
Hopefully anime, manga and visual novels are also ridiculed and criticised to the same degree as we approach 2020. It is time Japanese men grew the fuck up and started having babies.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Well it's true.

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Wasn't it stated that, although births are lessening, they're overpopulated as well? That is to say, they're at the point of trying to stop the infinite growth model? Of course, they have the issue of koreans/chinese entering their nation which is another problem all together.

What a great thread, worthy of wasting catalog space.

Unfortunately that can't happen until the factors causing them to fail to have babies are removed, namely the central bank must stop reallocating purchasing power from capital (the source of wages) to assets. That is, wages must go up, and real estate must come down. Young people have to be able to afford a home before they can start a family.

That is really all there is to it. Everything else is just window dressing.

They're importing 500k foreign shitskins. They are not trying to reach equilibrium without shitting themselves up.

Someone says this on just about every thread that exists. Take it easy already and get that stick out of your ass.

they haven't reached the tipping point yet; the "birth-rate crisis" is standard jew-owned media gloom-and-doom nonsense. curbing pro-immigration sentiments is more important right now.

keep your bullshit cuckchan threads where they belong idiot.

there are week old locked threads still floating in the catalog, go back to cuckchan with your muh slide shit

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The reason why anime and manga are under perpetual attack by (((them))) is because that whole industry is wholly uncontrolled by globalist and liberal shills and is beating the shit out of (((Hollywood))). Japan is a cultural superpower and nothing, NOTHING in todays world can come even close to their creativity and output.

And on top of that Japan creates more pro-white and european inspired stuff than anyone else. They are literally keeping our culture afloat and set it against (((Hollywood))). To defend Japan is to defend ourselves, and tards who have ANY FORM OF ISSUE with anime and manga are your enemy by default.

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Fuck off back to >>>Zig Forums.

That was my argument in support of friendship with the Japanese. Of course the kikes used it to tell say I was gay for Japanese men. Fucking kikes.

fuck you and your moe shit nigger
suck a dick faggot

The roastie infestation on this board is out of control.

Anime aesthetic was designed in fascist Italy (pic related) and Hitler loved old school Disney and drew Snowhite fanart. Anime and manga are also deeply steeped in the whole of japanese culture, it isn't a new thing but a natural and organic progression of their artistic traditions. This is VERY obvious if you see the use of color in anime. It's EXACTLY the same as in their traditional paintings.

Waifus, moe and loli are in the domain of the warrior. In the West we call them valkyries, goddesses (Freya, Athena, Aphrodite…) or vila (slavic female fairies similar to valkyries but more batshit insane). Japan is keeping this tradition alive. Evola's writing and medieval myths about the Holy Grail embrace the idea of waifus. India has a whole religion about it (shaktism).

In short, fags and liberals are into gay men in tights (capeshit). Real men watch cute girls doing cute things and dream of 2D heaven to ask of God once they fall in combat.

Banzai, and read Evola.

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Notice the absolute lack of arguments of this poor sucker, he knows he can't produce anything of note so he resorts to embarrassing and childish screeching like any other spastic kike.

this is now the designated jews fear the samurai thread

all of these are alrready looked down upon by normies in moonland, sure the fandom does have some degree of prestige becose it has produced some quality in the past but waifu/husbando fapping otakus/fujojis/neets are scorned
if you think otherwise you are likelly watching to much anime

japanese are honorary aryans.

Oh, nice, another issue of Elf-san wa Yaserarenai, haha look at that fat, dumb elf bitch, hahaha. Busu, busu, get fucked by a pig orc at some point you dumb knifeear bitch. Mesobuta elf bitch, hahahahawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

What? Elves are the only thing aside from the gods the Germanic people allowed as a substitute when talking about and describing humanity and Elf/Alf/Alb/Elb literally means white and gleaming and it was said that Germanics are elves, as are their ancestors and a shitload of names are related to elves, like Alfred means councelled by wise elves?

Man, these honorary based Japanese really are taking the most care to be the most true kinship spiritual allies of the aryans.
Honorary indeed.

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Herro, mai neimu issu Prinzessinnu Gilbenshmierbinglimingelschnitt von Riesenradkrapfenspiel endo mai buraini issu piichi jerry moemoe kyuuuu oniichan no samen itadaku wa.

Where did the asian man touch you

Looks like it's time to take your Ritalin.

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Ah yes, that distinctly european culture of pedophilia, tentacle rape, and fetish art.

I see nothing wrong here, they made the right choice.

Damnit user.
Isn't this an example of "JAPAN NO!!!!"?

Mou, ichiwaru yo, user chan itsumo ganbaru da yo, mou.
Ritarin wa koudoku, yo, mou.

Dou? Europiean karucha tanoshii ka? Nihongo wa kimochii ii ka?

In the complete lack of fulfillment of my actual European soul by virtue of asians with no sense of anything meaningful showing me a reflection of their impression through a lense.

To them it's just cool shit, not meaningful shit.
You will never find anything meaningful in their work that actually pertains to the meaning the west has given things.

That's why you will find extremely nauseating mixtures of time periods, beliefs, etc all over the place with no rhyme or reason.

Japanese third eye asshole demon…TOTALLY European

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This world doesn't need any more babies. Humans are a pathetic species, it's best that we go extinct.

Live stream your suicide to show that you're ride or die about your beliefs.

You first, edgelord.

They aren't that brave, which is why they are bitching in the first place.


Also, this embedded piece has more meaning and elevation of the soul than the entire last 100 seasons of all moe pretty girl anime combined.

Haruhi might be a goddess, but her music is bottom bitch tier.
She needs to step up her game.

Anyway, Japan produces a lot of stuff, but it's kinda meaningless and very repetitive, they have a real knack of blasting the same thing with new paintjobs, but if you watched enough anime then you will find that you have basically been watching 10 years of Gaki no Tsukai batsu games.

It’s the same reason why even remotely mentioning “anime” over at Adult Swim will make the executive freak the fuck out. It’s treated taboo like it’s nazi related art by Hitler himself.

jews bringing anime over is a long time tradition.

that isn't how that meme is used, it would be JAPAN NO! you need to lurk 15 more years.

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When a country does something the Jews like it's Yes. When they do something we like it's No. OP believes that listening to fat crossdresser and removing Anime Group is a bad thing so "Japan Yes!" is the appropriate title.

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who gives a shit

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I've heard it before, but that was actually very refreshing. thx

this tbh. Japan just made a Jojo/Osmosis Jones crossover anime and it's better than anything (((DC))), (((Marvel/Disney))) or whatever else has put out in a decade. Japs are experts in taking really dumb ideas on paper but turning them good.

While I agree with you that Nips are just a bunch of frying pan faced mongoloids who shouldn't be praised but ignored and left to their own devices unless they need a napalm shower. *inhales breath* That shit you posted was fucking ridiculous.

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Do chinks straight up admit they are inferior to whites?

who gives a fuck about slit eyed gooks? this is a white people board thank you very much


Okay then, leave.

Plenty of dumb nig nogs do too. Maybe they're just trying to ingratiate themselves with us - or maybe they genuinely accept it. Who cares.

That's why have to cheat. To make fair. See? It ok now.

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You are correct.

Your reward for your vigilance shall be increased penile aerodynamics by virtue of removing needless flesh, done by jewish doctors in the name of progress and wholesomeness so you can laugh at NoFap threads because you were given the ultimate weapon against mana loss.
Praise God.

I'm sure you do. Keep your faggotry off the internet, please.

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Lethal injection, sounds like faggotry by wannabe men

Wew lad.

For any user around here that may not be aware, AKB48 and affiliated groups share a similarity with the anime industry (outside of Ghibli) in that westerner's perception of their place within Japan might be a skewed representation of what it actually is. Both entities certainly have their fans/followers but they're far from being mainstream and socially/culturally accepted in a wide manner, they're relatively niche and not the kind of hobby you'll be looked upon positively for parading around in public. AKB48 & co. being an embarrassment for Japan, or at least not something to be proud of, is far from being an unpopular opinion among regular folk; their business practices in particular have raised a lot of eyebrows throughout the years, mostly in regards to the handling of the girls and their unabashed and predatory exploitation towards the fans.
Anyway, everyone knows it should be Wagakki band at the opening.

user, let's not be disingenuous here. As someone who's watched a rather large amount of videos from AKB48 and related groups, it's very obvious that overall they're anything from "wholesome".

Top tier shitpost my friend, where does one acquire the required IQ to come up with such?

Talk about unwarranted hostility.


Exhibit A: Look at how white and pastoral this series was.

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The appeal of anime in the west is a side effect of how shit mainstream western culture is. If you don't like weebs you need to fix the west.

Sorry friend but I filtered you, I might not have been able to handle the sheer intellect you display in your every sentence; it's still relatively early and don't want to tire out my brain too much.

Yet it was still a massive yawnfest, too bad.

Neck yourself weeb boy.

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Yeah, but when are we getting more of these?

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You only need to know one thing.

The jew fears the samurai, and you are very likely a fearsom one.

Beyond even that.
From what I have seen, it looks like the Japanese work with American intelligence (or some other apparatus) to use anime and their media as a platform for soft disclosure.

Think of these examples to understand my point:
All Might (Trump)
Shingeki no Kyojin (Cannibalism, Humans vs a similar but separate species)
FMA (six pointed star as enemy, hexagram, ouroboros, homunculi)

Think of video games too:

Zelda (aryan vs islam/semite)

It goes on and on.
I've uploaded some pictures that are related to show my point.
And these are just the recent examples. I'm sure there are many more to prove my point.

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Or these.

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They should use "World Order" even though they are masonic communist fags. World Order combined with traditional japanese Taiko Drums would be fucking sick. Do the whole thing up like a big japanese summer fest.

I'd like to compete in 2020.

For fuck's sake, it's always the libshit-globalist indoctrinated retards who open their whore mouths.

Check your sources again, the Nips take other Asians for cheap labor. This "Mudslime/dindu invasion" bullshit is getting tiresome when it's easily debunked. They take less Pajeets and more vietcongs and chinks, even flips.

Pic related.

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It's almost as if wages should reflect material value of available resources.

Remember when the Olympics was fun?
That was around Sydney 2000, the last fun Olympics.

Then it just became a mess after tensions post 9-11.

I hate niggers and jews and I think you should too.

The only truly glamorous Olympics was Grenoble Winter Olympics of 1968 with Jean Claude Killy cleaning up in all three skiing events and Peggy Fleming offering ample jack off material for every boy in America.




stupid nigger

Japs like all asians are deviant sociopaths by default, prove me wrong.
Hard mode: do it without calling me a goon.

you don't even know the origin of this meme, kys

Half of american population on island the size of california with a lot of useless mountains you can't live on.

bullshit, anime was brought to Europe by jews, bought for a price lower than toilet paper, and sold at much higher prices. and this is how it's still done to this day sage cause fuck this slidethread

I'm not really into the Japanese version of LMFAO, but it wouldn't embarrass them any more than this Kung Fu Panda looking motherfucker.

They should just do Babymetal. It's what we all want to see.

There's this thing called Burden of Proof, faggot. No one here has to go out of their way to prove anything to you.

I liked it.

You're partially right to an extend but even the manga and anime departments are being hit hard by Marxism. Notice how series that represent strong male patriarchy like Berserk and Fist of the Northern Star are being replaced by feminism, homosexuality and feminine protagonists.

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>The reason why anime and manga are under perpetual attack by (((them))) is because that whole industry is wholly uncontrolled by globalist and liberal shills and is beating the shit out of (((Hollywood))).
Netflix becoming if not already the biggest anime studio.

They're desperate for anything to plump their numbers. The better question would be "can anime save netflix?"

It's not possible to animate Berserk properly unless a gathering of the old Disney animators got together and spent a long time on it. It's too detailed and action-packed.

Anime is based and redpilled and kikes hate it because it's probably the largest and most wealthy entertainment media they have absolutely no control over. Fuck off goons ANIME FTW

Wasn’t akb busted for prostitution like couple years ago?

That sure showed him, goon.

inb4: redheads aren't White

So is most classical European art when you are addicted to (((Hollywood)))'s violence, shock factor, scatological "humor" and vulgar sensationalism.

I thought they had a citizenship rule where you have to have Japanese parents to have citizenship. That didn't change did it? :(

You just went full SA.

I wish Western kids shows were as wholesome as Non Non Biyori.

Japanese newspaper revealed dark side of Jpop apparently AKB48 girls are for sale for over night. It costs about $10,000~$12,000 per night for hiring one of the AKB48 girl for sex says the Japanese media. That's pretty expensive for a tiny girl who doesn't have good shaped body. Nonetheless this wasn't the first time AKB48 was tangled with scandals, last time it was their oral orgy party where their CEO was involved with groupie sex with AKB48 girls.

More likely the biggest (((mistranslation))) studio, aminorait?

Now that this has turned into an anime thread, what anime are you guys watching at the moment? I'm watching Seikei no Monshou and like it so far.

Seriously nigger?

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Only hope for Hollywood not controlling anime is Netflix bleeding money. I’m afraid it the damage is already done. Castlevaina should’ve been a cash cow. But Netflix turned it into a new atheism circle jerk. Devilman crybaby was pro tranny propaganda about how cool nihilism is. Don’t get me
Started on neo yokio.



I've almost quit. I kinda hate violence that is not specifically targeted against subhumans, BNHA reached its peak and is only shounenshit franchise-milking downhill from this point and most new moeshit has become a tad too repetitive and saccharine. Tried to watch Yuru Camp but its essentially a lower budget NNBiyori downgrade with more static scenery, more boring plot and less likable characters.
Still it's not anywhere near as bad as goons would like us to think the situation is, the only quasi-pozzed chinese cartoons I can recall of are the one with the wannabe coal-burner and her friends talking about their periods and by far second worst the Dyke Dragon Maid shit.
Last anime I really enjoyed was post-Apocalyptic Potato Girls.

I saw that the Kaiji guy did a spin-off called Middle Management Chronicle Tonegawa that got me hyped, but I've just been catching up on my backlog. Not sure what to watch/read next. Might finally finish Higurashi or Kara No Shoujo.

Neo-anime funneled through the trannyjew system doesn't seem to get the same response with viewers that normal anime does. I wonder if it's why they keep trying to live-action it. I know they're going to ruin Alita.