Twitter suspends Ron Paul Institute executive’s account, one day after Big Tech blocks InfoWars


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What a smart a totally not-gonna-bite-them move.

Hope they ban all cuckservatives. Maybe that will wake them up to whats really going on.

I've gotten 3 of my accounts suspended today for calling someone a cuck

they are such fucking idiots because more people would spend more time on their faggot website if they were allowed to argue endlessly with right wingers

I don’t think would want to do that right now.

Something really terrified them bad.

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This is the ammo I needed. Thanks OP!

Its over. Now Democrats win all elections forever.

According to the article they were flagged by a single kike who was having a dispute with them. It's semitic infighting between two kosher ideologies, not a lolberg purge.

If you really think the White race's only chance of survival is voting for Republikikes, then we're already dead.

I was suspended for a day three weeks ago for politely arguing against a Zionist fanatic that Israel was using white phosphorus bombs on civilians in Gaza and posting photos of the carnage. The Zionist reported me, got me suspended (he was the one using abusive language on me) and now I cannot access my account unless I give them my phone number.

That ain't happenin' yids…

I'm going to shut off the internet
Mark it 8

Democrats can win any elections if they're all dead

Can you feel it?

there's a storm a brewin

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I feel it. This is probably more of a rallying cry than we realized. And I know AJ is a shill btw but it is irrelevant in this situation.

I also want to ask, how do we fight this? Honest question, because I doubt we could just hunt them for sport.

Like can we demand the government issue a letter of marque and reprisal for the people doing this? Put a bounty on their heads (dead preferred) with the full force of the law and pay people for cleaning up the tech giants?

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Public outrage, works for the Feminists and the SJW.
Use their weapons against them, share, inform others.
Scream Censorship, share, make noise.
If this pass silently… its over. Internet will be a lot less fun.

The memes are next(they already tried), all the chans are next.
Because "user" used to be strong, now we are not, and we are on the road to be totally powerless, just spectators hoping not to be banned.

Public outrage is fine, but there needs to be legit consequences. Like arrests and other things that are sanctioned by government.
Like a bounty on their heads so they don't just try it here, but if they flee overseas they make sure to stay worried because of a bounty on their head.

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First start off by avoiding posting degenerate content like that. Shut down the erotic drugging. Fight against the Communists you bastard. They are coming for the chans.

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dead dems can't hold office

Ok but what about the tech giant heads? How do we collectively get CONSEQUENCES for the collusion initiated?

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well, if things get too bad…. fire and bullets

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I am talking about a general movement of concerned cizens saying "this is collusion" we need to get federal martialls and head hunters on them.
If you don't know, that's fine. But we can brainstorm and trouble shoot this. We have lawfags, leofags, autists, Qanons researchers, and others here that can give some advice on putting the pain on the tech giants.

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this is where ZOGbots become really really important. These Sociopaths and Psychopaths really get empowered now.

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I mean all that is going to happen is all these people they banned will just move to a new platform.

How come we haven't gotten together to get a new platform? I get server and hosting costs, but there is ways to trouble shoot this. It is a bottle neck that wants to blow.

don't get upset anons. you already want your women to fuck sex dolls all night long.
Sex dolls which ‘go all night’ could replace MEN – as women ‘can’t tell the difference’
Men face being made redundant in the bedroom if women turn to silicone robots which “do not tire” or suffer from “performance issues”.
It comes as the world’s first Harmony sex doll owner exclusively revealed the “realism” of romping with the artificially intelligent android to Daily Star Online.
The male equivalent, dubbed Gabriel, is also programmed with unique conversations and stories to share with partners.


These degenerate jews are laughing themselves right into the ovens

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Because it is much easier and much more efficient hopping from platform to platform and getting kicked off for saying mundane right of center shit. One it forces their hand and makes them admit their biases openly - and two, it gives us greater reach.

Although the time is drawing nigh when a right wing social media platform will be a necessity. Otherwise I think a scorched earth tactic should be continually pursued til even the most kosher Cuckservative finds themselves banned on everything.

no, you're IP provider will be policing this, and local law enforcement. That is where this is heading. The NSA will flag a user for observation/enforcement.

filtered sick piece of shit

The Jews can't escape what is coming for them. We will get 1,000 goyims like Her. 10,000 goyims like Her. 100,000 , 1,000,000, 10,000,000, 100,000,000. 1 billion. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7~

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I don't know how to download fb videos without software. Sorry.



Why lolbergs?

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Kill yourself goatfucker.

They can vote though.


Why would we fight this? This is a potent redpill, and it's reaching millions of literal normalfags the anal way. The kikes are in the middle of making a massive blunder, don't interrupt them ffs.

Dubs confirm. Link the video to every church group, conservative group, and parents everywhere. Remember.
Think of the children, user!

Keep is the loop then nigger.

Also vid relevant.

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Do you care now?
You should have known it wasnt going to stop with Jones.
We need to do SOMETHING about this before it gets worse.


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btw kikes,

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This is 100% certain.

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if they can go further and actually take down infowars.com, don't think they won't try to go after 8ch and specifically Zig Forums.

sure, pull the plug and we invade normie social media and force it into a corner again.
good plan.

I am convinced that all the Kikes pulled out of tech and now they will run the companies into the ground. Either that or they are trying to force Trumps hand on an anti-trust lawsuit so they can spin the optics? These are some fucking strange days

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Nasim is a VERY strong meme right now. Let the world be reminded that any one person can take a stand against them at any time

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I tend to agree.

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another one

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when my mom heard Ron Paul was suspended she actually blinked. So it must have got her too.
And then she blurted…. and the Presidents star

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hey, nice dubs user

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get a life bro, stop it with the liberal media apps

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googled the "presidents star" … got nothing

what did she mean by this?

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Try to keep up.

From that source:


that plus Alex Jones, Tommy Robinson, and the gook at the Jew York Times. Is it just me, or are things escalating?

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imagine an operator interrupting an old style telephone call, and telling both parties to stop arguing or their phone service will be disconnected. It's clown world.

no I just couldnt find the gif of him saying it for the commerical

wasnt he crying because its was the hall of fame and its was basically a bitter sweet tears of joy moment because he knew his greatness was behind him? Dont answer, thats just how I currently understand what that picture is really about.

thx user … damn scrubbing people from existence like some Egyptian shit

I sense it too. They know we are at a critical point informationally. We have backed them into a corner, not the other way around.

Just remember who the real enemies are and don't be led into conflict with pawns.

Godspeed guys

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Godspeed anons

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I mean, I would make my dog immortal too if I could.

His star was right next to Kevin Spacey's…
I wonder if the person who wrote that held a straight face

They figure it out, de-platforming is better than outright criticism.

We need to go back to the basics and find alternative platform.

Nasim might have been a persian demi-caste, but she was a very classy lady. Maybe some of you off brand whites like italians or greeks could have put a baby in that.

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Before long they are going to take away your ability to do that, acceptationcuck.

I do not accept but what can we do but to create an alternative to Youtube?

there's already a bunch of alternatives to youtube, they just aren't used. the lemmings migrate in a pack, jewtube will have to completely sink before they abandon ship, like they moved from myspace to facejew

Better prep up those propaganda then!

Checked. The "Nasim as Valkyrie" meme has become my favorite as of late.

oh, but I have more.

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what the fuck? i just saw this post. mods didn't nuke that image, 8ch has bots auto shoahing images by hash now.

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and now the post is gone, what the fuck is going on here lol.


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i still have the complete archive of her site that user's generated before it was shoahed off the internet. this is when she realized the truth

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then they shoad nasim threads

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she went nuts over 30 cents of jew advertising money?

You scared?

Could you fuck off with the off-topic shit?

So, you single still?

she was superstar in iran. they couldn't handle her popularity

I'd have spunked her hole good too

Get a load of this guy, doesn’t know where he is.

what was the image?
i've been seing a lot of shoahed iamges latelly and many are in Zig Forums related OPs that arent even banned nor anchored and on topic comments
it's hard to believe those would all be doxxes or CP wich are the only things that should be banned here

oven, kikes

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kill yourself, degenerate.

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no idea, i saw it post in real time. it was auto-shoahed.

i'm going to upload the site dump, just the images otherwise with videos it's 5GB and will take 3 hours.

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Why are you waifuing a nonwhite? Are you white?

I think that's all the good ones I have.

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look it up in your manual kike

Is she a based exception that would be welcome in the ethnostate? Do you think waifuing even a white woman is healthy, much less a shitskin?