Bullying, death threats and violence: German schools grapple with a string of anti-Semitic incidents

BERLIN - "Should I tell my students?"

Jewish teachers in Germany's public schools are grappling with the question of whether it is safe and appropriate to reveal their identity amid a rise in anti-Semitic incidents in the nation's schools.

"It took me a while until I had the self-confidence to tell people," said 41-year old school teacher Michal Schwartze, who worried early on in her career that she could be seen as biased as she teaches history and politics. Eventually Schwartze decided that she couldn't hide her Jewish perspectives and personal activism against racism and discrimination. "I think it's important to take a position, and to be explicit about my stance," she said.

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So Muslim privilege actually trumps Jewish privilege.

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Did some German men escape the purge?

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moar liek "Pro human"

Like they don't already know you're a fucking kike.

Why does anime hurt weak people's sensibilities so much?

sage de·gen·er·ate
adjective: degenerate

having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.

"Should I tell my students?"

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This is the sound a civilization makes as it dies.

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The same thought occurred to me. If their "students" (ie. 20-year-old muz pretending to be kids) know what they're about, they'll sniff them out quickly without having to be told.

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>the muslims are attacking us (((white people)))

British chink dies to French sandnigger, top kek

Noone mentiones the last name with that picture.
>his last name is a man

Isn't there a nice attic where we can put her temporarily, before she has her final shower?

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Exterminate them.

Firstly, anyone seeing that name should realize that it's jewish.
Secondly, it's not personal activism, but collective

Debasement of language with every breath a jew takes.
Just shows that there's more effort required in teaching the art of spotting jews.

It's like anuda kristallnacht!

I love how jewish tricks backfire at them again.

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"My students are being anti-semetic!"
"Im afraid they might think I hold bias because Im jewish and teach history and politics!"
"Im going to go public about my bias because I cant let these kids lynch me!"
Wtf is going on? I really dont understand how in the fuck the "masses" read this shit and dont put 2 and 2 together


Several thousands, bottom up and top down tactics just make it seem like theyre the minority, Germany will be saved as will france, england, hungary, poland, sweden, and all of europe. Ends justify the means.

Pretty much this, pincer attack by their 2 enemies

not xe? wtf?

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guys, keep in mind that a lot of jews, not necessarily the religious ones, are happy about this kind of things, just like they were happy about hitler. for them all kikes should move to pissrael.

May the muslim germans kill all the jewish germans.

Like jews target blacks in america to hate whitey so should germans target muslims to redpill about jews. Write in turkish or other muslim language posters about how to recognize jewish names and about the history of the jews

It's a sample you morons. Usually called Hans Mustermann in Germany.

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It's not like these rat-faced abominations are hard to spot.

did micheal schwartze actually think people didnt know he is a jew?

Stop being Islamophobic, Juden : ^)

I see nothing wrong here. Carry on, part and parcel.

jewry is genetic, fucktard. Religion is a smokescreen to throw moralfags off the scent.
Do you know where you are? Zig Forums is where we eat holocausts for snacks.
Go back to >>>/plebbit/ or whatever swamp you spored from and turn in your shill card. You are an absolute failure.