Eric Clanton charges dropped?

According to jack posobiec

I can't find anything on this. Anyone got a source?

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enter clanton, eric, press search and click on the number

Using a heeb tweet is never a good thing user
That being said fuck pantyfa and clanton and the rest of the rim job commie enthusiasts

Wait. He murdered multiple people?

Doesn't load for me.

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3 years probation for a misdemeanor?

So he admits to battery on that occasion yet charges for wearing a mask to avoid detection get dropped?

woooo bike locks aren't deadly weapons now. does that mean they can use a hammers? it's just a straight version of a bike lock like the one used

The kike legal system at work, ladies and gents. Imagine if it had been the other way around.

With that logic literally EVERYTHING is a deadly weapon. You can die from breathing too much pure air.
You can die from drinking too much water.

No. A bike lock is not a deadly weapon. That charge would have been thrown out anyway. Is a bike lock's main function that of a weapon? Nope. Okay: not a deadly weapon.

Fact, he thought this planned it all out, premeditated and what not, wasn't a spur of the moment action, they treated as such. What a, joke 3yrs probation.

He used it as a deadly weapon, planned it all out ahead of time. Nice try dingus.
Your anal hole, it's glowing blinding me.

WTF Cali justice = communists cannot be punished?????

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Fedposting is bestposting

So if I drown you, can I argue that water isn't a weapon?

I don't know how the fuck that works. Someone explained on 4chan and I still don't get it. They said he accepted the penalty, but without admitting to the crime, and then the prosecutor dropped the rest of the charges.

Apparently you can get away with any crime if the local city prosecutor wants you to.

I think what he's saying is that if you beat Eric Clanton to death with a bike lock it wouldn't be a deadly weapon and you'd probably walk. Kind of a terrible thing for him to say though, calling for the murder of a fellow human being just to make his point. I denounce him.


Well yeah and Alameda is BAMN country as they control everything in that county so it makes sense. Feds may get him though now that he accepted the battery.


Is it a weapon as it's standard use? If not then it can't be a deadly weapon. 'deadly' is an adjective modifying 'weapon'; meaning the item in hand is already a weapon by default.
A bike lock is not a weapon by default, therefore it is not a deadly weapon.
Additionally the person (people?) Clanton hit with it aren't dead. Therefore deadly doesn't apply.
So now that deadly and weapon don't apply: it's a fucking bike lock.

If I kill you by lynching you with a 30' extension cord is that extension cord now a deadly weapon? No. It's a fucking extension cord.

I know. I know too well. I know too well in which some cunt got a complete pussy pass. I know ironically too well in she died 2 years later to the same reckless actions.
I know because I've been vindicated by spite.

It's called nolo contendere, which is Latin for "I do not wish to contend". It's technically not a guilty plea, but the effect is the same, and it's usually part of a plea deal.

Doubtful. They can't bring up the battery as a charge as that would be against the 5th and double jeopardy.
If they brought charges against him for the dropped charges - which they could do - it would be extremely hard since he now has the state dropping the charges. Now the federal government would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt AND prove why the state dropping the charges is wrong and bad. Which brings up a whole litany of potential appeals at the state level.

imagine my shock.

Oh my bad, I'm glad you weren't saying that user. That would be terrible.

It's called a plea deal. If he plead no contest that's often referred to in such situations as an Alford Plea.

Think he realized he's fucked and flipped to give up his commie buddies?

True, I was thinking more in terms of new charges stemming from the larger issue. RICO involving BAMN which is the mother of ANTIFA, BLM, etc. Given their history of literally abducting kids and those accusations I could see the feds looking into something behind the scenes. You would have to think they are at least on the radar.

they're nazis.

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Here's a thought. There's a distinct possibility that he snitched as a part of the plea deal. Even if he didn't, we should be pushing that he did as hard as possible, to get the commies to start distrusting each other.

GTFO dinesh

What I see here is a prosecutor offering a plea deal that screams that he wanted this guy to get off light. There was no need for a plea deal, he was caught on camera doing these things, it would have been a slam dunk, yet the prosecutor dismissed the charges.

If this was a guy on the right you damn well better believe they wouldn't get such a honeyed deal.

Wouldn't proving their history of political bias be enough? Police have been ordered to stand down. These are the same police that allowed antifa to destroy a ton of property at the milo event, related:

Plus their behavior at basically every rally in berkeley, for which there are tons of witnesses. Also the oakland mayor (next door to berkeley, also where the court is located) warning of an ICE raid.

Seems really important to do this or cities will keep breaking the law.


user(s) I honestly can't fucking follow who is supporting who these days.
In one ear I'm being told this is bad, in the other I'm told this is good.

I do though understand that the police need to get the rope early as they simply protect niggers etc.

Fucking pathetic.

Eric Clanton
James Fields
If I were his lawyer, I'd be getting a defense ready using this case.

The entirety of San Francisco needs to be destroyed by murderous robots.

Then he should be charged with attempted murder. Not assault with a deadly weapon.

I think a lot of anons are assuming I'm supporting him when I just want him charged with crimes he actually commit.

No, really?
They might as well disband the courts and replace them with bolshevik central committees, there's barely any difference at this point.
Remeber when Kate Stienley's killer was aqcuitted by a non white jury and then were filmed LAUGHING ABOUT IT.
ZOG is mocking us to our faces.

Its literally illegal to be white in the US anymore.

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Why the fuck would prosecution need a plea deal from a man who is on video committing an act of terrorism?

The DA deserves to be hit with a bike lock and then asked if probation is a good enough punishment.
Obviously it's an appropriate punishment since murphy is connected out the ass to BAMN an is literally a communist organizer

They took the guns away there because this is the kind of bullshit that would anger a militia enough to start storming government buildings.

Because he is politically connected to the leftist network of communist organizers in california. BAMN specifically.

Can you file a complaint with the ACLJEW or any organization? Is there anything that can be done to stop this clear judicial bias?

Eric might stumble and fall on a bike lock.

Defend yourselves folks. If you're worried a leftist might attack you, use extreme measures to maim and kill leftists and liberals (as pre-emptive self defense). The government wont defend you, especially in CA. This man will attempt to kill again, so he needs to die first.

Wew lad. May as well appeal to the SPLC


California prosecutors letting a left-wing terrorist off the hook? Big surprise. Dude poured thousands of upon thousands of dollars into this apparently, wondering where he got all that

didn't see any crowdfunding campaigns or anything and I actively kept up with this to see how it would turn out. since he did it, he was facing life, then it was reduced to 40 years, then around 10 years, now he's down to an inconvenient probation lol. My friend has 10 years probation for robbing a guy of $20 and he gets off with 3

ACLU wouldn't get involved and if anything they would defend him because they don't file lawsuits against small individuals (that i'm aware of) and especially leftists (I am aware of)

Also this isn't the first time that the far-left has been let off the hook. Almost all individuals involved with the inauguration destruction have had their charges dropped. Baltimore rioters have slowly had their chrages dropped, etc, etc.


Weatherman underground comes to mind too. They were literally terrorist bombers but they got away thanks to commie judges/DAs/etc

3yrs unsupervised probation is pretty common in CA. It literally means nothing. You don't have to check in, take drug tests or anything.

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a family member of mine (a professor) had his room blown to bits by the weathermen, any later and he would have died

so, does this now mean it is fine for anons to bash Eric about the head with bike locks whenever they see him? Precedent has been set.

Go to hell, you commie filth.



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This happened in Berkeley

Local rag coverage:

cuckchan thread on this subject:

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This agent has a point.

Soyg'n, go take care of another man's child and leave the serious discussion to the adults.

I realize that we are just shitposting on a russian bot basket weaving forum, but as Rockwell said many years ago, we have to be ready to go to jail and risk life and limb or we can't do shit about anything. It's not fair that this guy is getting special treatment, but it's the same old story since the jews took over. We can be locked up or receive IRS penalties for bogus reason if we are guilty of wrongthink while these scumbags run non-profits paying no taxes and go free after assaulting our guys. At some point we have to take a risk or we deserve what we get.

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fuck ZOG
fuck ZOG
fuck ZOG
fuck ZOG
fuck ZOG
fuck ZOG

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just attend your daily stormer book clubs like good goy, qanon will take care of everything.

took a misdemeanor plea deal. No jail time, 3yrs misdemeanor probation

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So then a car isn't a deadly weapon either

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It never even touched that sow so no, it wasn't.

It would be unironically ironic if clanton got bopped in the head during the course of his day. He should probably watch his six as he can't ever know if someone is monitoring his patterns to find an opening.

america is a LARP nation.

there's a 2 tiered justice system, one for them and one for the goy.

amnats will have you believe that america is a wonderful land of justice and that paradise awaits if only you become the goodest of goys.

It's sad that in order to make your point you have to lie.


How are cars related to beaching?

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Assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder charges usually go hand in hand.

Good job figuring out what most people here learned years ago.

Be a shame if someone were to test that theory out on your fucking skull, you kike, faggot.

People think hes now an informant. Not buying it. The system is corrupt.
Would file a civil suit and take what little he has left.

fixed that for ya

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Is a chainsaw a deadly weapon? What about a kitchen knife, or a hammer, baseball bat, or crowbar? None of those objects are weapons in their standard use either, yet everyone would consider them deadly weapons. Most "deadly weapons" by your definition wouldn't be deadly weapons. It has more to do with the objects likelihood to kill when used on a person. A bike lock is more of a grey area but you can very easily kill someone with one. Not to mention that the guy specifically brought a bike lock to use as a weapon.

this is her

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OK. Let this be a reminder that the courts are no longer a source for justice.
I'm ready for the Civil War anytime at this point guys.

Of course he had the charges dropped against him…

Fairly decent show, Fed-kun. But what's your point?

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Can't retry a criminal case. The victim could sue in civil court.

There be your problem, laddies.

"There's no hatred that can be satisfied either in this world or the next" - Georges Bernanos

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Zero surprise, it's commiefornia.

I mean i shouldn't be surprise as these are the same people that post shit like this and support black crimes matter. This nigger here was especially super happy that he decided to wear his lucky shirt in offense of people crying foul play to the prosecutors

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Well if one of you guys were to beat him to death with a bike lock, you should be fine.

If they are going to give us 10+ years for defending ourselves we might as well make it worth it.

Just use an icepick

Niggers in the south have been charged with assault with a deadly weapon for kicking people in the head. Fuck off with your pilpul 'it's not a weapon' bullshit. Anything is a weapon if you use it as such for legal purposes, and hitting someone in the head with a metal object should absolutely fall under assault with a deadly weapon.

Even parts of the human body can be deadly weapons, such as feet, knees, arms, and teeth (people that are aware of their HIV+ status, who use their teeth to bite someone else or have unprotected sex with another person, may be charged with ADW or aggravated sexual assault).
Everything is a deadly weapon except for actual deadly weapons, which are fine t. California
I hate my state so much.

Time for federal civil rights charges to be filed.
He was denying individuals their freedom of speech, freedom to assemble peaceably, etc.

This is how the lefty trash plays it, so it's time to do the same.
Also, doxx this motherfucker judge, let everyone know where he lives.

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He'll get cocky and throw this ridiculously undeserved second chance away. They always do.

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Are you fucking serious? They don't have to actually report to an officer, or are you just messing with me?

Bro they basically told him to hold out until the next election cycle to engage in terrorism, then he'll get another free pass


Someone needs to bake a bread to get this bitch some exposure.

I'm sure Tucker would be all over this, in theory. Get Fox News on it, maybe? Just some thoughts.