Selective enforcement. The insidious tool of the deep state

Chris Collins does what every congressional tool does. But since he supports Trump they remove his "made man" status and he is free for the fucking.

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The deep state isn't real, get on your meds schizo

Do educate me. Please I am too stupid, so be easy on me

This is why we do the "kike-free first post" thing.

Fixed. Fact: state has no obligation to enforce their rules and laws. Its inherently abusable system. Remember this every-time your empower state with more tools to fuck individual up.

This is redpill conservacucks refuse to take.

Don't you think hierarchies and accumulation of power happens in systems? Democracies should in theory minimize that, yet the jew still has a strong undeniable grip on the USA.
Now consider agencies, with the sole purpose of secrecy… Why is the idea of a deep state so off putting for normies?
Are you simply lost and some landed on Zig Forums? Or is it more sinister? I think it's the latter, shill.

If anything would convince me that Trump is a BLT kinda guy it would be the ruthless methods they are using to isolate him. Yet for a "fighter" he constantly tweets instead of action. Is sessions the ultimate mole that the deepstate planted to stop him?

go back and circlejerk in your pizzagate conspiratard threads while you're at it

no, only newfaggots who came here for the election say that, the rest of us cringe

Fuck off to Reddit.

Aww look at all the little yids, aren't they just adorable?

No. You are the incentive and provide the assurance through your direct participation. Anybody who doesn't hold those they empower accountable for their missuse of that power deserves their slavery. Be the change you want to see in the world, user. Don't let your memes remain dreams.

t. mentally ill antifa trannies

lol butthurt newfaggots detected

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Expected but unfortunate. As for OP, the only way to stop selective enforcement is to make enforcement of the law too dangerous for LE to perform. Selective enforcement is no different than a despot/commies making artificial rules that only apply to his/their enemies in order to have them purged. The way you deal with this is making their enforcers afraid of you and your forces. It still shocks me that many of these supposed "anti-establishment" politicians haven't formed militias in order to deal with political LE and prosecutes. Its literally the first thing you do if you want to challenge tptb.

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I figured if we got all talk no action Trump was just the latest conjob right/left scam. If they gave him the Kennedy treatment then he was for real. I didn't anticipate this halfway situation where he does their bidding and they still savage him.


Alphabet niggers operate just like their media pets, selective and biased.

Sluggish schizos again, moshe?

Such a goofy little Jew rat.


Complain against the prosecutor and judge, who are lawyers as well. Say, isn't that BAR association engaging in material fraud?

t. has done this in Canada, cops as well - secret commission (their mason shit) is illegal

Probably a mason cocksucker rather than a kike. They love using that term.

Do you ever listen to yourself, retard?

Sage for low quality OP.

You are not wrong, but if you go that route you have to go all the way. Half measures is what has gotten loads of people defending themselves crushed by this system.

And when I say all the way. I mean hundreds of millions dead all the way. There are no allowed half measured anymore, so anyone with two braincells doesn't actually 'want' to step off since the first step is just that, one step, and you best hit the ground running hard and fast when you do. Never a guarantee you come out the end of that either.

So we are stuck with inertia until we generate enough exposure to engage enragement of someone whom can become an rally point / focal and the ensuing conflict based upon it. Lifes a bitch like that, jews did this hack job on our society right in that respect.

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Kek, I think we know who the real meds are for.
