Faking the death of millions of Jews wasn't an afterthought. It simply couldn't have worked that way, so it must have been planned before the war.
I put forth the hypothesis that the Jews used Hitler to push forth the extermination of Caucasians, thus eliminating any competion. Caucasians are the only real threat to the Jew. Niggers are too stupid and Chinks are too soy'd and placid. Eliminate the whites and there is literally nothing standing in their way for world domination.
It makes sense that, given the atmosphere within the Weimar Republic a voice of contention arose and grew louder by the day until manifesting itself into reality through Adolf Hitler. This was the plan all along. What other way can you get a people to destroy itself but to bring each to the opposite ends of their reasoning? On one end, you have the Weimar Republic. A disease-ridden cess-pool of filthy acts, open pedophilia, vast disparages in wealth and poverty and general all around Jewtopia. On the other end, you have a conservative, white, Christian America that instills values in their children, has a strong sense of natioanlism and general respect for themselves and others with a vast middle-class.
Now all you have to do is play to the sensitivities of each side but that won't work if you're on the sidelines chanting, it can only work if you're "locked away in concentration camps, begging for help!" If you are seen as an instigator, the entire effort could self-destruct and come back to bite you.
We know the Jews own Alex Jones. If anyone questions that, you really don't belong here. Go back to cuckchan and swim there until you're ready for deeper waters. Alex Jones is their asset and they are using him to stir dissent among us. To drive us further and further toward conservatism and nationalism, all the while Europe will continue further and further down the path of destruction. Americans will grow to the point of disdain for Europeans and their faggotry and Europeans will grow to view Americans as their oppressors. But how? Just like they did to the Germans, cut off their resources.
Americans will instill such strict trade sanctions upon Europe, that Europe will grow poorer and poorer as America grows wealthier and wealthier. This is the reason why you are seeing "muh China" circulate the airwaves right now in such abundance. They must detract away from the truly harsh sanctions being put upon Europe. See article on European growing disdain for US trade policy imgur.com
So, Trump keeps winning. That's the plan. 2020 is a shoe-in for re-election and before 2024, we the US will ahve a nation wealthier, strong and prouder than any nation this world has ever seen.
Then comes the big ol fuckery as some small completely controllable nation like Ireland dirty-bombs New York (of course no Jews will die since it will be on a Jewish Holiday and they will all be somewhere else observing their fucking dreidles). Boom, we're retaliating! White on white, Christian on Christain! WWIIx2 or WWIII, whatever you want to call it, it's the final plan. The plan that binds them all together.
The US has military bases everywhere. Not a coincidence.
The "Final Solution" is not what we have been told. WWII is not what we've been told. Israel is a terror-state. Iran is literally fucking nothing. It would be wiped out in a matter of days if the US were to go to war with Iran. Israel is the enemy of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas but it's tiny and it needs us to wipe each other out. The above is how that is accomplished.