The real origin of Races

You have the Proto Europeans (Nordics,Illyrians&Berbers) & The Indo-Europeans (Aryans) The Aryans came from Mount Aryan and migrated to Europe 5700 Years ago BC. The proto Europeans which were in Europe before them landed in Europe 12 000 Years ago BC. With the collapse of Atlantis and the ensuing Nuclear war,
>Back Then all aryans and Proto Nordics were Blonde & Blue eyed

The process of Evolution has had effect on the Human Species, Before Adam & Eve the planet was populated with Monkey men which are the Denisovan, Erectus, Sapiens and australopithecus, Being evolved from Apes, these Monkey men bred with The adomic Bloodline creating the Black, Asian and the mutt(Middleastern) Races, This mixing also gave the monkey men souls, and the humans brown features, Like eyes & Hair.

But where does Ginger hair come from and the jews!

Ginger hair , Rh Negative bloodline freckles and jews all share common ancestors
The fallen angels numbered on 33 million had repetedly offspring with the Adomic bloodline creating the heroes of Old, Oden & Thor, all these being of Ginger hair and Great stature and height, The jews being Satans chosen people spent their lifetime here on earth seeking out demons to mate with, creating these evil abominations with hooked noses and elongated skulls Hence the prevalancy of the(((( non Human Hablotype of Rh -)))) Among them , → Se Jacob Rothchild.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The 12 000 Year + Genetic difference gave much seperation between the races of Proto-European and Aryan, resulting in the Former gaining a slight genetic advantage in greater strength and intelligence, hence why they are dominant in both intellectual fields and the top 10 strongest men on earth, this year Julius Björnson on Iceland won the title

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This be the Eye of Sahara, dropped a nuclear bomb there 12 000 + Years ago, creating this crater, of which only a nuclear bomb could create such glass, (Top down image) This specific area in Africa (West sahara) Has a big population of Africans that are lactose tolerant standing out from the rest of the continent, being linked with ancient settlers that they mated with giving the africans this ability, hence allso a bomb was dropped here, for Bombing these primative africans would serve no good purpose

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Racial stereotypes of the European

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Rh Negative is more common in White Europeans than in Jews - One in Six Whites is Rh- and 40% of Whites are Rh- carriers.

Sage for Kike Spookery

Yes it is common, but instead of using ad hominems due note that its a very special bloodline, of which all royals in europe has, (Blueblood?) for its very special properties and ties with Demons

>((( non Human Hablotype of Rh -)))
Uh-huh. This thread sure seems legitimate.

Well you are clearly a shill or very much a kid playing around

So are jews neanderthals?

Like I said, reported.

Genuinely curious about this part: see cropped part of Pic related.
Are Armenians the mythical Aryans Hitler talked about?
Serious question here.
I've read that the Jews have hated the Armenians for centuries, calling them their worst enemies for a long time. They even have a word for them, can't remember it right now.
Point is, that spot of red where Armenia is, which denotes R1b, would imply Hitler was right?

Attached: Haplogroups_europe-1.png (173x240, 57.21K)

No and Yes
They are mixed, But neanderthal genes are not exclusive to them, the Genetic trait exclusive to them is the Iranian Phenotype mixed heavily with Demons

No. Whoever lives there now is merely squatting where the Aryans once lived and migrated through.

Makes me chuckle.

The jews and Armenians has historic ties together, both sadly were many thousends of years ago as aryan as Germans, The animosity comes from the Khazrian Empire Days, the Jews made a Big empire in that area, of which the armenians might have had a hand in destroying, for the Armenians were part of the Byzantium realm when the Rus'(Swedish tribe ruling Russia) And they Brought the state down.

Also the Birthplace of the Jewish people were in Armenia aswell, Check second picture, giving them more common history

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Schizo drivel. If there was a nuclear war we would've detected it in the atmosphere. There's trace amounts of fallout in the air due to all the nuclear bombs that were detonated throughout the years.
Jews date Adam and Eve to six thousand years ago (this is why they say Earth is six thousand years old), if the Earth was populated by monkey men before, who were those proto Indo-Europeans? Contradictory.

The Aryans are the descendants of Cain, who were the Neolithic farmers and builders of the first cities.

The earth is not 6000 years old, think

Some christians get this wrong aswell, for in Genesis it is said something similair, but it is all a mistranslation, look up the meaning of Hayal next time you are reading it.


How does that explain the heavy presence of R1b then?

What explains the R1b grouping around that area then if they're semites?

Some maybe related questions:
1. Why are some whites so hirsute? It's not like these ones even look subhuman, they can have an advanced looking face, not monkeylike at all, but they're pretty hairy. Why are negroids, Australoids, and Mongoloids less hirsute?
2. What is a demon in your definition? What do you make out of demons that have an apparent Nordic appearance?

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Is this something they taught you in nigger history class?

Jews are not Semites, the jews of old were, The jews of today are not, for the hebrews were genocided and replaced by the latter, Askenazi jews for example have hooked noses, Hebrews did not

Yea, I didn't say that. I said jews say the Earth is six thousand years old because that's where they date Adam and Eve to, the "first" men.

Demons have less hair
A fallen angel is a demon

Adam & eve are not 6000 years old, the flood however were around that time, stop & think

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Why is this so true

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Whites are Djinn/Genies/Genius/Genesis…we are the offspring of the gods. Jews are nigger part apes. They are the offspring of animals.
This is why the often show us as 'bottled' in alchemical texts, because we are their captives until we break free of them. We are their 'geniuses in a bottle'…the constraints of law, morality and civilization that they have placed on us, but do not obey themselves.

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global filter [c8efe2]

It took me some Googling to find this thread. I urgently need to know everything about the Annunaki presence on earth. 7 years ago they started to communicate with me by pure thought and they showed me things nobody knew including my wife (now ex-wife).

They started to give me missions downtown LA, observing people who were pedophiles and terrorists. They first communicated with me by thought (it's amazing) and then they appeared in secret compartments on Facebook/Instagram, they told me this allowed faster communication.

I was rushed into the hospital for a cranial research after severe headaches days ago (no hemorrhage nothing found). The annunaki are now spreading messages about fear and how I will die. I need help please. I was responsible for some of the wildfires on the hills in California… I was instructed on a special mission to help the world and spread awareness of global warming and it has to do with the Paris-accord ignored by Trump.
I lost track of time for 5 days. Then I watched CBS and saw the fires and remembered, then they turned on me and I woke up in the hospital. My brother thought I was having a stroke. I'm under pressure now and I need to know the truth what happened to ME.

I'm not responsible for all those fires I just did 3 small bushes in the north.


Are you inviting me to argue? Because I'm good at that.

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Cain represents the farmer/civilizer archetype, Abel (Baal) and Seth (Set) were sheep herding nomads.

masz jakiś problem? :^)

To choć idziemy

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Stop looking at pagan ideas for wisdom it will end with you in hell and horribly confused

The annunaki are not nice people, they are demons in appearence of being nice, to get them away from you, get an exorcism, smear yourself with holy oil, go to church, smite them with the name of Jesus christ if they ever appear again, for they fear his name the most.

Jews of old and jews of today are two different races

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If that's the case then why do Chinese and Indian alchemical texts depict people of their own backgrounds trapped in similar situations?

Only that it's true

Sorry no speak kurwa.

There is no glass, it's an eroded geo dome.

Explains much. Rope yourself.

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The Eternal (((Pole)))

Zig Forums SAID DO

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A Bong definitely wrote that

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who cares
the old jews were so disgusting our aryan ancestors repeatedly genocided them

Not true, the (Modern) jews genocided the Hebrews, If you take credit for that genocide then you are of (Modern) jewish blood.

Whites do not come from Djinns, Djinns are simply demons, some of white people come from them in the shape of demonic offspring

The racial stereotypes even manifest on a ethnicity level, and effects you to a big degree.

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I find the kike skull comparison with the Peruvian conehead quite intriguing. Maybe Viracocha was a kike. Perhaps some Phoenician merchant.

Berbers ? if you wanted to use an example of non indo-iranian (aka aryan) people you should point Basques not Berbers who are not exactly 'native' european themselves.

i dont give a fuck about the hebrews, they were equally as disgusting, as per all written records
fuck your gay (((christcuck))) jew bullshit

Artificial deformed skulls were a symbol of status to a lot of different tribes and cultures, that does not mean phoenicians were among ancient peruvians, just because a culture across the atlantic also thought that putting wooden planket on babies soft skull to deform it would make them different from the plebs who didn't.

That is just an imitation of the real deal

Proto europeans were outside of Europe aswell


If you do not accept jesus to be your lord you will burn Pagan

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Are you saying Jacob Rothschild's head was artificially tampered with to take that shape?

Don't know for sure, but I bet he have that deformed head of his because kikes like to "keep it in the family" to keep all those shekels to a single name, even if some of your offspring end up a potato in the process.

Christianity is a jewish religion. Stay cucked, kid.

Have fun in hell kid

This is probably a polvol2 christcuck thread, it has all the hallmarks of it and hence nothing being done about it.

So what did they do on Mount Aryan before they left the mountain? What were they doing there, just hanging around or something?


Okay but where are you getting these specifics? Any written records or are you just making things up to explain what may be a natural phenomenon?

Why would answers to little disrespectfull kids, Behave yourself!

Still waiting for you to start spouting about the "flat Earth."

Bardulia strong!

So I take it you have no evidence for any of your claims then. Okay.

Hell doesn't exist in the way you think it does. You've been indoctrinated by jewish nonsense designed to keep the goyim submissive.

Atlantis did exist, to be fair.

This man's a liar, but the atlantis part is true

Google gives no returns on Zig Forums, we were banned on Google long ago.
You're a goddam liar.

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Apparently the Paracas skulls of Lima Peru have DNA similar only to people living within the Caucasus mountains much earlier. Idk what this means though, they could have been jotuns or kikes, idk.

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this 14 hour long video proves everything he said:
if you don't watch it and don't see that muslim archons try to mislead us from our jewish heritage you're a satanist shill and will burn in hell

He's not liar user, he's just your typical Tor poster.

The "neanderkike" meme is a lie by JIDF itself to disenfranchise white people of their genetic lineage.

I'll grant there is somethinjg strange about those skulls. For one, they are NOT the result of skull-binding, as the cranial capacity of the skulls is notably larger than in modern humans, and cranial binding does not cause this. There are also structural differences in the skulls that has not been explained, such as the lack of one of the cranial sutures found in other humans.
And the size of the skeletons, and the thickness of the bone structures are greater than in modern humans, and much greater than in the indigenous populations of the region.
Those that still sported segments of scalp indicate they had red hair, as well.

It looks very much like they were a distinct subspecies of human, one that has not been accepted as such by current anthropology.

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Get the rope anons this ones been on GOOGLE

I'm gonna be for real here. I'm confused as to wtf is going on about neanderthals, cro magnons, and other later phenotypes of homo sapiens means about Europe. Weren't cro magnons the original people there? If Europeans descend from neanderthals then who tf were the cro magnons and alpines? (I have a theory tbh that the alpines were the "dark elves" or dwarves of old mythology, and that the cro magnons were jotuns or giants, but even then they are different than the giants with the elongated skulls so idk wtf is going on). Also, which group is responsible for the development of agriculture and civilization? I know Varg says they had bigger brains and all, but Neanderthals?!?!?!

What do the Annunaki look like when they appear to you? Can you provide a sketch?

No thanks.
If you had real evidence, you could present it without relying on the old "google it" comeback.
People who know what they're talking about don't say "google it" when asked to describe an outlandish claim that they make. In fact, I quite enjoy explaining the details of obscure historical events. Clearly you are either trolling or have no clue what you're talking about.

I have seen that claim all over the internet and have yet to come across a single academic study or paper that confirms this, despite several claims that such studies have been done. The same can be said for dna analysis, but again I've yet to see any.

A comparison to king tuts or older lineages of the Egyptians may produce some extremely curious results.

They're kikes

Read the rest of the post, I'm just making fun of OP and others of his ilk.

Yeah the 'missing link' wouldn't be one generation but closer to, two dozen. It's all pozzed jew faggotry.

I hate to break it to you, but we are already in hell…anyplace the jews are IS HELL

Because the Chinese actually maintained the original traditions of TIAN (as in CHRIS-TIAN) or Heaven a lot longer than we did. Up until two years ago when they officially ceased making offerings in the Temple of TIAN or Heaven. The root of CHRIST-TIAN-ITY is so old that it basically surpasses all other religions on Earth. This is the MODERN temple of Tian…there are much older ones that the Chinese government used to supplicate to every year…too many jews in China now. They are forgetting their ancient roots.

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Djinn comes from the sanskrit root word Diva, Devi, etc…which is where we derive our own word Devil…Deva is a variant of god it usually doesn't carry a 'good' or 'bad' connotation…neither does Djinn, there are both good and evil Djinn…their sense of morality is far beyond human comprehension or reckoning. There are half Djinn and a Djinn can be born in this THEIR world still (it was only turned over for us for THE TRIAL)…If you ask me, which you didn't this was the point of the 72 generations of fallen. It takes 72 lives to become a god/Djinn…that is why the jews are doing such strange and bizarre fuckery…because they know that 'times' up and they aren't going to heaven…ever.

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You might as well claim that every single pre Viking Era Germanic Kingdom was a viking kingdom then, because we Germans also originated from Scandinavia.

Larger skull volume correlates with higher IQ, yes. However other variables should be considered: Efficiency of brain folding (surface area), CNS efficiency, ATP efficiency, anatomical structure, quality of DNA, etc.

The reason you won't see many of the 'inbetween' transitions of sapiens is because genocide is a legit concern, past AND present.

Question to you guys: are whites more highly evolved than Neanderthal or sapiens emerged from distant ancestors? How are whites and non-whites still able to breed? Why do we all share the same max-level exoskeleton?

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Wow that gorilla skull really reminds me of the jew shaped heads. But check this out…and maybe this explains something about the jews…that conical head is really just window dressing.
We know that jews are part black and blacks are chimps (80% allele match to chimps) so maybe a lot of that 'elongated head look' from their primate ancestors is just 'filler'. It would go a long way to explaining their IQ (mid 80's; halfway between a human IQ 100's and a sub saharan african IQ 60's)

I mean, we don't really get to inspect the skulls of the jews to see how small the brain cavity really is…your photo makes it look large but in reality it is quite small and mostly covered with exterior padding.

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Have you ever heard of the concept of sub-species?
It's a pretty helpful term that describes when genetic drift has started to take roots, however, in this infant state of a birth of a new species one may be able to reproduce with the other, albeit with great risks to the child and its health.


Holy shit what kikery, get off the LSD, faggot.

Captcha:xi goy n

"Are whites more highly evolved than Neanderthal?"
Your reply should have just been a yes, considering my text already implies we come from a common sub species.
Yes, me being one of them, am a genetic mut. There is literally an internal conflict from within; trying to balance it out as a soul is like fire trying to get along with water.

This whole thread is just weak jewish answer to this thread with great amount of redpills in it.
Jews, you are fucking pathetic.
Now tell me, smarty jew, wouldnt whites have sloped foreheads if they are from neanderthals? Why is that whites have strait foreheads and jews sloped ones?
Fucking jewish abominations, you will rot in hell together with your goat god baphomet. Fucking fucked up genetic shit, deseases carriers.
sage this shit

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You'd be surprised what you'd find if you actually travel the globe a bit.
Fun fact: Earth isn't the cradle of Mankind - if we believe in ayy lmao's.

To further add. Here is a picture with Cro-Magnons.

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And here is the jew/neanderthal. People deny that these are two different beings.

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What a shit thread.

Get a load of this kike

Yes, this is typical (((Sepher))) thread.

Very nice, user, very nice.
1. Dalo Faelid CM, Borreby CM influenced
2. Hallstatt Nordid Aryan, Daelo Faelid CM influenced
3. Kelto Nordid Aryan, Daelo Faelid CM influenced
4. Tronder. Daelo Faelid CM + Hallstatt Nordid Aryan
5. Hallstatt Nordid Aryan + West Baltid CM
You have very good eye for CM admix.



wouldn't that also make the asians and niggers mutts?
Why just tarfet meds as mutts?

Thanks, i'm getting there. Who is the person closest to the Cro-Magnon phenotype? Do you have any examples?

Secondly, pics related, do you mind classifying them?

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