The Alex Jones shutdown gameplan

The Alex Jones shutdown gameplan

That Alex Jones is a paid shill and snakesoil salesman is nothing new. The shutdown was organized by his sponsors in order to lure his supporters to download the Alex Jones app in order to get his videos, livestreams etc.

The app of course while hosted on the jewgle and kiketunes stores isn't b& and will lead to his followers getting put on a CIA bad goy list, with all communication likely to be intercepted (the CIA has 0day exploits to access ALL your data, your phone number, your location etc. if you install a CIA app).

In times like these they want to have pre-emptive info on "far right supporters" before they reign in their commie government.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Gas the kikes

I think this is just them starting a wave of censorship with one of their assets, so only they get the benefits of the Streisand effect, while every other shutdown goes under the radar.

When jewtube and the ADL started quarantining videos, what did they start with? Maybe something about the group of parasites the ADL was founded to protect after justice was served against Leo Frank? Of course not, they started with a video about niggers by Jared Taylor, whose jewish wife had behind the scenes contact with their director of fact-finding, Irwin Suall.

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show proof of your claims or fuck off kike

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alex jonestein has been running a (((CIAnigger))) psyop since 9/11, of course its datamining

They shut that shit down because the comments were all about jews and no one believed anything he said

I won't believe it until there is actual proof. There is not a single right-wing figurehead that some schizo NEETsoc here won't call a jew/anti-white shill. Really easy to subvert this place in that way. How do we know you're not a CIA kike or leftist trying to turn everyone away from Alex so Info Wars / the new Right dies quickly and without a fight? Provide evidence or fuck off. I stand with Alex Jones on principle if nothing else.

a tinfoiler running a CNN style studio with his own shekels

sounds kosher to you?

they also want you to sign up for their newsletter chances are they'll link you to 0day exploit stuff as well (maybe the confirmation link)

Wikileaks released plenty of info on such projects

More likely they shut it down because he was calling out China. Apple was the first to ban him, then others quickly followed, and Apple is owned by China and big tech loves China.

What a fucking retard. No proof? fuck off.

Cool theory, I guess I don't mind conspired censoring after all!

Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

what kind of logic is this?? the NSA could get the list of every youtube profile subbed to his channel, and their info if they wanted. they can probably (and probably already have) a list for people who post here. do you really think they'd need you to download a fucking app to identify that?? all your shit is already compromised at the hardware level. even if the companies weren't handing over any info they wanted– they could just take that info from them anyway.

Despite iPhone's minority share (14.5%) of the global smart phone market in 2016, a specialized unit in the CIA's Mobile Development Branch produces malware to infest, control and exfiltrate data from iPhones and other Apple products running iOS, such as iPads. CIA's arsenal includes numerous local and remote "zero days" developed by CIA or obtained from GCHQ, NSA, FBI or purchased from cyber arms contractors such as Baitshop. The disproportionate focus on iOS may be explained by the popularity of the iPhone among social, political, diplomatic and business elites.

A similar unit targets Google's Android which is used to run the majority of the world's smart phones (~85%) including Samsung, HTC and Sony. 1.15 billion Android powered phones were sold last year. "Year Zero" shows that as of 2016 the CIA had 24 "weaponized" Android "zero days" which it has developed itself and obtained from GCHQ, NSA and cyber arms contractors.

I'd hate to have your brain.

Ten million boomers get put on a CIA list and the feds waste resources chasing Kekistanis and libertarians around.
And thats somehow a bad thing?

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inb4 jonestein comes back but comment sections are disabled
as i said in the other bread
they shut (((him))) down to give him credence, like all of the other mossad spies
generation identity
lauren southern
tommy robinstein

they want to single out people that actually group together in paramilitary units but aren't necessarily on the radar as they're all a bunch of people who know each other

i want to install the app. Fuck

He's been doing this for over 20 years. He started out with just a table and a curtain, and grew from there. There are court documents detailing some of his operations finances, so that is a disingenuous angle of attack.

and they also want to single out potential leakers with sensitive gov jobs

Exactly. Alex Jones fans are not doing any of that.
The worst they are going to do is tweet about how the democrats are the real racists.


He had out lived his usefulness. Same reason they shut down Murdoch Murdoch but I somehow get faggot Spencer videos suggested to me because I watch UFC clips or something masculine.

Marco Rubio called out China on Tucker last Friday. Tucker does it all the time. I dont see them shutting down Fox.

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"Hello fellow channer, jews sure do rule the world and hackers sure are scary, amiright?"

Yes, I understand the CIA has hacking tools, but what is the proof that they are using Alex Jones/his app/the email one would give him for a newsletter to do anything malicious that they can't already do?

This is speculative and baseless, it seems more like it serves leftists and the establishment to help silence conservatives voices go down without a fight. If I was a leftist, I would come here to spread nonsense like this so people abandon Alex Jones and thus their free speech more quickly. I don't buy it.

Bad goy list? You were already caught in the metadata of Keyscore. Your keywords have all been accumulated by an AI and you are already rated. You don't need to download an app to be listened to, you already are. And you can be called by yourself. Yes, a robot can call you and sound exactly like you. They can false flag your death in a billion ways. Stop being scared and get the app if you want to, fucko.


Why do kikes have such names?

lmao classic

What did they call them out on? also Fox is different than Info Wars, I hope you wouldn't be so idiotic as to compare the two.

Exactly. This thread is retarded and serves the jews/whatever boogeyman more than it serves freedom of speech

Good goys, just spend time arguing about whether or not Alex Jones is a CIA/Jewish asset instead of doing anything about your rights being taken away. Fuck me most of you guys are stupid, no wonder the jews subvert you so easily.

You're fucking retarded and paranoid. You're also a good goy for not caring about your rights being taken away, and only caring whether or not someone is a mossad spy. (none of those people are, you've been duped, or you're a leftist spreading lies to discredit people on the new right). Very stupid.

Tucker calls them out hard damn near every show. And Marco Rubio said that Google use to work with the US Military but has now moved to China and is essentially selling our secrets and working with their military. He said that everyone (NeoCons) use to think, "It's a poor country and if we help them they'll be more inclinded to be like us (with us instead of Soviet Russia) but that's not what happened". He said they're the number one threat and that Russia isn't looking to take us down, it's China.

Huge redpill for normies, based faggot spic went for MAGA.

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oyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
go sacrifice some more infant cock to your volcano demon, moishe
we lost our rights long ago, no one on this board gives a fuck about your shitty mossad e-celeb psyops

Our rights were taken away along time ago, Alex. We were banned a long time ago. Remember when you use to mock us, hang up on us, demoralize us and say we ran the CIA and were trying to destroy Europe because Nazis were part of Eugenics program that wanted to mix race whites with fucking Muslim niggers?

Fuck your Mossad agents. You're the cause of all this and declared was on America on 9/11 2001!

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You're helping to prove the accusations of delusion by imagining that you're actually talking to Alex Jones.
Everybody knows he only posts here on Thursdays.

your a kike faggot worrying about alex jones right to post on youtube. No one gives a shit about an enemy to the white race being censored. We are in the middle of a race war/ final war against the kikes, rights are irrelevant.

Finally, a post that makes sense.

Do you think they dont want to monitor you? Do you think they put you on a list and then forget about you?

Do you think they don't want meta data on your viewing habits updated?

You're so fucking retarded lmao.

You're nigger-tier retarded.

See above

This is exactly what I'm talking about. You people are morons not capable of critical thought, and you do the leftist//jews work for them, assuming you're not actual kike shills yourselves.

All of what you just mentioned already happens. Most people have multiple devices just inside their home that open doors to constant surveillance.

You don't need to download an info wars app to do that shit. You're a moron, or probably a leftist trying to get people be distracted/to ignore the fact that dissident voices are being silenced. It's more likely you're a kike operative honestly.

< calling out mossad spies is what the jews want you to do, goy!
OK rabbi cock garglestein

Not your personal army kike.

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No, sitting on your ass doing nothing other than throwing baseless accusations around and vilifying right-wing figureheads while your rights are slowly taken away is what jews want you to do.

Again, you're a moron if you can't understand this.

And we can use this to our advantage. His fans are upset and can be useful tools.

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He is a disinfo shill married to a jew m8
Neocohenism aint right wing.
Bit late for that my nigga
TLDR, we'll make fun of whoever we want.

Wow dude, great argument. More baseless accusations and retarded blackpill NEET nonsense to justify sitting on your cynical ass all day. Kill yourself.

There was no argument implied, i'm just calling you a faggot, just like your boss jonestein is.

I never said it was ok, he is an enemy of the white race, I said no one cares. Also you attempting to throw around insults and endless strawman arguments is too obvious. Keep defending zionists while we prepare to kill them all. Dont forget to stock up on brainforce.


race war now
what does this have to do with this thread?

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Not if you use Tor or a good VPN.

What do you expect from someone who says "da joos"? Only shills say that.

Get an Android emulator for your PC and firewall the shit out of it. Route its network access through seven proxies and Tor. Maybe put it in a separate VM if you're paranoid.

No shit retard.

I have no idea if he's a shill, all I know is debating over it and posting pictures if jews holding info wars signs does nothing but distract people from the fact that dissident voices can be removed from the internet on a whim and at the will of giant tech corps that work with totalitarian governments. The jews would want you to go down without a fight like this, thus you are doing their work for them. Oh but there's a picture of alex jones with a star of david, so who cares about that, right? you're an honorary nigger because you're so fucking stupid.


Eat a dick moshe.

So what your saying is, if I take 'male vitality' I can control the googles?

I knew there was kikery. Fucking filterman.

Do you have any proof that's what happened?
If they can ban infowars and eventually shut the site down, they can go after anyone. If you can't prove jones orchestrated his own banning, you're disinfo shilling.

I listened to him on a SW receiver after I graduated from Limberg until he wasn't even entertaining anymore.
Used to listen just to hear the WN's fuck with him.
Still can,if you want.
Low tech & meatspace is going to hit us like a Mack truck.


even 8ch Zig Forums lacks knowledge now. wtf hapened to my chans?

1. – Alex Jones’ current wife and ex-wife are both Jewish, with whom he has a total of four(4) children.

3. – Alex Jones is funded by at least thirty-four(34) Jewish, sponsors and advertisers whom financially support his radio show and websites.

4. – Alex Jones’ flagship radio station, KLBJ AM, in Austin, Texas, is owned by Emmis Communications, a media conglomerate based in Indianapolis, Indiana. The founder, chairman, president, and CEO of Emmis Communications is the Zionist Jew Jeffrey Smulyan.

5. – Alex Jones’ radio show is nationally syndicated and broadcast on 160 AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations throughout the United States by the Genesis Communications Network. The founder, owner, president, and CEO of Genesis Communications Network is the Zionist Jew Ted Anderson.

6. – Alex Jones employs a Jewish attorney named Elizabeth Morgan who is also employed by Holly Lev Bronfman, the sister of Edgar Bronfman, Jr. Thus there is only one degree of separation between Alex Jones and the Bronfman family, one of the wealthiest and most influential Jewish Zionist families in North America.

7. – Alex Jones’ employee Molly Maroney, the managing editor of Infowars Magazine, is a former intern for Stratfor, a private intelligence agency based in Austin, Texas, which has been linked to the C.I.A. and Mossad. The founder and CEO of Stratfor is the Zionist Jew George Friedman. Thus there is only one degree of separation between Alex Jones and Stratfor.

8. – Alex Jones’ parents David Jones and Carol Hamman have been employed by the C.I.A. in the past. Alex Jones’ deceased uncle Bill Hamman was employed by the C.I.A. and U.S. Army Special Forces. Alex Jones’ cousin Verna Grayce Chao is currently employed as a C.I.A. contractor by Dell (previously by IBM). Alex Jones’ other cousin Buckley Hamman was one of the original founders of Infowars in 1995. Thus there is only one degree of separation between Alex Jones and the Central Intelligence Agency.

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why would they need us to google alex jones for this to happen?


you ever think he just wants to retire with his millions and drink margaritas on the beach and fuck his jew whore wife in the ass and think I won and thats all that matters.Beat the kikes at their own game and have one of their stupid cunts as my sex slave AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


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according to this, the obvious parts of the software that involve tracking are google analytics which is used by near every website in existence for search and popularity purposes. however I don't know what firebase is specifically

otherwise you're giving the normalcies of proprietary software that you'd expect


seriously why don't you tell us who is NOT a kike shill you raving fuckwits

okay this makes sense. Why would apple and google ban him everywhere else, but not his app? This is really screwy

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How bout a smoke and a crepe?

I have to agree. If he "broke their ToS" so hard that he got purged by their other services then it should apply to everything of his on their turf. If they were genuinely about exterminating his online presence that is.

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This. The analysis happening in this thread is cuckchan tier. This board is infested.

Proof? Lol this is Zig Forums we just appeal to emotion and ad hom around here

Everyone is already on a list, what do you think the internet is.

Jesus Christ. Judging by this and similar ideas, the CIA alone must constitute 80% of the US government budget.
The CIA is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. They're always 10 steps ahead and literally everyone with a name is a paid agent. They monitor tens of millions of people without breaking a sweat.
If they're really this powerful, it's not possible to defeat them.

something's fucky

I thought this was one of those mental gymnastics by self-inflicted low intelligence threads, but I can think of (only) 1 argument for it and that's having full control over someones smartphone without much effort could be worth something. NSA-like spying but with a very accurate subset of targeted people.

But there are 3 conflicting thoughts I have:
1: why sacrifice Alex Jones' business. He has an empire, why not The Daily Shoah, something even more specific and targetted than Infowar's audience.
2: are boomers with jobs really that interesting? Personally I'd target millenials and boomers, I'm sure there are enough communities which would have a more high-value community.
4: (legal) trouble has been brewing and accumulating for Alex for quite a while. It Ocam's razer says that the SJW hivemind in big tech are plotting to destroy a influential right-wing empire.
5: has an extremely low IQ, absolutely not capable of any rational thought… Unless of course he is a paid shill and has bad luck playing "devil's advocate" for a idea silly in the first place. To me it feels like this is a very high value topic with shills grabbing every chance to demonize Alex Jones. For them, infighting is great, but distancing right-wing from Alex? Disregard your opinion and think like a SJW, isn't that a jackpot? Everything that devalues the memability of Infowars/Alex is a win.

Trips of truth

they have everything anyway

it's just more bullshit for real though
