What's wrong with Jews?
Honestly curious, I'll be reading a thread and then out of nowhere the Jews are blamed for something with mainly everyone just seeming to go along with it.
I'm not a "kike" lol.
Just out of the loop.
What's wrong with Jews?
Honestly curious, I'll be reading a thread and then out of nowhere the Jews are blamed for something with mainly everyone just seeming to go along with it.
I'm not a "kike" lol.
Just out of the loop.
Other urls found in this thread:
Well then enjoy your 2 years lurking
Go here you fucking retard.
Thank you
This is such a pathetic and lazy thread.
just a newbie
he asked with making assumptions, and he received while being thankfull.
we all started somewhere.
Appreciate ya
Abraham was deceived by a demon.
His progeny, bound by the covenant with that demon, are corrupted by its influence.
you have to go back to reddit
Circumcision. 4,000 years of walking around with mutilated cocks has led to a damaged psychology. They were always envious of the white European man, who was able to fully experience sexual pleasure and was, simoultaneously, not addicted to mutilating his own children. Thus, the Jews were always the slave bitch of Europe. Eventually, the Jew learned that usury and lying were effective ways to improve their damaged egos.
But alas, in America the Jew has conned the goyim into mutilating the genitals of his children. Well done. Gomer Pyle! You listened so well to Chaim Golstein, your trusted urologist.
Wow. Just from what I've read in this thread has been seared into my occipital lobe…
That shit is dying off here in America. None of the new parents I know had their kids' cock clipped.
oooooyyy veeeeyyyy, it's ok when WE say it goy, but YOU saying it is anti-semitism. even if it is a literal historical fact
Does anyone have that pic of the jew doctor that says "no matter what racial crossings, our offspring will remain jews for 1000 generations"? His name was Dr. Edward something…
They kvetch about the temperature too much in restaurants.
they've been kicked out of over 300 countries in only 3000 years
everyone in history has hated them
they rape and murder children, they commit genocide specifically against women and children, they steal, they lie, they usurp
They don't love GEE-ZUSS.
Lurk before posting for at least two years you stupid newfag.
OP, consider this. The jews have been expelled from countries that have hosted them over literally hundreds of times throughout recorded history (pic related). Now, imagine you had a negro friend who had been forcibly removed from bars on over 100 separate occasions, and this nigger tried to say "I dindu nuffin, those bars wuz being rayciss!" Would you believe your negro friend? Or would you think that maybe, just maybe he's lying, and his behaviour actually warranted his removal?
Now think back to what I said about Jewish expulsions. The kikes would have you believe that it was all just anti-semitism, and that they are just innocent victims. Do you honestly believe that a well-behaved group would get expelled and pogrom'd so many times?
Moon crickets tip better than they do.
Read everything in and lurk two years before posting again.
shut up fag jesus was a jew
Look for "the culture of critique for normies" on hooktube or jewtube.
They don't close the lids on the Planned Parenthood dumpsters so the cats& the trash pandas don't get in.
Also,DO NOT buy their day-old deli sammiches.
serial killers are higher proportion jew but presented as 'white' as well.
They're literally severely genetically mentally ill parasites that create and wish ill-will upon all mankind by their own laws.
Except it is EVERY European nation. Not just Europe.
I fucked his mom. lol
True, but it's a quote.
Wow those are beautiful statues. That gives me an idea to find photographers and males with that figure to take pictures like this… I dont have enough money to pay for sculptors, when I get older I'll for sculptors.
Also, lazy thread. Who cares about the Joos. We all know all the Abrahamic religions are Satanic - the Jews are just the scape goat the y use to distract the morons who dont realize the AChristians and the Muslims are just as bad.
They always pick the coins out of the mall fountain before I get a chance.
Watch literally any of patrick little's streams
Watch the eternal jew the Germans made in WW2.
Honestly, the Eternal Jew is nothing compared with modern documentaries.
Three randomly selected Dissident Voices by Dr. William Pierce explain far more and in greater detail than TEJ does.
TEJ has two functions, though.
It's still relevant, and it also shows that the Germans had the filthy parasites down to the T.
TEJ has two crippling drawbacks though.
The first is that anyone watching TEJ already has been conditioned by the media to regard it as "Nazi lies"
This would not be such a bad thing if not for the second, and in my opinion, the most critical flaw.
The first third of The Eternal Jew is dedicated to essentially saying "jews are icky. Look how they live. Look how disgusting they are in their ghettos"
Not very compelling arguments. The first third is the most critical portion of any documentary. It would have been better if it had begun with pointing out the fact that jews were vastly overrepresented in government and media monopolies in Germany before 1933.
Rodger wasn't jewish you fucking idiot, he was an anglo.
Take this pink ribbon off my eyes
I'm exposed
And it's no big surprise
Don't you think I know
Exactly where I stand
This world is forcing me
To hold your hand
'Cause I'm just a goy, little ol' me
Well don't let me out of your sight
Oh, I'm just a goy, all pretty and petite
So don't let me have any rights
Oh, I've had it up to here!
The moment that I step outside
So many reasons
For me to run and hide
I can't do the little things
I hold so dear
'Cause it's all those little things
That I fear
'Cause I'm just a goy
I'd rather not be
'Cause they won't let me drive
Late at night
Oh I'm just a goy
Guess I'm some kind of freak
'Cause they all sit and stare
With their eyes
Oh I'm just a goy
Take a good look at me
Just your typical prototype
Oh, I've had it up to here!
Oh, am I making myself clear?
I'm just a goy
I'm just a goy in the world
That's all that you'll let me be!
Oh I'm just a goy, living in captivity
Your rule of thumb
Make me worry some
Oh I'm just a goy, what's my destiny?
What I've succumbed to
Is making me numb
Oh I'm just a goy, my apologies
What I've become is so burdensome
Oh I'm just a goy, lucky me
Twiddle-dum there's no comparison
Oh, I've had it up to!
Oh, I've had it up to!!
Oh, I've had it up to here
You could literally write a multi-volume encyclopedia on what's wrong with the Jews.
Same. My sister decided to not have my nephew snipped. Smartest decision she ever made. I guess depending on which state you live in, they might push for it more, but here in New Jersey, the nurse asked politely yes/no, and gave her a small card to check off to confirm.
That Supreme Court image needs to be updated since Gorsuch joined. Should probably wait until we see what happens with Brett Kavanaugh first, though.
Surprised that JewTube hasn't shoah'd it yet.
They will not watch it without you recommending it anyway, and if you're recommending it then you can also comment on it.