"the final solution to the world’s Jewish problem that Hitler left unfinished, Zionism will complete."

"the final solution to the world’s Jewish problem that Hitler left unfinished, Zionism will complete."
Yes this is a lefty site, but I am starting to think jew woke commieniggas might be turnable, or at least enemies of our enemies.



Zizek is a smart guy. Read on him, watch his films, watch his interviews, imagine being able take that message and add it to race realism.
He is also genuinely attacked by MSM, in the same way that FOX attacks race realist.


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Chapo Brooklyn Brownstone
look it up

Actual working class are turnable. If you've ever spent time on Zig Forums you'd realize they're all trustfund trannies who jerk off over the death of whites. This is true of almost all communists you meet online, and also most you'll meet irl. Trying to turn them will be fruitless since the majority of them are just drug addicted idiots who like LARPing as revolutionaries but don't really care to change the fundamentals of society.

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nah Im not a shill, i dont need to fund jews to know that they are subversive. But shills like you actually enjoy your existence of having to gobble the balls of these deamons

they work both sides, this is a known trick so you trying to state it as some sort evidence shows how naive you are and that most likely this is a shill post



The solution is simple,NO MORE JEWS.First rip them from all positions outlaw and destroy all their work toward subverting the goy and send them to israel while cutting off all funding and let the muslims swallow them or at least make their existence a living hell before they are finally genocide and cursed for all time as a disgusting subversive race of inbreeding that needed to be exterminated.

Žižek is mumbling incoherent mess of just jammering around marxist ideas. There is no preposition, argument and finishing idea with synopsis, he just rambles on and think everyone is on page with him because he uses colorful language.

Most leftists are entertained by his word salad and some even understanf what he is talking about, but to me, between those sniffels and nose grabbing, I hear only "you know" and few rehearsed lines and thoughts. No actual arguments.

so much projection Freud would be proud

Here's a simple solution for you, get out of mom's place first then ramble about the international jewish order that is mostly run by the chinese nowadays anyhow

kike spotted shit teir slider thread

it was muh chinks goy

save it moishe

go back to israel get in a bathtub and slit your wrists in a downward motion following the veins not cross wise we wouldn't want you to fail you rat fuck.Oh leave a note write

jews are not white

Projection? I'm posting /trannypol/s own words.

Uncle knew this, which is why he focused on German workers. He knew pseudo-intellectuals were completely useless to the cause.

But look at his face. That's a serious face, so he has to be a genius.

Solid strategy. Pincer Attack. From both sides. If they are marxist find out if they have read his views on the jewish question and if they support them. From what I recall Marx thought capitalist Jews were the bane of society, but were they any better people under Communism? Would they support Communism if mostly Jewish people control it? If not, how to prevent this?

I mean, he has a beard. Every smart person has a beard.

just torrent it?

That is the point of Zionism. To start the actual Holocaust(burnt offering) of the World. Zion is not a physical place.
If you dumb leftists drones only knew who are you fighting for you'd be amazed how stupid you really are.

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He's not smart. Smart people present solutions. He's simply good at deconstruction *sniff* and the purple prose to make it seem sensible. He has, to my knowledge, never thought up anything positive.


Pure Jeanyus

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Fuck off. Striker wrote an article for the Daily Stormer where he said that celebrating the Latvian SS veterans is bad because it "inflames Russophobia". It's just another alt-right trick.

Why do they love putin so much? Don't they know that he throws actual Russian (racial) nationalists in jail?

shlp shlp shlpttts slhpssss slhpsss slffffsshhhfsshhhhhh

The average jew probably is turnable because their primary reason for existence is as a shield for upper class jews.
They protect said jews from retribution for their actions by providing an easier target for the populace of the host nation to vent their rage upon.

You see, goy, those are just Zionist agitators trying to cause trouble, which is why Jewtin outlawing Holohoax denial was actually brilliant 88D chess to fight Zionist imperialism.

Also, the Azov Battalion isn't a nationalist paramilitary trying to make the best of a bad political situation, they're literally a Mossad psyop to fight based fashy Russia.

Zizek is right on many issues, that is not to say he's as explicitly redpilled as you guys would want him to be. These two are different.




While you are right, good luck convincing them of that. The only people more brainwashed than boomer cucks are actual middle class Jews.

The problem is they're dependent on the social structures the jewish upper class builds for them.
Now I will confess to being impressed that the Jews have maintained themselves as a race and distinct cultural group all this time without a homeland. I'd even go so far as to say theres a lot for us to learn from them on that front.
But we'll never be able to turn them so long as said structures remain intact.

Important first steps would be banning non-medical circumcision and kosher/halal slaughter.

The guy is a perverted commie coke head. And exceptionally good at brainwashing since he knows how to pull you in and then do his dialectic thing.
Stop listening to him.

Debatable, they are generally quite mongrelized.
White diaspora wont work. The reason why the jewish diaspora works is because they blend in with whites. If we are forced to go into diaspora because of demographic conditions, who will we blend in with? No one.
Why would they want to get rid of a system that they profit from?

zizek is a retard with a speech impediment. If he had anything worthwhile to say, he wouldn't be the darling of the MSM that he is, they'd hate him more than alex jones

ziek is a retard. he's a postmodern dipshit that the jews pass off as a philosopher. That said, there is something important here to note. Zizek is saying that zionists will slaughter jews. Why? Because the jews see the split in the kike community over globalism vs zionism.

For those of you that aren't memsoc larpers, this highlights an opportunity- stoke the fears of the globalist jews that the zionist jews will gas them all. the jews can be turned against each other. This is the reality so many figures on the right (tommy robinson, for example) understand. Supporting israel is opposing globalism. We need to meme terror of zionism into the hearts of globalist jews and get one half of the jews to gas the other.

This will be easy because terror by globalist jews is justified. Israel will kill every last one of them before submitting to their globalism. And Jews in Israel know that Jews in the West are responsible for the generations of terrorism from palkestinians. this is a powderkeg.

I wanna see what happens when all jews are gone from earth, just because, why not try it?

Trying to force this cock into the limelight. again.

Zizek hates pomosexuality.

He's a continental philosopher in the vein of Lacan, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Debord, Deleuze, Derrida and Heidegger.

There are masses of Zig Forumsacks who used to be commies. Why do you think Zig Forums shoah's any anti-jew posting so rapidly? Commies are the easiest to convert:
Already anti-capitalist, often anti-globalist (corporate tyranny POV), already seeking revolution, already hate banks etc.

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I did not know that.