"NEW YORK (AP) — Major tech companies have begun to ban right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones from their services, reflecting a more aggressive enforcement of policies against hate speech following protests on social media.

Facebook has taken down four pages belonging to Jones, including two featuring his “Infowars” show, for violating its hate speech and bullying policies. Over the past several days, Apple, YouTube and Spotify have also removed material published by Jones. Twitter, which hasn’t banned Jones, has also faced similar calls.

Facebook has also suspended Jones’ account for 30 days because he repeatedly violated the company’s community standards against hate speech that “attacks or dehumanizes others,” it said in a statement Monday. Facebook did not immediately respond Monday asking what would happen after the 30 days are up, and why it hadn’t taken action earlier. The 30-day suspension of Jones himself appears to have gone into effect in late July.

Twitter would not comment on Jones.

“We’ve been banned completely on Facebook, Apple, & Spotify,” Jones wrote on Twitter. “What conservative news outlet will be next?”

Jones has amassed a large following on the right while promulgating conspiracy theories that claim terror attacks such as 9/11 were actually carried out by the government. Among his claims is that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting, which left 20 children and six adults dead, was a hoax."
"Infowars founder Alex Jones on Saturday claimed that YouTube is poised to delete the conspiracy outlet's channel and all of the videos posted to it.

"The Alex Jones channel with billions of views is frozen. We have been told it will be deleted tomorrow and all 33 thousands videos will be erased. We just set up this new page subscribe if you want to see what the SPLC wants censored," Jones tweeted, using an acronym for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups. "
"The Latest: No word yet if 'Infowars' lawsuit can proceed"
last bread

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Other urls found in this thread:

Alex is a certified shill for the zionist project. With being sponsored exclusively by Jews, distributed by a jew owned telecom network, and married to a jewess making his kids jews. I say fuck him, we are better without some asshole attacking dead kids

Formerly married to a Jewess, user. Formerly.

Soyboy faggots are cancer.

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top fucking wew lad you shouldve just said he was a cuck for baking off of newtown




Read Alex's comment section. The goy were mocking him, waking up, they knew the elite were the (((elite))). That's why they shut him down. He had his run and became a liability because he failed at his OP SEC job.
ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, because they've done this before they will bring him back and his viewership will increase.

Marco Rubio on Tucker just took on the Chinese and Google. RUBIO! Alex is not pushing any narrative any farther than Rubio. WE ARE. We took down the Illuminati meme and named the Jew.

Alex is selling interdimensional demons like L. Ron Hubbard at this point. He's selling scientists discovering inter-dimensional levels of evil. He wont live in reality, wont name the Jews, wont help us. He's a traitor of the highest degree!

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This is the political ‘death’ of Alex Jones. His character will soon be retired and replaced by a new, improved deep state asset.

this isn't just some reddit spacing it is some kind of advanced chinese reddit spacing

how many times can they kill bill hicks?

Why do you think Joe Rogan, Jordon Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and 3 other Jews were having that meeting?

They're setting up Alt-Right 4.0 – RISE OF THE CENTRIST RIGHT

or it's just Alex getting increased ratings when they bring him back for the THIRD TIME OF BANNING HIM

Daily reminder

Alt-Right 1.0:
Hillary invests in Spencer and Duginism as the new anti-white group to take control of the scary Pepes. Rampent with pedos, Nazi-Jews, Civic Nationalist homosexuals and Jews, Stalinists, Canadian intelligence agents, and Alex Jones. This ties Trump to Russia shill planned out by Obama Deep State if successful. Rally becomes a false flag with Jewish criminal named as hit and run driver.

Alt-Right 2.0 - The Siege:
Satanic pedos again, pushing for basic low IQ terrorism. Easily exposed because of cringe effect and shitty memes. Charlie Manson would of laughed at them. The introduction of (((esoteric))) threads in an attempt to tie Natsoc to "Luciferian alien Nazis living underground in Antarctica", when not flying saucers or running the CIA. One mod who is still currently here running (((Druid/pol/))) is still active.

Alt-Right 3.0 - Q-user:
Q-user larp that matches the early days of user-moose larp. Alex Jones is a key to promoting this, then mysteriusly turns on him. Zig Forums OP Sec is still set up with its own board. 4chan has endless daily threads.
Boomers begin to appear with free tshirts from the Twitter-sphere promoting it. Celebrity Jews jump on the band-wagon. Obvious leads from actual CIA ops promoting this controlled opposition, the others are just larping low level agents.

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reported for derailing you 2 bit shill

Thank G-d we have all these based right-wing jews who are coming out to defend Alex!

He's currently married to a jewess prostitute.

Attached: Kikebart Jonestein.png (640x570 402.61 KB, 465.53K)

Saying Hitler ran away and hides in ice right out of a fucking Capt. America comic.


No shit, just look at this Q image.Completely subverting normie republicans and any national ideology they might have.

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All you need is an infographic of them showing all the kikes (Intellectual dark web goy!)
or married to ones and their entire op is destroyed.

yes and look at the kikes who banned him

eat shit kike he never died and they have clones of him

You'd think he could find a hotter one… I mean if you're going to marry a whore…

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It's almost as if the whole thing is jewish a jewish charade to elevate one of their assets like the Tommy Robinstein fasco…

No way! We have to side with the "good" jews.

Their great fight is telling everyone that boys and girls exist. That's how far we've fallen. Our (((champions))) are fighting to regain what everyone knew and accepted in 2005. I remember in the 1990s when everyone happily called faggots a faggot in the MSM.

now you support the rape of young english girls?
funny how quickly kikes reveal themselves

I don't care about waterfilter man, but you can bet your asses this is just the beginning. If we don't figth back, they'll ban every not-leftist, not-PC media. BTW, THIS is what election meddling looks like

>Their great fight is telling everyone that boys and girls exist. That's how far we've fallen. Our (((champions))) are fighting to regain what everyone knew and accepted in 2005. I remember in the 1990s when everyone happily called faggots a faggot in the MSM.
Hegelian Dialectic

Attached: jordon peterson wife.jpg (1623x1222, 413.4K)

You sure do.

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They starting banning us in 2010 and left only the controlled opposition up. They even took down 4chan in 2014 (the fappening started it all on August 31, 2014)
where have you been?

Alex is getting a taste of what he did to his callers and fans. He attacked us all for TELLING THE TRUTH! With Jews you lose!

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Except all of those people are leftists, not centrists. Peterson is a self-admitted globalist.

they'll ban everybody except commies and pedos

I don't care if he's a furry m8 he did a thousand times more to reveal that islamic and jewish even though he never named them, massive human trafficking operation
the man is entitled to be a fucking idiot it doesn't a fucking idiot doesn't get 1 or 2 things right

Your formatting gave me cancer.

I truly hope they do.

We the people
Who the people
You the people
Not them the people
Who are them?
Who are these people?
We the religion
The global religion
We the global race
Dont divided by religions
Dont devided by Politics
Communists and Nationalists are the same as Populists and Libertarians
Together you are Strong
You, these people, have the power!


It's the same trick Jordon Peterson uses:
Pure double speak

Alex Jones a few months ago:
He said this all in a 3 minute span.

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so where does infowars host all their videos now?

So does the anal lube and silicon you keep shoving up your ass.

Yes but you can't watch them with a VPN. It just keeps loading because Alex CIA Jones wants to know your location for data reports.

so? they are gonna know anyway its been said time and time again end to end is compromised especailly if your using windows, android and whatever.

I doubt windows (if you get rid of updates) is going to handle the fucking data-report stats of your infowars video watching. AI isn't here yet, user. It wont be here until robots can hurt.

he still has archives but it's expensive to host videos. you can download every podcast he ever made going back 15 years on his rss feed. you can also still watch his livestream, he's been running his own shit for a while alongside jewtube

install gentoo

Thanks but no thanks for the tip, Infowarrior. I'm going to sit back and watch your empire crumble and Joe Rogan, Peterson, and Ben Shapiro takes your position in the shill game.

Wow that programming really working wonders uh get the bluepills uhh, wiggas getted censored buh!

The problem with Tommy isn't that he believes something wrong, it's that he's the jewish "solution" to a problem caused by jews. They're who ship in the shitskins, then when the goyim are upset, instead of advocating for their own interests, they embrace kosher nationalism and never get to the root of the problem. He's exactly like Jonestein.

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jones getting censored is a minor point, the larger concern is greater censorship of the internet. remember how fast anglin went down, could happen just as easily to 8ch
it'll just continue to happen until the userbase evaporates and becomes disorganized
that's late game, just like in china or russia or the EU now, once they effectively control and censor the clearnet they'll start pushing to outlaw encryption or force mandatory backdoors.

4ch and 8ch are fractured enough and now they'll be next especially cuckchan

Probably on the platform launched by the "Health Ranger" Mike Adams, a hardcore zionist linked to the Mossad-controlled Church of Scientology.

they host it on their site, but it's not on their servers it's with a CDN,

that's just the livestreams, they haven't put up the videos yet, i'm sure they have have them but he's too big of a jew to front that cost.

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jew: the post

why are you attention whoring with girl pics? why are you spacing like that? did you ever think that when alex jones or anyone else gets banned from jewtube or goybook, its because it actually is just droves of crying liberal AIDSfarms whining about him? Because thats what it is. Its not one main jewish entity that banned him or anyone else, kikes own all the platforms but only ban people when there is commie backlash to something. I dont know if youve ever seen how virture signalling liberal nigger lovers act on (((social media))) but its cringy as fuck. one of them mass messages everyone about something they NEED to be outraged about and before long there are 10s of thousands of crying pussies moaning about some minor thing. Ive personally had my goybook suspended years ago when I actually used it because one faggot got asspained a 3 year old photo of me had a confederate battle flag in the background and messaged all of his faggot friends to flag me.
Its not the enemy "eating itself" you absolute autist. a water filter salesman got banned from jewtube because of bandwagon liberal butthurt.

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A little AJ appreciation.

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lol wait that actually happened
jesus christ its only a fame star

Not sure they have an alternative setup yet.

why dont they reup all their stuff to bitchute and p2p services

Having it removed is more of an honor than having it installed, kek.

lol aye

meanwhile pedo didddlers keep their stars because of "Historic value" what a joke

Fucking kek.
I need some context.

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The only solution is to stay and keep redpilling the newfags. We probably already have reached the tipping point where too many people are redpilled.

how can too many be redpilled?
i hope 4chan gets shut down because captcha pass banning system is aboslute aids

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The only common theme with everything on the left and right is

It’s the Chinese no the regular kike. The chinks have more to lose by controlling social network than the Jew. But will the Chinese go after jew approve people next? Now that would interested to see. The Jews love the Chinese. But the Chinese want to replace them as top jew.

that's the creepiest shit i've ever seen

So when are we gonan get some sort of vaporwars video archive

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They have like 4+ hours of video, probably more like 8 hours everyday for like 10 years.

there are alternatives like bitchute and shit

doesn't quite work but i had to try something

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I don’t think Alex Jones is a shill. He wouldn’t be going after pedowood so hard if he was. I think he control opposition that backfired. He not totally wrong about pizzagate looking into the small fries. The major players were in Hollywood and wall street.


Go to bed Alex. You have an empire to watch crumble in the morning.

Attached: alex jewnes.jpg (320x450, 32.95K)

Is it real? I's saving it.

I told ya goddamn mudfugga that AJ was the real shit.

inb4 shill bombardment

So it was ordered from the top.

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But Tommy is fixing the problems by shipping out the slimes.

inb4 you can't do that, kuffar, you gotta kill all the jews first

It's a pull-quote in
but it won't archive, unfortunately.

Version with a specific citation at least.

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wrong niggers.
We save everything.

Do they block archiving sites like Vice does?

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This is the thing. We should support this but try to co-opt the movement, which in fairness we do quite a lot. When every comment on YouTube is saying that: Yes, we must remove kebab - but did ya know that bagels let them in and are still here, still opening the gates for our enemies, just like they have for millennia.

Nobody is letting the jews in.

And there are less jews than muslims, they cannot do ethnic replacement alone, hell, they are in risk of ethnic displacement due to degenerate jews breeding with arabs.

By too many, I mean it's no longer possible to put the lid back on. The snowball is moving..

It is the jews who open the gates for the muslims. It has always been that way since the very beginning of islam, hell even before that the jews opened the gates of Rome's territory to the Sassanids and others. The point is to encourage people to remember be the kebab like kosher Lennon yaxley says, but then inform everyone of why the kebab is here … And the reason to that is the jew. That way we can work towards removing all the Semitic filth.

Alex might not always be on track, but he infiltrated Bohemian Grove and exposed Bilderberg years before normies knew they existed. He's definitely one of ours. I like Q, also. The thing is, if they succeed in destroying Alex, we're next! So say what you will about the guy, he needs our support.
WILL the meems ever be this good again?


And? Both of them need to go.

You can point the finger at jews all days, doesn't mean the problem (muslim) doesn't need to be solved.

Dont need to tell us what you did last night

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Which means crushing the juden who sent them all here to our countries in the first fucking place!

No juden = no 3rd world mass invasion of the West.
Or even simpler, no more fighting all the juden's wars creating the 'refugee crisis' for the same jews to funnel directly into our territories

All this makes me do is take Jones more seriously.

Even if you kill all the jews, the darkies and muslims will still be here.

They are guided here by wealth the white possess, and no force on Earth is gonna stop their greed.

Of course you should take the guy married to a jewess whose entire MO is to promote CIA narratives and tell you the nazis and muslims control the banks and Hollywood

Until you dispose of all the jews, there won't be a single deportation of a single mud the jews worked tirelessly over centuries to bring here to crush the West

That sounds like bullshit right there, muslim shill.

Italy and the US would like to differ.

then why nuke his entire platform? Your logic makes no fucking sense he's not coming back this time

AJ named the jews.

I wonder what the agenda is of all the israeli jews ITT pushing this shit?

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Right on clock work, if you call out the muslim shill, they will call you israeli.

Not jew, but israeli.

Because they have a beef with israeli, not really with jews.

but I just wanted to play vidya 2.0

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fuck up thread sldier
cant wait for the mods to purge all your paid shit

yep, shits gonna backfire

Also, Alex Jones named the jews.