Christian Identity, also sometimes called Israel Identity, is the only true conservative Christianity. It is true because it seeks to maintain the understanding – in accordance with Scripture - that the New Covenant was made only with those same people with whom the Old Covenant was made: the House (family) of Israel and the House (family) of Judah. These Israelite people are traceable through time to the Keltic and Germanic tribes of today. None of these people are Jews. The Jews are descended from a mere remnant of the old Kingdom of Judah along with assorted Edomite and other Arabs who were mixed into the Roman province of Judaea during the Hellenic period. There are – at last count – at least sixteen detailed essays on this website which demonstrate this, and which are replete with Biblical, archaeological and historical citations.
Christian Identity is the belief that the Covenants of God are real and consistent. It professes that the people of the Old Testament were every bit as much Christian as the people of the New Testament. They were simply looking forward to the first advent of the Christ, while we today await His Second Advent. As the famous Christian bishop Ignatius said nineteen hundred years ago, Christianity did not come from Judaism: rather, Judaism is a perversion of Christianity.
Christian Identity is the belief that there is no disparity between the Word of God, His Creation, His prophecy, and world history. It is also the understanding that while Scripture was inspired by God when it was transmitted, men have certainly mistreated it since that time, and so every passage and every doctrine must be fully investigated from all of the most ancient sources possible. As it reads in the King James Version: Study to show thyself approved.