The retards over at 4chan Zig Forums are ignoring this. It's being treated as local news but this guy was subjected to a highly unreasonable search on trumped up charges. How is "Jews = ESAU, Jewish White Genocide" hate speech exactly? Can anyone fill me in on exactly what Jews = Esau means? I'm not that familiar with the old testament.
"Jews = ESAU, Jewish White Genocide"
Other urls found in this thread:
Link to one article covering it
Don't bring this up. The two boards don't have any relation.
Hate crime is such a fucking non crime and they one charge white men with it
Not op but I came from cuckchan and regularly go on both just to see how bad the poz is getting
The sites and boards are related
The better question is why are you pushing Christian Identity when there is already a thread for it and are you polvol2?
HI, OP. Why are you pretending to be someone else but not bothering to change your persona? Why are you also feigning ignorance of the Old Testament? Why do jews push Christianity on whites?
I'm more interested in what 'hate markings' means in this context.
Check the ip count fuck head I'm not op
Because Christianity is a Jewish religion (whites idolising some dumb kike who died on a cross 2018 years ago)
It's a cancer and needs to be deleted
This how is it a hate crime at all its just fucking scribblings on bank notes this is thought crime level bullshit
Because they think that they will 'ride' Ethnic Europeans to the finish line as victors since we are currently unaware that all 'european nobility' is jewish in origin and that there is no actual 'european nobility' left alive on the planet. They have all been exterminated by the jew.
Why is Canada being a shithole news to anyone?
Lol faggot white wing Christians don't exist outside of America
They are leftist as fuck here in aus and other parts of the world pull your head out of your ass
Hmm the fag deleted his post
Right it's a big jewish psyop that's why pagans specifically protected jews and the last pagan roman emperor decreed jews to be under his protection and so on while Christian nations historically mass expelled jews
And on the flip side Jesus is said by the Jews to be boiling in a lake of feces for his crimes against the Jewish priesthood
Weird how Jesus is supposed to be their double agent, but then they hate the guy
Also weird how atheists and pagans are overwhelmingly childless liberal "dog parents" while Christians are the only whites with a positive fertility rate, yet somehow instead of attacking the atheist/pagan leftists anons like you find the time to attack right-wing christians and their broods of white children who are the future of the white people
Weird how even "right wing pagans" only exist on the internet and there hasn't been a single attempt by pagans to form their own right-wing pagan town in the wilderness somewhere where they can be homogenously white and pagan, but there are tens of thousands of communities founded by various christian sects to isolate themselves from wider society
But no, white Christians are clearly the bad guys
Eat shit you autistic faggot.
Why delete your own post then screen capture it?
Someone else reposted it, but I deleted it so I could delete the extra spaces then repost it.
I'm not him, you blind retard. But I will repost the screenshot every time I see you from now on.
Shill much angry ass leftist Christian faggot who worships a dead jew
Don't reply to him, he has been making every thread anti-christian and derailing like it's his job for several weeks now.
Every single Christian couple I've met have been leftist as fuck
I don't doubt right wing ones exist but I think you are a minority in your own sect/cult on a global scale and in no way speak for the whole religion.
Have fun
First time I posted in one of these.
I'm not a fedora tipping atheistic faggot either I'm a catholic Buddhist memer
Personal anecdotes do not count.
The kikes claimed it is "hate speech" because he said "jews" instead of "Jewish people", or "The chosen people". The kikes who rule over society want their cattle to address them like royalty.
Weird how all statistics regarding actual politics prove you wrong.
Hate crime = "We need to lock this white guy up because hes not towing the party line."
Lol sure they don't just like your personal bullshit about all white religious types being based right wingers when in fact they all worship a perverted pedo satanic demon known as jesus the jew who pretended to be on our side just to destroy us from within
That catholic head pedo is no better either but religion is generally mis interpreted and hijacked again and again throughout history.
T. White male Christian who worships a dead jew cult full of pedos
You lot are no Better than each other just go back to pretending your ilk don't diddle kids and people out of their money time and spirit.
All modern religions are distorted as fuck for (their) personal gains not yours or humanities in general you dense fuck.
Look at who the biggest supporters of modern western religions are dense wad
How is this illegal? Freedom of speech is where?
deluded mate
IDK I have only met one 'AU christian' and they were vehemently open borders, race mixing etc. So obviously not a good statistical sample but man they were as leftist as fuckall, they actually signed every email with something about how 'refugees' were n't people because we didn't throw down nationstates for the paradise of the Jew World Order.
It's in the United States, and nowhere else.
wait a minute when did the USA get (((hate speech))) laws?
When was Alberta in the U.S?
no idea im not a seppo
You have no idea how bad it is here
it is a death sentence to be sent to prison. I think he was a bit of a puss for not understanding that 1) with jews you lose 2) there is no way out other than death at this point.
Hope is a FUCKING BITCH of a thing to be addicted to…fucking Pandora…nothing was more dangerous than Hope.
This was someone that I communicated with for months, sometimes in astonishment (which I kept to myself) it was a mind altering experience just to have that brief interlude. He buzzed off when I pointed out that there is NOTHING that other races have to offer us that we can't do better ourselves. I guess that wasn't 'towing' the line (as slave cocksucker) of the globalists. He did give me interesting info on Canberra and the Jew World order plan.
Apparently if you were you'd be able to read and/or know the geographical location of Alberta.
Whites as a whole are on a death march and spiritually dead psychotropic addicts.
For the last time:
Canadians and Mexicans aren't that much different. They seem to hate their own and let evil cunt rape their land and people, while hating on those who seek to revitalize them.
Esau is Jacob's older (half?) brother who sold his first born rights for some lentil soup.
Apparently, he is the ancestor of some of the tribes Amalekites, Edomites, etc. That the Israelites are later told to wipe out.
wtf is esau?
Current Year Interpretation for your pleasure:
62.9 million people voted in the election.
Christians constituted 75% thereof.
41.2% voted Trump.
19.4 million Christians voted for Trump
I mean, in the overall, sure, they're a small percentage of Christians worldwide, but come on now user, that doesn't jive with
Then again, you might be European and
Won't lie, that's what I look like after hearing that same "But Jews don't like Jesus, check-mate bagan scum!" argument for the 4 billionth time from some Christian-since-age-3 sycophantic cunt trying desperately to avoid giving up that last bit of Jewry in his life.
So, when General and later Emperor Titus sacked jerusalem and destroyed ancient israel, that was the pagans "defending" kikes, right christcuck?
But when the POPE (starting from the very early Popes) issues and supports papal bulls that declare that judaism is specially protected from persecution in the Christian world, that is Christianity opposing kikes. Somehow.
Christianity and judaism IN PRACTICE go hand in hand.
Regardless of what certain passages in the Bible say.
IN PRACTICE Christians have worked with and defended jews throughout the vast majority of their history together.
All abrahamic religions are poison.
Tell me, which Christian sect with at least a few thousand practicing members is EXPLICITLY White nationalist?
Certainly none of the large ones are.
They are all "pro diversity," "pro racemixing," "pro open borders" as long as the brown hordes are CHRISTIAN.
Christianity will do nothing to oppose the ongoing genocide of White people.
Indeed, many Christian groups are SUPPORTING IT.
"Kosher conservatives" are worthless.
If the "republicans" were actually on the side of White America, then why do they NEVER DO ANYTHING TO HELP OR PROTECT US?
If the repubs actually cared about us then they would make their NUMBER ONE ISSUE closing the border and ending ALL immigration.
Instead, they argue endlessly over trivial matters while the footsoldiers of White genocide keep pouring in.
"Kosher conservativism" is a jewish tool to give the illusion of choice to the gullible while the ongoing genocide of White America proceeds unabated.
The entire concept of "hate crime" or "hate speech" is positively Orwellian.
It's utter bullshit meant to stifle discussion and silence dissent.
Pretty much this and they are coming after it here as hard as they can.
The MASSIVE social media censorship is part of that.
First they created social media to draw in the masses.
It becomes the main way that Americans communicate.
Then they censor the fuck out of it.
Typical kike tricks.
The OP story is from Canada.
Which is only a few years behind Britain.
Plus, (((they))) are coming after our free speech too.
It's part of why they are so pissed about Trump getting several Supreme Court picks.
Scary how the only things defending what few "rights" we have left is a few judges on capitol hill who voted 5 to 4 on supporting the existence of gun rights (it should have been 9 to 0 obviously. we came close to losing the bill of rights that day).
They have freedom of ideas and speech.
Unless the government (or anyone really) doesn't like it.
They're mostly leftists here too in Canada; want to see who is responsible for bringing niggers into the country? Lutherans and Catholics. And even the so called "right wing" Evangelicals are too busy sucking Israels dick so that the Temple will get rebuilt then Jebus will come back and rapture them out of this crystal meth addict suburb Kraft Dinner hell they've created for themselves.
A racemixer
Sure, whatever.
Fuck off tranny.
“He’s wrecking our psyop” is what “hate” “crimes” are all about. Hide you power level in Canada and always use a VPN.
basically jacob is the kikiest kike who ever kiked. he and his mother's family embody every negative stereotype there is. and jews love it.
among the shitty things jacob and his mother did there was tricking his father isaac on his death bed into thinking he was his older brother esau, or edom, and get his blessing which is apparently fate binding.
once esau finds out he ask his father for some reparation blessing. isaac tells him that he will have to serve his brother but that eventually he will forcefully kick him out.
religious jews have this thing were they identify stuff in the modern world as descending from stuff in the OT, according to what suits their agenda. this is the seed of amalek, this is the seed of esau. from the little i have understood, some of them think that whites are of the bloodline of esau. since they are the ones that historically always fucked them up when they got too cocky.
the thing i don't understand though is why anyone would think that being descendent of esau would be a bad thing.
some christian fundies, americans of course, and the dass rite kind of niggers, think that jews are really edomites and they are the descendants of jacob, hence real jews, hence the chosen people.
why would anyone be proud to claim of descending from jacob is beyond me.
de gustibus non disputandum est.
Those leafs like dogs to fuck em what do you think.
Cool, now the paganniggers have come to derail yet another thread with their faggotry.
this is some serious mental gymnastics i cant get behind
He was white, and fair haired too.
Friend, I'm sorry, but that's not Jesus. That's Leonardo da Vinci. He made that using early photography tech and some random bits of blood.
I believe you.
My life was hell until I gave up all hope.
It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.
Losing all hope is one of the most liberating experiences you can have.
Esau was the honorable brother that hunted for his own food. Jacob was the Jewy one who used trickery to steal his brother's inheritance. Despite this theft, Esau still loved and embraced his brother in later years.
I fail to see how the demonization of Esau is justified.
But didn't a US judge just rule that jews aren't a race? So how can jews be hated along racial lines if they are a race? Can't they only be "hated" along religious lines? And it would seem in the United States hatred on religious grounds does seem to be free speech.
Esau = the original Jew cuck
The whole damn story is just stupid.
Proper house keeping regardless.
Jews are a race or religion when it suits them. Hence the term chameleon being applied to them.
I want you to refer to euro or usd as judenfetzen or jewish confetti (inaccurate translation) as we did in germany in the 20s
Esau and Jacob were the sons of Isaac.
Esau was a redhead and white, so Yahweh was said to have "hated him in the womb."
But Esau was the elder of the two, and heir to his father's legacy. Jacob's mother wanted Jacob to have it, so Jacob and his mother did all kinds of Jew things to cheat him out of it.
Esau was a hunter, and Jacob was a farmer. During a period where game was scarce, and Esau was starving, Esau asked his brother for food. Jacob, in a typical Jew move, demanded Esau's legacy for a bowl of soup. Esau saw no value in his legacy, as he could not use it if he starved to death, so he sold it. This angered Yahweh.
Later, Esau went north and founded a great empire, while Jacob stayed and used his father's inheritance to build a great amount of wealth.
One day, he found out from his servants that Esau was headed his way, with a bunch of guys. Fearing that Esau was coming to take vengeance, he did the Jew thing, and ran away.
But Esau caught up to him, so he fell to his knees and groveled for his life. Esau did not understand this, however, as he had only come back to visit his brother. He did not have any thoughts of vengeance or violence on his mind, at all (a white failing).
Esau then gave his brother great gifts, and sat around with him, having a few beers and laughing about the old days. Everyone was happy, and Jacob got away with his sins and scams, due to the forgiving nature of his brother.
The end.
Figures doesn't it.
Stupid Americans will always be deeply divided
Fuck off idiot
If you're so convinced that God ain't there, shoot yourself and enter carnal bliss of death. What, you aren't afraid of the possibility of existential punishment for overcoming the predicament of existence, are you? Come on, do it on webcam, send us a link.
What is ESAU and what is Medicine Hat man?
Oh look the one that worships Jahveh wants you to shoot yourself, what a surprise.
maybe the guy hasn't put it together that those who say they are jews today are not, but do lie aren't the real jews they are the descendents of esau. And those who have the seed, they have christ, are descendents of jacob in the spiritual sense.
I'm so scared, please big daddy government protect me from some guy with a handful of hunting rifles and 1/80th of the amount of ammo that I have in m closet!
What kills animals kills men
Also hunters have their hunting areas scouted to the sand grain while you're sticking to your concrete jungle while acting almighty for having more guns than you'll ever get to use on a real situation.
All that extra metal? dead weight, even worse, a call for looters when SHTF.
Most of the Pharoahs were too. Sounds more like Semetic Supremacist fanfiction per usual. I doubt the creator of the Universe would hate his own sons.
Christianity is the most, in fact the only, politically incorrect religion there is. All Zig Forums boards are, by definition, Christian boards.
I don't know. Christianity has jewish roots, and its modern interpretations promote faggotry, submessiveness, and diversity–helping your foreign brother in Christ and all that.
The first act the Communist Jews did after the Russian Revolution was to outlaw Christianity, kill all the priests and monks and raid and destroy the churches. Jews hate Christianity because the enitre New Testament continuously calls them out for being ungrateful and part of the 'Synagogue of Satan'.
For thirty years or more the Christian (and specifically Catholic) faith has been under attack by the jewish-owned media. The very same jewish-owned media that promotes atheism, SJWs, submissiveness to jews, homosexuals and feminists, while at the same time promoting actual faggotry and the destruction of the traditional family and with it the White Race.
I agree with you here, it's modern interpretations has been influenced by jews (see Vatican II). The modern interpretation is Satanic. Despite cucking to the jews, the Church is still villified by them, which goes to show how much they are despised by jews. It goes back to the same assualt that is on all of us. Never apologise, and never bow to the Left, as they will never be satisified and always ask for more.
You failed to mention that Esau was a race mixing cuck that took wives from other races. This is what pissed off Yahweh the most, as the OT is laden with the commandment not to adulterate his creation. Yahweh even made the point by asking Adam which one of the animals he'd like to mate with, which Adam rejected. Yahweh hates bastardization of His creation because corruption is an affront to the Creator. Esau's mother lamented to Esau's that his race mixing would destroy everything she and her ancestors strove for.
Esau couldn't plan for the future. He had niggermind. Esau lived only for himself and didn't care for his race, his ancestors, or his future, which is why he ran out of food. Esau didn't farm because it required future planning and effort. He didn't farm or store future foods. He was the OT equivalent of today's fast food junkie. Jacob reinforced the point by offering Esau food in exchange for his inheritance. If Esau was a man of racial integrity, he would have done anything other than throwing his future away for a full belly. He could have worked for Jacob, for instance.
In the end, Esau was a race traitor who begot race mixed Edomites, whom are the predecessors of jews. That's what the jews=Esau meme if about.
read / listen to a white man detail the story at christogenea dot org
It is.
Friendly reminder that the Edomites helped Babylon conquer the Israelites just like they're helping muslims conquer the west. Jews never change and their actions are documented in the easily accessible Bible.
Last I checked SKS's aren't fudd guns.
Hi there, partner. Halfchan pol user here. Care to explain the differences within the boards. Thanks in advance, friend.
I've begun to filter anyone who brings up religion and suggest everyone do the same. It turns EVERY SINGLE THREAD into D&C bullshit.
In Jewish interpretation, Esau is Christendom. I say Christendom instead of Christianity because the rabbis that made the eschatological prophecies relating to the mudslimes and racemixing considered Christianity and Europe to be nearly synonymous. The Jews are Israel, which is the name given to Jacob later in his life, and the spiritual twin of Israel (ie Judaism) is Christianity. It is said that Esau (Europe) and Ishmael (the Arabs, also the Muslim world more generally) will battle and mix before the days when the Messiah rules all the Earth from his throne in Jerusalem.
EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW GROSS NOPE. I can’t wait until Christian prophecy comes true and Gog (the jews) are destroyed. Fuck this judeo-gnostic orcification crap.
I guarantee you I life in a more rural area than you, considering I live in one of the most remote places in the lower 48, and I guarantee you I own more fudd-tier guns than you do Because I collect mainly revolvers and shotguns, calling a fudd-tier gun what it is is not a bad thing my man, it's a descriptor, not an insult. That wasn't the point of my post whatsoever, corky. Canuckold gun laws basically require all PAL guns be fudd-tier, anything too babby killing the faggots put on an RPAL and make prohibitively difficult to obtain or shoot.
My point is that it's retarded to go and put like fucking four bolt action rifles and a piddling amount of ammo out on a table after arresting this guy as if it's something impressive. The cops stopped a lightly-armed guy that owns barely any bullets. I'm so impressed, leafcops.
You're a moron by the way. Just throwing that out there.
Again, guy's a cucknadian, he's limited to pump-actions, bolt-actions, and ludicrously limited magazine capacity semi-autos though a couple of those mags are definately more than five rounders, though they are probably pinned unless he has an RPAL which most don't.
It's a joke, though I now see that not just one but two people on this board are autistic as all shit bothered by it.
It's a meme spread by an interesting sect of kabbalists who want to bring Jesus back into the Jewish fold.
Basically they teach Jacob (Israel) and Esau (Europe) switched souls when they switched birthrights. And to bring symmetry and closure to the story they have to make peace with one another. The mechanism for this alchemy is bringing Jesus back as Messiah for Jews. I am not endorsing this meme. I am merely telling you where it came from.
Are we really supposed to take advice from someone spreading childish cartoons?