Compilation Showing Why Israeli Soldiers are Cowards

We have an increasing number of israeli hasbara jews on Zig Forums shilling for their various ZOG agents from Trump, Putin to even Alex Jones and the fat bearded bloke The Quartering who is down with trannies and muds

So one known inoculant from the teams of organised jIDF that are tasked with astroturfing Zig Forums is to provide proof of jewish cowardice and criminality.

Can we have some OC showing how the kikes re the most feckless cowards in any real world interaction posted ITT please.
So I kick this off with a video demonstrating how the israeli army are the most cowardly shit-your-pants scared cowards in the world.

Other urls found in this thread:

thats not why, thats showing how (that) they are cowards. The why of them being cowards is because the kikes have this old belief that to be killed by the hands of a goy is to be condemned to hell (which is like the only way that a kike can get sent to hell, according to kikes)

Hahahaha what a great video to start my nazi morning

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They need diapers because they literally shit their pants when in an actual conflict instead of killing unarmed civilians.

Death to all jews

Attached: mideast-israel-palestinians-gaza-conflict.jpg (750x500, 55.83K)

Lol. The more you learn about kikes, the more you hate. They're like deplorable cartoon villains brought to life.

Sure not SCARED to face the new day huh moishe?

Chuck Norris is /ourguy/?
I thought he was a cryptoyid


He's an evangelical christian, therefore he's an Israel supporter by default since you can't hate the kikes and be a evangelical christcuck at the same time.

I'm pretty sure chuck norris was involved in Bruce Lee's death iirc.

Israeli soldiers are cowards, that's why they spend so much time trying to get america to fight their battles for them

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jews are the most cowardly race staining this great Earth

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They really are tho so why should i

I can't describe the humiliation and shame I feel knowing that this race of Jews are the ones who have essentially destroyed Western civilization. They've ripped up our foundations and robbed us of our collective great destiny. Our light grows dimmer with every passing day.

I genuinely cannot comprehend this

Watch OP's video on mute, listen to it playing this in the background

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Wew, an actual zionist on Zig Forums

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As long as your neighbor is jewish

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General Patton warned America about the "yelllow bellied Jews". There's a reason they don't fight in any wars with us like real actual allies do.

Just like the other jew animals in israel.
Prove ME wrong

Attached: Jews.png (540x300, 259.92K)

Heh, it's almost like having your country taken over and undergoing genocide tends to lower the racial and cultural level of a people, wew, fancy that.

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jesus christ look at them all bunched up like that, do these guys get any combat training, or just exercises about shooting kids?

All that effort when everyone knows you just turn the shower handle

Standard IDF issue

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Knew a guy, ex-French Foreign Legion, 16 years of service, then 5 more as a PMC. He participated in almost all large-scale conflicts in the 90's and early 00's - Lebanon, Balkans, Iraq, Congo, Afghanistan, you name it. Worked with plenty of soldiers from other countries. When I asked him about who he liked best, he replied "Royal Marines and USMC, with Norwegians and Danes close behind". When I asked about whom he considered the worst, he immediately said "Israelis. No contest. Italians talk big, but at least they aren't pussies. IDF think themselves to be crème de la crème while in reality they are the biggest limp-dick cowards I've ever seen carry a gun."

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They parted with their masculinity a long time ago.
Strength, courage and honesty are no longer to be found in them

lol. We let these people control our money supply.

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Does it have to be jew soldiers, or does it count so long as the combatants are ZOG forces?
Isn't it interesting how being raised under ZOG, and being stamped with the kikes' slave mark (circumcision) turns even non-jew men into simpering cowards?
To what am I referring? Let's take a look then:
See how the American gentiles cower, hide under children's beds, scream, cry, call out to the jewish desert God for protection? They are circumcised and therefore property of the jew, they also understand that they're not defending their homeland, nor their cities, nor their people, nor their families and children - they're invading a sovereign state - THEY ARE THE BAD GUYS, A DEVIL ARMY OF ZOG AND THEY KNOW IT.
Compare with British troops facing virtually identical situation - a sustained mortar barrage, but in this case, the men have not been stamped with the slave mark, they have their foreskins, and they take it all in good stead.
What is the factor responsible for this massive difference? Circumcision alone? Bible belt Zionism turning the goyisch troops into coward tools of the kike? Differing motives behind volunteering? (British soldiers don't sign up to get free college - it's free already).
Anyway, the difference is palpable, and shocking, no screaming, no crying, no whimpering, no praying to the kike god (Britain is effectively atheist/pagan now and has been for decades).
And one final example of Brits being shot at by A-10, taking it in good stead, no crying, no pleading, no screaming, no praying to the jew god.


Y'all niggas postin in a hasbarafag thread

Yeah that and free modern planes and tanks all thanks courtesy of the US taxpayer

And free nukes from France.

Liars - deceivers, fibbers, falsifiers, tellers of lies, tellers of untruths

Attached: Hasbara hisrae.jpg (738x600 18.41 KB, 135.08K)

I am also an animal rights activist

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And the united states, and south africa, on both occasions which they stole,.

Now just think for a little bit.
Arabs lost against THAT with massive superiority in numbers.

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Excellent video.

Now think for a little if israel got glassed then the rest of the world would be safe from the other imbeciles.

Yeah, because you maggots needed a wakeup call. You'd do well to thank God that hell coughed up its most degenerate monsters as an appertif, because although they're sneaky little shits they die almost accidentally. Hopefully you remember how it got to this point and don't allow traitors and infiltrators behind your lines ever again. I wouldn't expect miracles in every future conflict though. Unless you can breed a saint class of gnostic quantum clerics, of course. Then the spheres would probably tremble. You guys are going to flip out when you remember who you are and how you ended up here. You'll remember before the dark night is over. Anticipate that moment, because the knock on the door has come. You know what needs to be done. Now perhaps you can feel free to follow that intuition to its logical conclusion.

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Its because they genuinely crave nonexistence, and that means hellfire cleansing. They would be pitiable if they weren't so abhorrent. So feel free to purge with either Rage or Mercy. In this scenario both hold equal value. That's what makes it so fun, these kind of events are exceedingly rare. So make a good show of it, and show 'em why humanity deserves a spot at the big boy table.

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lmao, wtf israel.

Jews think they can outsmart god. That's really all you need to know about them.

I dont get it. A light switch….that doesnt work?


This is quantum switch.

If God didn't want them to find exact borders of God's rules why he gave Jews brains and ability to read Talmud?

Attached: 60- of the time- it works every time----.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

its actually a deep part of their history
they always fail,


That makes them best lawyers and lawmakers among all nations.

I do not know where to find it, but there is a video of a Palestinian running a check point. When they go to shoot them, the dumb jews end up friendly firing one of their own to death.

I think the pic with piss stains is a fotochoppe, I have the original debunking it somewhere in my mountain of pics
the adult diaper idf soldier is a real jew degenerate however

found it

Attached: 1280x720-pHk.jpg (1280x720, 157.1K)

looks like this one is the fotochoppe

If the jews can go to this much trouble to evade their own bullshit laws over a fucking light switch, imagine what they will do to obey their laws about enslaving gentiles.

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with the non-piss-stained being uncropped and higher resolution than the other one, it's highly doubtful

we are all victims of the jews, stop dividing the people further than they already are

Thing is they are not evading them. They follow law to the letter. Think about it when you vote for laws texts of which were written by Jewish lawmen.

It works, but there's enough randomness built into the mechanism that they can rules lawyer it to not feel responsible for indirectly breaking their dumb laws. Now they can claim to be good jews without any of the sacrifice or drawbacks involved.
