Well lads, the democrats are fucking themselves again and it's time to capitalize.
BACKGROUND The Democrats are now attacking the Green party to attempt to force the Greens to vote Democrat, OPERATION PARAMETERS fire up the meme cannons and help the democrats out. We'll help them until the Greens feel the same way about the Dems that the bernouts did in 2016. We'll ratchet up the rhetoric directed at the Greens. We'll write tweets suggesting they are committing treason. We'll ridicule them and threaten them with violence, all in the name of the democrat party. By the time the midterms roll around, the Greens will be more receptive to 1488 than they will be to democrats. We'll make it so that the greens are the deciding factor in giving the win to the right in close races
Also, since we are the jews now and jews always control both sides of a conflict, we'll also generate pro-green memes. Memes with the gist of "if you don't stop fucking with us, we'll vote republicans" or other memes highlighting the hypocrisy of the dems on environmental issues.
What do you think lads, do we have an acceptable op or what?
Don't we want them to vote green and split the democratic base up?
Adam Turner
I would first advocate for the existance of Albino Shepherds and their Aryan White puppies. The albino German Shepherd was the original shepherd before da j00s bred it to death with inferior brown and black shepherds. They hunted down coons and pussies like their ancient owners.
It's time to fight for their right to reproduce and make even more White puppies.
We want them to hate the democrats. If we do that, we can get them to vote republican just to spite the dems. That's what we're pushing for, but voting green is ok too.
Aiden Morgan
nice edit. good work
Asher Phillips
The objective isn't to get them to vote R it's to remind them that both parties can never accomplish their goals. Those capable of independent thought who still believed in the system may think twice after how the democrats bullied a very small and insignificant group for their own failures
No this is so pants on head retarded I'm speechless. Just let them fight it out. Sage.
Kevin Richardson
1. You don't make it look like official Democrat party posters. 2. You make it look organically shitty, because the left can't meme - and never will. 3. You target the Green voters not the party they support. If you target the party they can switch to Democrat and avoid the Green heat. If you target them and their choice, it produces a red pill. 4. This "Greens = Russia" idea is what Democrats are doing naturally. We're kind hearted folk who are simply lending them a helping hand.
Speaking of enviornmental hypocrisy, i heard a rumor that (((silicon valley))) is trying to make questioning the Global Warming Hoax illegal like questioning the HoloHoax is in many countries. If any Anons still buy this bullshit i dont know what to tell you. Its clearly a war against oil and car companies, which are industries the kikes havent been able to control the way they want. They want us in auto driving electric boxes they can shut off remotely.
Angel James
fuck those people. There are far more impulsive idiots. and Zig Forums is all about low hanging fruit. The best propaganda is simple enough for retards to understand
Carter Sanders
Center that shit, nigger. Any of you faggots that want to make serious looking propaganda should get Adobe InDesign, since it's made for graphic design, as opposed to photoshop
It actually makes more sense for the greens to be allied with Putin.
Putin makes most of his money from oil and gas so he would be wise to support politicians who intend to reduce the US oil and gas output and raise global energy prices.
Jaxson Bell
David Sullivan
Not only do I agree with this entire idea, but also haven't laughed at something this hard in a bit. 100% very good.
Another jew shill trying to get the greens to vote democrat
Xavier Reed
Exactly. Only faggots vote green.
Aiden Hall
Filter this kike lads a9a1a4 . His memes suck. They don't create any hostility between the dems and the greens, they are only meant to get the greens to vote dem. We are trying to make the greens mad at them dems, we're not trying to get greens to turn on their own candidates, as this kike is doing
Logan Wright
kike shill. Start any thread on cripple chan and all you get is jews masquerading as white nationalists. This place is worse than cuckchan because there are so many jews dug in and larping here.
The point is to put the Russian narrative into overdrive to where the left looks even more unhinged and over the top, and it all comes crashing down. This should be obvious.
Joshua Perez
Can't do shit in paint, but a better thing would be Green is the new red with the russian flag.
Samuel Gutierrez
attack the voters not the party.
Christian James
DC bump
Camden Foster
Benjamin Long
The "Nazi" accusation is too radical, if you want to be believeable.
Grayson Long
The DNC has gone into the worst desperation mode I've ever seen, they're using all their connections to (((media))) and the silicon corps to stop themselves from dying and it isn't working. I just wish it happened to the GOP too so we can get rid of the jew party system and have the greatest Happening of our time.