The hypocrisy of extrajudicial western IP laws

china is a peace loving nation, but if the fatsos forced the hand of xi, the hand of destiny, they would soon regret it. China has the largest military in the world and has recently forced india (another country america is losing power to) to back down before them. This is especially true if the US doesn't recognize their lack of power and begin to stop politicizing trade and technological issues through the use of unfair IP laws.

It is just the west using laws set up to maintain their waning positions of power. unfortunately for the western nations and america the world is falling apart around them unless they open their hearts and accept that china will soon be where they were decades ago in terms of power projection and they will likely be the new south america.

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Never change Zig Forums

nice thread chang. did you get your fifty cents?

China has and will continue to get their shit pushed in. They lack the social cohesion, conviction and basic communication skills to do anything properly.

Also sage

>obsess over a couple million gook subhumans that consistently failed over and over through their millennia old history that are only mildly hostile towards us due to (((marx)))ist brainwashing
I know (((you))) will never change, that's why the Final Solution is inevitable.

That too.

lighten up OP

Attached: don't worry smoke a spliff.jpg (852x1136, 102.65K)

You appear real strong indeed OP

Is that a filter in a j fam

Do you not put crutchs in yours


Hi Shiu Xin Ping, tell that to Tibetians. And Vietnamese.

Also, fuck (((IP laws))) and fuck all party members.

Does not compute.

Gotta side with Hitler on this one.


the chinks have always been 2nd tier at best

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The US could pulverize china in 15 minutes. Only reason they don't is because the kikes haven't given them the nod.


Top kek.

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You're going to be eating our shit to survive, bug.

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Yes any country with more people than yours is zerg city right? The mottos of dying peoples do become odd quickly dont they? Also odd how you want our jobs despite us being such zergs.

What did you hope to achieve with this thread OP? Provoke a fight? Salve your ego? You didn't even post the source of that article - if that is an article.


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Daily dose of chink deterrent:

ching chong bing bong

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The problem with this statement is that the Chinese actually don't want to pay the price of being world hegemon (e.g. patrolling the trade lanes, putting down regional fires, opening up markets to sustain foreign trade).
What OP fails to understand is that being an empire sucks for the empire's core people. This is one of the reasons why the jews are constantly afraid of American "isolationists." America has sustained the global order with its blood and treasure, and countries like China prospered in this global order without actually paying for it.
So the tl;dr here is that if the US backs down from the world stage (and I would argue that it would be good for the US), the Chinese will not take over. The PRC may sustain their trade links with Africa and Asia, through the OROB but that's about it. They won't want to become global hegemon because that position will give them all the same problems that America and the West has faced for decades.

I don't speak bug runes
What is this?

bug spray

Attached: mosquito-repellent[1].jpg (708x393, 93.6K)

Keep spreading nonsense about that shit nobody care about i am not chinese i am westerner like all of you i can just see the writing on the wall

The US can and will win the trade war with the Chinese. Sage for shit thread

Obligatory Were all Asian song

implying (((they))) aren't a threat
ignoring (((Rothschildism))) being the real world hegemony
You know (((OP))), there's a reason why 100+ nations have their private central banks. Those stats on GDP are all just for show.

Attached: Chu Mad Mein.jpg (275x400, 39.46K)

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1989 Tiannanmen Massacre

Basically, any chink that has that phrase in their browsing history is supposed to get gulaged.

Yea it is a filter, retard.

Largest Military = 2.25 Million

Largest Military….



US Armed Citizen Population ~110 million

Largest Military :/

"Mortimer! What do we do? The goyim didn't buy the Russia bullshit!"
"Don't worry Dr. Shecklestein, we will just BTFO the Gooks even though they have been fucking awesome to us and so hospitable because we're dirty fucking filthy nasty sweaty fat lazy degenerate no culture having heathens and profits matter above everything else."

"Yeah, of course. That makes total sense Mortimer!"

Attached: JewytheJewJew.webm (485x274, 2.84M)

That's a lot of security guards.

Yes some hick with a hunting rifle is going to take out powwrful chinese soldiers

not one sole hick, but a platoon of them.

Must be difficult to type when you are perma-squinting

I think the Tibetans and Uyghurs would disagree.

It would give China even more powers. In the world were USA don't protect high seas Chinese caravans of ships protected by Chinese Navy would have insane competitive advantage (China already have second largest Navy and builds more).

Mallninjas with sporting rifles =/= military.

Give me 100$ dollars for every nigger I kill and I will join the Chinese army

Their entire country is based on exporting things to other countries, if another World War breaks out or another Great Depression happens the whole country would collapse.
The US' economy is also still significantly larger than China's, so if a trade war ever broke out the US would probably win it.

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Herp derp. How did America become greats power in the 1940s?

lol fuckoff Zhang, and by what means will this military be transported? do the chinese have a secret fleet of ships stored some place? the only chink threat are the migrants flooding into Canada and Australia.

Not entirely true, we're dependant on trade. Big difference being the US would only suffer short term problems, china however could support itself short term by driving their slaves to produce more domestic goods regressing back to communism. Essentially when the world reset starts and western countries recover their industries, china will be left in the dust as hundreds of millions antmen start to death, disease, crime and chaos will insue.

Never change, chink. Also, reported.