>You can upload them at: bit (dot) ly/berkvideo
They want to threaten the families of the police.
What retards.
Omg please let them threaten the family of police, because its about time the real goose stepping started kek
bump for potentially dead antifa
reminder to newfags, cops are not our friends, cops will raid our homes, kill our kids, and stand guard over marching us into FEMA camps.
t. antifa
and antifa won't do it? if you claim cops and antifa are both your enemies, why are them annihilating eachother bad for you? it must be, because the premise is false, so you're either antifa or alphabet
Nice dub dubs
Police are only loyal to those that will give them power. At the moment, and more specifically in that locale, antifa is challenging them. It's prudent to let them go at it, but just because an enemy is fighting another enemy, it doesn't make them a friend. The police apparatus is currently used as a bludgeon the (((democrat donors))). Never ever, ever, EVER forget Ruby Ridge. These people will kill you just as soon as a limp wristed antifa would if they could get away with it. The only difference between the two is that the LEO would get away with it scott free.
This isn't a thread about arguing about the virtues/lack thereof of ZOGbot cops. This is a thread about fucking antifa into the dirt. I don't care if we feed them to the cops, a muslim truck of peace or a fucking volcano. I want these worthless little shits off the chessboard.
cops are whores for the establishment, while antifa are radicals for the establishment. they both aim to achieve the same end goal of facilitating the well being of the establishment.
That's fine, but the point bears repeating. If you want it to be relevant to antifa, let me give the younger crowd a piece of advice.
1) Get Carry Guard. Now. Especially if you live in a liberal state. You can't get it after something happens.
2) After dealing with Antifa, remember. YOU WERE IN FEAR OF YOUR LIFE. If it was they other way around and you were being loaded into a freezer bag, you bet your ass the first thing they're going to do is cry victim.
3) Do NOT, under ANY circumstance, speak to any investigator without an attourney present. If they get in your face, or make promises that they know you're innocent, reassert that you simply aren't comfortable speaking without legal council. This is where Carry Guard comes in. Round the clock legal coverage.
4)There is always two lawsuits. First is the criminal suit, where the state tries to crucify you. But just because you win the criminal suit, doesn't mean you are out of the woods. There us ALWAYS a civil suit afterwards where the fanily of antifa comes after you. Carry Guard covers you up to $100K.
4.5) Antifa operates off of spinning narratives. They will try to create a fake story about how antifa is gud boi didn't do nuffin. Deny them that chance. In this completely theoretical situation, it would be in your best interests to guarantee that you are the only survivor of the skirmish to tell what happened. And the only reason you are the only survivor in your run in with antifa, is because YOU WERE IN FEAR OF YOUR LIFE. And because YOU WERE IN FEAR OF YOUR LIFE, you only had one option.
They built the system against you. It's only fair to USE this system against them. Make them play by their own rules.
sage because I don't like bumping my own thread
wtf I love Berkeley PD now
Instead they nab the uploader and brand him a nazi.
They’re purposefully misgendering peopke? OOOOOH NOOOO!!!!
Go ahead antifa, make it more fun for the cops to fuck you up.
Good, commies needctoclnowcthet are not above law.
can we upload Hitler memes instead?
Hitler did nothing wrong.
womp womp
Does this guy even know what that word means, and that it's completely different from apologetics? "Hey I know, I'll just take this word and make it sound more Greek. People will think I'm smart."
Back in my day you got green hair from acid rain, pools, or swirlys. Do I even need to guess the cause this time?
They are using it correctly as they see Fox etc. as defending nazis/their position. How are you reading it?
It's a noun though.
Ok lets slow it down for you.
It is a formal defense of ones opinion or conduct.
"so this all translates to "noun" and "noun""
"So this all translates to apples and orangutans"
"So this all translates to nazi defense and fascism"
t. former tard farmer
I'd hardly call newsmen trying to portray something as acceptable a "formal defense," that entails a setting in which the topic is known to everyone at hand and detailed arguments are made, not some television fags trying to portray something as more or less accepted.
In their mind it is. Which is the point.
I guess expecting self-proclaimed pseudointellectual Marxist "rebels" to understand that talking heads on television are just that was too much. It's frightening how "trendy" this garbage is. To the point where people just do it because they're fucking lonely and want someone else to upvote their comment online.
Wait now, we're to take them as evil lugenpresse but the opposite isn't to be held true? Either they're bumbling fools or agents. Goose, gander, pot, kettle, etc. It's all propaganda, both sides.
What? Why are you conflating political agents with a bunch of fucks on a subreddit?
We're discussing the press/talkingheads and their defense of whichever side the shekel falls and their terminology. If you can't keep up, go back to your banana.
If they wanna be something which they are not they should put more effort into their dumb fantasies.
shoo, go away weebkike.
I'm walking down the street. I see a very sexy lady who appears to be of the female sex walk down the other side of street.
I "cat call" only women can cat call. It enrages me this term is used incorrectly said person
I'm walking down the street. I see a very sexy lady who unknown to me is a trannyfaggot.
I assume the sex as the intended sex of the trannyfaggot.
I "cat call"
How can both of those exist in the left's head at the same time?
How do they not get constant migraines?
And he added nothing to the conversation. Not even a dissenting opinion. But hey, gotta derail the thread with infighting SOMEHOW, amirite? :^)
I’m not tired are you? I am dehydrated.
Holy shit, this bitch is trash! Absolute garbage. Molerats like this should be dead. Molerats like this are a disgrace to humanity.
the absolute state of antifa…..
What.. is.. that.. THING
It is your typical leftist millennial golem, goyim.
That "thing" is what happens when you go to college and hang out commies.
Oh, I didn't realize you were the gatekeeper of the conversation. My bad. Maybe you should take a few English classes.
With any luck they most certainly will, Zig Forums
Cops just post a bunch of pics of the goblins arrested.
Are these the %ers we keep hearing about?
If you mean 3%ers than no. These were the antifags who were masked.
Why do they always look like numetal band members in their photos? XD
because marxism is a helluva drug
also meth
I didn't know Dave Mustaine's son was an antifag.
What's their band name?
Reverse searching for social media accounts now.
Finding friends and building out association tree now.
Social Engineering to attain local IP addresses next.
Linking IPs to locations and will report back with findings.
Can we get an ORP that isn't compromised? If not, Hangouts would work fine for me if nobody else minds?
top right, bottom left 3, bottom right are all coming down from something.
Top left, bottom right piss me off. Fucking misdirected low self-esteem shit bags looking for acceptance in anyone or anything.
You're welcome user… TAADAA!
I'll cross that with these new cunts and see if we get any hits.
Whats the arrest date? I'm in the portal now.
Interested in the academia list? No problem, got you covered there as well, we worked on these quite a bit months ago. So just go to area and narrow down from there as these idiots don't move around much:
Not sure, private boards stopped looking at these dipshits awhile back so it's a bit out of date but I can't really see them gaining much so these assholes in question are in there, just have to go through it.
Alright, I need help assemblies social media accounts for the following idiots
Kate Brenner
Kristen Edith Koster
Jason Wallach
Ericka Sokolower-Shain
Maria Lewis
David Siegried Chou
Thomas Parker
Blake Griffith
Freddy Martinez
Lynette Sarena Perez
Javier Cruz-O'Connell
Jamie Louise Hill
Bella Podolsky
Caitlin Boyle
Jeffrey Garten
Andres Gonzalez
Those are the ones that were arrested for disorderly conduct or similar on 8/4
I'm sure it's them.
It's go time
Tired at moment but in initial search they are all easy finds. Just cross reference ages with areas and then look on the master list. A few examples.
Kate Brenner
1337 Barrows Rd, Oakland, CA, 94610-2532
More like soymetal.
Same, tired
I just wanted to get something going to motivate more anons to join in for day shift. Good job user.
8/5 arrest date
going to bed now
Found this on Chou.
No, fuck off. The police are the armed guard of the jewish political elite. They're there to stop civillians retaking their country by force. The police want to see you as a disarmed, pathetic little soyboy because it makes their job easier. They hate anyone politically active because it makes their job harder.
I.e., the police literally hate you
Dont be an unimaginative retard. Use the system against itself. I fail to see how this can hurt anything except a few peoples time.
Sorry for having opinions grounded in reality. In thr future Ill try make cool stuff up in my head about how people hired by a jewish state actually secretly like us. Some kind of super 4d chess.
At what point is someone going to just bite the bullet and purchase a subscription to Spokeo or BeenVerified or whatever?
Then leak the information to fucking vigilante groups, hardly matters. Will anyone care if theres a night of the long knives for the cunts who pay these fuckers? I sure wont.
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
Nothing you said changes anything. The zogbots do hate us. We're not helping them arrest faggots because we think that will make them happy you fucking retard. We're helping them because it puts commie faggots in jail. You are saying "don't use guns to shoot your enemies because guns can also be used to shoot you!".
I wonder if SJW commies will try to hang out with the blacks in jail.
We do the work and the state gets the credit. You are literally cucking yourself.
Exactly. Make the explicitly anti-white state look worthless or don't do anything.
put your dick back in the socket lamp nigger