Unite the Right 2018
This is scheduled to occur August 11-August 12 in Washington DC at Lafayette Square, with counterprotesters saying they'll be at Freedom Plaza. I'm not advocating anyone go to it, but I am interested in how we can competently observe and take advantage of whatever happens. Does anyone know what realistic numerical estimates exist for this in comparison to Charlottesville last year? I'm wondering if we have time to try and organize some memes for the attendants to take advantage of. Popularizing the helicopter designation N31VA and the flight designation ERA17FA274 would be very useful, because too few people are aware that aerial footage exists which the public has been banned from seeing (sealed in court) and that the helicopter which took it crashed, with both occupants reported dead. It would also be popular to popularize an association between "Red Pump Kitchen" in Virginia with Right-Wing activism. Perhaps some reverse psych like "we love Hitler and Red Pump". The idea being to get idiot leftists to attack them and make them issue denials, put them in the spotlight, and naturally the fact that footage exists of the Challenger from their restaurant (which is sealed in court, not viewable by public, just like the N31VA footage from flight ERA 17 FA 274) would creep out under analysis.
3 days til Unite the Right 2
yep, this is surely not some controlled op meant to make whites look bad. No, not al all. We need to stop this cringy shit right now before the feds get their false flag yet again.
What do you mean by 'stop'? Dubs confirm controlled op, but we still need to correctly spin controlled ops in our favor. We should analyze possibilities for what may happen and how to manage them, and how to make the best by co-opting Spencer's baby.
That Dinesh D'Souza film actually exposed these faggots for who they are. Odd seeing boomers being useful.
Simple. They're paid actors by kike shitlibs to give antifags a reason to exist.
This seems as good a place as any.
I was banned from 4pol (no reason given) and they have an "appeal" on file, which they supposedly denied, though I did not make any kind of appeal. My ban is for 10 days. I am sure the psyop fuckfest is the reason, as my posts are far too lucid and meaningful.
This is it brothers, they are targeting us all.
There are obviously paid actors, but there are also some good people there for good reasons. I couldn't say what percentage. You're going to have paid actors at any kind of protest, we must simply accept this and make the best of it, just like we do on this board.
Post complaints like this somewhere more permanent, create a meta board or something, don't try to derail this.
they even have a "Watch Live" feed ready for Gloomtube
Jews even got a dot-com
Charlottesville only went to shit because the Police were under Leftist control and didn't do their jobs.
If the Police uphold law and order this time like they should then nothing bad will come of it.
Plus, since it is in D.C., any criminal act is a federal offense…
The place where they are going to march is like 45% black or something wasn't it?
Anyone who didn't get the message after that last shitshow is beyond hope. People forget though that Spencer had a campus speaking event in florida a month later and not even 15 people showed up. The entire movement is now complete actors and no legit people are getting caught up in it anymore. This event will be antifa beating the shit out of the paid actors and broadcast for weeks on end. Zero effect because no one will care.
Part of me wishes Patrick Little would go, controlled op event or not. It'd be interesting to see how some of them would react to the Jewish Question.
Such wasted dubs, are you basically just saying to hope for the best? Reminder that this is the mayor of Washington DC: en.wikipedia.org
Nothing at all happening and ignoring an opportunity to examine the problems of UTR1 would also be a problem. There should be a push for confusing-as-shit signs. Convince the casuals that "N31VA" is the next "1488", for example.
A march is never going to be complete actors. They wouldn't have a means of excluding genuine volunteers that I can see. Economically speaking it wouldn't make sense either, why would they pay for 1000 actors when they could pay for 500 and supplement it with 500 free volunteers? Legit people may not necessarily be wise/learned people.
Saying 'zero effect' sounds like a shill, UTR1 in 17 definitely has had effects on narrative, we need to be doing counterpropoganda.
Did you forget it was in DC? Did you forget that lefyshits can't be held accountable in DC?
where was eric clanton charged? The place of the offense that he was charged with
meh - CA
Incoming false flag, better be ready for a massive flood of shills on every side
Do I really need to point out that "let's discuss this upcoming event that the media will cover" is not the same as saying "let's trust the organizers' motives" or "all hail Kessler and Spencer"? IDGAF about these two, we still discuss false flag events, and it would do better to discuss them ahead of time than after when we will be buried in media responses.
Cameras will be on both the protest and the counter protest. We need to get word out somehow to the minority of non-actors who will attend and get them to plant proper memes out there, like N31VA / ERA17FA274 awareness. A photo of De-Andre Harris and his friend attacking that guy would also work. The idea should be to emphasize this as a 1-year-later protest of the problems which occurred in the protest the previous year, which is how it was initially advertised. To encourage that narrative and not the usual dumbasses carrying confederate flags and swastikas, which is usual generic inflammatory crap which doesn't stay on-message which is how freedom of speech and assembly was harmed.
I just don't believe 500-1000 will show up again. The aftermath of Spencer bitching out and not lifting a finger to help + that retard ramming his car into people + all the dirt dug on spencer and kessler = people wont be gun hoe to jump into this one. There's absolutely nothing to rally around this time either.
Had some for the first month, then the countless other mass shooting pushed all of it to the background. Once it came out that the cops forced everyone together, it just seemed all staged. This will be just as embarrassing as the proud fags vs antifa from a few days ago.
What part of Washington DC eluded you>
Shill, please go, driver of Challenger was obligated by law to ram them because it was a 1 way street and to stay still was suicide, and suicide is illegal.
Fuck off, cuckchan scum.
Once again jews and faggots go to battle with other jews and faggots, all in the name of censoring and denigrating white people.
I'll have popcorn and beer ready.
If we take this 'enjoy the collapse' attitude to everything we can't really steer change. Surely there's someone in the area planning to go who we could influence to carry certain meme posters? The question is how to tap them.
Checked and damn, this is some classic shit
What do you suggest? It's two groups funded by jews fighting each other on the streets so they have an excuse to crack down on white identity. All we can really do is enjoy the show and then afterwards refuse to acknowledge it. If they ask you to disavow it, demand they disavow black lives matter first.
So a bunch of Israel living magapedes are holding an event? Why is this anymore controlled op than any other average Trump shill on the internet? You're all the same fucking jew
What would happen if we got a bunch of SIEGEposting true radicals show up to beat up the magapedes AND the antifags?
Not trying to derail, but I won't push the issue here.
The core of both groups are funded by Jews, yes, but if the fundees start rejecting non-fundees who show up, it would look suspicious, so there would be non-fundees who can be tapped to potentially broadcast off-message memes. "Refuse to acknowledge" is not workable, you still acknowledge UTR'17, you simply acknowledge the truth (shill fundees) and do not agree with media narrative.
The Jew-funded core will certainly be the ones getting the permits, organizing the speaking, with the power to oust genuine right-wing people who show up with honest intentions. But they can't exercise that power too obviously or often or it would be too apparent the motives behind exclusion.
One strategy I expect is that the UTR group will be multifaceted: they will have the "rational" guys plus the "neonazi" plants, and then the "rational" guys will ask police to remove the neonazis… but this will also be an excuse to lump in anyone going off-message with self-avowed neonazis and ask the police to escort them off too. The media will only report on the total number of people apprehended by police and portray them ALL as neonazis, ignoring the genuine-messaged right-wing guys who are trying to get useful memes out there and not whatever nonsense that Spencer/Kessler want to focus on?
If you have too many genuine right-wing guys there though, it will become more difficult to ignore them and portray them as neonazis and lump it all together. It creates more potential for questioning by observers. They might take the bait and do it and expose themselves, or they might not in which case some decent memes can be put out there.
Let's discuss what decent memes we'd like to get out there if we could. If we can agree on those, we can then target local groups to co-opt the Jew fundees' work with proper messaging they can't oppose overtly without exposing themselves.
If you see a 400 lb ham-beast, get the fuck out of the way, because there just might be a staged (((road kill night))) heading near her way.
I wish I knew how we could motivate the niggers to beat up antifags. Even with Soros cash, it was really hard to get them riled up enough to chimpout much.
no "we" don't schlomo.
it's a free country and Kessler can go protest for gay feminist jew rights or whatever else he wants.
if anything this is why Republicans will get raped in the midterms.
5 eyes has nothing on 1488 eyes.
This isn't a bad idea, but just be very far away from the action. Make it obvious that you're observing rather than participating. Obviously stay away from any symbols that could identify you with one of the factions.
Someone has to be in a crowd for this to work.
If something happens, a triangular formation of cameras and audio recorders is more useful than a line.
Wooos don't count.
attend and document all the faces of the leftists your phone can fit on it
The only people that will be their are Feds and Antifa (feds).
Just as long as by Camera, you don't mean phone. The feds will be watching the area and monitoring all the phone users entering. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them then feed that info to their antifa friends.
The only thing any of this proves is that America is in deep shit. The Soviet Union 2.0.
If you want to protest, for the love of God don't use the date and location the government provides you with.
But why provide the opposition with exactly what they want? The media is likely salivating at the idea of these polo shirt wearing, torch bearing natzees showing up.
A burner is fine as long as you trash it after.
Proper cameras are better, but if you're tight on funds you can buy a burner and throw it at bums after you take out your SD card.
If anyone goes dress up like ANTIFA and record everything in case they try some shit.
When don't they try some shit user?
Best case is nothing but cricket sounds then all the (((actors))) will get doxxed later proving its just a pysop that dumb asses fell for.
Youth and skill will always be outdone by old age and treachery.
REMINDER: Predictive Programming
Freudian dyslexia:
Read that headline as
"Untie the Right".
Hopefully instead of one fat liberal cunt being killed with a car, the body count for this one is much, much higher.
I wonder which groups are going to show up? Atomwaffen offered to do security at the event but Kessler shunned them. Now when I went to the Daily Mail I saw that it was gonna be “400 Klansmen” that’ll show up. I also heard a rumor that Hammerskins were going to be doing security. Does anyone know? TRS distanced themselves from this rally, Andrew Anglin disavowed UTR 2, and many other movement leaders and groups have all disavowed kessler and his second unite the right rally. I don’t know of anyone other than Kessler who is promoting this rally.
Let's telegraph to our opponents where we're going to be engaging in our vapid, counter-productive grandstanding and hand them an opportunity to disrupt and infiltrate our organisations.
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this?
Here's Andrew Anglin's take on it, from his article on the daily stormer.
Official Daily Stormer Position: Don’t Go to “Unite the Right 2” – We Disavow
The whole attempt to turn the Alt-Right – which was essentially a cultural movement – into a street protest movement was the result of baiting by the Jewish media.
And it turned out to be a fucking disaster.
There were certainly good aspects to Charlottesville, and as an event, it was historically necessary. But all subsequent events following it have been horrible cringefests where the people still willing to go out on the streets at these planned events are simply further alienating the people who were previously energetic about the movement, further pushing our ideology – which is naturally mainstream and populist – into the realm of the lunatic fringe.
Everyone knows that there will be violence. Everyone knows this looks horrible in the media, that we look like ruffians, that it doesn’t matter who starts the fight we get blamed for it.
And look – by simply going to these events, we ARE responsible for violence, because we know there will be violence there.
What is the goal of this activity?
No one can explain that.
I have asked and asked, and the only thing that the defenders of this shit give is hollow and rhetorical “we have to show strength!” “we will control the streets!”
They do not explain how it will advance any single goal. And I am not even clear on what the goals of these people are. Matt Heimbach and the Traditionalist Worker Party – the main street antagonists in between Charlottesville and Heimbach getting arrested for beating his father-in-law and wife after it was discovered he was sleeping with his mother-in-law – appeared to vaguely have the goal of overthrowing the government somehow.
By fighting the military?
With this crew?
What the hell is this shit?
What are we even talking about?
You are not going to overthrow the government. That is kiddie shit to even talk about.
If you were going to overthrow the government, you would not do it by bringing out a few hundred guys on the street to throw a tantrum and fight antifa trannies.
There is no path from “a few hundred guys doing tantrum activism in the street while being outnumbered 5-to-1 and getting shouted down” to “rushing the Congress and seizing control of the government.”
This is just not the way reality works.
The only reasonable goal of a protest is to demonstrate popular support for a cause.
That is what the Tommy Robinson marches did. And that worked.
They have tens of thousands of people and a popular cause. Most people supported the basic cause of Tommy Robinson. While many people DO support whites maintaining a white society in America, no one supports neo-Nazi street-fighting.
Literally no one.
I think this shit is cringy as fuck and gay.
The armbands, man.
At least people who LARP DnD have some humor. And aren’t trying to hijack a popular political ideology and make it into a gigantic fucking circus show joke for the Jew media.
That is what these people are doing: making a massive joke of OUR revolution.
There will be a time for marches.
At some point, we will be out on the streets. That point is a long way off. That is going to be at a point where we can get as many people as Tommy got, which means that our issues have to be as popular as Tommy’s were.
Armband neo-Nazism is never going to be that popular.
These people are putting on a circus show for the kikes, making a mockery of people who actually care about the future of the white race.
Yes, I get that Heimbach is out of the picture.
I’m talking about Heimbach’s thing, and he’s obviously not going to be at this march.
I don’t know who is. But I assume is has to be these same types of people. After Charlottesville, and the doxings, and the lawsuits, the Heimbach type is the only type who would turn out to something like this.
And of course young kids who are being taken advantage of by people like Heimbach.
Here’s the thing, kids.
I want you each to be personally successful. I want you to get good jobs, have good lives, find women, be healthy.
I don’t want you to ruin your life by showing your face at a post-Charlottesville rally.
Everything is different now. This isn’t the same as the little demonstrations we did before Charlottesville.
PT 2
If you show up at this event, and you are identified, your life will be ruined. You won’t be able to get into a university or get a good job, you probably won’t be able to even get into a trade school or join a union.
You need to protect yourselves. You need to lay low. We need good, quality people involved in this thing if we are going to do what we want to do, and getting doxed as a neo-Nazi street fighter will ruin your life, forever. Forever. You don’t come back from that. Even if you are only a teenager, you are making a decision that have a very good chance of ruining your entire life.
Racial grievance marches are harmful to you, they are harmful to the movement, they are harmful to the long-term goals we have for our people.
Just don’t do it.
We have Stormer Books Clubs, where you can get together with other people who think like we do in real life. We protect each other, we maintain anonymity, we do activism that is safe, that doesn’t involve street-fighting. There are other groups doing things like this.
We cannot win a battle on the streets. We cannot win a protest movement organizational battle.
We are currently winning a culture war, and were long before the kike media tricked us into Charlottesville.
We need to remain in the realm of the hip, cool, sexy, fun. We need to speak to the culture. We do not want the image of being a bunch of weird losers who march around like assholes while completely outnumbered and get mocked by the entire planet.
That is exactly what you do not want. And basically, that is what the Alt-Right has become synonymous with post-Charlottesville.
I don’t even care anymore.
I want nothing to do with any of this faggot unironic “Neo-Nazi” streetfighting horseshit. It disgusts me – as it disgusts virtually everyone on the planet. It is fundamentally repulsive, on a visceral level.
Yes, I supported Charlottesville.
Just to be clear, I did support Charlottesville, and I am not trying to pretend as though I did not. Hindsight is 20/20. I don’t blame anyone for what happened there. None of us knew that the police were setting up a trap. None of us knew how many antifa would be there, and how the police would lead our guys into them.
I also didn’t understand that “neo-Nazism” would be a main theme of it. I thought we were going for a IE type look, rather than cringe.
To be fair, most guys did look bretty good.
But this Neo-Nazi shit man… you are not ever going to get anyone onboard with that. And it isn’t because “it’s too hardcore” – it’s because it’s cringy and try-hard fag shit.
These people are anti-social freaks. In the above picture, the guy on the right, “Commander” Jeff Hall, was murdered in his sleep by his 10-year-old son.
I want nothing to do with any of this shit.
But yeah, Charlottesville: I personally thought we would be able to give a few speeches in a park, show that yes, we are a real life movement, then go home.
Oh how young I was.
The purpose would have been simply to demonstrate that the Alt-Right is a real movement of real people. That was a clear, unambiguous purpose.
These post-Charlottesville marches have no purpose, other than to make anyone who supports white self-determination look like a fringe lunatic.
They are horribly destructive, and they need to stop.
I fully denounce this upcoming march in Washington, and encourage all of my readers to stay all the way away from it.
There is no imminent street-fighting revolution where we rally the troops to fight the military then do day of the rope. If you thought there was, that’s sad and I’m sorry for you. It must be like learning that Santa isn’t real.
But that is the reality.
Are we placing bets on how many the Jews kill this time
that's true but be honest about what you're saying here, you're selling people on cuckservativsm an ideology that has failed and has been failing for 60 years.
you may as well just be straight and tell people not to get involved in politics in any way shape or form and that they should just go to grave peacefully giving the left everything they want to avoid any difficulty.
If Trump followed your advice he should never have run for President or been anything different from Jeb!
Hopelessly enslaved. How did you even find Zig Forums?
Post WW2, the Western world is probably best defined as anarcho-tyranny, rules by a rootless cosmopolitan oligarchy. Since then, all remaining pockets of resistance have been destroyed or subverted. If we ever find a way out of this mess, our grandchildren will think us utterly insane and weak for having allowed it to get so far despite having every single means to resist it in the USA, but instead let every single opportunity pass us by until it gets co-opted or rendered ineffective.
Surely not a FED honeypot sting to gather info on otherwise anonymous people.
Gibs them enough pic related.
Staying quiet is not an option. Fighting back is not an option. What is there to do?
Well. It is possible to attend the event as a curious spectator.
Are masks going to be allowed at the event? If so, how about a few of our guys go looking like antifa and just start calling random leftists Nazis? Pit them against their own, and if things start getting ugly, just leave.
Or why not just do this at ANY event where leftist protesters show up? Just start calling them stupid names that they would call us (Nazi, fascist, racist) to completely random leftists. Some of them will mindlessly attack anyone who gets called a Nazi. Maybe we can get them to attack their own. Lol!
DC user here. I work for a consulting firm, and one of our clients is, you guessed it, WMATA, the organization that runs METRO, so I've heard a lot of buzz regarding the whole metro car fiasco for the event. People are shitting their pants and kvetching because WMATA blows dick and is notorious at fucking up everything they do, so they're so nervous they're tripping over themselves and something bad happening is 100% guaranteed.
Expect fireworks.
It is Washington DC. Other then a few upper crust areas for political scum, the city is almost all black. Maryland as a whole is crawling with the black plague.
Even back in the 1960s it was bad.One of rockwells flyers back in the day said
DC user again. Lafayette square is just north of the White House in down town DC, and very EXTREMELY few people live there, save for a few bars/restaurants the place is a ghost town at night. DC is overflowing with diversity hires, so there's a good amount of blacks, but theres nowhere close to 45% and very very few are ghetto or anything like that.
The Metro ride is the chance for a happening to occur. Its easy for nigs to hop on. A few years ago some drugged out nog jumped on the red line (probably the safest one) and stabbed a guy to death for his cell phone.
You know the old adage… around blacks…
On the bright side, maybe our central government will collapse USSR style, and we can set up White ethnostate(s)
I thought that there was a massive slum only a couple of blocks away from the white house?
Are you sure that there isn't more crime because of the near police state that capitol PD has (supposedly) set up?
Jason Kessler also said on GAB that he would never associate with "nazis" and how we need to respect other races or some libtard bullshit.
How do "we" stop the cringey shit when we're not the ones doing it?
The worst parts of DC are across the river to the south east in Prince George's county. Northeast also has some spotty areas once you get out to the border of the district itself. There are no real 'slums' in most of the district. Keep in mind that DC is undergoing MASSIVE and rapid development, so there is a healthy mixture of new and old buildings. Places that were not safe to go 10-20 years ago now have apartments, restaurants and all sorts of shit and are extremely safe. Shaw (north of downtown, just north of the convention center) is a very good example of this.
Police state is a bit of a stretch. Each (or at least most) federal institutions have their own police and as such their role is far more a 'guarding' capacity than anything else. The Capitol police are similar but they are in a few more areas, and they don't really patrol. They kind of just guard and 'reinforce' things. If you drive by the White House you're going to see dozens of cop cars hanging around, but its fairly normal driving down the streets and this is only very close to downtown. Once you get a few blocks out, its like any other city.
Thanks for the info.
Anglin is a massive faggot. IE is even worse. There's been a coordinated effort within the alt-right to suppress revolutionary National Socialism, and we all know why.
TWP had massive problems, of course, from Strasserite sympathies in their leadership, to "reformed" homosexuals in their ranks, but their organizational model was excellent. They were winning hearts and minds in Appalachia.
It's not the number so much as the plot and spectacle (from Aristotle's six elements, seeing as how this is a performance being composed for public consumption.)
In fact, I'd say too many deaths and it would put too much public pressure for the feds to investigate, which risks it getting btfo (think Las Vegas and why it wasn't a huge bloodbath despite being fish in a barrel: people have already let that slip from memory, yet, 2 decades later and they're still obsessing over 9/11; I'd say the kikes have learned their lesson on that one.)
tl;dr: more than the 3 from Charlottesville (1 landwhale + 2 skypigs), but less than 6.
Care to recommend a way an user could get into that profession?
It's not like I see ads for it.
Thanks in advance.
No one was killed.
Anglin is right though. How does prancing around pretending to be Hollywood Naught-sees accomplish anything for our People?
it's already happening and there's nothing we can currently do about it. bitching wont help - you'd be better off looking for something advantageous that can be dont from this point, like what OP said
your post serves only to potentially snuff any positive action that could be taken. you're more of a faggot than OP and probably an actual jew.
are you jewish as well? this is not any type of solution or plan of action. you're simply stating basic facts
good job
the entire internet is a honeypot, along with the vicinity of microphones that are in things like televisions and cellphones, which everybody has to have (((the latest version))) of. how could they not already have a bio and extensive data on every single person in america? remember the thread about the russian military and their cell phone shenanigans?
protip: instead of simply being a useless faggot who only wants to play dress up, actually talk about things like the federal reserve and jewish control of institutions and their agendas
To who? The screaming, hate obsessed antifa thugs?
The cops?
standard gay shit after (((weev))) got involved with the dailystormer
anglin has cucked out the hardest on the fucking planet
remember when he supported Atomwaffen, National Action, and Antipodean Resistance?
pepperidge farm remembers, wanglin, you fag
TWP wasn't perfect but it was a damn sight better and more along the correct pathway for creating a community that can successfully escape the (((Union))) than anything these alt kike faggots have cooked up.
to the " active white people who are clearly searching for a right wing movement to latch on to", or any other white people for that matter. obviously, nigger
Do you really believe that there are going to be any White people searching for a right wing movement to latch onto?
The only people who will be there who are not already pro-White are agent provocateurs, cops, and antifa.
Oh yes… and the jewish media. They'll be there to snap 6 million pictures and use all the ones where neonazis have their mouths open or their faces contorted in anger or spittle hanging off their lips or angry looks in their eyes.
jew retard. We all use cuckchan. it's our attack dog.We do the thinking, they do the sperging.
It still puzzles me why so many of you think an 'asian wife' would be some sort of benefit to your bloodline.
Also, why don't you exterminate bitches like this? Imagine how polite journalism would become.
Wasn't seth rich murdered in DC? Our guys need to stay the fuck away
Where’d she go
You fed her to the niggers
You disgust me, I called her