Brit/pol/ #2688: Comfy Edition

Theresa May officially steps down as Tory leader

Jeremy Corbyn: Children's talents being squandered

UN Chief: EU Needs Open Borders as Europe Historically ‘Enriched by Athens, Rome’

Donald Trump cancels Mexico tariffs after deal on border security

D.C Police confirmed to News4 that a shooting DID NOT occur at the Dupont Circle festival

Brooklyn Burger King caught replacing meatless Impossible Whoppers with beef

"A Deep-Seated Loathing Of Women Acts As A Connective Tissue Between Many White Supremacists"

Attached: dogs and deer comfy.jpg (960x808, 107.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

for fuck's sake why is it so hard


but if we add up all the willies

Attached: 10F4DC00-E043-409A-A209-571FAC4C14BD.png (500x500, 342.87K)

Attached: 1548939064381.jpg (836x543, 144.15K)

Video here, the youtube censorship segment is from 00:04:57 to 00:15:50

Attached: driver_8.jpg (720x720 717.61 KB, 480.25K)

think about it

Attached: 14389779827.jpg (427x466, 20.44K)

that's a YIKES from me

Attached: sb.png (582x1408, 619.31K)

Did you not know lad? It was a memi for fucking ages and still is, they've spent years pointing and laughing at the "backwards, bigoted" working-class man just 'cos he's had a drink and has a thick accent.

Attached: MUSLAMIC RAY GUNS - Vilification of the working class.mp4 (1920x1080 15.54 MB, 104.15K)


For them

Attached: pukpxuqc9z721.png (604x600, 337.93K)

You lads see the GCHQ thread on 4pol?

Attached: hitchens.png (634x754, 681.22K)

Ghandi was a nonce

Attached: penishead pepe.jpg (242x520, 43.72K)

tbh it’s faster.

Attached: 143897799381.jpg (242x520, 49.66K)

Fuck off lad

Only went to check the reaction to the gay shooting.

Speed is shit for discussion.

Attached: Dorset_-_Moving_uncontrollably.webm (960x540, 2.3M)

Post stealing SCUM

Attached: Alex Jones Gets Scum'd.mp4 (1280x720, 2.77M)

Wish I was a monk or a priest tbh

Should have gone for the Maisie arthog post instead

watching it again lads

Attached: air bud 2.jpg (915x1300, 1.17M)


please post the dog driving a car again lad

here ya go bud

Attached: Dog Driving Car.mp4 (640x360, 9.23M)

Attached: dumb fucker.webm (320x240, 880.85K)


Attached: 0a2decb864dd2e39d9c2e4004cb003315af29d8afd616de1b11a630792cdd488.jpg (1209x756, 114.28K)


bonus dog motorists

Attached: Funny dogs driving a car !!.mp4 (360x360, 484.75K)

idm tbh, as long as you want to slip inside her and arent just larping

very good lad

yeah i know the shit mene. i just don't think anyone really thought he was saying ray guns

Attached: fearandloathinggondola.mp4 (640x360, 3.25M)

might have a cheese sarnie and doritos tbh

Attached: sdfn.png (586x514, 89.12K)

you'd be surprised lad, many people will just lap up whatever the telly spews

Was able to get the full video at 720p down to 20MB and the audio (not totally shite sounding) to 5MB

Attached: 1521029282.gif (400x300, 572.59K)

Attached: Seinfeld Face-1.mp4 (1918x1080, 1.27M)

Try it at 360p lad

Not just larping, want to shag both her and arthog maisie tbh

very good lad

I did and it only reduced it by about 5MB. Weird tbh, thought if I halved the resolution I would half the file size.

why was it gchq?

A guy is claiming to be ex GCHQ.

Audio quality usually holds you back a lot tbh

Death to the American empire

Attached: D8lRj7WXsAAVtNY.jpg (304x408, 16.95K)



link it lad





I don’t use 4pol


Attached: 2760cdb20268f35ac68fb7341276f46d4210e3df5ff9c911a55da470ae744fd1.jpg (206x213, 12.67K)

Just search it on archive or go to catalog lad smh

Can't stop watching animal rescue and animal best friend videos lads.

Attached: dd1e3c2df513de721bb59e478b04bb2474459662eb97aed11a1ec8524bc7054b.png (1024x573, 149.58K)

the best are the dogs reacting to seeing thier owners after a long time

animal combat is better

Attached: tiger vs hippo.jpg (480x360, 32.29K)

Attached: 1513890245043.png (1001x823, 806.25K)

you wouldn’t download a girlfriend.

Attached: frens lorry.jpg (439x363, 42.78K)

Attached: 1524933700908.png (1169x1080, 81.26K)

last friend i had was in 2014

Lad, why are you fucking a chicken?

What you lids up to tonight? I'm just having a having some beers and listening to some choons.

Attached: Help helper 162.jpg (1024x788, 97.74K)

Don't worry about it lad.

Attached: 1511724695900.png (746x512, 99.36K)

Attached: AIR BUD 2003 DVD.jpg (335x475, 42.15K)

I’m starting Witcher 1 on the PC.

It was cheap as chips.

Most frenship problems could be solved by legalizing rape.

condemned criminal origins is a great game

Same here lad. Having a few more bevvies then bed for me. Listening to a podcast right now.

Attached: air bud 16.jpg (1061x1500, 303.64K)

>It's another feeling serene and suicidal dichotomy episode

Attached: 1519946502658.jpg (1200x798, 257.21K)


did you see the special ops bud where bud has a ACR?

no that was region locked to continental usa and guam

Attached: 1-ssgDJPt9vstQOC7QXe2qFA.jpg (1000x1330, 327.76K)

don't do it lad

mods are shites

I miss my britfeel frens

Attached: Help helper 18.png (657x527, 46.34K)

wow kino much?

is britfeel gone? i miss the alcoholism general that used to be on 4/ck/. apparently it moved to /adv/ but it's not there consistently


Attached: Sideshowboblaugh.webm (450x360, 3.06M)

Nah I'm just banned.

Attached: Help helper 28.png (657x527, 46.47K)

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w/e fag

Attached: 1479142414317.jpg (800x800, 71.09K)

Right, I'm off to bed. Nighty night lids.

Attached: Help helper 274.png (657x527, 27.81K)

since isis hasn’t attacked england, can we conclude england is an isis ally?

ummm sure?

calm down. that’s the code for killing and raping hookers.

ah yes, our beloved canadian is here

Attached: 5321248-cool-kid-with-sunglasses-showing-thumb-down-sign.jpg (1300x866, 109.78K)