Next congresswoman for the state of Massachusetts, lads. Enjoy.

Attached: brianna wew.png (520x676 182.02 KB, 420.16K)

What a hardliner.

Why was Alex Jones even banned? Being a retarded tool of zog isn't even against the rules.

Should have just made another Alex Jones Gets Shoah'd thread instead of this abomination OP.

Attached: exes and whys.gif (283x400, 50.24K)

Hate speech.

Looks like Corey Feldman in drag.

wew, sounds like you're the challenged one in here

lmao he looks like some oblivion character

Wait, I just noticed that this is a screenshot of VLC player. Mods, delete this thread immediately.

Checkin' my own dubs because I'm a faggot.

Daily reminder that Wu Wu is a white man with a penis, pretending to be an asian woman without a penis. He did this to get a job in the games industry, and claim sexism / racism if he was fired for sucking ass at his job. He still managed to fail after rigging the system in his favor (much like Hillary), and to borrow and modify an old adage: Those that can, do. Those that cannot, enter politics.

Surprisingly, even Massachusetts won’t vote for him. They’ll chose a more moderate Democrat who jacks off corrupt unions and sucks off the Kennedys, more likely

"Banned" because now they have no use for him since his viewership is down the toilet. Probably a last ditch effort to drum up a bit of interest before he bails altogether.

What if what I can do IS politics?
t. Adolf Hitler

Attached: 5eaec4f0dc087402ca77c88c4b76c00fd272c0c44798f20463bbe544e1d0c841.jpg (306x306, 23.74K)

Not everyone in politics is there because they are a failure. Some are there genuinely because they are passionate about it. For the loony left, however, it can be a "I suck at life, but I'm good at BS" form of welfare / employment at best, and a path to criminal self enrichment at worst (waters, pelosi, hrc).

Milo is still a bigger name than him. Must really sting.

I would kms if Brianna has a bigger peen than me, provided it kept the peen.

Do NOT insult Corey Feldman in this way.

Attached: th.jpg (474x417, 33.14K)

I'm still really hoping this lunatic will run in earnest.

Why is the primary not until September?

I want to see John Flynt humiliated at the ballot box now.

This is the same person that thinks that moon rocks can be used as nod ion cannons due to her retarded notions of science. Basically s/he "read" and believes that If I was to throw a rock from the moon at the earth that it could devastate anything and I am in control of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

If you want more detail go look for the cow thread on it. This thing wont win anything.

forgot to put the / in "he/r", my mistake.

Mags into crowds

Attached: memearrow she.webm (720x480, 815.21K)

He probably got that from pic related, where it's a prominent plot element.

Attached: tmiahm.jpg (174x289, 14.01K)

He'll get voted in, too, because most of the people are retarded. When that happens, the first thing he'll do is track down everyone who has ever used the gamergate hashtag.

Attached: johnflynttriggered.webm (896x504, 2.83M)



For the same reason (((they))) deplatformed their other shabbos goyim servant Andrew Anglin and have their fellow Jew comedians like Bill Maher and others attack (((Christ insanity))).

In other words they are trying to legitimize Jones to people along or nearing our spectrum of thought as they don't want those people waking up to the highest levels of racial and Jew awareness which is the point that a person correctly understands that voting in Jew rigged elections for kosher candidates like Donald Trump is worthless and only a literal worldwide race war will ever manage to unseat Jewish power over the planet.

Thats not bullshit memeing either.

Thats just the truth.

People who stick to the whole "vote our problems away" idea are either extremely naieve or simply using this to cover up for their cowardice of not wanting to acknowledge what actually needs to be done (as well many of them don't want to face how desperate our situation truly is and how much power the Jews truly have).

I never got that far.
So far its all been ice mining, and strike breaking
Honestly I've half read like 4 of his books now.
Only one I was able to finish was Orphans of the Sky

what an ugly son of a bitch

He also has rich as fuck parents and has declared bankruptcy at least once.
He looks like a crack whore in drag.

VLC player is the best, faggot.

Funny way to spell MPV, fruitcake.

Attached: ZERO Headshot.png (1912x3216, 5.78M)