There are supposedly more than 750 facilities similair to Colonia Dignidad in South America and according to some sources more than a billion dollars worth of money came from Germany post ww2 and was whitewashed in Argentina during Perón's dictatorship.
I know that Germans build a lot of military facilities in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay etc. But from my brief research they seem to be in ruins now.
I was thinking that there might still be cults out there with high level of influence and wealth who are making plans to battle the jews and the mudslims in the upcoming racewar but I have never heard of such a thing.
Do you guys have any knowledge of this?
What has become of the thousands of Nazi decendants in South America?
Other urls found in this thread:
So, I figure this thread is as good as any to ask, Was Colonia Dignidad really a kiddie diddling operation? I just saw a documentary on it on DW. They made shit tons of references to the main guy being NS, so was it just slander? Or did it really happen?
And yes, I do believe that there are NS people still down there, especially in Argentina,South Brazil, and Uruguay.
I dated a girl from Paraguay and she was an aryan goddess, with blue eyes, although her pussy lips had a tinge of brown on them….. which was surprising at first
I'm a descendant of one of those Germans. I took a 23andme and found out I was 75% European and 25% Amerindian. I guess some of the Germans just couldn't keep their hands off of thick Latina bitches
Are you that Chilean Castizo dude who used to post here?
The 'patriarch' was a pedo, had a cult going. When he died all young people started to talk about it. Now it seems to be a commercial orchard plus restaurant open to the public.
They still use a german dialect. But Chile is too far away to visit only for that tour.
Name changes and vanished in the night.
Argentine user, im still trying to get a meeting with that SS soldier, i did a thread about it a while ago.
I hope i can meet him somewhere on this month, the problem is their relatives tell me he is in bed most of the time because of the cold.
Im awaiting until spring, or until they give me the Ok.
I left them my phone number and everything.
For fucks sake, i want to know him ASAP.
I was just flicking around the electric rabbi and it caught my interest.
Yeah, that was a real good thread. Hopefully you can meet him soon.
ohhh my gawd…I freaked out and had to check.
Hopefully this man can give me a lead on what happened to those NS when they arrived here.
He entered the country from Paraguay i was told.
An accomplished double PhD'd physician did crude experiments on twins' eye color including spraying their eyes with blue paint?
Heard smth like that
Yeah, Alfredo Stroessner (Paraguay president) was very sympathetic to NS.
Never heard that one. I have heard "Mengele's Twin Village" in south brazil tho.
They had babies with mestizos, the end.
Of course in realtity he was eugenizing jews
Stroessner lasted on power over 35 years.
That is a long time in power.
I wonder if in Paraguay there was some hidden NatSoc underground with the backing of Stroessner.
Maybe he lasted so long because of NatSoc support.
Oh, I thought you were talking about his post war life.
probably not in Argentina, S. Brazil and Uruguay.
Serrano said that there was a massive NS underground in Chile, I wouldn't doubt if Paraguay was the same way.
I would like to know if that NS underground still exists today in the form of descendants of those exiles.
Nope. The Nazis ran a jewish eugenizing program just as much as they ran a white dysgenizing program for whites by getting them to fight each other
Look at what they did not at what they said they did, or even what the (((victor )) said they did
Yeah, a pitch blackpill
No, idk what you're referring to. I'm Brazilian
Fuck off boomer
Some proofs would be nice.
Do you actually believe in the 6 million?
And I responded to the wrong post
Tbh I'm pretty disappointed, they had so much infrastructure and wealth post ww2 in South America and they did nothing to battle globalism, the jews or the Muslims. Such a waste.
Cool. Lower Central Brazil or South Brazil, right?
LOL no. But Mengele is key. Look up his resume. Guy like that would never
Now ponder that
Yeah, I don't get your angle. Stop being cryptic and tell us your theory.
Thousands of German decendants in Argentina and it's so difficult to find a single SS officer, while this is as it should be for obvious reasons, the fact remains that South America was The Reich's last hope to produce 21st century Nazi's to battle globalism and they failed miserably.
My theory is that (((NAZIS))) were not holocausting the kikes but eugenizing them, while killing as many able-bodied germanics (and white Russians) in their pre-productive primes as they could. It's really not that difficult to understand, just hard to get your head around.
For you
There where easily 80.000 that fled over here.
We don't know for sure what where the Nazis up to in the Southern Cone.
Maybe Serrano was right and they are waiting to unleash a horde of UFOS or maybe they just got tired of War and went to live the remainer of their lives in peace.
They didn't have that much infrastructure. Their leader was dead. And most of the NS people down there were run of the mill soldiers and bureaucrats. Not exactly what you need to build a fourth reich.
white anons in south America get the fuck out before you it becomes South Africa 2.0 and you have have some Zambo african halfbreed chasing you down with a knife
The us and cia spent untold amounts of money in south america during the cold war. To destabilize, control, and guide new development. It always seemed to be that it was grossly disproportional compared to either the actual risk of communism spreading or the economic benefits to the US. Maybe a large portion of that was a new generation of cia dismantling any potential anti globalist forces.
Yup. Apparently my German ancestor fucked an Amazonian woman
Im quite sure there is a Secret Society of sorts of the descendants, but they don't have as much power, money and manpower as we might like to think.
We need someone to get to Argentina and learn what the fuck is going on with descendants of WW2 germans here.
Nice map. Going in my collection.
Argentina may burn in the foreseeable future.
I already got a 9mm ready for when that happens.
I want another one and become a master of Akimbo.
Yeah, the other user was right, fuck off boomer.
Interesting. You and Chilean user would probably get along great. (His dream is for chile to become a Castizo state).
What I also find very strange is that (atleast from my brief research) they had a lot of political power for many decades after ww2. No idea what happened to all of that.
You are all kike shills - have to be. No arguments, just shilling
tell me again, what did Hitler do for whites except kill the best of them and eugenize the jews?
Go ahead I'll wait. You kikes will tell me Mengele really tried tied to bleach brown eyes?
This place is comped.
To every sincere white person: this place is comped.
Proofs anytime
You must be that autistic nigger bitch who spams "white nationalism is white genocide" every day for two years straight.
I haven't been here for a long long time, and last time was for pizzagate, Just trying to drop a REAL redpill, and haven't heard any rebuttals, at all
What do YOU think Mengele and the Nazis were engaged in? White eugenics?
Some are trying to split the south of Huezil from the rest of the nation.
All war is dysgenic, you massive fag
((( )))
>being this (((retarded)))
Search "banana wars"
Oh really? Then why did it pertain to Continental European whites almost exclusively?
The number is about 66 milllion, must purport to your jewish senses no?
kys dacaryan faggot
I dont know, maybe because continental europe was literally the center of the fucking world back then, where whoever won would control the worlds fate?
Chilean here, I took a 23andme test and I'm 50.5% European and and 39.6% Amerindian, though physically I look at least 80-90% European. Thought it was weird since I thought I was more white, but makes sense given that I come from a poor background, even though my family is white.
Yeah, the lower classes in chile are around 50% euro, the middle classes are around 75% euro (castizo) and the upper classes are 90%+.
Maybe your white genes are anglo or german, and that is why you are so white looking.
Probably true tbh
Did you forgot about the rest of my arguments you pilpuling kike? I'll repeat them:
The Nazis eugenized the jews, and Mengele was instrumental, and he never 'bleached jewish brown eyes'
The Nazis dysgenized whites, killing tens of millions of the best in pre-reproductive age
The Nazis guaranteed the state of Israel and the miscegenation of the Western World
Prove me wrong you utter faggot
Oh wait you won't and can't because you're a subversive kike shill paid to keep this kikechan running
Absolutly lovin' these proofs m8.
Then leave, dummy. No one is forcing you to post.
Not my proofs, hear it from the kikes:
Then research who Mengele was - a brilliant double PhD who pioneered genetic research even before the war
>Goes on to say Stalin (((c.s))) also killed a lot of whites.
Yeah no shit Shlomo
You fixed nothing asshole. Stalin was in on it ever since M-R in which this most paranoid of world leaders believed soooo much yet he only got wise to the 'Jewish Doctors Plot' after WW2 when it was too late and he got killed for it.
And you know this because you're a subversive kike, as were ALL of Stalin's henchmen.
it was very pink inside though
I currently work at a 100% WHITE company in Central America. Pretty much they hire anyone who is white.
Has a German colony in Brasil with the biggest rate of twins ever registered, is said that it's from experiments of Megele and other Nazi geneticists.
Fucking based!
You're thinking of Paul Schäfer. I don't know if he actually identified as NS, he joined the Hitler Youth, and later served as a medic in the Wehrmacht. A lot of Germans at that time joined the Wehrmacht without actually registering as an NSDAP party member, or even fully agreeing with its program, they would just join often because they just simply loved their country.
When did the political power end? Which decade?
Why not quote the torah or talmud schlomo
What is "American ancestry" suppose to mean? Amerindian?
Sweet. Do you live in a white neighborhood there as well?
Holy shit, same here. The company I'm with does so much for us.
The company I'm with gives us free housing.
Are you a DACApede?
Yes, American ancestry just means native Amerindian
my great-grandfather fought in ww2 and then came to Argentina after being released from a POW camp in South Africa
My grandmother told me stories about the "german hotels" where the German escapees fled after the war
I was wandering where you´be been, i was even gonna as on the QTDTTOWT thread to see if i don't miss the second thread
It would only serve the interests of our (((enemies))) to dig into this matter. Leave them be.
Bring him EPITALON. It will restore a portion of his youth. Administer either through nebulizer or nasal spray. 10mg per dose seems sufficient. Minimum of ten days treatment.
Check this guy out from eyes wide shut. Sky du Mont
many of them are living in small communities in Patagonia south of Argentina
other got mixed with the rest of the population
you can tell by how much whiter the average argie is compared to the average bong or mutt
Fuck off misinformative shill.
>(((The Nazis being beaten by the allies guaranteed the state of Israel and the miscegenation of the Western World. FTFY)))
Read the hasbara agreement they were going to madagascar after war was over to be moniter if the germs won again nice proof's oh wait I don't see any.
Private military contractor?
here you go user
This is straight from a science journal so it's as accurate as a source for the racial mixture in south America as you're going to get
If I was living in south Brazil I would be shitting my pants right now. Looking at the race map there's a sea of mongrels and then the little oasis of the southern provinces of Brazil.
Mexico is much worse thought they are just natives basically
They didn't need to include Argentina, it is the entire map would just be deep red.
Same with Uruguay
i've never heard of Epitalon, but it looks like there is serious research confirming its anti-aging effects by lengthening telomeres.
thanks for sharing the knowledge user.
Where do you even get that stuff?
I cured lymphoma in an animal with a ten day treatment of this. It wasn't a complete recovery, as the damage had been done, but remission was achieved. I try my best user. GHK-cu is another good one to look into, as it handles inflammation and deals with some heavy metals in the blood stream. The combination of the two would likely be highly effective in situations of radiation poisoning, should the day come when the kikes finally use the (((sampson option))) Further, Epitalon is the real reason for the disinfo by the kikes about the pineal gland and why they try to destroy it. Regulating this substance is that gland's job. It even controls how long a woman is fertile, as evident by testing done on geriatric/post-menopausal mice, who were able to give birth to healthy pups after treatment.
Link was provided for a good source, though I do not like the stabilizer they add to many of their peptides, as it should be avoided in subjects with kidney problems.
How would Human Growth Hornone interact with Epitalom? Also, can you recommend anything for someone with "ADHD"?
No they were conscripted into labour that would redeem them in the eyes of the German people before being resettled in the East. This was to protect them from a large percentage of the population who wanted to see them exterminated/deported due their perceived culpability for the Zionist led Weimar degeneracy. Hitler and the leaders of NSDAP knew that they would have a racial bloodbath on their hands and they did not want it and so Operation Reinhardt enacted. Unfortunately it was undermined, subverted and opportunistically exploited by industrialists and capitalist sympathisers within the NSDAP who are responsible for the crimes that form the basis of the holocaust myth.
Remember it says "Arbeit macht frei" on the gate to Auschwitz for a reason. It's not a joke, It doesn't say "Wir werden euch alle töten".
It's a promise.
Don’t feed me opioid addicts
Those trips merit interest. I have wondered this as well, but the results are beyond my current understanding without experimentation. As for the attention issues, I would advice nootropic substances such as acetyl-choline uptake enhancers. Oxiracetam and Fasoracetam both have very good results in general. Noopept and/or Phenylpiracetam may also be effective, though from my experience, in individuals who truly seem to express "ADHD" it would be Fasoracetam that has always achieved obvious results for that purpose.
Yo mang, you should start a fitness/health general/ I was looking into peptides awhile back but life came along and I forgot about them till you brought it up. Theres A LOT to research and it's be cool if an user such as yourself took the time to post what you know in a thread for such a topic.
Hello Shlomo
The faggots you mentioned were (((Baptists))), protestant faggots and kiddy diddler that fled the law long after the war.
No surprise they were very close to the CIA.
I need to get back to posting there. It's been a while.
Hopi user, is that you? Thanks for the thread my dude. Safe travels brotha man.
Well, where do I sign?
Ha, that's a new name, normally get called herbalanon or herbalwizardanon or variants of such, but yeah, I'm here forever. Even if the board isn't up to it's old standards, where else could I go? It means a lot though to know that my words are remembered, more than I can express. Praise Kek!
next stop, Constantinople.
I remember that thread. ffs, user, send him a hotwater bottle and some vitamin C and get his story.
Make sure to record him if permissable. I once spoke with an archivist tasked with recording the life stories of her community's older citizens. Don't ever do what she was made to do with her recordings…record the voice, transcribe to notes, then delete the voice recording.
oh deary me.
Your thread was locked yesterday, so you now latch on to this one? Kek