Jewish F2M marries M2F
First wedding of two transgenders of the opposite sex? Peak degeneracy…
Jewish F2M marries M2F
First wedding of two transgenders of the opposite sex? Peak degeneracy…
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Mr. Schneier was the first to arrive at Bryant Park, at around 2 p.m. He bought a coffee and found a seat. Ms. Brashears arrived shortly after — with no beard.
“The first thing she said to me was, ‘I need to get coffee,’ and left. There was no, ‘Hi, how are you?’ And I thought, I guess she is a crazy person,” Mr. Schneier said. “When she came back, she introduced herself and said, ‘I’m sorry my photo doesn’t look like me. This is a strange situation.’”
It was, and it wasn’t. And their meeting turned into a four-hour conversation. Eventually Mr. Schneier asked if she wanted to have dinner.
“I took her to a Korean restaurant,” he said. “We ordered this industrial wok of living seafood that was messy and bizarre. It became very clear this was moving into an actual date.”
Two months later, Ms. Brashears gave up her apartment and moved in with Mr. Schneier and his three children.
Because eating living things is just your typical 'date night' for a couple of kike demons. It just doesn't get any fresher than torturing a living things by eating them alive on 'date night'.
Gooks do take that lost tribe of Israel pretty seriously after all
Holy fucking shit…
And people thought pic related was bad.
It's not the first…
The only thing this thread needs from us is THEIR NAMES AND ADDRESSES, and then we can get this fucking degeneracy off our board.
I don't know what to make of this; should I be disgusted because two trannies married each other or glad two kikes took themselves out of the gene pool?
Ellen marries Buffalo Bill. Film at 11.
There you go.
Only natural result by peddling degenerate shit. Can only continue to grow within the jew community abroad and within Israel.
On that note. Check out the poor little kid in the picture, being raised "gender neutral" I've included a then and now comparison
thank you user
Hey, don't you try to distract us from this beautiful high-T bride!
Herschel dis cake is a fucken masta piece of modern cooking, just you wait till I tell all the guys at the next poker night about this fucken cake
Freaks tend to pair up.
God bless this necessary edit.
he's got that Michelle kind of physique.
Maybe they will commit suicide together.
A picture is truly worth a thousand words.
No. Just no.
Good on him! Bet that whale can squeeze out at least 8 kids by the time he actually finds her twat. unless it is a dudethen just Wow
"…It puts the lotion on its skin…"
Can society just collapse already so we can do some weeding?
This whole thing is fucking gay!
No shock. 1/3rd of Israelis are bisexuals.
Does anyone have any ideas for this thread:
The user is saying that a Jewish doctor has diagnosed him with gender dysphoria and is trying turn him into a woman.
It's sort of endearing in a sick, perverse, disgusting way.
that look is familiar user
I see what you're going for but I think this is just a soulless, vacuous brown waiting for gibsmefood and nothing else. If kid is aware of what's going on around her, she was surely told how (((good))) it was and was probably just throwing out socialist political commentary for her mom to tweet about.
oy gey!
Just a bit more degeneracy and we'll reach
F2M2F and M2F2M marriage
Full circle lads, mark my words
Jews defiling themselves and defiling torturing and mutilating their children…who cares.
We ought to just laugh at them (when we get over being utterly revolted) and show the Earth what we really think about jews disgusting behaviors. None of us are going to 'follow their trends of mutilating out bodies' so it is not an issue for us it is a bit like watching circus clowns.
I'm gay as fuck, living with my boyfriend, and you know what I do?
I whisper those 14 words to my friends when they get a girlfriend. I tell them, "Don't just pump and dump. Make love and have a family."
Not many men are taught to actually have families, but a gay bro like me doesn't need to play the game of "male competition for limited females."
I give my advice and if you're too dumb to take it, then that's your problem. Girls don't like guys who hate gays for one, and two, us gays have only helped you. I'm not a liberal, and fewer are than you think.
Don't make the wrong people your enemies.
That ain't smart.
Gas chamber is the other way
No. Downward spiral.
Makes you wonder how well a fake dick can fuck a fake vagina, the levels of disgusting and pathetic must be beyond words
Shit's only getting weirder and more degenerate. I'd say those poor children, but since their kikelets I guess the golem backfired on (((them))) once again. There's a woman I know who brags all the time about how tolerant she is because her daughter (who is an actual woman) is dating a MtF tranny.
Too true. Gay men, especially gay white men, are at the bottom of the progressive stack these days. Most of the gays I know are proud, masculine dudes who, for some fucked up reason (probably because they were molested as kids, or experienced some other childhood trauma) just prefer ass sex over pussy. But many are conservative in every other way, and participate in the best of bantz. I can almost understand being a faggot in this fucked up clown world where women can't seem to understand their place, and soyboys are so prevalent. True fags developed thick skin, and burning wit as a by-product of living in the trenches, so to speak. These days though, everyone's a fashion-faggot, just hopping on the sweaty ass sex train because it garners proggy points. These are the biggest lefties.
I'm usually shocked with whom I meet that admits to being gay. I can usually spot them from a mile away, but the non-closeted conserva-gays come off as regular guys until they say something. Some of the best folks I've met in my life.
With that said, I'm nearly positive most of you would dig into that pussy if you met a women worth a shit.
No shit.
Those expressions say everything….
Don't you mean circling the drain, user? At this rate, I'm beginning to think we deserve a nuke!
No. Not by a long, long, long stretch of the imagination.
The purpose of this story, is to publicize a couple where the MtF is obvious, this is goyim-teaching to instill the belief that MtFs are "always obvious".
In reality nearly the totality of Hollywood "marriages" are what is known as "reverso", i.e FtM + MtF.
Kidman and Cruise, and every other "darling couple".
You thought it was a coincidence that majority of leading men are tiny with 6`+ wives?
MrE transvestigation archive mirror.
Watch before it is deleted (again), and remember, kikes only censor the truth.
And here I thought you might have actually killed yourself. Of course, you have to post using tor.
Kidman index finger is longer than ring finger
Cruise ring finger is longer than index finger.
So you are wrong.
I can't wait to see the shit show when they perform aliyah and move to israel. I've already seen a number of very liberal kikes moving to isreal only to find themselves outcasts because their ideologies run contrary to that of israels. They have nowhere to run except from the countries they fleed, back into to jaws of the victimisation they was fleeing in the first place.
Reminder that you’re a ban evading transsexual who posts lies that no one believes.
You know, I was doing that thing again where I forget if what I saw was real or if I was just having another nightmare about browsing Zig Forums again, but I come back here today and yep, this thread is still here, so this was clearly real.
I can also tell I'm not dreaming becasue my shitpost folder looks normal. Dark, fucked up shit when you check your folder in a nightmare.