China: jews Control USA; jews Build Diversity Colleges in China in Response

The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?
''Prof. Xu Xin’s Institute of Jewish and Israel Studies at Nanjing University seeks to establish Chinese scholarship on Jews
By Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore
March 27, 2014 • 12:00 AM''

 >“Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked one Chinese newsweekly headline in 2009. The factoids are doled out in such articles and in books about Jews in China—for example: “The world’s wealth is in Americans’ pockets; Americans are in Jews’ pockets". In China, where Jews are widely perceived as clever and accomplished, they are meant as compliments. Scan the shelves in any bookstore in China and you are likely to find best-selling self-help books based on Jewish knowledge. Most focus on how to make cash. Titles range from 101 Money Earning Secrets From Jews’ Notebooks to Learn To Make Money With the Jews.

>I recently traveled to the former imperial capital of Nanjing to spend the day with Prof. Xu Xin, director of the Diane and Guilford Glazer Institute of Jewish and Israel Studies at Nanjing University. He woefully conceded that many Chinese believe the Jews to be “smart, rich, and very cunning.” Just before my visit to Nanjing, the Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao made international headlines by publicly announcing his ambitions to buy the New York Times and later the Wall Street Journal. In a TV interview he explained that he would be an ideal newspaper magnate because “I am very good at working with Jews”—who, he said, controlled the media.

>Xu, the 65-year-old pioneer of Jewish studies in China has made it his life’s pursuit to present a more nuanced view of the Jewish race and religion to his countrymen. To this end he launched the Institute of Jewish Studies in 1992, the first of its kind in Chinese higher education.

>Today there are more than half a dozen similar programs across the country, many started by Xu’s former students. In Nanjing, Judaica courses—from Ancient Jewish History to Rabbinic Literature to Holocaust Studies—have proved popular.

>The institute is funded largely by foreign Jewish donors, who have their own interest in seeing portrayals of Judaism propagated in a more balanced way. “Hatred and intolerance are bred in ignorance,” the executive director of the China Judaic Studies Association, Beverly Friend, a patron of the institute, wrote to me in an email. “The institute provides knowledge.”

>As China began to open up again to the West, Xu read Western literature, which had been banned under Mao. He’d soon realized that his favorite writers—J.D. Salinger, Saul Bellow, Philip Roth—were Jewish (today, many of their works are translated into Chinese and studied by college and graduate students in China). As psychology became popular, Xu delved into Freud; he also held immense respect for Henry Kissinger, who orchestrated the start of American relations with China. Like Salinger, Bellow, Freud, and the godfather of Communism Karl Marx, Kissinger was a Jew. “He was a refugee and an immigrant to the U.S., but within 20 years he had made his way to become secretary of State. How come?” Xu wondered.

>Jews likely first arrived in China via the Silk Road almost 1,000 years ago. In the mid-19th century, following the Opium Wars, Iraqi Jews settled alongside British traders in Shanghai, where many made their fortunes. China later accepted Jews taking flight from Russia, who made their homes in the bleak snowy landscapes of northern Harbin. In World War II, tens of thousands of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany flooded Shanghai: Most left for Australia, America, or Israel when the Communists gained power in 1949.

>Chinese state media has long championed positive portrayals of the Jews, in part because Judaism. (China’s own Jewish population, the Kaifeng Jews, have being almost completely assimilated.) High-profile Jewish figures in the Chinese Communist Party’s own history include Sidney Rittenberg, the first American citizen to join the party, and the journalist Israel Epstein, whose funeral was attended by former Chinese President Hu Jintao and former Premier Wen Jiabao.

The article ends with a case study of a Chinese student, which showcases the type of indoctrination going on there. Truly "Tablet’s unique brand of Jewish journalism."

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Asia is done for. (((They))) know when whites are gone that Asians are the next most dangerous foe to their grand scheme to rule over the plant.

According to OP(and what we all know), China is currently and has been in bed with jews this whole time. Chinese are yellow jews with less subversive ability and more direct soullessness.
Why would they allow China to print these articles unless it is to set the West against the Chinks in a crusade against antisemitism?
China will be a haven for the Jews, the Chinks already act like them. The cycle will continue unless we Europeans and the Japanese break it.

asians are just jews with a yellower face and they need to learn some English talk I rest my case
t. Moon Man

Someone needs to translate and send this on to every single neocon jew supporting spastic that plagues this site

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I sure do wish Trump would declare war on them already so I can put all their gold bars to better use making more niggers.

Never miss a chance to use this pic.

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The Jew is greedy and refuses to share. China is heavily kiked that much is true since they read the Talmud and use it like the Art of War. Their can only be one Chosen parasite and the rest are goyim for the slaughter. The reasons Jews fear the Chinese is exclusively because of how soulless Chink are. Jews will bleed a goy dry without a moments thought but officially they're not supposed to Jew each other (though they still do and only kvetch when they get caught). The Chinese will Jew and Ching-Chong everyone, especially their own in their hunger for power. So the Kike recreated the Chink in their own image and the Chink bore ungodly fruit. Now they're both vying to be the biggest and only worm in the garden.

It is notable how they never speak of how wonderfully the chinese communist revolution 'worked out' for them; only the decimation of the Russian and German people. Astute observation.

No wonder the nips hated the Chinese so much. Forget the gas; get the napalm.

Good, let them fight each other.

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They even stole jewsweek? kek

Doesn't this article say it all? The chinkikes are one and the same and should be exterminated like the parasite and insect infestation they are. Their working together explains all that is happening recently.

Chinese are nationalistic af. They were nice to kikes when they needed money and to fuck with America. Also weapons. Today, there's not much there and the jew is losing.

I hear Zyklon B was an insecticide, I bet it works great on chinks as well as it does on, as Kaiser Wilhelm II calls the Jews, "bad insects".

Yeah right. All these insects care about is money. They already treat thier pun population like garbage

I guess this means communism is based

Did you even read the article, you fucking retard? The chinks and kikes are literally WORKING TOGETHER.

Lol literally the same Basra Jews as the Saudi royal family

You really do live in a 60s era US cold-war propaganda world, don't you?


While this philosemite admires and seeks to imitate jewish control of the west he will be called antisemitic for openly stating that jews control the west. Bizarre isn't it?

Looks like this gook got his wish with that anti-white gook leading the charge against whites at NYT. They really are in it together.

Contemporary China is rules by a Jewish Ideology.

These chinks have always had a jewish mentality and culture. Just think about it, every stereotype about jews you can apply equally on these chinks. I wouldn't be surprised if chinks themselves are a lost tribe of kikes, after all they went east did they not?

I've heard that Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping's Anti-Corruption Campaign was largely a struggle against the power clique controlled by Jiang Zemin (the one in your photo). Jiang was supposedly a kind of Chinese Yeltsin. China is considerably more difficult to fuck over than Russia however.

Feinstein said she was Chinese in a past life.

Suprised me if khazars will ever like China or verse versa…

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The only target we need to give as shit about is Israel. China wants to exploit the US through slave laboring their own dinks into the dirt, but the Jew will never lift a finger in labor.

Don't be fooled by this. The Jew feels the heat and is trying to turn US on China and Russia so they avoid the spotlight in Israel.

Israel must go along with every hell-spawn that slithered from there into the world. Once we glass Israel, all this other shit will sort itself out. Chinks will go back to Chinkland. Niggers will go back to playing in the mud and Caucasians can go back to inventing new and awesome shit.

The automobile hadn't seen any significant improvement until Musk (not a jew) came along and put 100 million or more of his own cash into changing things. He's basically on the verge of bankruptcy now and the (((press))) sabotages his businesses at every opportunity. Except Space-X (for now) because the satan-tribe wants their all-seeing eyes in the sky.

Israel and the Jews need to be cleansed of this earth in a manner that ensures their disease won't contaminate us. Hermetically sealed chambers and gas is a good start. They always project.


They’ll all run to the US and Europe. We’re not safe until the Jewish identity and people are completely destroyed.

Fuck off bug, we're fumigating you too.

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What I love about you commies is how you guys don't even know the basic difference between a political ideology and an economic system.
What is more, it's your own.

China is as communist now as it was in the 50'.

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Undeserved dubs.
Kikes are not people.

If they keep outjewing themselves while jewing other jews and chinks, I swear to KEK Dr. William Luther Pierce III will rise again so he can make The Turner Diaries into reality.

My eyes burn from the glow

1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre
The mainland rightfully belongs to Taiwan, the Communist Government is illegitimate!
I hate Jews, but I have a special kind of hatred for Chinks

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Same. I would rather work with the Japs while gassing gooks.
t Hongkongfag

White-foot Luther is not coming back. Chinese Nazism is coming to gas the muds and kikes. Just watch.

Matzah burners gets the oven too.

Shoot em.

Remember to post this in shill threads dumped by the Eternal Loo

डच Dutch इंडिया 1605-1825
डेनिश Danish भारत 1620-1869
फ्रांसीसी French भारत 1668-1954
पुर्तगाली Portuguese भारत 1505-1961
कासा दा Casa da इंडिया 1434-1833
पुर्तगाली ईस्ट इंडिया Portuguese East कंपनी Company 1628-1633
ब्रिटिश British भारत 1612-1947
रूसी Russian भारत 1948-1991
इज़राइली Israeli इंडिया 1991-2018
अक्साई चिन 1962

I think it's a mistake to say the Chinese have a single mentality, and that mentality is Jewish. Even though they arr rook same and have largely been assimilated into a single culture, they have a population larger than Europe and 3 different major haplogroups. The current Chinese state idealizes the Jews because it formed and evolved with a Jewish backbone, and because of that it's easier for the most Jewish of Chinese to gain power.