White Financial Solidarity

Right, it has come to my attention that we are poorfags as a collective of aware Whites and have no purchasing power nor freedom to be NEETs and put our daily energies into the cause.

So this is a thread for ways to make serious money and what to put it into. We also need to look into house sharing as a way to get together and cut costs. If we can doctors, builders, managers who are Whites and think like us on our side and we work with them together, this will make our lives easier. There is nothing honorable about struggle without reward.

Post your ideas/thoughts.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bank of America has lowered their interest rates on loans for people with low to no credit. I suggest you take a look.

Best way to stay ahead of the curve in the future is 3-4 guys buy/rent a home. As families expand, so does your home. Whites are the only race is america that doesn't do this anymore because its been beaten out of them.

Moving to the North-West among other high-white density counties is important. Move to a small town and find other whites with racial identity. Build businesses and make connections. A pool of money 500,000 dollars deep compiled by some successful men can go a long way.

Also with home sharing you can hire teachers for home schooling. Regarding the home itself, you can easily convert homes into 3-4 isolated sections with basic drywalling/carpentry skills.

Exactly. There are also smaller coop banks that people can look into for better rates.

I'm a based Filipino-German attorney sympathetic to your cause. If you need any help, I'd be glad to lend any assistance.

If you have any money to spare, get into crypto it's the future of money and the internet. Right now leftists and commies like the ETH founders have outsized influence and it will be terrible for us if they end up owning web3 the way they own twitter, google, etc.
We're at or near the bottom of the market right now so its a perfect time to get in. Some good projects (investments) to look at are:

Always remember to do your own research though

Fuck off poorfag.

I think this is the next step and we all want it really. If we can capitalise on anything Trump is doing for the economy we must take advantage of. Plus, if we hold businesses to the old standard, customers most likely will flock to our people.

Yes. Also you can put bunkbeds into room for younger White males as we used to live in harsher standards before and this is temporary as it helps us long term. Besides it will teach the late teens/early 20's how to live socially. You can use other rooms as you say, for teachers to homeschool under the understanding/watch of parents and others on what is being taught. Sounds exciting to me. I am 25/27 myself, but I will sacrifice living standards for something that helps us.

Couldn't agree more. I almost had that setup one time through discord, but it unfortunately broke down. We were speaking and knew where we all generally lived. As time goes on it seems more reasonable to do it. What do we have to lose?

You impress no one.

So a secret international White fraternity with a brotherhood, sounds like old school Freemasonry before they allowed jews in. They had the best model for this kinda of stuff; study them very closely.

First, be white, and cut down costs. Be frugal.
Then, work tirelessly to improve your situation, not just financially, but also work out and study.
When you have money, a fit body, and knowledge, which you will get from not wasting your life on stupid shit like TV, getting a very white woman will be orders of maginitude easier (you don't even have to be as young as her).

Then raise tons of white kids and be an excellent parent.

t. Former poorfag non-"we".

Attached: pol has a wife and kids.webm (640x352, 7.45M)

Use the kikes tactics against them
It would only take 10 of us to collectively associate, move into a 4 bedroom house, share the cost of living, food, bills, gas, etc. Make sure it's near or within a suburban area. Start a string of business' such as handyman, landscaping, pool cleaning, moving services, general labor work at an average of 35 dollars an hour per head and an average of 6 hours per head for 6 days a week.
That's 655,000 dollars a year for a single household at a minimum amount of work.

The best part is it's physical labor work, so each house member is healthy. Implement a strict way of life, 2 hours study time each day, each person expands into a certain area of expertise such as web marketing, local advertising and so on.

Within 2 years we are moving into local politics, getting involved in the local chamber of commerce and city council.

Within 5 years there are 5 working models. or 4 million dollars a year collectively.

within 10 years we're controlling county level politics and moving into the state scene.

I think we're finally at the point where I can expect some other anons to seriously consider my proposal.

I've been studying this for a couple years, learning what to look out for, how to collectively motivate people, social engineering and human hacking (ie: brain washing). It's a great tool if used for the collective benefit of a group.

There is nothing illegal about this no matter how "evil" our cause is seen by the outside world. The only major hurdle is battling Juden and his ZOG machine trying to defame the group at every crossing point.

The numbers that I've posted here are very minimal as many anons would bring specialties to the work place and it doesn't account for black hat tactics, methods of creating value.

Once the group has moved into the 7 figure a year range, media outlets can really take off and the message can spread rapidly. Especially in the environment Juden has so graciously created for us.

This is their biggest threat. Anons moving into the realm of reality.

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choose one

It's called a credit union. They are member owned and usually restrict membership to a limited group. They have no financial incentive to participate in usury, and generally have better rates, less fees, and lend to those deemed less credit worthy by (((other institutions))).

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No matter how strong you are mentally and physically, you are weaker than the weakest group collectively working for a cause.

You will never be more than a upper middle class alone. At best, you can hope to raise a good family and release those children in a ZOG world controlled by Juden who will take half of everything you worked for at the hour of your death AFTER taking half of everything you've worked for through your entire life.

The system is rigged against us.

But it doesn't have to be.

There is a gaping fucking hole that needs to be exploited.

White compounds, co-ops and boarding houses are extremely regulated; only shitskins get a pass. You could only pull it off in the countryside; you could maybe pull it off in a liberal city if you use the cover of environmentalists that are concerned with invasive species.
Good luck having any kind of weaponry though, if they learn you have anything past a pistol you're going to get ATF'd.

wise user.

We can't work in the shadows
Transparency would be saving grace
I would even demonstrate how having a public inventory online for accounts receivable and expenditures would be a major weapon against the current system.

Any press they weaponized against us would propel us exponentially. Don't think we're alone. We're just the ones speaking openly about this but all whites are having thoughts of a break away culture.

The diversity experiment has run it's course. Juden has destroyed any potential it had of working by shoving multi-culturalism down the throats of unwilling patients and it's left a very bad taste in many peoples mouths.

I live in California and have open conversations about this constantly. I'd say 1 in 3 customers tells me how happy they are to see white people show up to help them out.


I want to go to law school and become a lawyer to assist aware Whites in legal disputes, while simultaneously going to veterinary school to learn the necessary husbandry such that I can start a ranch somewhere out West, maybe Montana.
As part of that ranching efforts, I'd like to establish a facility to breed and raise particularly-exotic reptiles and pursue a program of attempted domestication to produce true 'pet' reptiles, particularly amongst the Varanus clade.

Between legal fees, veterinary fees (for surrounding livestock ranches), income from both livestock and reptile sales, I think that such an enterprise could provide housing and employment for many White workers.

I dunno, I've always loved animals, and especially reptiles, and at some point I thought, "Man, I kinda want to be a cowboy who tames and raises dragons", ya know? What are the thoughts of the community in this capacity?
Am I just a dreamer? Am I the only one?

Homes and apartments aren't allowed to have more than two different "families" in them. It's because of anti-brothel laws. Not to mention most renters don't want that on their property. I believe those laws also apply to homes in my area.

Doesn't mean people ignore it or work around that however.

I totally agree with you that a collective is best. We need groups like you mention, not just for counter-nepotism but also to make group projects like big propaganda pieces (I'd pull all-nighters to professionally edit video for like-minded anons, but the chaos of chans demotivate me). not to mention, some of us have big audiences and aren't revealing their power levels… and subtle propaganda is the best we can do

The problem is, how do I find you? And how do you find me? Because I can't find 10 anons IRL that aren't countries away. And I'm committed enough that I'd be happy to help out anons who (currently) don't have anything to offer.

I just need to find someone. In the meantime I'm working on self-improvement.

There are federal charters for sale in the 200-400k range.

Fuck loans, we go straight to the fed window and borrow at fed funds rate, then lend it back to the idiots.

Just to show you guys how bad it really is, those of you using Tor or like me, using an off-shore proxy you paid for with crypto. I've attached a document we aren't supposed to know about. It's called The Hive. I have all the documents on it.

There is absolutely nothing you do online that is anonymous.

It's time, guys. It's literally now or never.

This is precisely why this idea is so necessary. If we get guys we know into a house and do this for 1 year and make that level of money, we have enough to push our ideas anyway we want. Instead of losing our energy to pointless verbal and typed discourse, we can just bypass these (((enemies))) and live at our own pace and accord.

Remember, we are just friends at the end of the day, right? So if Jim and Judy asks you are just Americans coming together to enjoy some good work and thought it a good idea to live together. No one needs to know who we are. We just get through the year and make the money while having a good time. Excellent post, user.

You maybe wealthy and I am happy for you. However, we are still poorfags because you are with us. As 9eec user said, you are still poorer than the poorest group on your own.

For now you can keep a low profile depending on environment, but if you can be open about being White and wanting America back we should do it. There are so many Whites begging inside for younger White men to just show some fucking balls. Even just to look physically strong again. This is why we can bypass the (((system))) because we made the fucking system. So the old one can die off while we grow inside it again learning from previous mistakes with a breath of fresh air.

Think how Whites will feel doing this new and exciting thing where it offers them daily tasks that makes them wealthy and stronger collectively again.

Oh yeah, plus, non-Whites are terrified of reptiles.

Dogs are great and all, but a combo-pack of a few dogs and a fat-ass lizard is best.

Look at my post here

We're not anonymous from anyone but each other. Understand The Hive has sniffers placed at each node on the internet and we can't even detect them.

The deception of anonymity is to separate us and make us think we have something to lose by getting out in the open. The only people we're hiding from is each other.

For the reason you stated I started looking into basic labor services that anyone could do who wasn't a paraplegic (that's a very hard word to spell if you don't spell it often).

Realistically, I'm going to be putting forth the initial investment and securing the property. I just don't am not locked in on a geographic location yet. Arizona seems the most favorable for us due to it having the highest military veteran population in the country, but I'm open to suggestion.

I've been saving, studying and exercising. I've been living for nothing and would much rather risk dying for something. No violence, though. We can't be viewed as a militant group. Not yet.

Do you have any idea on how such a group of anons can come together that doesn't put us all on a list?

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What a filthy demonic beast. Send it right back to the underworld.

On an aside, this bread is ridiculously kike free on the evening that Tel-Aviv is under fire

I'm sure it's just a coincidence

How dare you sir!


Again, we're only hiding from each other.
Switchblade is grabbing all our information, even encrypted and sending it for decryption.

They have a log of everything you've done since 2015 online.

Quantum computing has BTFO of encryption. That story about Dredd Pirate Roberts was fabricated from the ground up. They took him down because the silk road was their competition.

Our only hope is to step out into the open.

I'm not going to ask anyone to do that now, but I want anyone reading this to look at the information I'm putting out and understand it.

We're powerless alone. Targets to be rounded up one by one.

A little too blatant for me.
To be honest, I would be quite satisfied with deportation, and I don't hate non-whites.
I simply want a nation of my own, peopled with my own kind.

I'll kill if it comes down to it, and I'll do an horrific job of it, but don't ask me to like it.

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Go back to cuckchan.

these are the last 4 documents on HIVE

If anyone has a better suggestion than just stepping out into the open, I'm open to it. I haven't been able to think of a way.

Attached: hive-Infrastructure-Configuration_Guide.pdf (hive-DevelopersGuide.pdf)

The only financial solidarity whites should have is from their extended family. Loans from family members,
interest-free, is enough to start anything. If your family is overridden with debt, and you are equipped with the knowledge to not fall for the same fate, your destiny is to lead your bloodline away from it so your children not suffer the same.

I swear to God
Mark my words
I will be your achilles heel, Juden
I will ruin everything your disgusting sperm donors have created.
I just hope you pussies put up a good fight because you squeal like pigs and cower in real life.

You remind me of anons being banned on kampfy/pol/ and setting up a board called >>>/tennessee/ - if I lived in the US I'd try getting in contact with them.

So your idea is we all openly start looking for each other. It's not a terrible idea, but it's a bit of a gamble. I'll consider it.

Another idea is joining a civnat alt-kike movement to find actually redpilled natsoc anons. There could be some.

No, it has not. I know about this subject. Look up Quantum Supremacy; we're still on the stage where it might or might not be possible to do it. Skeptics point out the inherent noise of quantum systems will prevent quantum computing altogether.

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Dude who gives a fuck, we're not intending on breaking any laws. Not yet anyway. Besides, if you're not already on a list, what are you really even doing? ZOG wants us atomized, broke, ignorant and ultimately dead. We can list eachother all we want. We need to ascend socially, economically and politically and working together is the best way.

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I don't care about being anonymous anymore.
If anyone is that interested in looking for me…
…they better pray they don't find me.


Here's 3 of us in 15 minutes
This isn't going to be that hard
it's the collective association that will be tough. Communal living takes a special breed of people and that's how I came to the conclusion that a completely transparent monetary policy is imperative. We can't risk dissent or subterfuge.

I admittedly don't know much about it but I do know the story about Dredd Pirate Roberts takedown is absolute bullshit. San Francisco is cucked to the n'th degree and the story about how they tracked him down was bullshit. He didn't make mistakes, he had been going for years and they expect us to believe that one day, he suddenly forgot to turn on his VPN while connecting to a public Starbucks (Kosher approved!) IP?

There is no anonymity online but we're meant to believe there is. That means we're meant to remain anonymous from each as well as believe we're anonymous from TPTB

And if user wished to join such a collective, where would that collective be located to best serve user?

Poorfags…based on Jewish currency. Just a few more shekels and the power will be Mine!

We still are, because the government is ultimately made up of weak willed fools. They have mountains of data, but not nearly enough capable enough of parsing through it. We're basically taking advantage of those cracks to keep going. Ultimately though, people need to realize that they need to learn to have a decoy personae for blending in, as well as other ones…

It doesn't need to if backdoors are installed in advance…Intel's IME anyone?

There are truly anonymous areas, but that is NOT on the clearnet(IE: Here and normalfag areas contained within the great firewall 2.0.) Treat it as such.

Poor on more than that. What OP is proposing is more self improvement. There's a dearth of that at a collective level. Every bit helps.

This is what I was working on when you did this to me

Get behind me, satan.

Mentioned above that AZ looks good outside of Phoenix (this is the most ideal because it presents the strongest dollar value at 1.7x the buying power of cucked Cali). NV outside of Vegas/Henderson looks good, dollar value = 1.6x buying power. Montana seems great on the surface but the dollar value = 1.2x buying power

Benchmark is Cali

Highest buying power I was able to find was Missouri at 1.88x but the problem arises when looking for proximity to urban areas (need to be close to densely populated area for work/income purposes).

I think this conversation needs to be had several times til we get to the point of discussing it daily on here. It's going to take a mental shift and we're 100% guaranteed to attract infiltrators,

That can happen. Reminder to use Tails or similar.

The way that quantum computing defeats encryption is because of something called Shor's algorithm. He's alive and you can actually talk to him about it. He regularly answers questions on Stack Exchange sites.

For example, remember D-Wave, the quantum bullshit Google spent a ton of money on? Well that's quantum annealing, and that can't run Shor's or Grover's algorithms. Furthermore, IBM has recently simulated quantum systems of up to 56 Qbits, and I have reasons to believe the "true quantum computers" available online are all simulated using off-the-shelf hardware.

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I'd be open to meeting on a deeper level. If we could change IP's often, we could stay ahead of detection but I don't really see a purpose. What are we hiding from? If we were very open and public about things, it would present a bigger problem to anyone that wanted to subvert out cause. You can't snatch someone up in the night when they're on the 50 yard line in a packed stadium.

There are also means of remote work, like web development. Perhaps a collective of spergs is capable of teaching each other the requisite skills in ~6 months to remotely work as freelancers.

It would also be important to do community work to build outstanding optics. Guards well against character assassination.

Trips and seig hiel!

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Nice trips. The anonymous areas have their purpose, but are pointless for here and almost the entirety of what gets proposed. I won't go into detail because Zig Forums is a board of peace after all.

It's why I stated earlier to "blend in" instead, due to the mountains of data that they're stuck parsing.

sorry your mom fucked a dead beat … first understand that it was her fault for not being picky. And understand it is your dads fault for not taking life seriously and instilling you with real knowledge about the world.

Now since you understand that these personality traits are not part of success you will. 1) be picky , patient as much as you can. 2) be willing to face the hard truths of the world and act accordingly, not thinking little goofy jokes are a healthy thing. Understanding that a degenerate joke become a degenerate lifestyle.

Im not poor , im not wealthy. Im rich is soul and spirit. Im healthy because I understand I dont need a doctor visit or gym. All I need to do is be active and eat balanced. I understand that I really dont have to pay attention to any of the bullshit from MSM or blacks or even shitters on this board. I dont need to be an NEET because im an independent force cut from the image of god. If you dont think the body you are given is something that is a miracle and you dont take it seriously, treating it and your existence anything less is like not turning in a winning lotto ticket. If that is the case and you rely on others your parents did not instill strong values in you.

I blame them for failing, but you are the one that is a burden. Why would I want to join forces with a needy person. I want everyone here to understand the reason my they are seeing whites respond to current events as they are. Why has there not been a group reaction. Thats not our style. We dont cry and scream opression. We react and win. We over some obstacles. We dont rely on each other in some kind of it takes a village mentality. Everyone in white society should be their own nation within themselves, capable of defending and producing. Its easier said than done.

Being white is easier said than done. The other races cant make it in our world. Thats why they complain about meritocracy. If you are white you should complain either. Fucking improve yourself, stop being a burden that needs others and win.


Absolutely not a kike free first post.

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Dillon, you soab. Loving your luminescence.

Basic tips. I'd recommend Think And Grow Rich and StrengthsFinder 2.0 (if ypu priate it, buy the code for the test so you can get the full use of it) to get more specialized into improving yourself and your financial strength. I wish all you anons the best in strengthening your wallet and improving the lives of the White race.

Alright shill, I'm going to point out why you're wrong in one word: clans. Look up our old dynasties, then come along and try that bullshit again.

Your argument is "Whites should not work as a team, and you're a loser if you want to".

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We're all on lists at this point. Either we work together now or we all work together in the camps when they finally do round us all up.

I suggest to all anons looking to move to a white-friendly place to move to Montana. I could write a whole essay about why this is a good idea and I have before. I agree with the notion that anonymity is no longer a tool that will help us. I'd be more than willing to join a white-friendly collective.

The solution isn't some communist shit like house sharing, etc.

The solution is multi-generational families living together.
Instead of the asinine idea of kicking the kids out at 18, how about provide a place where they can live, and produce a family.
Sure kick them out if they aren't on board with the idea, or are degenerates run amok, but the need to have your familys' future assured is key; it's the single biggest thing holding back white people.

Here's how to do it:
Mom and dad take their wages and instead of buying crap like jet skis and RVs, they invest in THEIR FAMILY by buying land/property that can be used for them together. Their children will then have a place to live instead of being (((rent))) slaves. They can establish their own childrens' families while they are young. This increases the white birth rate. And eventually you will have 3 or more generations living together on a large family compound with enough room for everyone. All that money saved on (((interest and rent))) is reinvested back into the family, allowing them to grow, and build more fore future generations.

This is what the asians and jews do. Hell, even beaners do it (but out of necessity). The solution is right there, but it means that the family has to work together, eshew degeneracy and decadance, and deprogram themselves from the (((medias))) rugged individualist narrative.

Put family first, and everything comes together.

You nailed it right there.
Without the court of public opinion on our side, we will end up silenced, imprisoned and written off as psycho skin heads who wanted to kill everyone that wasn't white.

The problem with remote-collectivism, is we're all paying toward a cause that is arbitrary. it manifests itself in reality when we're face to face. Even the discomfort becomes a sort of glue over time.

Imagine it like you're walking across a plank onto a ship and that ship will never touch that shore again. We're, in essence, abandoning the lives we leave behind and setting sail for something that may not be on the other side of the ocean.

A certain amount of faith needs to be had or nobody will have faith in us. We're talking about reshaping civilization, don't mistake it for anything less. It will be met with an opposition of equal proportion, meaning if anyone isn't bound by something greater than desire, it will never come to fruition.

I whole-heartedly agree, I just don't think we have time.
Look at the demographics charts and accelerate them forward. Whites will be a minority in the west by 2050 at the absolute latest. Realistically, we have about 2 decades to work with.

Radical leftists and black nationalists have been doing experiments in communal living and coops since the 60s. What do they have to show for it? Can you think of 10 communally owned businesses (other than credit unions)?

Why do they fail? They have the wrong perspective. The focus is emotional, focused on the collective. If you don't run a business like a business and permit your co-owners not pull their weight, everyone loses. Similarly, when there is strain because individual interests diverge, they use emotion and blame others. At this point, the collective usually disbands or another leader comes into power.

At the end of the day, your and your family's interests are going to come before everything else. If you can let everyone be guided by rational self interest, maybe it can work out, but the situations in which it does are few and far between.

Radical leftists have been spiraling into self-destructive and degenerate acts. They have had no time for family building. They actively try and destroy the family unit in fact. And of fucking course the niggers failed at building micro-societies. Where do you think you are? Begone shill.

This post is why Boomers are absolute scum and reminds us why individualism is the greatest DnC of all time. Treacherous faggots like yourself, will be erased from the Book of Life.
We're trying to survive a tribal deathmatch, not compete in a fair sports game.

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Look deeper. A lot of what you know, you know because of subtle programming. Collectivism is the only hope of breaking free.

Without a full study, just gloss over Mormonism and the influence of the Mormon Church (pdf related)

They're a massive collective community and a great example of what Caucasians are capable of in the West.

not only that … you are inherently not white if you rely on it

Culturally its not our style. We work together for mutual profit but that is driven by every individuals personal desire. Not a desire of the "group". This is more fascists and statism German white style. The need to others.

The independent capitalists white culture is the one I want to preserve. You learn , you work you improve your life and disconnect from losers. Your successes are yours alone because of the position you put yourself in. If an opportunity comes up to make profit by mutual cooperation with others then great take it.

But dont rely on it. Dont make it a staple of your being. Dont be the man that needs the village be the man the village needs.

This is a cultural mentality. Of course no one can be everything but your mentality should start with this idea then you work within reality. Dont start off thinking "I need my brothers to work with me for me to achieve anything".

We should be a nation of leaders not a nation looking to follow and get inline with order.

Who is the leader of this team? Why should I follow them? Im not following a bunch of idiots that need others, lead by example and ill follow that method. I would like you to expand on this idea of "team" because all you seem to be saying is some kind of tommy robinson BS of if you are white you need to get in line and chimp out together like the blacks.

The sooner we accept this reality, the better off we will all be.

There is nothing wrong or offensive about survival. We just have to learn from the mistakes of the past. We have to keep open communication with the outside world. Imagine if NatSoc Germany had the internet and the Volk were able to converse openly with Americans… Just think about that.

So, when you give people money you actually don't need their labor and stuff? Interesting. Do you just buy White babies too? Who needs a family when you can buy children.
Jokes aside, Whites are global minority and we better start thinking and acting like it. After all, we live in a global society.

I agree that time is ticking, but 30 years is enough time to start 2 and a half generations.

The problem is the deprogramming of our white people:
Get married young instead of letting women take out student loans on a counterproductive/useless degree
Men should only go to University if they have an aptitude for it, and the family can afford it. And if so, do it inexpensively, by at least doing a couple years at a community college before transferring to finish off.
Stop letting our parents and grandparents wither and die in nursing homes, alone, and without the love of their family. And set your family estate up such that you can capitalize on government gibs while having your loved ones live their twilight years overseeing their family flourish, as God intended (what a way to go, seeing your grandchildren grow up and become the next productive generation… gives me goosebumps to think about).

This plan works, and history proves it.
There are pitfalls, mostly in the form of dissatisfied family members (especially cunt women) so it's imparative that the family wealth is held in a way that minimizes exposure from some cunt divorcing and getting a huge pay day. A CFA/CFP, tax lawyer, estate planner, etc are tools to be used.

Ultimately the family should be establishing a family business where even more can be made, and for the exclusive profit of the family. But no lazy fucks; everyone has to work.

This idea needs to happen. It's the survival of our families, and the white race as a whole at stake here.

I don't deny the power of it, but it's important to identify what they are doing wrong , or, in the case of the Mormons, doing right. That list could be very long, and in the case of radicals, there are many things interfering with their endeavors that most likely have nothing to do with communal enterprises.

I've written some about debastardizing Whites families, every Zig Forumsack needs to focus on reuniting their extended families. We do need to practice nepotism and favor our own race extremely hard, by any means necessary at this point. We need to create indestructible networks of blood, we have to stop pretending we're playing a fair game– the gloves must come off.

by your group of crybabies.
why dont you go back to your borhers you need and all talk about it together. As one big group of needy losers that never had a family.

In my world, if I lose to shitters like you I deserve it. Im waiting for you faggots.

We both want to win. The only difference between you and me is that you have accepted that you need others to make this happen. You are scared.

Who are you without the others in your group?

Im mortal dude, we all die. If you mean history. I dont want to be part of your history books. More like a book of shit existence.

I am too. Im in a fight of the lazy needy shitters vs the independent industrious talented people.

In terms of race, all you have to do is not interact with black people. Why are you interacting with them? Why are you interacting with white people that interact with them?

What exactly are you doing with white people that you cant do by yourself? You starting a malitia? Fucking be a policeman, join the army, take karate.

Is there anyone not just talking complete shit in this thread and actually is building some kind of group of action with whites or are you all on the internet complaining about something you want others to do for you? This is exactly the mentality Im talking about.

damn sorry to be a goofy fag, sometimes I end my post with that or "bucko" as a joke. Its just a dumb joke. Its not a serious part of the post in any way.


Anonymize your money flow to your media. Don't let those of questionable loyalty in. If you think someone is going to be a problem and you don't want to remove them (because that's harder), see if you can move. Don't forget to cover your ass, basically.

You can have weaponry, just don't do illegal shit openly. You also need to have data security, by which I mean you can get data out, including externally. This precludes a hit on you and framing you for shit. Don't do anything illegal if you're public. Basically, once again, don't be stupid about it.

The kikes have done us a huge favor by doing stupid shit like that early on. It has gotten rid of most of the morons who would be a problem. Also, don't take unstable people, on that note. If we can just get the hooknoses to build the ovens themselves, then we will be all set.

These are all great ideas, in principle. In fact, however, there are a lot of ways this breaks down into failure.
I'm into a couple of decades now, and have tried this out in practical terms a good half-dozen times in several different regions of these US I have a lot of friends in a lot of places. I've tried STARTING a business to hire my friends, starting us up as a guild when I was 21, all these years later we still call ourselves that when we get together, I've tried helping a friend start his own business, I've tried inventing a new business partnership, I've tried with different temperaments of people, different gender ratios, different housing situations, etc. Some of these lasted longer than others, but in the end I learned some valuable things, at least as they relate to my situation. These were the pitfalls I most commonly ran into:
In the general sense, often times there are unresolvable clashes over who is more 'alpha' when the group is male-dominated/only, leading to just general rebelliousness to the business owner, disrespect in social situations, petty conflicts over housing issues, etc., usually by someone with less competence in technical areas trying to be "the leader" because they feel more generally alpha in social situations ego tripping

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You type like a retarded nigger and you think there's a moral difference between someone who makes 30k a year and 100k.
I want you to write down a list of people you've mentored and given charity to, how many of your family members do you help on a weekly basis? You have no sense of duty, a total coward and would gladly sell your own kin down the river for frivolous pleasures, like a fucking nigger.

Self-actualization cargo cultists disgust me, zero prospective from being overloaded with trav$tock memes.

Attached: we want your soul.webm (3434x4000 6.29 MB, 1.59M)

To any anons who live in the american countryside, how do you make it work? Im currently stuck in a southwest city, and desperately want to get out. Are the job opportunities and such, is there housing available, are the women wife material, that sort of thing.

This. Just everything you fucking said here. This is the ideal scenario, because blood really is thicker than water. It's sad and confusing to me why boomer faggots threw out their genetic legacy for a big empty house and expensive boats they use 3 times a year. I know, kikes propaganda whatever. It still baffles me.

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This is golden advice and fits in with my own experience.

You're a big guy, aren't you?
Was getting caught part of your plan?

Cool black pills, but that's not how it works and you would know that if you actually took the time to read or had common sense. Stop spreading FUD.

Attached: shut your lying Jewish mouth.webm (854x480, 1.16M)

For a long time they thought the world was going to end in a nuclear holocaust, so they lived like there was no tomorrow for the first three decades of their adult life. They fucked and snorted everyone in sight; they didn't stop until they had their second heart attack or thrown into jail for unpaid child support.
Making money was unbelievably easy back then too, you really did just have to shake someone's hand.

esoteric DACApede immigrant here, I used to help NEETs but can't do much right now (complicated), HOWEVER, I can give you guys some advice:

1) Put (((Urban Moving Systems))) on your resume and let your imagination fill in the flanks (please get the job description for your supposed position from carrerbuilder, etc)

2) If you have family/friends you can trust (especially the latter), you can start with helping each other be the Owner of the past company. If you manage to do this VERY WELL or expand your operations, you can have a whole team of Aryan NEETs get Aryan jobs, with Aryan positions! (I was doing something like that years ago on Zig Forums, but again very busy lately).

3) If you get inside a hiring position inside a company (especially with one expanding), fill the company with company with fellow Zig Forumsacks. Please make sure everyone has something other than (((Urban Moving Systems))).

4) I'm glad you actually thought about living with other Zig Forumsacks, as I alluded in my past point, it could serve as a HQ for operations. However, for logistical reasons, I recommend you focus on making this a 2-3 man effort… if you get to 4-5 or above, I recommend the apartment, any more than that, go to detroit or somewhere where a group of anons can built up and BARRICADE

I have a lot of more ideas but I'm too tired to think, haven't eaten anything all day (8:35 PM). I wrote a whole guide on making Zig Forumstopia Town into a reality, but now I'm busy. If I can make time in the future, I might continue but I lack the energy to research legal stuff again.

Because they had an extended period of unprecedented prosperity. They didn't need thrift, or sound investment. Everything was booming and there was no way to lose.

This too. But nothing mattered, because there was a full court press: economy, media, and what looked like an unlimited future, combined with the western individualistc ideal being pushed HARD. So they mortgaged it all and let the kikes get rich and powerful, which they did, they bought up all corners of society, bought every politician, and fenced us in with our individualism.

I love this idea.

Have you ever lived by them? If not you wouldn't understand where the hate comes from.

> (((loans)))

same pozed shithole as anywhere else, succeed first, then you can think with your dick (starting a family)


> (((loans))) and pools of money
might as well ask the government if you can get money and in return they can make you patsies for anything

the issue is less about financial assistance and more of a way to get people to get wealth

might as well go to wall street

I came here as a poorfag, now I accomplished the american dream

who the fuck is bob?

I'm always interested in that stuff, I studied architecture and anthropology in college it didn't seem like such a bad idea back then, so even though I already was against them in principle at that point I figured I'd use up those scholarships, at least specifically to assist in designing such a thing. I love planning those things, but I gotta be honest: I'm more in a 'creative destruction' frame of mind these days. I'm not convinced we can get the thing off the ground without things like a thorough ethnic cleansing, a redesigning of currency itself, restructuring food/water/energy production, etc. I mean, I have possible solutions for these things, at least some good brainstorm ideas if nothing else, but in the end it comes down to what it ALWAYS comes down to: fear and greed in the hearts of Men. Figure out how to make a White Man into a true caste Aryan, and the rest will come together naturally. That's where I stand at the moment.

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I don't disagree at all with you and I commend and support your effort. We all need to do our part. I am just reaching out to others like myself that feel our purpose is tied within collectivism. Buying, bargaining, persuading… returning of our culture to our people. Re-instilling confidence and pride.

We, as a people, have been steered far away from our reality. We have a lot to be proud of and there is no reason for this shaming.

You and I, we're different players on the same team. I commend what you're doing.

His name is was Robert Paulson

This is a strong idea and something I have been advocating for a while.

This user fucking gets it. The goal is for each of those guys renting to marry up and then need to get their own space and then have a ready replacement to take their spot in the shared space.

I like the ambition, it sounds like you're ready to assemble your team and move forward, godspeed user.

That sounds badass, may the graces be with you in your endeavors

This should be the starting point for what everyone is talking about. I have begun to implement some of these strategies with my family and it is already paying dividends.

You can pick from one of three options
1. Solidifying an already White area
2. Trying to grow a small but mostly White area into /ourtown/
3, Places that are less likely to get flanked from both sides during a civil conflict
4. Shoring up border counties to eventually trap the rats in the cities

This is the ultimate goal. If we can create our own web development companies and then "travel" for business coordinating with other anons in the collective we're fucking golden.

This is the gold standard. If we can create multi-generational families AND decrease the gap between generations we will be a long way forward towards /ourgoals/. The multi-generational family is a cornerstone of white society because it is the only system that provides a purpose for the elderly other than wasting away and hedonism.

Gen X should be well on their way to this and Gen Y who had kids on time have a chance. Gen Z may not get the opportunity though. I will tell you, the #1 thing to whitepill our women is for them to see attractive men being fathers. I've been told I look good and when I take my toddler out in public I can see that the women who stop to look at a father and his child are the women we want to be mothers one day, or could be mothers one day. The ones who keep going on are who you'd expect them to be. We will make it happen user

Crucial point

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you're too blackpilled, you can do anything you want, but the PROBLEM is two-fold (which is why I don't feel like starting my work all over again):

1) You need a lot of expertise, specifically in the fields of law (establish the town and make sure you either curtail taxes and be protected by/from government) and engineering (get easy but durable housing)… there are other pieces of technology I've worked as well to get cheap electricity (spoiler: solar sucks) that I've looked into but the main problem is the second one…

2) You NEED, MUST, get the other Zig Forumsacks to upkeep Zig Forumstopia… I seriously doubt that aside from us oldfags, these newfags have no idea how to create or upkeep anything. They will be happy with their house and free electricity and that'll be it. In one year, newfags and feds will lose Zig Forumstopia's federal protection and infrastructure. You can imagine how quickly that place will go, regardless if there is a Mayor or not.

Hey, man: go for it. I hope you pursue your dreams with vigor and relish.

Some feedback:

- Raising reptiles will be a lot easier if you're in a climate where they can thrive outside. Many tegu breeders are in south Florida.
- If your goals do not require a vetrinary degree, you're likely better off working as a ranch hand/farm volunteer/raising your own animals, anything to get direct experience without the debt.

i guess ill just share my financial story here because i have no clue what to do next..
im from belgrade, serbia and in my 20ies who couldnt find any job other than construction 70 hours a week for a 1$/h pay
ive been lifting concrete and steel support beams (which are unimaginably heavy) without stopping and ive grinded my lower spine now
zero safety nets, not even registered anywhere as a worker, no healthcare or anything
ive quit in fear of destroying my spine completely

so here i am now, slowly contemplating suicide
i also have nothing else going on for me, got an electrician degree from highschool but no other degree, no assets, no anything, feeling so demoralized because of finances ive never even approached a girl before so im a virgin too who feels like i have nothing to offer

im also a blue eyed blond in a country of turk/mexican/arab looking people so i cant even feel any nationalism or pride about this shithole, man
this situation is utterly fucked, hope the rest of you are in a better situation