Of course Moore is just a puppet, but his puppeteers told him to say this. Are the enemies of Trump and the right really planning something significant that could lead to the split of the USA? Since Trump appears to be undefeatable in the next election, are they just giving up? Or am I too immersed in my own bubble I don't see just how many brainwashed zombies out there do hate trump and support that leftist bullcrap?
Michael Moore Says Donald Trump will be the last president of the united states
I'm ok with this.
He's selling his movie coming out next month, you idiot. Ignore the fat fuck.
I can't figure this guy. He gave hands down the best speech of the entire 2016 Presidential race. In fact when I heard this speech the night it appeared online I became certain Trump would win. Moore should fucking get down on his knees and love Trump; trump is doing everything Moore ever wished for
And we care about what that double-chinned fat fuck says why?
Good. Then it will turn into 2 different stats. One of these two states will be the west coast + the east coast, the other will be the significant vast majority of the US - the fly over states as they are. These fly over states hold the natural resources. The east + west coast hold hollywood, Disney World and degeneracy.
One of his puppeteers is certainly his agent Ari Emanuel, Rahm's brother, and the son of an Israeli terrorist. He also used to represent Trump and met with him after the election.
During the Bush years, people like Jonestein would admit that he existed as controlled opposition, and that his films like Fahrenheit 9/11 were a whitewash (as were AJ's films), but now, anything that comes out of his mouth is undeniable proof that the globalists are out to get GEOTUS. It's all for show.
Because he is a leftist. Do not apply integrity rules. It will only confuse you. Marx very accurately described the faults of capitalism. His solutions were, well, marxist.
Marx was a shitty economist but an awesome historian. I highly recommend his biography of Lord Palmerston.
And that Michael Moore speech I posted was a real barn burner, the best speech of the entire long political campaign. It was the most powerful endorsement of Trump in the entire campaign. If you listen to it carefully he actually says indirectly that he was going to vote for Trump.
"the enemy of my enemy is who I'm going to vote for on Nov 8".
and that enemy of my enemy was Trump.
Can't stand his movies or his politics but damn that was a great speech.
Usa can have a monarchy?
Historically speaking, if we just take the opposite of what the Jew says, we will find the truth.
Hey that jew is being executed in my Viking gas stove. Classy
Why is there so much trumpcuckery on this board? Anyway op could be an agent pushing trumpcuckery again but also winking and nodding and "putting it in the goyim's faces" that something is going to happen to America in the near future.
2020 will probably be a big year in world history, on par with 2001. Will the US be destroyed, like they destroyed the USSR after it played out its role? That remains to be seen.
Don't forget also the "prophecies" of Pope Francis being the last pope of the Catholic Church.
Plus this shit with Space Force. Who knows if they have Project Blue Beam planned in the future (sans the christcuckery).
When anyone would start bemoaning how trump voters are stupid, I'd play that speach. Crickets. .. they don't think, but they can't respond to his indictment. So long as Trump is pissing off the establishment I'll vote him on a generic ballot. But the real voice of the movement he aped was Sen. Webb
It's not even 9:00 AM and already the Tel Aviv trolls are hasbaring on the chans.
(((what))) did he mean by that?
They know they have nobody to run in 2020, they know they can't win. So Moore is doubling down on the idea of Trump as a dictator early. And the prophet will be proven true when Trump wins reelection, and this will in theory galvanize the base for 2024 to accept any stinking turd that's shoved down their throats…. no more Bernie Bros causing a divide, any decent will be met with violence, the stakes are too high.
Let's go dreamy here. If trump is dumped. And you get get president Christian zionist pence and still no wall. Would you vote for a leftist nationalist? (recall bernie was botching about illegals for a while)
I think you're right!
Being from the future, I thought it was a picture of Israel after we turn it to glass.
That's because we're switching to an empire, fatty.
he may even let you suck his fat cock if you can fish it out from underneath his disgusting fat ass.
Whoever they run is a sacrifice and they aren't sure they can get away with jewing boiny twice.
The unfunny truth is that we were always an empire. Its just we weren't label as such.
They'll probably keep using the name President for a few hundred years.
Your link doesn't work. Embedding is standard procedure, webm HIGHLY preferred.
At that point I doubt many people would still believe voting could solve anything.
For himself he's probably right. Odds are he'll be long gone of a coronary before 2024.
Shill thread.
I died in a hot Jewish girls oven once. Good lord was she crazy about it. She’d never used her oven before.
I’d do her again if I ever ran into her again.
Basically this>>11986254
OP is a faggot who fell for the bait, moore is a fat fuck hasbeen who hasn't been relevant since the first bush presidency. Nobody cares and he's desperate for more money.
That's a $4500 stove here in Canada, before taxes.
She did it for free because of who I am. I don’t pay for sex.
OK, I'll do the WebM tutorial when I get back from the gym midnight workout
He's giving an order to leftist cannon fodder. Either they forcibly remove Trump or America will be destroyed. He's basically calling for an assassination or a violent coup while keeping it subtle enough to deny culpability. All the leftist talking heads are stirring the pot trying to instigate violence.
I suspected this. Merchant looses his fortune. Becomes a nutcase. Its still funny though, tbh.
You mean they want to run a "lefty civnat" political platform? I doubt it would even cross their nutcase minds. Such platform would consist entirely in sucking brown and muslim cock anyway… There is Melenchon in France doing that. That's the tipping point where the left is fractured between openly anti-white neo-stalinist madness, and the mainstream liberals who have no choice but move to the center-right because they have no more party (basically a change of brand, that's what happened with Macron)
also, Trump is already the ultimate lefty civnat führer, by giving jobs to niggers. They really have nowhere to run.
No. That means that democracy has failed and it's time to grab a gun and start killing Jews.
They might not even make it to 2024. If the democratic establishment puts up a sham election to save money using an insider then the berniecrats/SuccDems/etc. will be irate at being snubbed again and will likely schism and everyone else will be pissed and scared, if they set up a berniecrat to fail the berniecrats will go nuclear and cause the biggest US political schism in living memory and if the democrats put up a fight and lose with either of the above options then panic and resentment will set in and they'll messily tear themselves apart while pointing fingers. When they waver and collapse after getting stomped in 2020 then it's going to be entirely possible for a natural leader to emerge and steal the democratic establishment like Trump did. EXCEPT that after Trump's campaign the democratic leadership saw this future for themselves and NOPEd right the fuck out, digging in to such an extent that the party effectively dies with their line of secession - but if someone comes along who isn't afraid to completely sweep away the old guard and re-shape what's left of the party in their own image, the voters will get down on their hands and knees and beg him to save them from themselves. However, that's a mighty big "if". More likely the berniecrats will just schism with a small measure of success and many politicians in certain areas will hop on the new bandwagon just to get away from the old one as much as for any other reason. The berniecrats don't have the support or infrastructure for a national party and the cornerstones of establishment politics are too entrenched all by themselves to change or vanish without guidance from on high but I could see something like a coalition government forming internally inside what was once the democratic party if for no other reason then they probably won't have much of a choice between that and becoming insolvent. If the dems bomb in 2020 then there are going to be a lot of angry voters asking themselves "if we're going to lose anyway then why the fuck are we still doing it on the party's terms" and the democratic party has no answer to that. Their political machine is about to break down and they're going to have to persuade their own people to stay and hope that it will someday start again rather than looking for another political machine that may or may not work as well but at least it's not the old one.
2020 for sure and possibly 2024 are probably going to be two of the most interesting US elections in living memory.
i thought Barron would be the last president?!
I hope so.
Goys on my facebook are jacking themselves off over this and sacha barron cohen, too pozzed for my tastes. I can only laugh at them when the dopamine hit runs out.
The conditioning for more world government has started.
its not about splitting up, its about integrating in something bigger, better, more progressive.
i can tell you more when we meet in the gulags.
He means Trump is the last potus he will ever see, cause this hambeast will have a heart attack after the next election.
Hes not wrong. America is turning 250 in 2026. Trump (who will probably get a second term) will br out in 2024. Read the age of empires.
yeah, I don't that either. perhaps he was always full of shit, but if some small part of him was genuine you'd think he's spare Trump a kind word for trying to help the the rust belt.
Op is a fag.
meme it, fags
Hi Michael. No I am not going to watch your new movie but thanks anyway.
He's not. He's a useful idiot but strangely lucid.
He's the only leftist to have tried to warn early that Trump was easily going to for the same exact reason we were sure Trump was gonna win, remember?
And everyone of his friend laughed at him.
He's probably right this time too.
The US civil war 2.0 is coming except like the German civil war the left is gonna get slaughtered in droves by people that have been waiting and actively preparing for this for years.
This is a good thing.
Both Michael Moore and Donald Trump are puppets of the kikes.
I want summer to end
Nobody gives a shit about anything that comes out of that pathetic, mendacious, fat fuck's mouth.
Michael moore gets colon cancer.
Trump is a Jewish puppet and OP is a CIA sock-puppet:
will be out
Emperor Trump confirmed.
Newfag from halfchan here, what is this?
Here you go faggot.
Definitely last white president. I don't think China is stupid enough to get tricked into a war by Jewtin when it could just sit by and enjoy watching McDonald's/Walmart/Amazon continue suiciding USA through niggerfication. I don't think playboy Trump will start a real war with people who have more weapons than just rocks. So no unfortunately USA will continue dyiing slowly and painfully for a long time under many more POTUS cucks.
Nice try, Juden. Go peddle your subversion somewhere else.
Stalin was the muh protect russian borders commie. You want trotsky, the jew who was responsible for communism in the west.
that's why we're going to have to kill you. sorry user, them's the rules.
Sadly, this.
It does my heart good to see these psychotic kike drones so helplessly hopeless
Q: Why can't Jewish girls learn to bake cookies?
A: Because they're afraid of the oven.
I hope trump becomes our first elective monarch. It would be a wonderful change, and congress could still have veto power.
I mean impeachment power
He's right. Trump will be the last democratically elected president. After Trump, all US presidents will be appointed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (currently General Joseph Dunford).
Trump has literally talked up Lincoln in a recent Florida (read: area of the country invaded by Lincoln) rallies. If the union breaks up expect war.
For him to be right that would undoubtedly mean the complete doom of the liberals as if things get out of hand they are without a doubt the first to go, along with him. He was trying to say it all ironic but likely doesn't realize how bad it makes the left look in terms of what would happen to them if things went to shit. Moron… true moron.
==muuuuuuuuh bbbbblllluuuuuuuuummmmmppppppppfffffpfpppfpfpfpfpfpfppfpffpff!!!!!!!!shiftoneshiftonefortytwo