What I mean by that is, like that German guy who got fined/jailed for putting "refugees" in quotation marks.
That wasn't antisemitism in that case, not directly anyway, but he could have done more.
If you're gonna get jailed for stealing peanuts as if you had stolen gold buillon then steal the fucking gold buillon, is what I'm trying to say.
If a pepe meme is antisemitic and you can get fined for that, do something more than just a pepe meme.
Push as hard as you can if you are risking punishment anyway.
They want to push punishable things to the most microscopic level to keep the self censoring and self moderating to a maximum and cry antisemitism if you want to defy it with regular discussin and argument, after all, jews are such a poor poor boohoo bohooo race that needs all the protection it can get.
they buy many things with antisemitism and the threat of antisemitism, droves of people bend the knee to not be antisemites or racists etc.
Again, make them earn that currency, lob out the most vicious redpills you can.
TEll niggers that the ADL was founded in response to an all white jury, judge and persecution believed the words of the two blacks the jew Leo Frank wanted to blame the murder rape of a young white girl, Mary Phaegan on.
And that was in a time where lynchings were commonplace.
But the jew couldn't convince the all white persecution and co and got hanged.
Also that jews were the biggest factor in the slave trade etc.
Tell people about kapparot, kol nidre, taschlich and all the other ways jews can absolve themselves from oaths, promises and so forth, which they make extremely liberal use of to control and mislead us because WE take things like oaths, promises and language seriously.
So a jew can happily cheat a gentile with false promises, just get absolved yearly at the latest with kol nidre and taschlich while we, thankfully, since it made us the mighty force we were and are in the world, can not.
Not altruism is our greatest weakness, pathological altruism is a symptom of being oathbound and trusting.
They trust poisoned words like "teenager" for 35 year old invaders.
Et cetera.
Also, push the fact thta jews are not white and are a race, there are jew created and curated databases of their many mutations and genetic diseases, of which they hve the most of of all the hominids on Earth.
And so forth.
Always aim big. Balfour declaration, betrayal of Germany, betrayal of Rhodesia. USS Liberty. Things like that.
Don't go bitch tier "fuck muslims lol fuck em" yeah they need to get fucked and killed for their transgressions, but that's hate speech and if you're gonnna be a criminal in their eyes, make them fucking swallow a big fat load of it.
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