Meet Christl Mahfouz, of Ace Specialties, L.L.C.
She's responsible for all the fashy merch associated with the Trump campaign.
That's a weird name though, isn't it? "Christl Mahfouz"?
What the fuck is that?
Meet Christl Mahfouz, of Ace Specialties, L.L.C.
She's responsible for all the fashy merch associated with the Trump campaign.
That's a weird name though, isn't it? "Christl Mahfouz"?
What the fuck is that?
Who cares?
OP is a faggot
Well, that must be her name through marriage, right?
So who is she married to?
It took awhile, but I found him: Alex A. Mahfouz, Jr.
Can't seem to find a picture of him though.
I did find a picture of his dad though, associated with his obituary, which is how I found Alex Jr.
Strangely for a man with a Muslim-associated last name, he received a Christian burial.
Hate the muslims goy, jews are enemies of muslims too, so jews are your friends!
hehehe stupid goyim
Wow, it seems like something about this thread really upset some people.
Maybe its an heirloom of sorts, what about further back? Any muslim grandparents or great grandparents?
Unclear, but it certainly is weird.
Very weird.
Maybe they're Egyptian coptic Christian converts or something?
The fuck am I even looking at here…
Anyone have a faceberg that could scope her pics?
I'd like to see what her husband looks like.
The Muslim world or the Arab world? I don't think there was too much wholesale change with Arabic names with the conversion to Islam.
It's almost like Trump will put merit ahead of identity.
How dare he pick the best person for the job while keeping the profits within the US?!?!?!?!
Ayyo did someone say
Well, it says Muslim, but they're basically the same thing it seems. The name appears to be Arabic in origin.
FTFY, and yeah, its a real problem, because biological realities tend to result in meritocratic systems allowing outliers in without realizing that their offspring will espouse regression to the mean.
And frankly, the idea that some mudsharking boomer thot from Louisiana is the best choice here, on merit, is… Eehhhhhh. Dubious, at best.
Imagine that.
I don't think its a dune coon m8.
I think its a good goy shiksa who went to brown town.
… Why Trump would choose her, I have no idea.
If this is her husband, he doesn't LOOK very dune-coonish…
… And if its not her husband, wew lad, someones getting cucked.
oh wow op i guess i hate trump now
sage for blatantly obvious shill thread
Did I hear the word, MERCH?
Also he has no black members in his frat house.
Sort of, but not really.
Trump is a kike. That isn't news