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How are the Knife Licenses not helping this situation. I truly am shocked.
Just more proof that cities are a cancer, especially multicult ones.
Meanwhile in Apefrica they'd all be left for dead as slum dwellers don't have cash for treatment.
The problem is that the countryside is becoming a ghost area in most of Europe.
No jobs and anyone that stays tends to be mildly retarded at best.
The problem is the JEWS
Now imagine if we had legal guns, more dead blacks, less blood to be wasted.
Save your blood donate it only to your family members and kin. Someone should start a PRIVATE blood bank for members of the European race only. Let the nogs and shitskins all die.
You should know by now jews run this containment board m8
Whites can't give blood to blacks, you stupid fuck.
Everyone: please spread this.
United States Senator (((Brian Schatz))) (Hawaii) tweeted that he agrees with Sarah Jeong, ie, that all whites must be exterminated.
This is a sitting United States Senator saying he agrees all whites must die!
I wonder how many people died from a blood donation because the nurse was a fucking idiot that believed race doesn't matter.
tax bleeding,imports more shitskins
Problem solved 100% britbong
The redcoat recoils at the sight of freedom. A gun in hand and an unlicensed television is nigh heresy for an Englishman. Without an overbearing government wearing away at your heart and soul, he thinks, how can a man be a man? No, he exclaims, freedom is a sin.
imagine wasting all of your blood supplies on third world apes that can't stop impaling each other
But goy crime is down because of our immigrant policies!
We didn't elect your socialists.
Most nogs are type O
This type cannot receive more than one or two transfusions of type A or B blood and most nigs are far too selfiah/diseased to donate.
Type O whites should stop donating and type A and B donate more to make up the shortfall to whites.
Oi m8 you got a loicense fer dat dere rock?
We'll excuse me you shitlicking cunt. Look why even create thread for this on Zig Forums if it is the blood supply for nogs and shitskins that is running out. WHO GIVES A FUCK? Unless you magically fucking forgot, we are planning on genociding them. So the 1% of nogs and shitskins are your target audience. WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH Zig Forums?
Not enough.
No, thinking we all have the same blood is inexcusable.
Use a mop.
Not a bad strategy. Plus blood donation is a scam, they draw the life out of your veins and end up throwing it in the trash 60% of the time, and yet there is always a shortage. What else about blood types and race can you tell me, wise user?
I'm sure the majority of the victims are whites.
Actually I looked it up and white people are far more likely to not have O type than other races, but it's still all over the place. Your better off just not donating blood unless you are reasonably certain it will go to a white person.
only if you want gay polluted blood
been around since the early 90s, its what john mccain gets
Tell me more
Just issue Blood Loicenses only to blood donors, everyone else gets seawater.
That's unpossible, nothing could happen as such in muh progressive part and parceled utopia free of hate.
I mean, that's the kind of shit I'd expect in bongland.
when did they take this photo? how they have a celebrity visit and they just throw him off on the side??
Thas roitwing propaganda that is, mate. In reality, Britin is the safest country in the entire world. Our refugees actually lower crime rates and make us richer. Everyone with an education knows whites are the real problem. God bless tha Queen.
That would really be good, actually. Only whites give blood.
when I was in the navy they had some shit in ships medical that they warned us not to give to anyone unless they were actually seriously low on blood. they said it was something that would cause a person's natural blood cell reproduction to go into overdrive but it had to be carefully administered or else someone could fucking explode with the amount of blood produced or some shit. i forget what it was called. i was an engineer and not a proper medic but they loosely cross trained us all to pick up other jobs when needed in a small boat crew.
As they should. Imagine what would happen if by chance your last medic went down and nobody else had a clue of what to do.
we also carried doped blood for special forces that is pretty much pure oxygenated red blood cells for enhanced athletic performance. the bags are specially marked not for use in trauma because pure red blood lacks white cells and platelets necessary for proper immune response and healing.
Just ban the penetrating violence.
You got a loicence for that blood mate?
Stabbings happen in the towns and villages just as much, there are niggers everywhere.
t. bong.
I had garlic, so I am safe from the vamps.
You don’t have any power here. You’re in my territory now.
Niggers are the ultimate SIEGE
Fuck that's sad. I know it's the kikes fault, but how the fuck did we lose everything so quickly?
Bullshit. >>>leftypol is that way
No they bloody well don't, unless by 'towns' you mean new-town satellites to negrified cities.
Yes and no, I agree that the new-town estates are shit, but have you seen the small towns on the south and east coast? within 100 miles of london there is lots of stabbings happening from ex-londoner gangs operating in towns of whomst have been moved because they can't house them in the capital and raiding surrounding villages in robberies, burglaries and sometimes stabbings.
They should not babysit them because they aren’t children.
It's funny, although we have more niggers and more non-whites total in the US, we have less violent crime, and we have a downward trend of violent crime. Really shows how fucking pathetic European whites are. Absolutely no masculinity left.
Ah, this must be partly why they're planning on changing our organ donor system to "Opt-out" within a year or two.
My body is a temple to my spirit, like fuck am i going to consent to it being ransacked and pillaged.
I live in one of these seaside towns. Only 5 years ago there were so few nonwhites you could name them, literally 3 negros in the entire town, some indians with corner shops and takeaways, perhaps 25-30, and probably the same amount of kebabs. Now there are burqas everywhere, literal african baby machines, and 50% of talk you hear in the street is foreign. Graffiti has appeared everywhere, my own house was hit the other night. At night it becomes practically lawless with vehicles racing until the early hours, crashes don't get attended by the police, burglaries the same. However when a drunk guy was shouting christian till I die outside the mosque, they were there mob handed in minutes, the guy was sentenced to 18 months before the week was out.
Unless you live in israel or are part of some sort of elite gated community then you are in the same position friendo.
Trump is a socialist too then.
Only if people could carry some tool that can stop knife wielding attacker from safe distance…
Yes he is.
It doesn't matter how much facts, evidence, and reality show up in the face of the leftists. I hope every Briton is slain and the streets of all the UK run red. Hopeless fools.
What this user said.
It's the fact that if you assault one of us, you run a good chance of getting killed. Some of the veterans in particular could kill a whole police department here.
Imagine signing up to give your precious bodily fluids to a negro.
Pretty much treason lads
Was it called EPO ?
Wernher von Braun, among other Nazi minds that joined the Americans over the Soviets, were simply alive and getting shit done - motivated because they still hated the Bolshevik.
Meant to use this picture as well.
but none for shitskins
Wat. That's not how blood works.
Rudolph's NASA file was conspicuous for its bulk. As director of the Saturn V program, the ex-Nazi was the scientist most responsible for the epoch-making U.S. victory in man's race to the moon.
this is why you just give the population guns and let the subhumans kill each other