jewish trans gender shilling video
you know what to do faggots
Jewish propaganda
downboated and left a redpilled comment. we can't let the jews shill this hard
absolutely degenerate
fucking libshits
Sage and report the shit thread? Yeah, I know what to do.
child abuse
Dead leftists can’t raise tranny kids
I want SJWs to leave
So leave.
Holy fucking shit the propaganda just gets worse and worse.
This has to fucking end, these people are not fit to live.
Comment after comment from anime profile picture sporting Tumblr asylum-cases, mystery-meat tranny faggots and brainwashed middle aged women just keeps condoning it over and over with hundreds of upvotes.
How do you anons keep on?
Either way, keep fighting, god bless you all.
Wew seven times seventy seven. This shit just gets more and more sickening.
in what way is this thread a question?
Just another day in Weimarica.
I shot biggie smalls after I shot tupac I'll get them all
I'm down for gunning down all those niggers playing basketball
Did someone post this on cuckchan already? I guess so because of the next to the jewtube link.
Nice cuckchan copy pasta, retard. Lurk more and learn to make a decent quality thread next time.
The word gender was taken from how certain languages form nouns, and applied to real world crotch situation. It's a fake term.
Like taking the word "verity" and saying it's a new form of 'truth' that's actually a set of lies beneficial to the jew.
Kikes love these kinds of tricks.
This bread is shit
how so?