"I don't belong in jail because I'm pretty, smart and white" - She has a point

Jail isn't really the place for a pretty white girl but this girl had weed on her, so it's a high probability that she burns coal.
What say you, Anons?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-10 A woman told police she's a 'thoroughbred, white girl' as she tried to avoid jail for DUI.png (1185x2302, 576.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:


are you fucking retarded ? jail is where criminals go and she is one. just because you have a cunt doesnt mean you have a pass to do whatever you want without consequences. fuck you kike, i will be the one shooting you

She belongs in jail for having one eye looking one direction and the other another direction. Fucking Pennywise over here. But on point, 32, weed, DUI, still getting zits at her age.

The wall crushed this skank.

It's just too bad she veered so far off track. So many women carrying strong genes shifting away from the Volk, but at least she recognizes her whiteness in some form.

On a separate note, Jews are sperging hard right now coming out and denouncing pissrael

she called herself a "throughbred white girl" … shes a fucking nigger.

if call yourself a thoroughbred what are you fucking bread for? Being a whore? You call yourlself a white thoroughbred but instead of having a family you decide to speed under the influence and act like a fucking nigger.

Shes not pretty and shes not white. Shes a whore throw her whore ass in jail and let all the decent white people know not to communicate with her.

Promiscuous slut and narcissism beyond anything known for the regular dude.
Drug addict and alcoholic. Female IQ and lack of self awareness.
This is the general state of the White stock, degenerate beyond redemption.
She is a disgrace and embarrassment to our cause.

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That is a traditional Irish feature.


wait until the sheboons in jail here about it.

This. Would bang then send her to jail.


If only she didn't behave as a degenerate as well.

free shkreli

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I don't have time to make a punished Shkreli shop right now but you get the idea.

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I would fix her.


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Meh good enough

She probably burn BBC. Any chick who smokes weed is a degenerate.


drugs have terrible effects on people, it accelerated the psychological problems of the girls i knew. taking weed is worse than financial fraud.

Jeez color me surprised ANOTHER KIKE thread bashing European women. And look at all the European males here following their KIKE leadership in bashing their own people. You European males who are participating in this sliding the blame for drugs and society onto European women WHEN THE STATE OF OUR NATION REST SOLELY ON THE FUCKING KIKES DESERVE TO BE GENOCIDED AS TRAITORS TO YOUR PEOPLE AND BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO FIGURE OUT WHO IS YOUR REAL ENEMY.

That is my KIKE LIST for this OP. Anyone who blames Europeans for their circumstances and their culture at this point in time needs to be killed on principle alone.

She's not that pretty and makes us all look bad
Don't give a fuck she got done with weed but that bac is fucked.
Besides the fact she is so entitled to bring up her cop husband in further attempts bully and collude the arresting officers to let her off pisses me the fuck off.
Should she got to jail? Who the fuck cares she will bribe her way out on good behaviour and coppo hubby will be able to pull strings.
Does she have any boob pics? Gonna fap over her girl pusy getting pushed in by a 10" clit bulldyke

What a dipshit. No one goes to jail for weed and drunk driving. Now she's national news. Should have kept her mouth shut. Doesn't mean she is burning coal.


Here's two more.

Didn't your nigger father teach you ownership and responsibility? Big ego, man.
Think about it. Why did Europeans let in kikes in the first place? Why did they put them in influential positions of power, an alien people? Our kings chose to follow Christianity for power, betraying their volk.
The problems we face wouldve happened with or without kikes. Probably wouldnt have gotten as bad as fast, though.

Two more what? I'd redpill her mate her cuck soycop hubby has clearly failed her


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Punishment has three functions: Deter from committing crime, protect society from criminals and rehabilitation. It has got nothing to do with the individuals background.

Since this woman sounds like a sociopath, rehabilitation seems unlikely. So yes, jail is exactly where she belongs. That or the chopping block.

You are going on that list as well, I AM FUCKING SICK OF YOU JEWS and your sliding the blame onto everyone but yourselves.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this was completely made up psyop by the (((CIA))) to test how many Europeans would throw their own under a bus in favor of the people who need to be held responsible. (((CIA and JEWS))) I see these slide thread on here all the time, with some fucking 'outrageous' headline (which you all are allowed to LIE TO AMERICANS as part of your modus operandi now) and I just know that you are full of shit and trying to manipulate Europeans to tear our society apart even faster. FUCK YOU GLOW IN THE DARK KIKES…

Nu fag here from old 2010 news cuckchan era polcucked Chan what the fuck is a glow in the dark kike?
Also I kinda agree she shouldn't be treated so hard but at the same time our standards as a white race are slipping we must hold ourselves above this nigger tier thot behaviour.
I don't like cops either they will never be on our side

The regular Christian Jobe isnt a problem, its the politicized clergy of which are almost entirely shabbos goyim. The distinction must be made between Jewish controlled (((Christianity))) and the simple practicing Christian volksgenosse.

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There is no form of governmental resistance to the kikes at this point (there are no 'good guys' waiting in the wings, it is all controlled opposition). They have purchased their way into all of our government positions, corporations, etc. They literally own the planet because they stole it by force using the dollar reserve currency. The CIA is simply kikes on crack worming their subversive messages into the collective unconscious for our destruction.

They make up this retarded shit, like this OP and we are supposed to 'bite' and rip into our own people…but basically it is all a test to see how long until they can begin the full genocide of Europeans without anyone rising up to defend us from each other. They have the game of 'destroy the empire' down pat based on how many times they have run this game historically and this is part of it.

Anyone who THINKS that ANY European needs to be criticised in the face of the LITERAL GLOBAL ASSAULT that is happening against our people has their head up the KIKES/CIA ASSHOLE and is inhaling their shit.

WHose standards are you applying towards our people? KIKE MORALITY? The standards of people who don't do what they tell others to do? Have you forgotten that these people literally support FELONS of their own people, they arrange to have SNUFF PORN OPERATORS recused, they support WHITE SEX SLAVERY and MURDER of our people. And yet this is supposed to be some sort of dividing issue between Europeans?

I am sorry but given the odds against us, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND {in the politest way I could ask}? Literal Satanic forces are overthrowing the entire planet and it is going to die of it…but a girl smoking some pot is THE HEIGHT OF CRIMINALITY for Zig Forums…common, you can see how stupid this is, right?

Well I thought I was making a whitty remark but apparently its Job not Jobe lol. Im not a Chrisitian but I would like to see less D&C between pro-whites. It was part of National Socialist Germany and there was no animosity between pagans and Christians except for said politicized clergy whos admit their realm is not of this world and yet they still try to pull the levers of government from their pulpit. Those people are tumors on pro-white society and act on behalf of the muslim loving nigger foot kissing pope for example.

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U did read my first post where I said I didn't care about the pot right? Just go innawoods


Pot is not the point. The underlying agenda is what this OP is about. The underlying agenda is making sure that we are divided on a individual basis…all pointing fingers at each other so that when the time comes for the kikes to murder us EN MASSE we do not resist it when we see it happening to our neighbors because we think, in our own minds, that 'so and so is a thot' or 'so and so is a pot smoker' or 'so and so is white trash'…all this is doing is softening up Europeans so that they can murder us quicker, cheaper and more efficiently with no resistance.

Smoking pot or not smoking pot is irrelevant.

No shit this is all entry level stuff man

It's like reading a boomer Facebook post lol

Also…their crimes against humanity are magnificent to behold…they are an abomination to the entire universe for which they will never be forgiven. If you KNEW their crimes against Life, you would know this already. How is 'smoking some pot' supposed to compare to literally genociding 60 million Russians in the worst way they could dream of (by the most horrific tortures their minds could imagine)? You all think that smoking some pot is supposed to compare to the kike crimes so that it would ever in a million years, deserve mention on Zig Forums?

I want to kill you myself you POS KIKE. I want to see your people burnt alive like you deserve.

so many ZOGbots online nowadays, you'd think they'd just shut the fuck up and observe…. but noooooo

Do you think they talk to their superiors in this manner, or just follow their fucking orders like the good, highly paid ZOGbot's they are? It's almost as if they have contempt for the citizens they are employed by…. oh that's right silly me, we the citizens don't employ them the state does.

Yes mate I get it pot good Jews bad

I could fix her.

She looks like someone who recently got kicked off the cock carousel.

I am against marijuana use and weed-"culture" potheads must be bogged but a spoiled White sorority girl smoking weed is neither a crime nore an indication towards criminal activity.

She's too old to fix


What the shit? I never said that…I didn't even imply that.

as a Carolinian this doesn't seem noteworthy whatsoever, I hear girls talk like that sober, who fucking cares?

OP is a kike, dude. If the mods weren't kikes too, then this would have been deleted by now. There's a reason this is now a global board.

a white girl getting a DUI is national news.
a nigger murdering white never makes the kike news.

but there would be no clergy without the commen christ-stains

KIKES NEW ATTEMPT AT SLIDING THE BLAME…because this current D&C isn't working…you guys are PATHETIC.
You guys really do have average 84 IQ don't you?

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She looks like a thoroughbred to me, 8/10 I'd smash it

Wait, could this be made into a thou..hate crime in burgerland?

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Nicola Tesla approves

Had she been a fucked up neggress she would have had better odds of getting off.

What about the part where OP fails to mention she was driving with a BAC of 0.18?

she's too old. 32 is expiration date, they should be put down like sick animals

stop projecting your cuck fantasy into everything. only a small percentage of mentally ill white women race mix, and the percentage of young people that smoke marijuana is much higher than that

well women are retarded cunts but I will defend the thot in the OP because she did nothing wrong but DUI and letting herself get old and useless instead of getting married and having a family

I meant 30

also yes it is retarded to put women in jail because it wastes their childrearing years. hell, jail is a retarded concept; it should be a fine for minor crimes and death penalty for severe ones. jail is inhumane and a waste of taxpayer money

Yes, European women should be killed. Of course YOU aren't a jew.

Call your doctor.

Fuck off CIA TORnigger

You straight edgelords need to stop fucking reaching.
You know who are also straight edgekikes? Fucking TRSodomites.


Millennials are always overestimating their qualifications.

Kill yourself you thirsty 12 year old faggot.

not even with your dick, OP

This is productive.

Reporting this thread for kike sliding and not politics/pol/.


I intend on cleaning your filth out of the catalog faggot

Really dialing that autism up to 11 aren't ya?


Death Penalty for the roasties.

Why didn't you start to sage until after you got BTFO then?

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed the obvious

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Two white kids in 14 years is shit. She should have at least six by now.

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Reading this story for the second time something I didn't notice originally was that it seems like it was over mothering that caused this girl to become so spoiled.

She bears the coal burner aesthetic - pretty, blonde, and with a thousand cock stare and bad skin indicative of drug abuse.
She's also 33 years old without any children, driving drunk and smoking weed.


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Come on, when you get people pushing such extreme measures they become easier to control.
Just use their anger against them. Angsty teens are the easiest to manipulate. Why do you think this board is shilled so hard, constantly?
People choosing to be divided and conquered themselves.

It appears she made her instagram private.

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Read the Talmud.

Remember, it's going to ramp up as we wind into shabbat. Batten the hatches, there be a yid a brewin.

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maybe you should cancel your BLACKED.com subscription

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all women are thots

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Hand her over to the bikers, they will straighten her out.

If it's only the jews and europeans have no problems then how did the kikes get where they are? Should that not lead you to believe that the kikes are the master race? My belief is that while Europeans are the creme de la creme of the human subspecies, our strengths like altruism and trust become crippling weaknesses. Stop larping as a hollyjew nazi and become a thinking, critical national socialist.

I meant to say they become weaknesses in a globalized world. Vikernesian tribalism ftw

The bible will lose against the Talmud. Two different rule books are being used, wake up

She owes a sum of ten child births to the state. These white children will give back multiples of value to the state. We will ensure that these children get white schools and the credentials to make it far in their industry. We are going to liquidate every kike in our countries for what they are worth.

I'm not a sociopath so I can't justify putting someone in a rape-cage for possessing weed. I don't associate with anyone who smokes and cut them out of my life as much as possible whenever I found out they're one of them. But there's literally no way to justify giving them welfare by way of imprisonment for it. That and "incarceration of drug users doesn't work … " yadda yadda yadda.

Get a load of this guy … If the government ever starts banning access to sites like this, I'm sure you'll change your tune real quick, right? Laws are irrelevant and fake, take meaningful actions on your own terms.

Kill yourself

This girl was drunk and grabbed my ass. She was gross. She iinconvenienced me for a milisecond. I continued with my life and wished them the best.

A selfish dumb whore has her ass grabbed by a drunk guy. Just like you should expect to be eaten by flies or attacked by bears if you run into the wood naked covered in honey, if you put on my I WANT FUCKED costume and go to a bar, a known chaos zone where you know there is going to be a risk, then you go hit on a dude for an ego boost and lead him on, something countless whores have confessed to doing, you make him buy all these drinks, you invite him back to your place , you get in bed in your panties , you invite him to your bed, then you black out and he fucks you, that is not rape. This exact situation happened to my sister and she claims this person (who she still parties with) raped her. This is because she is very unattractive and jealous she wasn't raped, a known whore, and her sense of right and wrong was destroyed by copious amounts of cocaine and ecstasy.

If you are a father and repeatedly rape your daughter, you need instantly executed. Actually you should be skinned alive. If you are with a diagnosed narcissist with a clear history of treating human beings like objects for either an ego or adreniline boost, they bait you into their bedroom, they scream or shit zero times while you fuck them, then they say you raped them, they should be put in prison . People put sugar water in bottles and sell them to sick people. There are slimeball fucks who sadly make false rape accusations at will because they know the laws allow that and there will be no consequences. Fortunately the world is collectively moving closer to sanity on the subjectt. in any situation where consent is implied and there has been even one instance where the accuser has shown to be a scheming whore who gets a rush out of fucking with people, it's not rape. Fucking deal with it. If I go wave a steak in front of a homeless person and he attacks me and steals it I should be the one who goes to prison. Everything isn't fucking black and white and anyone promoting that thinking has blood on their hands.

Shout-out to Sarah Anne you fucking gross whore. This girl literally patrols every coke bar in Pittsburgh to cheat on my friend , tells everyone her boyfriend can't fuck her right, fucks married people, then when called out goes BUT I WAS RAPED WAAAAAAAH

because evil people will use every technique that you let them use. For fucks sake let's not let these people win. Seriously, you can go around ruining people's lives, destroying relationships, keeping degenerate coke dealers dicks sucked, and then on top of that you get to falsely accuse people of rape and even if people prove it's false you are still fucked? Nope. Not in my universe.

user, its not that pretty blondes are all coalburners, its that the girls who are coalburners tend to be pretty (hence why they have no sense of self-responsibility) and blonde (usually a dye-job).
And you forgot the part about the thousand-cock stare and the bad skin due to drug abuse.

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There's no pouting about Christendom in there to my knowledge, there's hate against Jesus who was a Jew and who the Jews perceive as a traitor.
You Jew-lovers never change.

this is the most major pussy pass of ever