EMPIRES VIA MYSEINATION.
When we look at a modern example such as the Bolshevik slaughter of Russia we can carefully observe the Jewish mind at work purging the most beautiful, productive and intelligent of the Russian people; so 60 million of the cream of the Russian people needed to die to purge the best of their genetic lines. Russia today is much more violent, jew friendly, less moral and less productive according to Bolshevik plans. Conversely, just as a blow was delivered to the Russian nobility; a great blow was delivered to Europe in WWII in the form of the slaughter of all the nobility (noble souls of its pride and joy; it's youth) by selecting them for extermination at the hands of a 'jewish/ZIONIST' FOREIGN that was as brutal as a meat grinder and destroyed all nobility via death or via soul crushing machinations. We can see the vindictive behavior of these ZIONISTS who played both sides of the war for entertainment and as a method of ensuring the most damages and destruction to the heart of the European people.
By selectively destroying nations and empires, through mysegination (their greatest weapon) these same international bankers managed to utterly decimate their enemies empires one after another selectively breeding out the traits that caused them trouble. Intelligence and independence, morality and productivity.
I guess we should address who their enemies are…the enemies of the international bankers were a proud people who did not make good slaves but would rather slit the throat of someone who was attempting to be 'master' over them. We Ethnic Europeans are all that is left of the once mighty bloodline that used to rule over the Earth as its caretakers. We are naught but a shadow of our forebears in ethics, spirit and honor, but what little we have is struggling for its last breath in this final political and military conflict. But it is this last drift of spirit that the jews yearn to crush completely. This last ember of nobility that once blazed eternally in the frosty air of our homeland is nothing but ember and smoke. All that is left of our nations have been overthrown and invaded, our homes plundered by the weapon of myseginating the races together in a melting pot. Only we remain on Earth.