Israeli Sanctioned Executions Tracking Thread

On the back of the "'International Community"' condemning the Syrian government of allegedly gassing their own civilians with "sarin gas" Israel has reportedly executed a civilian chief scientist.
This thread is to dig into who exactly Aziz Asbar was, what did he know and what was he working on.
Also dump info on Israeli sanctioned executions and on their allies in the region.

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It's not a new problem, unfortunately. They murdered Persian scientists as well. I've never seen such evil. The US at least does things like Operation Paperclip.

Stay platnium mad chaim

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No wonder this board was getting slid hard.
Dubs confirm

Israel has no right. Why haven't the Pakis nuked them already?
Archive doesnt connect

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Its about time we track these happenings.

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If another country had done the same to Israel, Israel and the US would be bombing that countries civilians to dust. Syria is in no condition for another war, but they need to hurry up and secure their borders and find and execute all Jewish spies, and shoot down every Israeli aircraft that enters a single foot into their airspace.

It's difficult, israel knows jews look different, where sephardis or mizrahi aren't "arab-looking" enough they will go and find actual arabs to pay off or blackmail into doing the assassinations for them. That is if they haven't already built up an independent terrorist cell in the region, which im sure israel has all over the place.

I'm pretty sure it's called

TL;DR its way more than you'd ever imagine.

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Its not just syria, they are assassinating people left and right.


Seriously. I should ask if you know where you are. But I know this place is much different than JIDF HQ

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Gas yourself kike

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nice thumbnail

Self bump


I'd rather just read a book. Is there a book on extrajudicial Mossad murders?

Reminder there was a plot to kill the West German Chancellor, supposedly over some money.

Reminder there was a plot that poisoned the bread of thousands of German POWs awaiting trial, and a further plot to poison the German water supply.

Reminder that where plots have been uncovered, there doubtless remain many more still hidden.

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Reminder that during the Cold War Soviets were not allowed to immigrate to the US due to the likelihood of espionage.

Jewish lobbyists pressured the US government into allowing Soviet Russian Jews (only) to migrate to the US because "They were being mistreated."
They also made people pay for their welfare while other Americans starved. Within a year or two, many of them became very well connected and wealthy.

It'll be our turn to do this someday.

learn op sec and situational awareness mossad/cia are sick fucks with billions upon billions of goy tax pig funds.That bearded nigger or always some fuck showing up looking like a sandnigger or hook nosed off white watch out .Arm yourself and be ready at all times to kill and take as many of them out with you.Don't make it easy.


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Roses are red
Violets are blue
Two hundred fourteen
Point zero two.

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Jews codify murder in their scriptures as a permissible thing. Indeed they raise homicide to the status of a religious virtue. And this they teach their children.

the Talmud
Abodah Zara 26b - - "Even the best of the Goyim should be murdered."
Soferim 15 - - "Even the best of the Goyim should all be killed."

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I happen to know that the US jacked a chemical weapons stash from Iraq and stole it for itself. It would be very curious indeed if it were for false flags. You win that info because Hitlerdubs shall be checked, and Kek wills it.