- legit or fake? 2

Last year their Aryan Hero was none other than one Heifer Hayer:

So these people basically support multiculturalism, internationalism, miscegenation, antifa, islam, homosexuality, transsexuality, veganism, feminism and just about every other mind virus that the jew has inflicted upon western civilization while being anti-jewish.


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Other urls found in this thread:

The core crux is that the jews ability to rile and find attack vectors on populations with the aforementioned issues goes away if those issues stop being, well, issues. The thinking goes that the jews then stand as jews alone. On the topic of islam, their presupposition is that islam is the only force actually combating jews. They are correct. Their position on veganism is also well-reasoned and I certainly wouldn't include veganism or vegetarianism among "jewish mind viruses". The meat and dairy industries are dominated by jews and the only state in history to ever make vegetarianism illegal was the Soviet Union. If you want to make arguments against not eating meat, just stick to protein/fat/vitamin territory. You don't have a good leg to stand on otherwise.

It's fake. They're Muslims or possibly jews who use National Socialism to promote the flooding of Europe with muds and eventually bring about the extinction of the European people. Exactly the opposite of what the real National Socialists wanted.

They certainly aren't jews. They are operating under the assumption that the last ~100 years, quite a bit more than that if you really want to get into it, the "West" hasn't been anything other than a wholly-owned subsidiary on Judaism Inc. The connection that people are looking for back to the Greeks, the Romans, the Germanic tribes, etc., just aren't there apart from lingering genetic stock. So from that point of view, there's no reason to keep the "West" around and, rightly, from a National Socialist point of view it OUGHT to be destroyed.


These people support the flooding of Europe. They mix truth with lies to confuse their audience into eating up the shit that they say. Hitler was a German supremacist and National Socialism is a Germanophile point-of-view. They support the Germanization of ALL aryans incorporated into a greater Germanic Reich (Germania). Meds and Slavs would not be included into this reich. These people support Coudenhove-Kalergi more than they support Hitler.

Sounds like a bunch of swedish fags trying to a pull a "we're taking it back!" type thing.

Yes, they do. They want to get rid of the people who have done nothing but support jewish world policy for a very long time now. That is what it is. There is only so long one can run out the excuse of "it's someone else doing it, I'm occupied, it wasn't up to me, I don't have any power" before others who don't like and will forcefully change policy decide you're an irrelevant obstacle or an outright enemy. It's a real black pill, that's for sure.

So you read the website?

Its not even a blackpill dude, its a bluepill hidden behind a blackpill.
If you buy into this as anything but a disingenuous attempt, you're fooling yourself.

Yes. Not really regularly anymore, but I'm familiar with their general argument even if I wasn't up on their takes w/ regards to Charlottesville and associated domestic issues.

Let's consider the following…

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It makes significantly more sense when you understand they are starting from the position that the Third Reich and National Socialism was less racist than Western capitalism and Eastern Bolshevism and was in fact a reaction against jewish racism. That's where they are coming from.

Nah, what makes way more sense than that is that these are leftists LARPing as NatSoc to try to drag people down a rabbit hole.
You can tell by their awful text-heavy memes and use of communist symbolism.

Frankly, I'm inclined to think you're one of these people, shilling your brand on Zig Forums with assistance of the OP - most of the thread is you and him going back and forth, after all.

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It's definitely fake.

Read these pages. It's obviously some sort of gay honeypot.

I will post some bits from the site in order to showcase this retardation.
I want to do this so people who are new to NS don’t make a mistake thinking these guys are legit and represent authentic National Socialists.
So let’s start.

So if you are 60 year old Black Homosexual Muslim you are more than welcome to join.

Everyone knows what anti-semitism means, it’s not about languages, stop being autistic.
Hmmm, opposing Gentile tribes as well. What did they mean by this?
We will soon find out.

Woah, jews btfo, what an epic maneuver! Why are these people anti-racists? You will see why. Get your sides ready.

First they opposed gentile tribes, now they want destruction of gentile religions. Interesting. Very Aryan of them.

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Reported for shilling your gay honeypot here tbh.

Fake honeypot asset. The guy that registered the domain even has a business venture is Israel. They aren’t even trying anymore…

Not to mention their open association with this tripe.

These are literally subversive leftists trying to ply "The Democrats are the real racists!"-tier rhetoric.

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Yeah, nah, I don't buy this for an instant.
These aren't just retards, these are disingenuous subversives trying desperately to stay relevant in the face of what is happening around them.

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This is where it gets very interesting.
They are “folkists” but are opposed to tribalism and ethnocentrism. Wtf the folk in folkism means then??? You will see soon, just wait. It will be worth it.
Opposing negative prejudice toward immigrants? Do they think other European immigrants? Could be, judging from all the examples of Third Reich allowing neighboring ethnicities to come to work in their state, oh wait nevermind…..

I mean, Hitler came from Austria to Germany, that’s basically same as Somalian coming to Germany right?

About multiethnic part:

When they say non-Aryan blood they don’t mean blacks, asians, arabs etc.
Oh no no no.
You will see what they mean.

This is absolutely wrong. There is a clear genetic distinction between ethnicites, ofc smaller between the ones of the same race vs between the ones of different races.

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I'm not, but I am familiar with the site. I'm not saying I agree with everything they put out – or rather, would prefer not to agree with everything they put out – but there is merit to the charge that "Western" civilization has been a willing host for jewish interests for far too long to simply look the other way and a credible argument to be made that the past connections to previous iterations of Western civilization don't even exist with the near totally judaized present.

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Der Rassengrundsatz

Die im nationalsozialistischen Denken verwurzelte Auffassung, daß es oberste Pflicht eines Volkes ist, seine Rasse und sein Blut von fremden Einflüssen rein zu halten und die in den Volkskörper eingedrungenen fremden Bluteinschläge wieder auszumerzen, gründet sich auf die wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse der Erblehre und Rassenforschung. Dem Denken des Nationalsozialismus entsprechend, jedem anderen Volke volle Gerechtigkeit widerfahren zu lassen, ist dabei niemals von höher- oder minderwertigen, sondern stets nur von fremden Rasseneinschlägen die Rede.

Der Begriff der arischen Abstammung

Da nach den Ergebnissen der Rassenlehre das deutsche Volk neben dem bestimmenden Einfluß der nordischen Rasse auch in geringem und rechnungsmäßig nicht erfaßbarem Umfang andere mehr oder minder verwandte Rassenbestandteile enthält, die auch die Bausteine der europäischen Nachbarvölker sind, hat man für diesen übergeordneten Begriff der Gesamtheit der im deutschen Volk enthaltenen Rassen die Bezeichnung “arisch” (abweichend von der Sprachwissenschaft!) gewählt und damit das deutsche und das diesem eng verwandte Blut zu einer rassischen Einheit zusammengefaßt. Genau den gleichen Umfang hat der Begriff “deutsches oder artverwandtes Blut” im Reichsbürgergesetz.

Arischer Abstammung (= “deutschblütig”) ist demnach derjenige Mensch, der frei von einem, vom deutschen Volk ausgesehen, fremdrassischen Bluteinschlag ist. Als fremd gilt hier vor allem das Blut der auch im europäischen Siedlungsraum lebenden Juden und Zigeuner, das der asiatischen und afrikanischen Rassen und der Ureinwohner Australiens und Amerikas (Indianer), während z.B. ein Engländer oder ein Schwede, ein Franzose oder Tscheche, ein Pole oder Italiener, wenn er selbst frei von solchen, auch ihm fremden Blutseinschlägen ist, als verwandt, also als arisch gelten muß, mag er nun in seiner Heimat, in Ostasien oder in Amerika wohnen oder mag er Bürger der USA oder eines südamerikanischen Freistaates sein.

Daß uns dabei z.B. für eine Eheschließung der deutsche Volksgenosse, das Mädchen rein deutscher Abstammung nähersteht als ein anderer Arier entfernterer Rassenverwandtschaft ist selbstverständlich.

In jedem Falle ist es Pflicht und Aufgabe des Einzelnen, den Nachweis seiner arischen Abstammung entsprechend den für ihn geltenden Bestimmungen zu führen, in vielen Fällen auch hinsichtlich des Ehegatten.

It's so fucking cringe, it's as it were written by The Onion to satirize all the esoteric neo-nazi stuff here. Even Varg's woke Nordic Feminism and placenta worship is marginally less lame.

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The racial principle

The opinion that it’s the highest duty of a Volk to preserve its race and blood from alien influences and to eradicate those elements of alien blood that managed to get into it, an opinion that is deeply rooted in national socialist thought, is based on the scientific findings of blood-inheritance studies and racial science. According to national socialist thought, which deals fairly with each race and nation, this never talks about higher or lower racial influences, but merely of alien racial influences.

The term of Aryan ancestry

Because the findings in the field of racial science have determined that the German people are composed, next to the decisive element of the Nordic Race, also of a lower amount of more or less related racial elements, which are also building blocks of the European neighboring peoples, the term that has been chosen to express the entirety of all the racial elements that make up the German people is “Aryan” (which is different from the same term used in linguist studies!), which summarizes the German blood and all blood that is closely related to it under one common racial term. Exactly the same breath of definition has the term “German or German-related blood” in the Reichsbürgergesetz (law of Reich citizenship).

Of Aryan ancestry (=“German-blooded”) is everyone who is free from any element of alien - from the perspective of the German people - blood. Alien is defined here primarily as the blood of the Jews and Gypsies who live in European lands, blood of the Asiatic and African races and of the natives of Australia and America (Indians), while for example an Englishman or a Swede, a Frenchman or a Czech, a Pole or an Italian, as long as he himself is free from such elements of alien blood, is to be considered as related, and therefore as Aryan.“ so such a person must count as Aryan, no matter if he lives in his homeland, in East Asia, or in America, may he be a citizen of the USA or of a South American state.

That in case of, for example, a marriage, a member of the German people or a girl of pure German ancestry is closer to us than any other Aryan of more distantly related blood, is self-evident.

In any case it’s the duty and task of the individual to carry with him the proof of his Aryan ancestry based on the laws that apply to him, in many cases also to carry the proof of Aryan ancestry of his/her marriage partner.

The "German-blooded” in this text is put in quotation marks because it doesn’t mean Aryan = German-blooded, but because German-blooded (Deutschblütig) was the official bureaucratic designation for German citizens with pure Aryan ancestry.
It was also mainly used as a designation for those with slightly tainted ancestry, but still in an acceptable percentage.
Like, if you had one jewish great-great-great-grandpa, that still makes you deutschblütig if every other ancestor of yours was Aryan.
And it’s also a useful term for integrating non-German Aryans into the Reich, like my grandfather who was half-Russian half-German, and since Slav = Aryan he was considered deutschblütig and even allowed to join the NSDAP.
It’s a more easily understandable term for the common German than Aryan would be, since it literally says “This person is of your blood.”
Which Aryan also says but deutschblütig is easy to understand since it’s directly in the word, you don’t need to get the whole concept of the Aryan race to understand what deutschblütig means therefore it’s a useful bureaucratic designation.

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Yeah, but that's exactly what you'd say whether it was true or not, and I have no reason to believe you.
Which means you basically DO agree with wha they put out. I don't know what else that little bit there between the hyphens is meant to represent if not that.
There's no need to 'look the other way' - Jews have paid their way into European society for basically thousands of years. The idea that racism is some newly-arisen thing, that 'tribalism' belongs in the same sentence as 'bigotry', is just more leftist Jewish tripe - Hitler would have laughed at that shit and called someone promoting it a faggot - and their blatant and extensive use of Marxist symbolism and connections to clearly-Marxist organizations speaks volumes as to their intent.
Yeah, nah m8, that's just empty tripe. Those connections most-assuredly exist, albeit, they aren't as powerfully established as they could be, certainly.


This is what actual Aryanism is, taken directly from the Ahnenpass.

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It basically was user, except they were aiming for subversion instead of satire and failed so badly that it came right back around to seeming like satire.

< not the jews
stop shilling for your shit website, (((faggot)))
kikes have been exiled 300 times in 3k years and whites did most of that exiling

Hahahahaha, holy shit, I didn't actually look at their list of "backlash herders" but then I did and saw this.

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hahahahah wat

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It's probably satire. Delete the thread please.

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It means I wish they didn't have any point or merit.
Want to clarify this a bit?

hahahahah oh man

I wouldn't oppose its deletion, but at this point, its more comedy than anything else.

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When are you faggots going to understand that neither side of the semitic spectrum works for White interests?

Fascism and National Socialism are third position.

When they're right they're right.

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The argument is that it IS the jews. That Western civilization doesn't necessarily even exist anymore apart from some jewish resource colony and base of operations. I'm not sure where you're getting "not the jews" from, but it certainly wasn't my post. Haven't yet, but you're a filter candidate if you do it again.

From the fucking tumblr - yes, tumblr - of one of the groups associated with these 'aryans'.

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No shit faggot, but I find it hysterical when Marxists sit there crying about the right going after the lowest common denominator and shit. Its just funny, typical projection from that camp.

Peinovich isn't Jewish I don't think mate, he's a willing good goy. I find it dubious that it wouldn't have been dragged into the open if he was a kike, because god damn that would have been a great story to run for them.

1: the term "Aryan" has never meant "white".

2: "whiteness" is not the same thing as being a member of the native European haplogroups.

3: genotype is not the same thing as race by cultural archetype.

its extremely obvious that youre just here to shill your gay honeypot
reported for being a spynigger.

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Leggit. I actually was once approuched by them like 10 years ago. Was red pilled on NS.

They believe that different races need to be separated, but organize togethet against jews. And they are right.

Biggest problem we face is the POC coalition. We need to brake that coalition and make alliances with POC against jews. Make their Golum go against them.

-teach blacks about jews and slavery
-teach them about jewish control.

And see how jews run in panic.

I haven't shilled for the site. I'm simply pointing out where their arguments are coming from – that the modern West is wholly jewish, works exclusively for jewish interests, sees no distinction between jewish interests and its interests, and most importantly, does not have any serious internal movement among the "nativist" set to actually combat judaism – which hasn't been sufficiently refuted.

But is what they're doing really any different than the "right-wing" shills here who are pretending that what is now the party of Leon Trotsky and 9/11 is going to save the White race if we just vote hard enough?

He absolutely is. Listen to the full segment where the short clips that get circulated came from, they're even more damning in context

I mean whether you want to call the "Indo-Europeans" white is an entirely different matter but the fact is that these people subjugated and almost replaced the natives from England to India.

Your argument is trash m8, and it does, in fact, amount to "Its not the Jews", or rather, "It IS the Jews… who're responsible for things like racism", which is just… Its so stupid. So incredibly stupid.

This is "Dems are the real racists!" tier shit, and its the epitome of cringe-worthy. Your argument - and theirs, which you JUST SO HAPPEN to know all about, funny that - is basically "Listen goy, White people like don't even exist! European culture is all in your mind! You have no connection to that anymore, none, it doesn't exist! You're all just a bunch of atomized racists, and you know why? BECAUSE OF THE ZIONISTS! The Zionist Jews made you racist and hostile toward fanatical Islam! White people don't even exist bro! What are you, some kind of White supremacist? That's basically just a Zionist for White people! You're as bad as them! Check out this tumblr from my Arabic friend living in Sweden! He'll tell you all about how Jews are the cause of you not liking violent low-IQ smelly brown people!" and just… No, dude. Fucking kek, no.

their arguments are as follows:
- racism is bad
- white tribalism is bad
- shitskins are good
- jews can be white
which of their points are you totally not shilling for again?

Of course Scandinavia was much more genetically affected than India or Italy.

I'm not saying White people don't exist. I'm saying there is merit to the argument that White people have been co-opted, hijacked, whatever term you want to use, as a vehicle for jewish interests to such an extent that whatever connections exist to previous iterations of Western civilization are tenuous, at best.

Go tell that to the average man in a German or Russian village. You are non-white obviously.

Its certainly different, albeit, equally shitty, and those "right-wing" shills are just as big a faggot as these people are, frankly. Jesus Christ, I really am in "Dems are the real racists" territory with you faggots, aren't I?
If you're supporting the modern left or right, beyond perhaps trying to use it to your advantage to get people into a mindset permissive to the promotion of a third position ideology, then you're well behind the curve.

Bro, I heard them when they were live, it was hysterical and I pointed it out then and everyone said it was just an accident and didn't mean anything… But I don't think he's ethnically Jewish. Again, if he was ethnically Jewish, I think the media couldn't have helped themselves but to plaster it everywhere. He might well be a converso though, given the kike wife.

The original Aryans were the neolithic farmers who spread around Eurasia and Northern Africa, as well as the Americas. Wherever agriculture, sun worship, and swastikas are, there is Aryan history.

< your history doesn't exist, goy
real double digit JIDF IQ hours

My preference, because it would go much better for me personally, is to not argue for or agree with any of that. I'm not really sure how else to put it, but there is a certain standard of evidence that ultimately can't be ignored. It's very hard to come to grips with the events of the 20th century and maintain a positive view of typically Western countries.

because if you even addressed the points posted it would instantly expose you even more so than you are already exposed as the moronic jew shill that you are

They are. They're associating with people who do, openly.

That is certainly true.
That is certainly false.

I'm saying there is no real merit to that argument after the first section - surely, European peoples' systems of governance have been subverted by Jewish interests - as the idea that we've lost that connection to previous iterations of European civilization is simply false. They've tried their hardest, but they've still largely failed to sever that link.

And why would it be better for you personally? That's an incredibly strange thing to say.
Nah, you're just shilling.
No, its very hard to come to grips with the events of the 20th century and maintain a positive view of Jews and philosemites, who've been the leaders of Western countries for most of the 20th century, thanks entirely to Jews buying their way into those countries and immediately setting up shop as ethnocentric tribalists while declaring loudly that anyone who engages in ethnocentric tribalism is downright evil (if they're White Euroepans).

Not that it doesn't exist, just that it's been papered over quite extensively. Again, none of this would hold much water if there was some semblance of actual resistance to judaism coming from nationalist sources in the Western world. Instead, "nationalists" in the West like to conference with Netanyahu and are comfortable with Alan Dershowtiz being their primary defender in the media.

No, it's because I don't particularly like non-White people or the effects they've had on where I live, but that's juxtaposed with the reality that the primary elements found on "the right" in Western civilization carry a militant and genocidal philosemitism. That it what it is.

Right. That's the point.

false, yids interests are allways taken more into account, since those who are financially backing are jews (and do so on people they have shit upon).

Zig Forums and national socialism isn't right wing, you would know that if you weren't a kike faggot
what a retarded non-sequitur. you are such a talmudic kike.
< hehe nationalism is failing goy
nice demoralization shill

Yeah, that is the point - the leadership of Western nations has been subverted, and the Western people are hesitant to take the necessary steps to fix that, because to do so would likely rip those countries apart.

Not really, its still very visible amongst the people, if not amongst the leadership.
There's tons of that though.
THey aren't though. You're holding up the leaders of subverted faux-Nationalist organizations and groups and applying the rationale that what they believe is what the people believe, and that's the same problem with suggesting that the leadership of European nations being subverted equates to Europeans being subverted themselves, which simply isn't the case.

Seems dubious.
So do the elements on the left. What you're basically saying is "Left and Right establishment parties in European lands are both subverted" and Nationalists have been saying that for quite some time. One of the major goals of a third positionist is to get away from the false dichotomy of left-right politics, and its working over time: the masses are seeing the falsehood of it all, but, acknowledging that the only mechanisms via which to fix it could very-likely destroy these European nations in question, makes them hesitant to take such actions while some semblance of (false) hope remains that they can fix the issue without taking such actions.

Why are you so dishonest? Stop misrepresenting what they say.

their arguments are as follows

No, racism as defined by leftist, aka "blind racial hatred" is bad. Jews hate us goyum just because we are different to them. To hate someone just because they are different is not NS, it's judaism. Hitler and all the leading NS:ist didn't hate other races like the Jews did, and dont you think Hitler or other leading NS'ist are an authority on what is NS and what isnt.

No. There is nothing wrong with white tribalism. That doesnt mean we cannot work with other races or come in some kind of agreement. Also white tribalism cannot be a shield for degenerates, pedos, or what have you. If white man goes to thailand to fuck little boys, he will get the oven white or not. Abuse and explotation is jewish and whiteness is no shield from our wrath. We dont fight jews so we could become like them.
No, but they are not defaultly good or bad. They are indifferent. We fight them if we have to, we use them and form alliances if we have to. Our survival is most important, but that doesnt mean different races are our enemy. Yes if they are competing against us in our living space, then yes they are our enemy. Yet you still need to come together to defeat the jews.
Jews can be aryan(noble). Bobby Fischer was a jew, yet more honest, more of an warrior and definitly an aryan.

Stop lying. It's not white, nor aryan.

It just sounds like you're rephrasing what I keep saying – that Western countries are so far along they are nearly indistinguishable from jewish countries. If they weren't, getting rid of jews and jewish influence wouldn't rip them apart. Virtually eradicating their jewish population didn't tear Algeria apart.

No, there isn't "tons".
If they weren't subverted themselves, their leaders wouldn't be their leaders for long. Something would give.

Cucked site. Sage

They aren't though, that's the point - go into rural America or Europe and you won't be thinking "wow this is like a Jewish country" based upon the people you converse with.
They aren't.
That much is true, but its primarily, again, because of the leadership - when you give people only two choices, and tell them the only option besides going with one of those two is to risk absolutely everything on the hope of something better, well… They gotta be pretty desperate before they go that far.
Because they're mud/peopleniggers. The major aspect of the issue for European folks is that we have empathy, which mudpeople/niggers do not - they'll happily rape an infant if they think it'll cure the AIDS they got from happily raping their sister. So for them, there was no issue with purging Jews, because Jews had achieved no effective in-roads into utilizing their morality against them, because they have no morality to speak of.

There is, literally metric fucktons of that. There has not been more actual resistance to judaism from Nationalists since Adolf Hitler was still in Germany (as opposed to Argentina).
Nope, they have no choices besides risking everything on what appears to be a long-shot, and things ARE starting to give, so your whole argument here falls apart quite easily.
Hell, prior to the internet, most people didn't even understand what was happening around them, they had no idea as to the extent of it - but now they do, and they're getting angry about it, and that anger is manifesting as direct and aggressive opposition to Jewish interests throughout European lands on behalf of the people, even as the leadership continues to struggle in vain to find a way to maintain the status quo.

go back to your shitty honeypot you faggot shill

nice lying
shitskins have always and will always be our racial enemy
shitskins hate other shitskins almost as much as they all hate whites, they would hate other shitskins more if it wasnt for jew propaganda
there is no coalition

once again, fuck off back to (((your))) shitty honeypot

You mean where the israel lobby vote farms? There's a fundamental disagreement here in that you're seeing what you want to see and projecting out from there. I'm seeing functional reality and working off of that. Jews are fleeing the West in mass, because they like it here and comfortable here and it meets all of their needs, wants, demands, etc. It is everything they could ever ask for. The only places in the West they are leaving are places like France, where they are being murdered into exile by Muslims. Not really a whole lot else for me to go on other than what actually happens.


Her jewish father abandonned her.

I begin to think you are the jew.


oh yeah, I forgot about this.

The website still called Heather Heyer a hero, and the lady in Sweden who tried to stop a migrant from being deported a hero. Did you even read? What you’re saying is not what the website is saying. the website is a far-left extremist website that calls for the murder of alt-righters.

No, Sweden is done. It will be two generations before he natives start to revolt from a minority position.

I've never seen this site. Sounds gay. Has a fake .au address and phone number in the whois. Not worth a thread. Just larpy pothead shit from a nigger loving faggot.

If it uses larpstika you can be sure it's a psyop.

But that is true.


This is their argument

there have been noble heroes of all ethnic groups throughout history, and aryanism claims that those heroes all have similar high quality genes that are unlike what most people, regardless of their genotypical background have.


That’s not the point, they take Alfred Rosenberg out of context (yes, they do love to quote him a lot) and use his quotes out of context. What’s your point?

Most of you here will not have lived through the Salman Rushdie controversy.
It is claimed by Islamic investigators, that Rushdie, rather than being an apostate of Islam who suddenly saw the light, was a crypto-jew from the beginning.

One thing is certain, the jew media gave him, his book, and the islamic response to his actions, prime coverage for months.
He even took the obligatory crypto-trans "wife" to do his part in that sphere.






I don't agree with the platforming tactics (which are boomer tier), or their strategy (there will be no violent uprising on either side, the war against the establishment is literally on the internet), but aryanism is fundamentally correct in regards to whats written there about cultural archetypes.

wow sure isn't (((suspicious))) that this honeypot thread is still up.

Where the people on aryanism go wrong is that they literally believe mainstream news when it suits them, which is just their desperate attempt to gain bloopie groupies, which will fail miserably, especially among the younger people they want so badly. They don't seem to understand how fringe and deep they really are, despite posting quotes by David Myatt up all the time.

John Alan Martinson Jr was their most powerful advocate.

the media just lies about pretty much everything, to both the mainstream right and left. Firstly, actual refugees have minimal incentive to go around on rape fests throughout European countries. While it is also true that the "alt right" is not a centralized or monolithic trump train of hate crimes against minorities.

We shouldn't even be so sure if these instances of riote breaking out between antifa and "neo nazis" is anything more than what the media has already been doing since forever, - staging events with actors just to create chaos and backlash herd using the reverse bluff propaganda tactic.


and by the way, how can we even be sure that Heather Heyer was a real person and not just a crisis actress? How can we be sure that all these instances of white cops shooting up "dindus" aren't staged?

Awhile back some user was talking about how they're anti-white. I don't mean that in a "Anyone who does anything is controlled opposition" way. I mean it as in they are not actual National Socialists and they do not want to preserve the white race. It's a good website for finding stuff like Myth of the 20th Century, but I would have my bullshit radar on high alert while browsing their website.

They platform against white identity politics, not people with fair skin.

where they go wrong is being fucking kikes LARPing as national socialists to promote marxism. KYS

Wrong. Here’s a pic I found from one of you “Aryanist” cucks. Note that it cites an Alfred Rosenberg quote. So it must be legit right? Well, here’s the actual quote

Few deny that different races do exist. But this in itself means that something constant exists, something characteristic which indicates that a certain individual belongs to a certain race; otherwise it would be altogether impossible to speak of racial unity or of races as such. This, in turn, presupposes the existence of certain laws of inheritance, regardless of how these laws may be formulated in detail. However, under close scrutiny, the division into races according to the color of skin turns out to be quite the crudest and most obvious method, since there are noticeably inheritable characteristic racial differences among people of identically colored skins. Basically, the recognition of the existence of a race — meaning a type of man who has inherited and preserved certain definite characteristics — is no more than the recognition of a law of nature, a law not made by man and, at first only dimly perceived, but later positively recognized, and finally scientifically proven during the 19th century. Today the acknowledged existence of this law is just as completely independent of the fact that it is rejected by some circles as was once the general acceptance of the theory that the earth turns around the sun, discomforting though that great truth may have been to some institutions at the time.

~ Alfred Rosenberg

Yeah, fuck you and your phony Aryanism website. You support the death of the white race and totalitarian liberalism and feminism. Veganism is just you starving yourself to death as your bodu doesn’t digest vegetables. And also, fuck your anti-imperialism.

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hold it hold it hold it, first things first.

I'm not a feminist, and I fully acknowledge that men are being exploited very harshly in this current society.

I actually have mixed thoughts about veganism, but I am a vegeterian. I think it is a moral decision, but there are acceptable circumstances to eat meat, but its the killing of animals that is unfortunate.

European "imperialism" (colonialism really) is the reason why multiculturalism is even an issue at all these days. If the European empires modelled the Romans and assimilated native peoples into their empire, rather than enslaving and exploiting them, then they may have had a more positive history.

also, the "white race" is a completely modern concept that not even European nativists fully grasp. Otherwise, you would have come to the conclusion now wether or not Italians are white, or whether or not neanderthals are white too. Does that mean that I have this vehement desire to make people with fair skin extinct? No. I just don't think that fair skin is what makes a person a part of a race, just like what Alfred Rosenberg said.

but heres the kicker, I don't actually support Aryanism's politics. I don't actually agree with totalitarianism. I think Hitler was a great hero and a moral leader, but the Holy Roman Empire was the best Reich imho. ;)