Complimenting women is now illegal in france
France trying it's best to collapse first!
Wish me luck in the coming revolution.

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But what do you think about pedowood?

Good. Maybe you can replace it with french society afterwards! I've been to France, it's so bad how you have became so americanized. People using english expression in the midle of their setences, meia doing the same. American globalism everywhere…and now of course you OP using the most american meme of all, the so called "western culture" maymay…drop that shit OP…what would De Gaulle say if he saw France completely americanized?

please just nuke my fucking country there is nothing good that can ever come from it, it was lost many years ago and there is no going back. seriously just nuke us I can't take this shit anymore i have no hope for france if there is hope it is anywhere but in france…

you can't get a paternity test in France if you signed your name as the father on the birth document.
sad OP you forgot that

You should appreciate the fact that you're at least born in France and not a third world shithole. And not born as a shitskin.

Demoralization tactics 101

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But shitskins have a future, and a God, and their women are loyal and give them babies. Shitskins are not indoctrinated to hate their own, or work against their own interests. Maybe it's not that bad to be a shitskin, heh.

Their future still means being a shitskin
Their god was a paedophile
And their women are sisters who can't run away

SubsaharanIQ only makes it worse

This is why white people will lose.

There are no women who like to flirt more than French women. This is anti-women.


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I can one up this

So in France, underage minors can (((consent))) to have sex with adults. Rothschild banker Macron and his puppet parliament decriminalized pedophilia. A 28 year old lured an 11 year old girl into his apartment in Paris and didnt get punished for it.

Why are white men continue to vote against their own interests?

imagine being a bong, can you see the mcdonald's sign in the background?

tell me do we have much hope?

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Just according to the Quran.


Now watch and learn, here's the deal, he slipped and slid on this banana peel.

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or nuke israel would be a better idea. why treat a symptom, when you could treat the illness itself?

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If this doesn't make the French revolt, nothing will.


Not this time baguette-fag. You're on your own now.

What's wrong, you don't like republican civic nationalism and equality any more?

Oh yes, France, where some retard can name whoever she wants as the father, and the cuck government bends over and makes the guy pay, even if he's not the father. gg frogs

Look man you just should be glad you're not me, a shitskin. I'll say this once again, you're the product of a thousand ancestors who made sure you're pure. For the love of your race, please don't hate yourself.

I'm revoking your Whiteness, faggot. You can now fuck those based nigresses you fantasize about. And when Whites bounce back with a new 1000 year Reich your defeatism isn't invited.

Women are trash anyway.

France is an interesting case in the whole feminism affair. Ever since I heard about them banning paternity tests in order to "keep the peace in the families", I had a very bad feeling in my guts. Then again, France did a lot to create the modern belive of Equality, not to mention what they did to the germans after ww1 and 2. I am not saying, they deserve the current situation. But they moved themselfes into this position, unlike germany.

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What's next? ilegal to eat burgers in USA?

Sounds like France is no longer France.
A-at least they're not speaking German, rite guys?

Attached: Le Creatura De Arc.jpg (768x541, 69.72K)

France is no longer France.

Attached: france newyear 2018-muslimlaugh.webm (720x1280 668.3 KB, 11.27M)


we need to drive this idea into the heads of everyone
especially in the places where this is less obvious
we need to rekindle masculinity and turn our homes into warzones

you can't make this shit up

Love is illegal in frogland unless you're a muslim rapist.

Repeat Italian scenario pls, and don't fuck up this time.


this is something i have been thinking about recently
i thought about how foreigners are aggressively fliriting with women on the streets and i wondered what would happen if i actually started flirting with all women i am interested in
it is not a bad idea to do this but you should only flirt with girls you consider marriage material
when you somewhat capable of starting a family dont get discouraged by the law
go to jail sometimes if it is necessary
without flirting you wont find a wife and without a wife you cant secure our existence


Of course, they're going to selectively enforce this for whites only. And the UN doesn't recognize genocide when its happening to whites.

Good luck mon ami

If you could turn back time everything would be so easy.

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There's not much difference

Ok, but first we're evacuating the few women who still look like this.

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This one's better in tandem with this other story

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This is a sick, sick world.

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because jews occupy White nations. Becoming jew-wise is the first step to removing them.

Napoleon didn't do you any favors by removing the last shackels from jews, but ffs just nuke the jews and their shitskin proxies. They are the ones causing the (((problems)))

Off the backs of White men, per the jewish system. Without White men, shitskins have no future.

No, White women are necessary for the survival of our race. Without them, there would be no White race, thus no possibility of creating order and civilizations. Jewesses and shitskin females, on the other hand, those are stains on the fabric of life. White (((womyn))) are just clay formed by jews. Be a White Man and form her like a Fascist.

user, you get honorary dubs for helping your White brothers.

Yes. They do. For promoting false ideologies for so many decades.

What are the Jews trying to do with France.

Destroy it.

Fucking babies? Sure. Pat on le ass of a grown woman? That's jail time, barbarian.

I pity France. Like some other user pointed out in this thread, they have some of the most beautiful women and the country is romantic. Shame it's being "spit and polished" by liberals.

Is this an act against ethnic French or the glorious economic migrants roving the streeets?

Mad world

You're a fucking faggot, neck yourself or die fighting. You pathetic worm, comfortable on your chair, eating your food on your computer, in your comfortable house.

Kill yourself before wishing that upon yourself and your people, use your body and mind to the fullest and die fighting or jump out of your window before you spread your demotivational bile.

The French men, obviously. They selectively enforce laws.

Oh, you're telling Zig Forums to take responsibility for something. Good fucking luck with that.
It's easier to hate women and blame them than it is to admit that men are stronger and that women are only the way they are because we let them be that way.