Documentary thread

Post your red pill docos here

I'll start with required watching:


Europa, the last battle

The jewish question

Alright faggots try not to shit this thread up replying to heebs for once.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'd dump everything but the mods will deleted it and this board soon enough. Matter of fact i'm having to use proxy right now.
Check /polarchive/ and /polpol/, tho there is no specific documentary thread

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This *thread

Who doesn't use a proxy on Zig Forums?

/r/requesting any redpills/caps/vids on the waco massacre

I believe this is the one I watched a couple of months ago.

Fun fact, the sniper who shot a mother holding a baby in the back was also involved in waco.

*During ruby ridge.

Waco was justified, only a dirty ratfaced pedo kike would support a group of child molesters and religious nuts.

Here's a few more:

The lobby

AIPAC, The israel lobby

Who's behind the race mixing agenda in advertising

I should be redtexting the titles… One sec gassing myself for shit formatting.

Hugely unprofessional and untrustworthy source for information. Maybe worth watching, but I advise anyone to take the interpretations in that doc with a fistful of salt. The most glaring falsity I can remember (because I argued with someone about it here) is the interpretation of Gandhi's letters to Hitler as being from one friend to another, with a stupid meme that shows a quote out of context being plastered on the screen, when in reality Gandhi's letters condemn Hitler for his actions. Also Gandhi called everyone "friend", effectively neutralizing the value of the word when used by him.

Anyway, what was the name of that long 911 documentary with the nice editing and music? It named the jew, too.

The Ryan Dawson one?

Here's one, I'll see if I can find the link to his pay per view one, that one's like 5 hours long, only watched a bit so far.

War by Deception

I don't know, is that one on his youtube page?

This one's a re-upload, the other one is 20 bucks but there's a link to it on or, looking for it atm.

Right on.

well thats just it mate … no one talks about who they did it to.

they talk about WHAT THEY DID. Which is say fuck a trial , lets just burn them all down.

Your moral position doesnt matter here, the simple question is. If you dont like someone are you willing to throw out due process.

It show that texas is a warzone and the police are a fighting force in a war with the public. You beome a terror threat they kill you. They dont need a trial. It is war.

Im not even disagreeing with you but understand the coverup wasnt because people didnt think those people we a bunch of crazies. Its covered up because even the normies would be scared shitless if they thought the police force could do this and have no repercussions.

Located the name: the empire unmasked. Searching for sources, might need to switch search engines.

Gonna try to upload it myself. Might take a while.

Appreciate it. That name doesn't sound familiar, so I don't think it's the one I'm thinking of, but Ryan does thorough work.

Found it.

pedos like you who have shit to hide

Yeah, that's not the one I'm thinking of, it had very little talking, and had slick presentation with catchy ominous electronic music. Probably not 5 hours either. Thanks, though.

yawwnnn, when will you niggers learn to corrorbate SOURCES?

NP, if you got anything more to go on I can try to find it but that's not exactly ringing any bells by itself.

Watching this atm. Seems pretty good.

The Rothschild Empire - The True Leaders of The Planet Earth

schizo alert

I know the name started with "911 - ", but I don't remember the subtitle. Believe it had "israel" in it, as the focus was on Israel's involvement.

Well if you're looking into 9/11 or want some redpills to drop, try Christopher Bollyn.

I feel like it's a psyop to steal Bill Still's Money Masters and reupload it with this conspiratard title


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it was rumored the scandinavian 'gender institute' was shut down because of it, though the #aftermath section of the series' wikipedia page is currently removed.

The Eternal Jew

The film consists of feature and documentary footage combined with materials filmed shortly after the Nazi occupation of Poland. At this time Poland's Jewish population was about three million, roughly ten percent of the total population.

The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people.

You're replying to a jew. Learn to spot them better.

Clinton Cash is an investigation of the foreign benefactors of Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being “dead broke” after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million, with $2 billion in donations to their foundation.

How do I embed a youtube link?

Bottom of the post box, [▶ Show post options & limits]

Just saw clinton cash the other day. The comments on youtube are pretty good.

To be honest, all the US inspected camps are in Germany/ Western Europe, while death camps are in Poland (Stutthof is technically in Poland but it was effectively a German territory). It would make sense to me that Germans would build death camps there, and not on thir own soil, to dissociate themselves from genocide and blame it on the Poles (which they try to do to this day together with the Jews)

Yea, I just watched it yesterday. Mindblowing. I learned that HRC didn't give Russia 20% of our Uranium. Hillary gave Russia control over 20% of our Uranium production. Russia now have control over the Uranium market which is what they were aiming for.

She signed off on it along with many others. But her and her foundation directly benefited greatly.

Then this report

Hillary Clinton went right to work at bringing Russia and US together by selling them "Military Technology" in a deal wear her foundation made tens of millions and the American people got NOTHING in return.

by Hillary Clinton substantially enhanced the Russian military’s technological capabilities, according to both the FBI and the U.S. Army.
disclosures, his membership on the board of this offshore company

Seems this stuff has gone down the memory hole.

That's such an understatement. That subversive documentary was one of my biggest redpills on lolbergs the aut-kike in general, at one point it "refutes" Talmud quotes while there's a muted video of rabbis confirming the same ones used as the backdrop. He also denies jewish ritual murder, the fact that the Mossad did 9/11, and ends it with a screed about how BASED and right-wing Israel is.

The Jew will defend their obvious lies until the REAL Holocaust finally happens.

The Panama Deception is awesome. The very paradigm for US regime change. Pure Bush evil

Waco; Rules of Engagement
Pure Clinton evil

Obstruction of Justice; The Mena Connection
Pure Bush/Clinton evil

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/r/ing The Magnitsky Act Behind the Scenes and also "Trump's Zionist Ball and Chain" by Ryan Dawson without paywall.

USS Liberty: Dead in the Water
a ton of well sourced excellent quality holohoax documentaries

History is basically just one big grab basket of cherry picked events for literally everyone. Even mainstream History is plagued with this - of course you may not notice it if you read actual History books with sources and all because like most people you're probably buying books you're told to buy that meet a teachers bias - or you're buying one on your own to confirm one.

Either way - History is really all about what you find the most plausible in events with conflicting primary sources, just like your every day life. And so an appeal to authority here is pretty bad.

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Good suggestion. All episodes avaliable via this link:

the most rational thing i have read on this imageboard in ages

Who’s dumb enough to think that still protects them? There is only two methods to be invisible on the internet, and I am not sharing.

Not only that but let's be real here folks - while many of us here may be on some list. How big is the list? How many people are tasked with keeping track of the list? Do you know how many people a number as small as a million would be? In any service job you've ever had - did you really serve a million customers?

Hiding in plain sight. Now that's not to say go hog wild but please don't forget logistics before your enemy does.

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Auschwitz was fully inside claimed Reich territory. I believe it was Silesia.

Pic related.

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I was able to download 1-9 but 10 won't work no matter what I do. Anyone know of an easy way to get it? Or a downloadable souce?

60 minutes, 16minutes on london's radical leftists in kids' education doing shit like rewriting stories with boys and white horses to girls with black horses

Back. Getting on the requests asap.

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Anyone have that doc that talks about the history of advertising? Talks about Betty Crocker in the 1950s.

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The one that goes into the freudian connection and the smoking/feminism incident?

Propaganda by edward L bernays covers that if that's what you're thinking of. That's on my other HD.

The last white hope. The war on drugs. This movie is the best way to open up normies to red pilling. Its the tastiest red pill of them all for the normies because they can still feel somewhat comfortable when they keep some of their sjw platitudes. It is the first time they can really say "my government doesnt serve me.. they treat people like cattle"

Holy shit they do not want the goyim having that maginsky doco. Found it. 2 sources.

It's been removed from the bitchute tracker itself but there's still peer to peer file access. This makes downloading a problem. Currently working on it. Might take a while.

Here's the fullscreen, just f11 it. Still can't work around this bullshit.

Have a magnet link

Cheers. I still need to learn how to fuck with webtorrent crap.

Fully DLed, seeding now. Will leave it seeding from now on.

That's one of his books. The Bernays documentary is "The Century of the Self." Bernays is interesting because he's very self-aware about how kikeish advertising is. He'll flat out tell you in Propaganda that democracy doesn't work because he who controls the media controls the vote.

Saw that being recommended when I was looking for the audiobook. Might watch after this.

Oh yeah, I might put up some of my "moonman reads" tommorrow or the day after. I took PDFs and converted them to audiobooks. I believe I have propaganda. And siege by james mason just for the meme value.

If you want to forever destroy the Charitable Missions to Africa, arrange a screening of this film to a church group. It is brutal on the eyes and stomping to the commie mind so hard even the normiest nermalfag will have it spelled out for them.
Gentlemen, I present: Africa, Addio!

saged for off topic
At least explain to him what he should be looking for in 'jew spotting'. Look for anyone who is trying to foist the blame for their own dirty deeds and murders backwards onto the European people. For example there was a pro rape thread on Zig Forums a little while ago where the people on the thread were seeking to justify raping (torturing and destroying our women) via rape. The jew loves it when our people are injured hurt and murdered (preferably tortured first because he is your eternal and mortal enemy).

So anytime you see someone sliding their guilt onto a European, you pretty much know that it is a jew or zionist CIA. They can't operate any differently than this because anything less is support of us and damaging to the war they are waging against our people. So, in the example above we have a filthy fucking KIKE POS saying that the actions of burning our people to death and using military terror is JUSTIFIED (without evidence) to cover their own CRIMES against humanity. {shrug} this is literally all they have…same ol same ol over and over and over…they can only package it in different packages.

Here is one (low level psyop) now watch, with only a few words he targets anyone who attacks jews with a false claim of mental illness…he DOESN'T attack the real perpetrators of the CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY 'the rothschild kikes' who are holding the entire planet in chains of slavery. He targets the user who posted a video that isn't even his by calling him a schizo (this is what happens also when you allow JEWS to define mental fitness; like letting the fox guard the henhouse, they will define ALL of their enemies as 'mentally defective' according to their own agenda; basically you can't take news or information from your enemies and expect to survive or thrive). This ability to slide blame onto Europeans is their only way to survive and control us, the moment it slips and we are able to CLEARLY SEE, NO GUILT NO BLAME who is really genociding us, is the day of their DOOM.

Here is another one slightly more complex.
So, we both know that the war was PLANNED, FINANCED and that both sides were operated and both betrayed by the jews in separate measure, correct? But here we have one trying to distance the REAL TRAITORS TO HUMANITY and MURDERERS OF THE EARTH AND ALL LIFE ON IT buy fostering the idea not THAT THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT ALL but that somehow this was the idea of 'germans' vs 'poles'. So another slide tactic of the jew to shelter themselves and place the blame on EUROPEANS for their massacring of us as ZIONISTS embedded within our governments working out their own agenda against our people. THis is why I tell you OVER AND OVER THAT YOU MUST HAVE SOME STANDARDS. Every person in your 'government' and 'nobility' is a jew or zionist. They murdered your nobles and took over the positions of governance for their own. NONE OF THEM REPRESENT YOU, they are all agents of your ETERNAL ENEMY.

Anyway…it is all over this entire site.

tl;dr That is what you are looking for…anyone refusing to acknowledge the jew role in torture, murder and sedition or planned murder genocide both large and small by shoving the guilt for their crimes onto Europeans. We actually need a thread for this…you know just to catalog their technique so that people can begin to really see it and spot it in their day to day life.

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Moonman reading redpills? That's fucking genius, user.

Understanding Antisemitism: Why Do Some people Dislike Jews?

The incomplete "free" version on jewgle video was one of my first redpills.

What World-famous Men have said About the Jews

Carts of Darkness: A documentary about the aryan spirit still aflickr in the hearts of downandouts: shoppingcart racing with homeless whites.

Hard drive is set up for transfer, will start dumping my shit tommorrow including the moonman reads series. Can't remember how many I made but I recall making a text document describing the settings.

princes of the yen.

about how they fucked over japan.
it will really help you, if you had any doubt, what they mean when neocon politicians and big bankers mean when they say that your country needs "reforms".

sounds cool, thanks my dude

so pedos who have things to hide don't use proxies? Also what's with this orwellian "nothing to hide/nothing to fear" routine, I thought we matured past this idiocy awhile ago

A Conversation About Race. It even has an IMDB page and is currently rated 7.7. No reviews though. I think that score needs bumping up and a few reviews added.

The entire Norwegian Hjernevask (Brainwash) documentary series

Looking for a High IQ Black Population

Full lecture is this link

anyone got any good ukraine civil war stuff?

Let's also keep in mind that those events that are cherry picked are done so in order to shape the future as well. Didn't know "Judea" declared war on Germany first? Owned all press? Banks wouldn't loan to Germans? Ah, well now you have no historical context which enables you to see that the same exact thing is happening today. But you you DO know if you stumble upon these (((coincidences))) you are a Holocaust condoning anti-semite, because history certainly teaches THAT.

I'd recommend audiobooks but I'm not sure they'd count. Maybe >>>/pdfs/ but ehhh

Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany

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In German

Sencha MacRae does podcasts with imagery in the broadcasts on many topics:


