==CHINA USES APPLE AS BAIT! 'WILL NOT SURRENDER'== Chinese state media: Apple could be used as a 'bargaining chip' in the trade war Apple has benefited from cheap labor and a strong supply chain in China and needs to share more of its profit with the Chinese people or face "anger and nationalist sentiment" amid the ongoing trade war, an article in the state-backed People's Daily warned Tuesday. The article originally appeared in another state-backed publication, Global Times, last week. The opinion piece highlights how Apple made $9.6 billion in revenues in China in the June quarter, which helped the U.S. giant to recently hit a $1 trillion valuation. But the continuing trade war between the U.S. and China could leave Apple and ther U.S. firms vulnerable as "bargaining chips" for Beijing, according to the article. "The eye-catching success achieved in the Chinese market may provoke nationalist sentiment if U.S. President Donald Trump's recently adopted protectionist measures hit Chinese companies hard," the People's Daily said.
Idiots that buy apple are already happily paying double for their already overpriced chinesium crap, triple won't matter.
Thomas Harris
六四天安门事件 1989年天安门广场大屠杀 1989年天安門廣場大屠殺
David Fisher
Checked dub dubs I don't into gookeyrunes but I'm gonna guess tianemen square or student uprising or some shit Also we need to kill the internet once and for all My four cents
Joseph Young
I thought FoxCon was moving to Michigan and was going to hire Somalis instead?
Evan Bell
Jaxson Kelly
I only use the internet for porn, anyway nothing to hide
Either the Chinks are, dare I say, /ourguys/, or they're bluffing hard.
Cameron White
it's an asian thread, when in rome
Alexander Mitchell
डच Dutch इंडिया 1605-1825 डेनिश Danish भारत 1620-1869 फ्रांसीसी French भारत 1668-1954 पुर्तगाली Portuguese भारत 1505-1961 कासा दा Casa da इंडिया 1434-1833 पुर्तगाली ईस्ट इंडिया Portuguese East कंपनी Company 1628-1633 ब्रिटिश British भारत 1612-1947 रूसी Russian भारत 1948-1991 इज़राइली Israeli इंडिया 1991-2018 अक्साई चिन 1962