Hey everyone

Hey everyone,

I created a board called /ecopol/ in order to facilitate discuss between the left and the right on ecological issues… if anyone here is ecofascist, anti-civ, or just interested in environmental issues… please check it out!

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Other urls found in this thread:


I unironically support you, OP. I don't know how this became such a polarized issue. Nature is our friend and the rivers better stay damn clean because I need to fish.


You are a sub-human, aren't you?

The minute /leftypol starting advocating for america to become the home of all subhuman filth you can kiss any hope of the environment out the window. Only natives and whites give a shit about the environment, the rest treat will treat it like a trash can.

First /leftypol needs to get past the nonsense of "we're all equal" and then maybe a conversation can be started.

Try again.


Thanks, people like you are the reason I created the board. I don't think the environment is a left/right issue

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Fascism aims to be in alignment with nature, so this prefix is redundant. I'll check out your gay board.

gib list of relevant issues pls

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I know alot about this issue. Academically, even. Yepper.

It all starts with overpop. The natural carrying capacity of Earth is ~450 million, and with advanced tech ~1 billion. However, based on the degree of environmental degradation thus far, that natural carrying capacity has dropped to around 225 million, though with high tech it remains around 1 billion.

Global climate change is happening. We've been altering the chemical composition of both the atmosphere and the oceans, which are caught in a feedback loop. Oceanically, this is resulting in coral bleachings, loss of shell fish, etc. Atmospherically, it's resulting in increased storm activities, and temperature extremes in both summer and winter. Water vapor is dropping globally. Particulates are of course up. And the more we mess with the system, rather than simply cleaning it up, the more we mess it up.

Forests are younger, less diverse, and with less elevated biomass (carbon traps…), and we are harvesting those, too.
Biodiversity is of course dropping like a stone. It's the largest global extinction since the last ice age.

And Sol, our sun, is undeniably acting weird. The whispers in certain well-informed circles is that it's cooling.

What else?
As the pop of Earth grows more modern, these problems will intensify rapidly - logarithmically. Everyone alive, esp. the Lefties, will demand their modern appliances, big houses, and big cars. But, of course, Earth cannot support that 9.5 billion (the actual current pop count) living the high life. Clashes are absolutely certain to occur, most especially over basic resources. These conflicts will be that much more environmentally deleterious.

I could on and on about this. Suffice it to say, we're fucked, royally. There's been people, academics and futurists, who've been screaming about overpop for their entire lives, but they've mostly been (((ridiculed))). Someone wants overwhelming overpop at any cost to the environment, probably because they want to control all the world's pop.

Can we grow our way out of our problems?
Yes, eventually as in a four centuries, at the soonest , but not before we go through so serious paradigm shifts. First our pop has to shrink to sustainable levels. And we have to establish limits to pop growth, and stay within those limits. Lacking that, caring for the Earth is pointless. Chafe at that all you want, Zig Forums, I don't care anymore. We're well past the point where environmental/resource disasters can be averted, so you are gonna get a first-hand understanding about how stoopid humanity has been in ignoring the problem of global overpop.

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Should we join you in promoting democracy around the world too, shill-kun?


animal welfare, ecological collapse, prepping…

Cool, thanks!


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Lol, why?

So is whatever shock jock you listen to a better scientist than scientists?

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Not specific enough. Over population of niggers and bugmen. All the pollution right now is coming out of India, China and Africa.

Said countries before have been putting plastic into the ocean, but other than that there is no such thing as man made climate change. As a twist on the on saying goes, "It's the sun, stupid." Again, if you just dealt with the chinks, poos and niggers, you'd drastically reduce the pollution of the waters, but as the climate and atmosphere goes, humans lack the power to alter it outside of nuclear winter, and even then only for a short time of a few centuries before it goes back to normal.

Conclusion: Reinstate colonialism and put whites back in charge of the planet. May be necessary to just kill all non-whites if they get uppity again and don't know what is good for them.

don't disagree with acedummia goys.

Just ignore the fact carbon levels were 50x higher 12000 years ago
also ignore the fact this period was called the iceage
Also ignore the fact carbon has zero effect on temp and if you removed 100% of the carbon in the atmosphere the world would die because plants fucking need carbon.

This is why paid peer reviews mean nothing, user. When the kike has the rubber stamp on what gets published, everything is propaganda and kosher.

I think we can all agree that Mother Earth would be much better off if we genocided the shitskins.

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Holy fuck you guys really are terminally retarded. Clearly the UN's plan is to remove all carbon from the atmosphere

"Atmospheric CO2 levels have reached spectacular values in the deep past, possibly topping over 5000 ppm in the late Ordovician around 440 million years ago. However, solar activity also falls as you go further back. In the early Phanerozoic, solar output was about 4% less than current levels.

So we see that comparisons of present day climate to periods 500 million years ago need to take into account that the sun was less active than now. What about times closer to home? The last time CO2 was similar to current levels was around 3 million years ago, during the Pliocene. Back then, CO2 levels remained at around 365 to 410 ppm for thousands of years. Arctic temperatures were 11 to 16°C warmer (Csank 2011). Global temperatures over this period is estimated to be 3 to 4°C warmer than pre-industrial temperatures. Sea levels were around 25 metres higher than current sea level (Dwyer 2008)."

why on earth would you try to out-science scientists? Do you think that your redpill truths are just infinitely superior to what can be evaluated in a real lab by people with phds?

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CO2 contributes to only 4% of the greenhouse effect. The more CO2 there is in the atmosphere, the less water plants need to grow. That means more plants, the more plants means less CO2 in the atmosphere because it is being taken in and being made into plant food.

Looks like you debunked climate change alright. Why don't you go submit that two sentence rebuttal to Nature?

Because the kikes at Nature want more government grants to research climate change and would never in a million years give up free shekels by saying there is no need to panic.

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Fucking hell, you people are irredeemable. If all of science is a lie then where are all the worthy Zig Forums contributions to human progress?

Why do you attribute corruption to the poorly paid government/university lab techs and not the megabucks fossil fuels industry shills?

The greatest ecological issue the world currently faces is the invasive species known as niggers and kikes.

There's those words again. You likely treat science like it's a religion and not something you practice and is performed by men. If you did understand that, you'd realize that you could write and peer review 10,000 articles on how the Earth is the center of the universe, but it only takes a few to completely fucking eviscerate the whole idea. Because men are creatures with bias and ulterior motives. Which is why you look toward the method, not the men and what they claim to have.

And those same "megabucks fossil fuel" industries get massive subsidies from the government, so don't fucking start about those poor poor government funded lab techs. They are both two separate wings belonging to the same Jewish bird.

If nature is responsible for (((global warming))), why do kikes insist it is unnatural?
Of course, if (((global warming))) was a legit threat to life on Earth, profiteering from it would be highly illegal, wouldn't it Schlomo?

And just for fun. take a look at the solar activity in number of sunspots prior (where the (((consensus))) data would lead to) to the year in question for these Time magazine covers. Really makes you think.

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it became polarized when Communists adopted environmentalist talking points in order to push their anti-white, genocidal agendas.

There are probably hundreds of thousands of climatologists in the world, if there was really some hidden truth that climate change is fake it would be impossible to keep secret. Science is self correcting, the conspiracy you pose would have to be of absurd scale and scope (shocking for a polack I know). The methodology of science is embodied by peer review.

So why do you believe one and not the other then? Could it be because conservatives are more likely to be corporate shills?

Nature is a journal you fucking imbecile.
Plenty of things everyone knows are terrible are perfectly legal to profit from, that's the whole problem with capitalism. But of course you think everything would be perfect if there were no Jews exploiting the poor and only white people doing it.

Even if that was true it still wouldn't make climate change wrong.

I like this thread because I believe that the moss/green wall and indoor plants should be mandatory for the houses to keep the air clean and remain the people’s souls harmonious to the nature.

Curb your enthusiasm. About 10,000-20,000 or so actual scientists. Unless you think the worker bee graduate students count? How about this one for an example?


Looks like all your precious studies failed to actually predict where the planet's climate would go. Oops. You can watch them twist in the wind to try and explain it whilst not having the fortitude and principles to actually admit they were wrong.

you could've just said "yes"

Secret isn't the word here. Labs exist where discoveries are made, research is done.
Large companies or embedded interests can also choose the outcome of the research. Do you really believe the oil industry hasn't in the past paid to embellish their products as harmless? Climatologists embellishing their data is similar yet antithetical to my analogy, with a clear emphasis on harming the oil industry; To strike a dying beast so it doesn't thrash around so much.

it's not like he was replying to a real argument to begin with

Kill all the Jews polluting the Earth. Then we'll talk.

chemtrails caused the west coast drought a few years ago, kill all kikes and shill science

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It's not a secret global warming is bullshit, you fucktard. The emails between the "scientists" discussing how to manipulate data, suppress papers, and their rigged modeling code was leaked years ago. You obviously know nothing about that because you're the goodest of the goys and accept your programming readily.

hello ryan

Earth gives zero fucks about peepholes
couple hundred years after we're gone, there won't be a sign a single one of us existed.
Earth givez sea-ro fukz

Right wtf I'm tired of these fags calling out "hoomanity" when WE ALL KNOW WHO IS DISPROPORTIONATELY CONTRIBUTING TO POLLUTION.

Anyways the elite are going to keep feeding Africa so their population bloats further so they have more reason to import them to Western nations.

I vehemently refuse the notion of "we" as in "we fucked over the planet". I had no hand in it.

It's because environmentalism has been warped from "protect and maintain the environment" to "white civilization is evil, therefore we will use any means, including environmentalism, to undermine and destroy it".
They really don't care about the environment. If they did, they'd have been harsher on non western countries in the Paris climate accords. It's literally become about destroying the west. In that regard, I oppose them.

The best way to protect your environment is locally. Encourage and support small, but effective, actions via your city and county by which nature can be preserved and maintained. Even little things like a deposit on soda cans/bottles go a long way. Here in MI, we have a 0.10 bottle deposit. You rarely see cans or bottles litter.
I personally think, if California actually gave a shit about straws, they could have placed a 0.01 deposit on all disposable straws. The bums would become street cleaners as they searched everywhere for straws to return. 100 straws is a $1.00 that way. Throw in some cans and that's a meal (or a pint of liquor to stave off their alcohol withdrawals).

I like the sounds of this.

There is no evidence to support that belief.
Yes, by bringing them slightly back towards where they used to be. Look at historic CO2 levels, they were 5 times what they are now.
If there was such a feedback loop, it would have already caused the mythical catastrophe you globalist shills keep harping on. Because CO2 levels used to be 1500ppm+, and we're at 400.
Please explain how 400ppm CO2 causes coral to die, but 1500ppm was totally fine for them.
There has been no increase in any form of storms globally. That is simply an outright lie.

The global warming/climate change kikery exists for two purposes. To take attention away from real environmental issues like the others you mentioned. And of course as a weapon against white nations. It is just a way to make ignorant whites feel good about helping the environment while destroying their own nations, when they are actually hurting the environment not helping it.

That's partly because kikes moved all manufacturing there. A huge portion of that pollution is being created in order to provide useless consumer shit to the soulless husks of white people in white nations. We need to eliminate white dependence on jewish consumerism so that we no longer play a part in the destruction of our environment. Paying chinks to manufacture cheap plastic garbage for us does not absolve us of responsibility.

It isn't secret. The data is available. You simply choose not to look at it.

Nobody cares about you pretending to be retarded you worthless degenerate semen stain. Nobody thinks the hunk of rock is going to go anywhere. Everyone understands that concern about "the earth" means concern about keeping it in a condition which supports human life.

You won't get much joy here, unless you're all about being a cartoon nazi and play acting just as the ADL want the public to believe i.e. threatening to kill everyone (just not the jews) and then go full out 100% kosher conservative then you won't get much traction from this fashy based neocon jew supporting sector of the net

Good initiative OP
Will check out the board, but it will likely lose steam.
You could try making eco/pol/ threads instead should that happen, like the nation/pol/s.

There are a lot of retards when it comes to the environment on Zig Forums, they think somehow minimizing damage to our SOIL is leftist.
I really hope this catches on, removing kebab and saving the environment go hand in hand. Third-world countries are the most damaging to the environment.

Have a bump.

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I'll however try to help in making sure it doesn't of course, no sense being a defeatist faggot.

Never mind it's full of leftists.

Ecofascism is just fascism designed to target a specific audience. The conversation would start when they realize that fascists care about the environment. It would be a good opportunity for us to voice the glaring inequality in nature.

Does this have anything to do with sun spots? This could be a good thing because perhaps another ice age is needed to prevent overpopulation. Good thing we're white.

Keep kvetching kike.

Substantiate the existence of chemtrails before you talk about them causing droughts. You sound like a fucking lunatic right now. Oh, and capitalize nigger.

Whether or not climate change is bullshit, that still doesn't take away from the fact that fascists value the environment.

You are confusing (((them))) with the rest who actually do. Those lemmings who were tricked into hating whitey by falling against (((climate change))) can still be shown the light.
We know how to protect the environment but that is not the strong point of ecofascism. The strong point of ecofascism is its ability to target specific audiences that would otherwise be turned away from us. You could consider ecofascists as specialized green pill teams.

This is why we need ecofascism; to target specific audiences that would usually be turned away.

Read this post.

Trees before refugees, user.

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Go convince the lefty retards of that. They don't care about the environment, and never will. It is purely an issue for them to virtue signal with. Immigration and environmentalism are fundamentally opposed beliefs. You would have to be brain damaged to think they will pick the latter when forced to make a choice.

You see things in black and white too much. It is good to set the line straight but sometimes in the grey area is where you find the brightest minds. Fascism is the third position, after all.
I understand that there are many people who simply use environmentalism as a political tool, but there are many people who genuinely care about the environment. And besides, the green party/dem fracture is going to separate the wheat from the chaff for us.
I think you should reevaluate this viewpoint.

Are you retarded or just hard of reading? All those nobodies are in response to an idiot repeating the "the planet is fine it is people that are fucked" line. Do you seriously think that because fascism (which is stupid shit btw) is "the third position", that suddenly this is a controversial statement and there's actually people who think the planet is going to explode because of pollution, and so environmentalism is pointless? What kind of nuanced grey area are you hoping for here?

As for your green party nonsense, you're going to have to explain how you figure that works. A tiny number of leftists might vote for a different anti-white, anti-environment party instead of their usual anti-white, anti-environment party. What does this accomplish for us exactly and how?

provide a source. pls no shit tier blogspam.
Do you know the difference between carbon and carbon dioxide?

Deep Ecology Nazi reporting in. Will bookmark the board.

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We haven't got real space travel tech so we need to humanely dispose of waste population through mass starvation then once we have the global population to around 2 billion (1 billion whites) we can then look after mother earth (what's left of her) and try to reverse the damage
No fucking way it's happening before then though there it's just too many people

Only if you agree to come to MY board, /ifuckedyourmompol/. There we facilitate discussion on whether it still counts as cuckolding if your dad has already died from the shame of having sired you.

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The only thing more beautiful than lush rolling hills covered in swaying grass and deciduous trees is lush rolling hills covered in swaying grass and deciduous trees with a doublestack drilling rig in the middle.

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jej tbh


there are tens of us!

She's so beeyoudeeful. I lubs her wid all mie hart.

Wow, your board is full of retards that hate the environment and nature. Why did you think lefties would contribute anything positive to this?

they'd just subvert shit in order to push more poz and communism.
leftists routinely prove that they're not to be trusted with anything.
fuck off with your gay eco shit.
we can take care of the environment just fine.
all the left offers are emotional outbursts, propensity for lying and inability to meme.

Your board has already devolved into "Nazis are capitalists because you could buy coke! You are morally bankrupt because of the holocaust!111". You fail.

What about Native Americans?

Yeah just start eco threads on Zig Forums itself. No need to spread ourselves too thin so early on in getting this show started.

brainlet detected

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too pissed off to read your post OP.

Read it again



yeah not really. Most of the green-goons want all people dead and to "save the planet."

The planet doesn't need to be saved. It will be here long after we're gone.

Environmentalism has always been and will always be NatSoc. We have been given an Earth to take care of.

Global warming/climate change is complete bullshit, but pollution and contamination are not

Completely disingenuous D&C. Ecology seems to be an afterthought on that board. Don't know what I expected. Apparently environmentalism is just lip service to these commie faggots. Sad.

I see a lot how 3rd world shitholes make the enviorment shitty, but can some bother to show infograph's?

And evidence?

Global warming is a part of climate change, which has been going on for a long as the climate has existed. No-one knows just how much of an effect we've had on the climate, but it doesn't really matter how man-made this issue is because China alone emits more co2 today than the entire Earth did when the warming trend began. The communists who try to convince whites that not having kids is the only way to save the Earth are full of shit, of course.

(((WHO))) has data on air pollution. Not hard to find. Same with sanitation details. Ocean conservation groups track where plastic being dumped in the oceans comes from. 60% originating in 5 Asian countries; China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Infographs are out there, but so is the raw data.

but muh climate change, the public needz ta be charged cuz dey dunt pays enough taxes n fees already…
Meanwhile; "California Wildfires Emitted a Year's Worth of Car Pollution in Less Than a Week"
A Train to nowhere, but not enough desalination plants for water.
100K+ Prisoners but not enough chain-gangs digging fire breaks or fixing infrastructure. Leased form CAN super scoopers for the cost of buying them.
But dunt bringz straws ta Santa Barbara…
The Hypocrisy is amazing…
pic related; note private Jets of the Elite supersede commercial jets on the runway, remember that next time your flight is delayed, maybe check if there is an awards show going on before you fly…

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I'm thinking about volunteering for environmental/wildlife causes, what should I look for? I bet half of these "non-profits" are fraudulent

Push off, you lentil-eating hippy faggot.

Fuck, forgot to sage. Have one for good measure.

melissadata dot com/lookups/np.asp?zip=
You would be correct, they are all a sham.
Be a member of combined federal campaign.
Post financials and what they pay themselves (remember travel = non stop party)

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I've lost count to the many different kind of Zig Forumss even that this website has. Proper linking of your board should get you a few people, for about a month. It never works out.

No thanks.

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None of them do. Making up retarded nonsense doesn't make other people look dumb, it makes you look dumb.

Half the threads are just communist threads that have nothing to do with ecological issues.
And yet you ban people for not being communists.

We whites are having our population crunch, which is good for the environment and consumerism dropping. But of course the kikes with their agenda for world domination cannot let that pass, so flood our nation with non-whites to continually prop up our numbers, keep the consumption and damage going.




Kill yourself. Environmentalism is extremely racist and there's nothing you can do to change that.

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You clearly don’t belong here at all.

In a twist of events, Green's are actually Russian Hacker Nazi's.

Can someone make a not shit version of this?

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Just checked it out, it's just shit libs kvetching about how to get us to stop coming so it can be a safe space for them.