I have spent over 5k hrs since first Fox News debate watching, cataloging and documenting the entire #MAGA movement.
I have not made a single .01 of profit from this as I wanted my activities to be 100% w/o monetary bias.
Atleast 2k hrs I have spent watching Alex Jones Infowars and while he has exaggerated many things (No different than our wonderful POTUS has done) and gotten some small things wrong….
Without Alex Jones, POTUS is Not elected. period. No one could have done what POTUS did, and their were many more factors than Alex to POTUS Election. However, No one had more of an impact imo than Alex. Alex has been laying the foundation for 20+ years for this MAGA movement and priming people to think outside the box and think w/o a filter and lol at fake news propaganda.
Our most sovereign duty as We The People is to be well informed so we make well informed decisions on election day.
I am not downplaying what Hannity, Tucker, and the countless others who put in work for POTUS Election.
I am saying that Alex is a Patriot who is second only to POTUS in the hate he recieves.
Alex truly loves America and freedom and Libtery, like POTUS.
Ive followed Q since beginning, including when "they" attacked Alex.
If Alex is thrown under the bus, imo, that is unforgivable.
I don't think POTUS, #MAGA and everyone fighting this fight understand how many millions of votes you just lost allowing Alex to be banned.
We just lost 2018.
Alex has Sacrificed more than 99.99999% of ppl for this entire movement and DESERVES some common fucking curtesy.
I came to the conclusion long ago POTUS was ignoring Social Media censorship to give Radical Left false sense of "winning" to keep from rioting, but Alex is not Milo.
This is unacceptable.