I could use some tech savvy autists to join the search for a 13 year old girl thats gone missing with 3 guys who are...

I could use some tech savvy autists to join the search for a 13 year old girl thats gone missing with 3 guys who are 17-24 in age. I post last night because a family member went missing and the situation has appeared to have gotten worse.

inb4 dumb coal burner comments

Attached: mya.jpg (720x960, 88.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>was last seen with (((unnamed 24 year old man)))
ie she ran off with 3 niggers because her parents failed to raise her properly.


bitch is dead

Pretty much. How the fuck are we supposed to find any info on this bitch anyways?

The toll is being paid as we speak

fuck off kike defender


If someone finds her, don’t give her back to her parents. The parents caused this.

Tyrone already broke her in and passed her along to (((elites))), you'll never hear of her again, media will suppress this story

a lost cause user, who are this 13 yr olds parents, why is an user doing investigative work. Even if you find her. What kind of home are you taking her back to.

Good luck man

but just curious … do you have any fucking information at all

13 yr old: name faggot
location faggot
date she was missing faggot

you mom is the dumb coal burner because you obviously have a sloped fucking head. Nah we cant help you. you are an idiot and will always be one

This reminds me of a thread here about some retarded italian bitch who ran off with the nigger that supplied her drugs. No one cares, you neighborhood watch boomer piece of shit. You and your community failed to raise that bitch, she's nigger chow now.

Also, don't fucking insult people that you're asking help from, you tactless nigger.

she's a coal burner as evidenced by her nigger hair and eyebrows. her parents let her burn the coal. now they all pay the toll.

Attached: shoulder shrug.jpg (4288x2848, 3.78M)

Don’t pretend to help while enabling other people and watching the shit happen. If you’re not stopping it, you’re part of the problem.

I'm not going to step in to 'stop' some normalfag boomer piece of shit's daughter from being owned by niggers. Until normalfags fucking lower their heads and admit that autists are better than them, they can suck down jewish pedophile dick all day.

Girl is 13, her parents are Millenials.
13 means Dragon, as in a breeder. Someone with the qualities worth passing on. This nigger is a Freemason, as that is a Freemason hand sign, it means two up. Which means impregnate a girl.

This has nothing to do with Judaism. This comes from the Yorkrite side of the house. Which is the Royal side of Masonry. Where all the people with Royal blood reside.

Masonry has nothing to do with Jews, and until recently the Jews were banned from being Masons, because the whole point of Masonry was to keep the Royal bloodlines going.

How an user can’t read the picture clearly is beyond me. Either you’re a Mason testing me to see where I am at, or you need to lurk more.

Those comments are because we don't like seeing this, user.
Again and again and again and again…

It needs to be heard


'Foster parents', just admit that the girl is a lost cause, if she's alive, then she's being fucked by niggers at all possible orifices, hopefully she's dead, or else she will spawn a couple of half breed 56% mutts before dying from an heroin OD (Since it's Ohio).

Attached: 2018-08-09 01_42_50-OH - OH - Mya Aites, 13, Columbus, 3 Aug 2018 _ Websleuths.png (1107x355, 117.05K)

I think you encompassed 4 different tactics in one post, schlomo

Do you get bonus shekel now?

Attached: Blue_Manifesto.jpg (3188x8257, 3.69M)

If I were Jewish, I wouldn’t be homeless. Ever seen a homeless Jew? Me neither.

You're fucking hysterical, kike. Filtered.

additional pics from story

notice the phone, this must have been the cousin, who must already know she drinks at 13 and the foster family doesn't care.

Me: Mya
Me: Mya please answer me
Me: I need you to answer me
Me: Mya
Me: Hey Where are you come hang out and drink with me
Me: Mya are you okay

they somehow had the balls to give this text screenshot to abc news

Attached: coalburner2.png (569x437 199.9 KB, 238.17K)

Even if she is a coal burner niggers can't keep getting away with this type of shit. I would help except you've provided exactly zero useful information OP.

m8, meet me half way at least

Attached: burn the coal.jpg (1008x1144 123 KB, 546.51K)

I bet her parents are heroin junkies, Ohio is well known for being full of degenerates who use that brown shit which CIA niggers grow in Afghanistan to sell to midwest degenerates (who happens to be white by the way.

Pic very, VERY related

Attached: Ohio in a pic.jpg (620x350, 31.65K)

No, this is the wrong argument. We can't win until we completely shut down the concept of miscegenation. If you even allowed your daughter to do that, you are a cuck of the highest order, and you deserve to have your lineage destroyed.

Attached: coalburner3.png (660x880, 323.94K)

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She's a heroin addict, and she fucks niggers to get her fix. I've seen it in action. Let her die in the street.

Attached: 22.whut.PNG (244x233, 127.16K)


Best possible outcome, if she don't appear dead on a ditch after having an OD then she'll certainly pollute her already shitty lineage by spawning a few ugly mutts.

I'm saying it starts with the home, user. If you and your community failed to instill values in her to make her avoid niggers, that's on you. There's no time to pick up the slack—if you individually fuck up, you deal with the consequences.

lmfao at least you shills can still give me a chuckle

Are they checking a nod, or is that a full blown OD?

Nope, I had the Eastern girls do it. They had fun, and I got laid a lot.

Sorry, Eastern Star girls.

The foster family cares about their fucking shekels.
This girl has probably been abused since birth.

This world is fucked.
Here we have a bunch of so called NatSoc Aryans blaming this 13 yr old girl for being mentally ill.
The world is sick, she is a symptom of the disease.

It's our fucking fault this happened. If you're white and apathetic, this is your fault. You are to blame.

I'm not sitting back and doing nothing anymore. I've fucking had it.

(assuming this is real and not a troll)

If you know her Snapchat login you could probably find some clues.

so this is another honeypot?

This nigger doesn’t know where he’s at.

sunk cost fallacy user. Sometimes you just gotta know when to fold em. A 13 year old girl fucking adult niggers for drugs is well nothing worth worrying about

I don't know about that.
The whole story is incredibly murky at this point.
About the only thing useful I can deduce from the existing information that isn't just blatantly restating the news is that it seems like the guys are keeping her drunk/drugged. That lines up with the trafficking theory anyways.

You can't save a rotten apple. The time to have done so is in the past. Only thing left is to throw it away and let it stay as a lesson for what not to do.

You're stuck on the symptom and I'm talking about the disease.
This girl is more than likely dead.
We failed her.

The climbing out a window detail is implies that she was certainly consenting, at least at that point. But that's hardly unusual in trafficking cases, girls are often lured in using attention/drugs etc. That and the fact that she said she was being moved around and hadn't slept for a day. That also happens very very often in trafficking cases.

She’s not dead, she’s too pretty for them to waste. They will find someone to breed with her, or hand her over to someone to shut them up or prevent something else.

This feels like a trap.

OD, they even had to administer Narcan so they wouldn't die.


I'm not accepting that. Personal responsibility is important. Her parents and biological family failed her, not us. The foster family should get fucked over this one too, they are paid to prevent this from happening.

we live in a hell controlled by people who want it even worse so yeah did you just wake up to the fact that everything smells like sulfer?

But it is worth worrying about. Maybe not for her personally because we don't know her, but the fact that this is happening to 13 year old white girls at all is absolutely something to fucking worry about.

Deserved it
If you don't have the common sense to see what this lifestyle leads to, you deserve to get terminated before you spread your retarded genes like a leper.

only way to solve our problems is with blood but everyone keeps on saying it's not the time so this is the hell we just have to stay in I guess

We can only do so much, in the end it is up to the individual choice, I'm not blaming her though, a 13 years old is way too stupid to fully understand the consequences of their own actions, the blame is on her (biological) parents who failed so much as parents that the girl ended up on foster care.

13 year old girls aren't known for their common sense. That's why they're meant to be protected from degenerates.

i'm not buying the trafficking. I somehow doubt this is organized crime. this is just some 3 dumb niggers who want to hit it and then leave her somewhere. she's 13. what are they going to do, try to hide her for 5 fucking years? and there's already a photo of one of these nigger monkey's.

So you’re in for good then. You’re sure you want this?

Indeed it is, at least in US they still care about this sort of thing and those niggers will definetelly end up in jail which they will stay for most of their adult lives. In UK the pakis are free to roam and waste other white girls life freely.

She just gave her life willingly. She could have walked out that door 🚪 and gotten a ride with someone that would have taken care of her instead of using her like a dumpster. She made her choice.

I blame the father.

Attached: toll paid.png (1200x675, 308.11K)

Finally someone said it.

You objectively can't argue that niggers are to dumb to be pimps when they are the majority of pimps in the US. But I do see your point. It's still plausible they are planning on whoring her out in an area where that's normal, hiding her in plain site. Or maybe they plan on selling her, who knows at this point.

It's not trafficking, there's a bunch of /x/ crossposters here who believes every single disappearing case is caused by kikes needing a blood sacrifice for Moloch or to serve as a sex slave for top kikes.
It is just as you said, three dumb niggers who are definetelly drug dealers and gang members and one dumb girl who came from a dysfunctional family. It is unfortunatelly quite common nowdays, I've personally seen many cases like this.

That was her choice, she knew there was someone that could protect her out there. She chose to be a nigger instead. Life moves on. I will as well.

Sounds like a case of I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want and you can't do a fucking thing about mom.

He'll be shitposting with us soon enough.

Attached: Future RWDS - My First Thousand Yard Stare.jpg (1302x868, 82.49K)

okay I'll start checking the bottom of the Chicago river

This system rewards women for leaving their husbands. Rewards women for splitting up the home. Advocates murder of unborn babies, diminishing the value of life.
The (((system))) is set up to ensure that pretty young white girls end up BTFO by niggers and kikes.
Our women depend on us to protect them and we have failed miserably. This girl is just another example.
Are we to blame? Yes
Is there a problem? Yes
Every day we do nothing, the kike advances his agenda.

Sieg Heil
No, but I just decided to do something about it.

We are the arbiters of that change. It's either us or nobody. We're the only ones strong enough to even see the problem and call it out.

If not us, then who? (I think whom would actually be correct but fuckarooo)

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Thanks user, I haven't seen the non censored pic in a while. I really hope that kid become one of us and stay the fuck away from his shitty parents, may he have a healthy and happy family of his own with a white woman and have plenty of kids.

nogs will always flaunt their exploits on social media.

Check the bushes, faggot.

"The father" is the state
This cycle will never end so long as that is true

Note that the Mollie Tibbetts case from Iowa is getting all the coverage because she’s a libtard Obama-Hillary supporter, according to her FB. Case triggered my autism until I saw that shit.

She’s about a hundred feet to my left right now.

Spoiler that shit.

Attached: a2a.jpg (300x168, 2.97K)

Told you I was that good.

pics or it didn't happen autismo

Attached: bypass.gif (622x612 1.18 KB, 861.67K)

What if she didn't?

Oh he mad.

Fucked up. Just about 30 mins ago, a kid in my apartment complex OD'd. 3 cop cars, 2 EMTs, 1 EMS truck and a fucking fire engine on top of that were in my parking lot. KYfag here, BTW. If you think Ohio has it bad, Kentucky is eaten up with this shit. It's so fucking bad my 16 yo niece, I just found out, has to get Hep A vaccines every year like all the other school kids around here.

That nigger is mad, I pulled the rug out from under his feet. At least you’re warming up to me.

The fuck are you even on about?

That nigger. Lives in Arizona.

He told me I would be dead by now.

Actually, not every year. It's a one time recent thing, but still.

Either weaponized autist who was crazy enough to actually do it, or larper.

Where in Arizona?

Women, in general, aren't known for their common sense, you pantywaist faggots. The argument here is that her patriarchs failed her, and she ended up a drug-addicted coal burner. The blame lies squarely on the fuckup men in her life.

Last time I saw that hand it was in Phoenix. Wearing a cops uniform.

No user, I will not take responsibility for boomers and jews.

Schizo user is that you?
it's been so long

Poser user, that’s you. How is the desert? Have you stopped raping boys yet you faggot?

I'll take genuine schizo for 500.

I actually did it.

Filter schizophrenic jews on sight, you retarded fags.

Well that’s funny. I don’t do men. I also cost just over 22000 per impregnation right now.

Eat a rock

How do you expect a bunch of geeks to find a dead and burned roastie in a sewer?