Downfall of Rome was Lead
Downfall of America is Estrogen
Downfall of Rome was Lead
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How many of you anons realize that testosterone is about 35 bucks a bottle and lasts 3 months?
You can't argue against something like soy and quote scientific articles, then denounce scientific advancements like synthetic hormones.
Anabolic steroids are just another great gift from NatSoc Germany that face demonization by the Kike media machine.
yeah feminization of males is killing the west, femininity is absolute cancer
I don't want to risk ruining myself in the long-term, and I consider it 'poor sportsmanship' for lifting. I like being natty
This thread is degenerate.
It’s probably too late for me lads, I’m freezing Sperm but I’m fundamentally blackpilled at the idea my reproductive system is completely fucked
nigger what?
This is the number one most important thing for everyone here. Fix your testosterone. Testosterone provides for strength, determination, energy, sex drive, domination, the will for victory. We need these traits to win. Moving forward while being low test will mean that you don't have the strength or balls to conquer when the time comes. You will back down from confrontation, your actions will fall somewhere between those of a woman and those of a masculine man.
Search 'Art of Manliness testosterone' for a reasonable guide to a diet for high test. Lift, get fairly lean. follow . Stop watching porn and actually fuck real women. Learn to fight. Train your mind to conquer, not submit to others.
a sure sign of masculinity is to become independent of society and women's judgements.
there is only one group that achieves this goal.
which group? jews certainly depend on society for money
Plus once you take test, your baseline test levels are fucked forever. So, yeah that’s one side effect, and not even a long term one.
Natty forever; just takes dedication and being a capable human being to become the Übermensch. Plus, the harmony of a pure soul is a gratifying sound.
What about pine pollen tincture? There were threads promoting it earlier in the year but now I never see anyone talk about it.
No it was degeneracy.
Degenerate = anything normalfags don't like/have a moral objection to.
This is a good book:
Boy that is some subtle shilling or just an inability to realize you're both reciting popular culture that has no basis in reality.
Traces do nothing. IPA is shit beer anyways.
European men drink weißbier.
And eat more saturated fats, since it is precursor to sex hormones like testosterone. It also affects sirum cholesterol which is used in every cell like vitamin d, which is synthesized by the sun out of sirum cholesterol in the skin. Modern soymen and homos are caused by the 50 year long meme against saturated fats by sugar jews. Sugar is good, but fat and protein are also needed, and in higher amounts for many people.
did anyone actually bother to read this "curse of civilization" infographic? it says that foods with phytoestrogens (soy for example) are actually good for you because they bind to estrogen receptor sites and block the more powerful petrochemical xenoestrogens
i guess "BPA boy" doesnt have the same ring to it as "soyboy" but nevertheless…Zig Forums was fucking WRONG
"Downfall" of both was delusion, apathy and weak men that thought they were infallible.
"Downfall" of the latter was overpopulation and a behavioural sink… but that's if there is a "downfall".
Nothing has fallen yet. And I look at the "fall" of Rome as a misconception.
In reality, it just fragmented into empires. For starters, the ostrogoth part merely became the Franks. And they nearly were on par with Rome at the height of Charlemagne.
The only real "fall" to have occurred is in ancient egypt, mesopotamia, china (Ghengis) and mesoamerica (see Mesa Verde and the fall of the Mayans).
We literally are merely the inheritors of Rome… it never fell, it became western society. And now western society won't die because the machine is undefeatable. It will merely adapt to foreigners. Sure, the demographics may change (though with the sudden right surge I doubt that), the culture will not because it's the same adaptable machine that has adapted since Macedon and Rome. The invaders will lose their culture user… they are more scared of us than we are of them because they know just how invincible that culture is.
We are stuck in a machine that is ALWAYS bleeding to death.
The problem is that it's ignoring race and our old cultures.
The chemicals are fucked, that's all you need to know. I don't think this benefits any person, gender, race, etc. It's poisoning us all.
Yet we still have a life expectancy around 80 with that… which is phenomenal considering what things were like 150 years or so ago.
No, you reductionist asshole. If it was lead why did the Eastern half collapse a thousand years later and not at the same time? The US had lead pipes up until the 20s, did it collapse to barbarians? It's a complex issue with no one easy obvious defining factor. And "declining population" is a bigger one than "a few richmen might have developed late onset dementia or some shit."
It's weird, everyone around me are turning girly, yet here I am unable to stop hair growth on all parts of my body. Sisters aren't too happy with that though… they also are hairy… eww
Frank and ostrogoth are two different beasts.
Ostrogoth mainly migrated to Spain while some stayed in northern Italy and formed the genetic basis for Lega Nord nowadays.
It never really collapsed though.. many of the subsequent kingdoms either inherited or immediately reinstalled a roman culture in their kingdoms. They merely made it more medieval.
I usually pass out to old movies on television, but recently I've been trying to turn off screens for a while and go to bed naturally. The problem is I wake up 2-3 times a night, and it takes between 5-30 minutes to go back to sleep every time. I wake up feeling exhausted. Dreaming is fun but it feels like I've been thinking all night.
It did collapse. Stopped existing as a political entity and there was, shall we say, a "sharp decline in cultural sophistication" across most of the Western Empire, I mean picture an Anglo-Saxon wattle-and-daub house.
It is true though there was a degree of continuation of the old order, for example the Ostrogoths that made a kingdom in Italy left the senate in place for up to a couple hundred years after deposing the last emperor. Who was himself a Gothic puppet. The Catholic Church arguably is a sort of remnant. I suppose it's semantics, it certainly collapsed in some ways, continued on in others.
Theoderic definately tried to preserve the roman system, then Justinian's conquest followed. I still think this is merely the east empire conquering the west, only the west now had kings.
Theo also drove out the huns… that's odd for a "barbaric invader".
Don't forget, Rome would have gone from criticising the man heavily before takeover to completely endorsing him. So that's why records are so critical of him prior to takeover - propaganda.
No arguing there, for all the shit that said, the ostrogoth did attempt to preserve the roman tradition, and some of the them in fact stayed in northern Italy for that purpose.
I think the Byzantines may have spun a bit of crap on Theo's takeover though, like they wanted his kingdom to not be legitimate as an heir to Rome.
I bet the Byzantine emporers saw it as a threat to their own personal power.
Theo was fairly connected to Rome from birth.
but don't you dare find out who poisoned the wells goy oy vey
Tbh it would have been better if the East has re-conquered Rome and preserved the Empire properly.
The byzantimes were quite badass at the time and it might have saved us all from the cuck shit ass roman catholic nowadays.
An interesting idea is that Antiquity ends in about 700 AD, when the Arabs blockade Europe and international trade almost completely dies down. Though I'm a stickler for technisims, if there's no emperor the empire is gone. No Roman civilization mind you, not immediately, but those are different things.
The Byzantines were famous for wrangling barbarians against each other. Theodoric was in Italy to depose Odoacer, I'm sure they felt like they could depose Theo himself later.
They really tried, an outbreak of plague got in the way. Amongst a strong Persia, endless barbarian arrivals, and other things.
Your oceans are full of plastic.
All people poison it.
I drink desal water btw.. this area is fucked.
Israel also drinks desal, they're fucked too.
We're all fucked. Even if they did poison the well, it would be like peeing into a sea of piss.
But lots of gothic architecture and civilisation. I'm telling you, we give them a negative wrap, but they at least tried to keep everything together. The rest just plundered.
I'll agree that the arabs did cause some issues in the west, but they also preserved and even furthered research and knowledge. I think the real cause of dark ages was the transition towards the feudal society. Lower classes became less likely to be educated because Kings realised "hey if they stay uneducated, they're essentially slaves to me and my educated peers". People forget that aspect of monarchy. Empire didn't have that as much, mainly because the position of emperor changed from family to family regularly. So there was a greater need to appease the masses and therefore support the system. Kings don't do that because not only was their power is not only absolute, the inheritance of the throne to people close that person was locked in and there was more control of the upper and lower classes, leading to less need for appeasement of the masses.
I don't think they cared that much, he was from a Roman area. But the emperor probably cared, he lost prime real estate.
I fucked around with this prohormones like an iddiot when I was younger, and it definetly was not anwhere near that cheap. Got a source?
The downfall of Rome was due to a degenerate society that relied on slaves to do most of the work, Christianity, and, most of all, racemixing and low birth rates among ETHNIC Romans.
Demographics killed Rome.
Furthermore, on the issue of USA and estrogen, this is a real problem.
Birth control pill effluent in the water supply, atrazine, plastic leeching, lots of chemicals in the food, and other such things are turning men into faggots and soyboys.
Eating organic foods and taking boron can help, among other things.
If you want teeny tiny testicles, I suppose.
Survivalists, maybe?
Slavery based society, degeneracy, "diversity," racemixing, low population of ethnic Romans, and, finally, the army being increasingly composed of other than ethnic Romans.
Again, demographics killed Rome.
Not really.
The best way is to avoid them ALL.
Organic food, rural well water or rain water, home cooking, cast iron pans, and only stainless or glass containers.
Things like that.
Don't agree at all.
The successors to Rome were WHITE.
The shitholers flooding into White homelands are NOT.
"Culture" is a THIN VENEER that lies upon GENETICS.
WHITE GENETICS made our "machine" unstoppable.
It will all go to shit if those Whites are "replaced" by browns and blacks and yellows.
It already is.
Look at Detroit, or South Africa, or Los Angeles.
But keep in mind that the chemicals are not supposed to kill you.
They're supposed to make you COMPLACENT and CONTROLLABLE.
They don't want you dead (unless you remain defiant).
They want you to be a slave in their shekel factory.
And also to not resist while they drive our people to extinction.
Do you eat a lot of onions, by chance?
The Ancient Greeks believed that onions made them manly and strong, or something like that.
Much truth, however you are overlooking the "Byzantines" or "Eastern Roman Empire" which lasted for another thousand years.
The empire wasn't worth "preserving."
Demographics is destiny.
The Roman Empire became increasingly "civic nationalist" over time.
This kills the country.
And you know who LOVED feudalism?
The Church.
It was the "natural order of God" or something.
You know who LOVED keeping the "peasants" illiterate and ignorant?
The Church.
Simple minds for a strong faith!!!!
You know who discouraged learning from "pagan" sources (IE almost all of the ancient knowledge)?
The Church.
No competition!!!
All abrahamic religions are poison.
all abrahamic religions are poisonous. amen user
So what caused you to be such a fucking faggot, OP? Just enjoy the taste of dick?
How many of you niggers will realize we are law abiding white men?