I see the thread about the alt-right being officially dead now has been locked...

I see the thread about the alt-right being officially dead now has been locked, because of the distasteful criticism of the alt-kike group.

Anons here, who reject being identified with this co-opted jew-controlled political group, would do well to find other places to discuss/share information. Chans are more than honeypots at this point - they are social experiments and breeding grounds for groups like antifa and nazbol. Zig Forums only serves the operation conducted on Chans, as a ballast weight, to make the whole operation seem like a genuine ideological contested zone with genuine anti-zionist/anti-judaic elements, when it is really all about spreading communist, oligarchic democratic socialist, and straight up jewish agendas under the guise of NWO/Globalist rebellion. Those who are bring said genuine elements to these sites are being experimented on, to research, actuary and curtail pro-zionist/pro-judaic techniques in the future creation of groups akin to the alt-kike. I would wage that a majority of Zig Forums frequenters are also spending a lot of time on other boards here and on 4chan, internalizing a lot of subversive concepts and ideas that they are not yet educated to avoid or see through.

The mods here seem to be held in high suspicion by a lot of anons who simultaneously reject the Q-user psywar against investigators of systemic paedophilia and similar operations being carried out on social media sites and forums like the chans. That's a good sign, but a lot of you are still pulled into this 'game of reciprocal characterization or mischaracterization' of each other's perspectives, and hacking apart of the communal consensus (whice are being clearly enforced by the mods under what is clearly a psychological operation). All you can really do is promulgate the truth about zionism/judaism and its underlying construct, avoid the volatility of 'meme culture' by sticking to adamant information/articles/books, and override the propaganda/hasbara efforts of jew operatives using these items of knowledge.

kek at your eternal cuckery

It's because it was one of a half dozen threads about the Holocausting of 6 million of Jonesteins jewtube videos.

Only bots could read the OP and respond so quickly.

gas the bikes, alt-kike was never welcome here.

yeah, not a bot just not a niggerloving fat fuck who's national culture is the McDonald's dollar menu

OP you nigger

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The 'Gas the kikes' propaganda meme is a CIA creation. Jews were never gassed. The only country that has ever used gas chambers to execute prisoners is the USA.

No, it wasn’t locked for criticism of the ✡alt-right✡. We have enough e-celeb threads and can coordinate our takedown of the ✡alt-right✡ in existing threads.

That’s some good irony.


Another ultra cancerous thread


Nice counter argument, can see those 12% negro and 15% injun genes shining through

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It was locked because I was btfo the boomer WN 1.0 stormfags.

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This board is a jew created, jew controlled, jew run honey hole, every thread, 75% of the comments


What happened to the /zundel/ board/archive?

This fag and everyone else calling the alt-kike controlled op probably turns around and calls anyone who critcises ZOG empruh (((Trump))) a shill – not that the alt-kike isn't controlled OP, but it's just funny to me how the alt-kike is universally reviled here, yet so many people still worship (((Trump))) just like them

all of those faggots are.

please go back to TRS you moron >>>/trs/

Literally boomer retards who say shit like, "if it wasn't for left wing identity politics we wouldn't be experiencing this antiwhite racism". It's funny what the deranged conspiracy theorists are willing to tolerate inorder smear others.
When people start making assumptions or spreading easily confirmable lies, I turn off.
This is why I stopped taking the neoreactionaries seriously.


Explain how anyone in that image is not, please. It’s your assertion.

Neither the host or any of his guests besides E. Michael Jones are boomers.

Who said that? I listen to the podcast all the time, and have never anyone say something that jewish? Some guests say dumb shit, but the host openly disagrees all the time.

Are wageslaves even human?

item (n.)
late 14c., originally an adverb, "moreover, in addition," from Latin item (adv.) "likewise, just so, moreover," probably from ita "thus," id "it" (see id) + adverbial ending -tem (compare idem "the same").

The Latin adverb was used to introduce a new fact or statement, and in French and English it was used before every article in an enumeration (such as an inventory or bill). This practice led to the noun sense "an article of any kind" (1570s). Meaning "detail of information" (especially in a newspaper) is from 1819; item "sexually linked unmarried couple" is 1970, probably from notion of being an item in the gossip columns.

Jay Dyer went on and had to stop the host spewing this cancer. It was during the Charlottesville shitstorm and the host was kvetching about the fat whore dying and calling everyone who went there a controled-op.
Boomers can't be trusted not to default to their programming.

I've never listened to that podcast, but the one you posted is with the hyphenated-heeb from Talpiot Talk who says we should stop targeting the jews as a whole. The show he did with Know More News recently is essential listening to see so-called "good jews" and their enablers operate.

The fact that they all seem so scared of Patrick Little makes me like him even more.

I never had any faith in Yael Kusnner's dad.

He knows what guests to get on, but he himself is admittedly not an expert of conspiracy, and only began learning about anything conspiracy related at the age of 39. I agree with you that he does sometimes relapse, but you keep calling him a boomer. He is early generation X. You can attribute a lot of boomer traits to early gen X.

Shill your kike shit somewhere else. See

No. The best thing you can do is take action that advances your beliefs and values and see who tries to stop you.

It's almost like…they're trying to tell us something.

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Talpiot is a cringey subject. I am inclined to look at it as a minor issue being superimposed upon larger issue regarding Israel's cybernetic control system.

Adam Green, Greg McCarron and Jeromy Rothe-Kushel do some good digging and talks on judaism/zionism/israel/psyops.

They're the same thing, albeit my version doesn't involve walking around the street with captain america shields getting maced by antifa mutts.

We need a way to identify each other in public without broadcasting it. I just dont know how, the kikes are everywhere. We need to build a kike free system of communication, somehow, someway. Its our only real hope of moving forwards. They know that, which is why they ban us from everything. Ideas?

Neither does mine. Although fights with antifa are important for having the lads let off some steam, they are just a distraction from the main game, which is control of or the building of the structures of civilization.

Make me, bitch. Fucking poser.

Wow, aren't you shill kike whores scared?

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or maybe you were never around for when "gas the kikes" was a thing and you're mad about that?

If you are the torfag from other threads who has actually some semblance of intelligence I hope you stick around. You never know when some user is actually a decent one and won't listen to these (((anons))) who preach being poor and moody little cunts.

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Don't bother going back, just kill yourself.

Leftypol would ruin it and it would be on the southern poverty website within a week.
This is why leftypol shouldn't be allowed on fullchan.

I'm on comfy beny-fits and plan on having ten kids, get fucked.
Wageslave retard.

Trump isn't a kike, but he might as well be.

Nah, i'll just stay here like I have been for the passed 4 years, you (((newfag))).

So you haven't done it yet? Laughing at you, loser.

the term "alt right" is merely a catch-all term to describe non-establishment Republicans.

the only people that are obsessed by the term "alt right" and constantly feel the need to declare it's death are jews and their kosher puppets. No one on Zig Forums really cares about the term one way or the other.

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The establishment lost the GOP civil war against Trump anyway so the altright is a moot point now, it's is simply the right and nothing else. It's more funny to watch the DNC civil war which is still ongoing, as not only do they have to deal with the commies like that spic that endorsed all those candidates (who all promptly lost kek) they're turning on the commie greens too.


wasted trips you eternal faggot!

Yeah, that's what the real consensus was until we were astroturfed and dragged into this faggy drama.

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There are only two kinds of people who are interested in constantly shitting on and denegrating the "alt right."

1. Kikes

2. Uber kang "nazis" who care more about trying to feel special about themselves by shitting on anyone and everyone who isn't up to their imaginary larping standards. In other words, those who don't actually give a shit about the White race, and are willing to compromise it in order to feel good about themselves on the internet.

An actual White Man will use everything to their advantage, without compromising their own integrity or the integrity of our race, in order to further the interests of our race.

There's one more:
3. Heterosexual gentiles who aren't Libertarians.

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Yeah, you and your ilk are like farmers who would kill all your seedlings because, "I only have the highest of standards for my crops, and these clearly don't have luscious fruit hanging from their branches, so I am going to torch them. Then I can feel good about myself knowing that I am an uber kang nazi."

You can shit on those who make themselves prominent, but the vast majority of those who call themselves "alt right," fundamentally come down to those who care about and are willing to pursue the interests of our race. Anyone one who does otherwise, especially when they are only doing so to larp online, is nothing but a worthless nigger.

Your race? Ok…what does that have to do with Europeans? The Alt-Kike leadership are all jews or ZIONISTS.

Right because 'using jews' has worked out so well for Europeans in the past. The only thing that Europeans have ever done right when it came to jews was the holocaust…and that didn't even happen. So we have done nothing right and everything wrong. It is time exterminate them Alt-Kike or not.
That is all.










*posts list of trump's altright fashy Jews who won the "GOP civil war"*
I don't keep gay-shit on my shitposting pc

whatever the kikes are trying here will fail
we know who they are, what they do, how they do it and why they do it and we despise them, we despise everything about them, their genes, their cult, their state, their simbols, their tradition, we hate it all so much that the moment someone is found out to be even slightly connected to something that may or may not have at one point in time be influenced by kikery, whoever that person is or whatever he says he is sent straight to the /oven/ by every user lurking
kikes want communism and everyone who lurks in the most important boards hate communism with passion, all for different reason
/v/ for example wouldn't give 2 shits about communism had commies not been retarded enough to get between a weeb and his waifu
/cow/ makes feast out of commies
/tv/ can't stop laughing at the fire rising in pedowood
/a/ and /co/ are shit but the animu and comics communisties are also both on the deffencive against commies
commie hatred became so popular these past 3 years that a metric fuck ton of e-celebs made their careers mocking SJWs

people who identify with political groups becos of their name are retards with out opinion
it's not about what you are, it's about what you think
tipical of idiots brainwashed into identity politics
rhater than atacking the actual ideas that opose their cult (jews being satanic, niggers being savages, womyn being inmature, commies being pedos) they build a strawman out of their ass that nobody with double digits iq bought and then proceeded to out themselves as retards with their own strawman
the moment i read the term "alt-right" for the very first time i knew right away it was nothing but a forced meme, media boogieman, honeypot and cotroled oposition all rolled up into one
i can't believe there are actual retards that actually feel for that shit

Look what the kikes did to this thread haha

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You should feel bad.