Economic muzzie invasion 2.0 incoming

Something for anons to keep an eye on. If it continues, the west will be blamed and hoards of economic turkroaches sent towards europe.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Perhaps a strike back for all the Syrian invaders into Europe.

If they were educated I mean.

Oh no no no no!


is it a common occurence for people to have foreign currency stashed in their homes?

Newly announced US sanctions will make things worse.
Quick rundown on this?

nah, they'll think eroachdogan was not a good mudslime and that the moongod forsook him.

Haha! Time for pooroaches.

Half durkey's GDP is from overseas stolen jerbs.

Dump eet.

Attached: dump it.jpg (1000x581, 119.35K)

Turkey makes a shitload of money from oil contracts they got in Iraq after the war.
MFW Americans still get blamed for going after Iraqs oil even though they didnt get any of it.

Some crime family boasted that German welfare payments to them were financing entire villages back in Turkey a few days ago.
I'd wager most of their GDP comes from child support and other benefits Germany has extended to Turks.
Just fuck my shit up pham

I would if I lived in that shit hole. I feel sorry for the dumbases who actually trade in valued goods for something worth less than paper.

Make him think it's ze bottoom

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I'm sure you meant to post this here, user. No worries.

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If we had a white nationalist in the White House, this crisis could EASILY be manipulated into either getting Turkey to voluntarily leave NATO, or into kicking Turkey out of NATO.
And then Russia could Make Istanbul Constantinople Again without having to worry about the West's (((intervention)))
A Greek-Russian Codominium of Constantinople would be amazing.

What a surprise.

Why do I have a feeling that this is jews manipulation to buy low and then have it fix itself so they double or triple their investment?

How about you go fuck yourself, moishe? You’re done here.

You put the mad in the muhhamad.

Attached: turkposting-loudly-cockroach-turkey-turkish-meme-animated-gif.gif (484x464, 233.9K)

He bought. Crash eet agen.

Attached: crash it.png (568x546, 11.45K)

Regardless of turkroaches
This is the power of world banks and world goverment.

Wipes out half of your lifesavings in a day
Have fun

kikes already rubbing over the thought of establishing a banking system in Turkey.

Jesus, does the madman ever stop?

What a guy.


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Not so fast, Bog.

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he doesn't even know what the acronym means

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wasted dubs

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Should go without saying but if a roach tells you to give them all your gold so he can fix the money, run away.

There are no brakes on this flight.

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When the turkroaches fall, let's hope the impenetrable wall of Hungary and Poland keep these rats out by land and the Italian navy keeps them out by sea.

no, it's probably a strike back for the turks fighting the kurds in Syria



If I recall correctly Obaman doubled/tripled the national defect that he inherited from Bush.

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Not green just lost me load in that station to a well endowed lady.

Do I turn back and court, or just stop here

Send them to Germany.

Mama Merkel will pay.

fucking bots

Well, let's see what this Allah is worth…

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Lets wipe out half of them in return.

waht the fug?

Attached: Good One.gif (348x323, 1.94M)

Turkroach and Trump double down. Further confirming that priest is a glowfag.

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You dont have to take them in, even if their shitty economy collapses, there is nothing but communist EU leaders that say you do.
Fuck Turkey.

guest workers need to go home now and help building up their own country.

the jews love war games, its only gentiles who will die..
well, only gentiles.. the fact that it is gentiles amuses the jews.
now they dont have to go to the stadium to watch gentiles kill each other, just turn on the tv. so much fun.

You're either david duke or the jew yourself.
If you were real you'd be saying whites but we're all just "gentiles" to you filthy yids.
YOU will fucking die.

Pillage loot is not "savings", mustafa.

Someone begs to be BRRRTTTTTTTTTTT to goodness.

Turks are only marginally better than kikes and that's only because they are more stupid.

the more important part of this circus is to see that the collaps is spreading it started in shithole countries on the verge of the global system first
libya, syria, venezuala; places nobody would give a fuck about if they would disappear from global suply chains, but now the shitshow is spreading to previously stable and doing pretty okay for mudpeople countries like turkey, even worse many western financial instutions are balls deep in turkish debt and ultimately it will be the goyim pensionfunds that will foot the bill for this
expect the shitshow to keep on going and picking up pace from here, next up second rate european countries in the balkans and south eastern europe then the core eu good goys, at this point china could even outlast the eu

secundary effects to take into account the browning out of turkey, when the ottoman empire anhero'd there were plenty of muslim converted european peoples left in the newformed turkey, however a century of the religion of peace has ment huge birthrates for the retard rural arabian genetic part of the population while the urban technological european part dwindled, in the mountain villages in central anatolia you can still find a few almost pure blooded celts today
another factor is that during the entire syria conflict turkey was running on 20usd a barrel daesh oil illegally imported in their roach ways a pipeline that has now ended, meaning turkey has to compete fairly on the world market crushing their export economy

Trusting God is not bad advice here. A good answer to currency instability, if culture is capable of doing so, is fasting and prayer. More specifically, delaying purchasing decisions as much as possible reduces the current speed of funds, leading to currency scarcity, leading to an increase in value. In fact, this type of issue can be seen as a test of faith. The current value of the currency is based on the current confidence of its followers in the future value of that currency.

It is likely that people who believe that their currencies will gain value will retain their money. If people believe in the effective magic of the enemy's economic war, and they are now responding by buying what they may not be able to buy in the future, they will spend more money buying less than they hoped to get. If people do not believe in the effective magic of the enemy's economic war, they will respond by keeping their money in anticipation of what they need to buy later.

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Nice Tweet, Trump!

Attached: Good one.jpg (284x177, 10.01K)

If you weren't all such chickenshit cowards, maybe that somebody would be you, roach. It's not though, because you're mountain Arabs who are Africa-tier at organizing countries. I think you're not going to do a fucking thing. I think you're going to pay the tariffs and eat shit – as opposed to just eating shit, which is business as usual in Occupied Constantinople.

Attached: Whiny_Roaches.png (570x366, 361.63K)

We say King Nigger around these parts.

third pic.

he clearly hopes this is a slap on the wrist and if he's a good goy they will give him back his toys.

Ottomans are the source of the two major wars in the 20th Century.

Fuck them. They deserve their failure.

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It takes only one word to infuriate the turkroach.

Too bad Erdogay didn't get overthrown in that coup a few years ago. No Brexit. No coup. Turkey's going to have to sell a lot of little brown girls' asses to Weinsteins now. lol. Kill yourselves.

Belief in Allah is "education" user. That's the fucking problem.
What is the objectively best education?

All we have is indoctrination.

Are we getting a new wave of spamming shitposters?

Rookies, from the look of it.

The truth hurts sometimes, donit?

It certainly does, but your post made me laugh.

Erdogan has proven time and time again that he's a genius, he was running circles around Dubya Jr. and Obama, it's too bad he tried to size up Trump and got smacked down.
I remember Erdo demanding 40bil USD from Dubya Jr. for invasion of Iraq through Turkey, a 2nd front, it stretched the war out and helped drag it on for a lot longer when Dubya said no and only invaded Iraq through Kuwait, so fuck Erdo.

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Erdogan is the best thing for humanity roachistan has ever produced.

no it's kikes in both cases. as usual.

look up young turks, denmeh, sabbatai zevi and so on.
how much must one stay on Zig Forums to find not hard to believe that most problems in the world are caused by some particularly degenerate set of jews.

Time of removal comes closer

Attached: Turktankfail.webm (400x400, 847.95K)

He's also letting turkey's collapse serve as a warning sign; not just to other countries who want to pose any jabbing with tariffs or those that don't pay their share (like china or germany), but also showing back at home base that he isn't afraid to cut the flow in the case of the Dems. Now, are the Dems in office shireking and crying, telling "Drumpf" that what he's doing is heartless and inhumane? because there's no winning for any democunts that either join the frey and want Trump to stop doing what he's doing, or by doing nothing, any of the over emotional schizo leftists will be screeching and hollering at them to do something.

t.boomer trumpcuck

Free fall continues.

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It's an economic miracle!


Probably going to be one of the greatest economic earthquakes in years.

If your local currency was the turkish Lira you'd have a foreign currency stash.


Attached: It just keeps tumbling down.webm (640x360, 1.8M)

You know what I love about this whole thing? A meme economy returning to reality and many "economists" shown to be the liars and fools they are.

BINGO! Great job at figuring it out. Now, do you wanna find out just how bad it actually is? A based user on /lit/ was a scholar on the topic of Islam and redpilled everyone because someone asked if the Quran was a good book. Pics related, save and spread these.

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Yep. Obama's administration took on more debt than everyone between George Washington and George W. Bush combined.

Underrated post overall, and this point in particular deserves to be emphasized. Turkey was profiting greatly from the Syrian war, and now that ISIS has been thoroughly crushed they've lost a huge cashcow. No doubt, the loss of cheap ISIS oil dealt the killing blow to their already-failing economy.
Can you feel it, anons? It's all starting to tumble down. Like a line of dominoes we're witnessing one economic crisis after another, each bigger than the last.

Notice that he mentioned gold as well. How many westerners have stashes of precious metals in coin or bullion form in their houses? Too few.

Attached: Gold silver lead iron.jpg (550x550, 119.64K)

Great to muzzie nations being toppled but not impressed that none of them have done anything towards kikeland.

Food and water are far more important.


Sounds like America during the great depression.

I'm afraid you may not have that much time. At some point western banks are going to begin falling from emerging market debt default contagion. Currency printing will end whatever is left. You probably have a year, maybe a few years left to accrue precious metals at a reasonable price (go all in for silver if you don't have much money).

Medfag, I'll always be in business and I'll gladly take precious metals for my services.
while trump is in charge i doubt it, if there is a true total collapse i can see him coordinating with the fed to rebrand and start anew, we've still got petrodollar and we're rebuilding our manufacturing and services sector, the US can literally remake its economy. If we win, we WILL remake the economy just like uncle Adolf did. The family already does have some precious metals in the form of watches, pens, few bars, coins, jewelry, etc. It's a must have for sure.


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That lady at the dealership is pretty. She’s an 8

Is imkikey going to commit sudoku?

What are you on about? This has been going on for decades.

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You guys might be interested in these photos.
They are passing around a theory on some of the other places I browse that there is a planned destruction of (((fiat))) money going on.
Future = asset backed currencies.
As you guys know, fiat is controlled by (((them))) and no one currently in power likes this situation.

Russia has been stocking up on Gold lately.
I've also heard very VERY faint whispers that cryptocurrencies might be involved in some way. But it's hard to believe that since the whole space is currently a giant scam controlled by (((them))) as well.

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This is why my wealth is in what I know and in physical objects that can be put to productive use (for myself and others).

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