translation, >For a meme from a frame of "Game of Thrones" a 19-year-old citizen from Barnaul awaits prison
I won't bother translating the whole image. Point is, it is illegal to "insult religious feelings" in Russia, christian, muslim, buddhist, shamanist or any other. That includes attacks on priests and on the patriarch. The kid was jailed for a meme about a $36k watch from Patriarch Kirill disappearing from state televion, after some people on social media commented on it.
Google translate the page yourself. Russia isn't "based", if you dumb fuck westerners knew anything, you'd conclude that it is SJW ideology in the period of normalization. Besides insulting religious feelings of literally anyone, it is illegal to "incite interethnic hatred", which means simply stating that a criminal was Azeri, Chechen, Dagestani, Tajik, Uzbek, or any other.
Yuri Bezmenov didn't predict only the policy of the soviet union. The people who usurped the power vacuum were KGB agents who wanted to enrich themselves with the use of state contracts, raider tactics, blackmail, and legislation that allows for banks to seize your house if you can't pay your loans (with around 10% yearly interest rates, care to calculate a $1000 loan for 10 years?)
In Russia, you inherit your parents' loans. It is the ground zero of kike enslavement that didn't stop with Stalin or the fall of the Soviet Union.
The (2014) second image is the top 200 oligarchs in Russia by ethnicity. Jews are 0.11% of the population, yet they are 42 of the top 200. Now, the richest oligarch is a jew, Mikhelson.–mem-s-kadrom-iz-igry-prestolov-19-letnemu-barnaulcu-grozit-tyurma
Living in Russia I hate nothing more than reading Kremlin propaganda that I'm seeing every day, regurgitated by useful idiots like you, who glorify the neo-Soviet Union.
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