With the recent happenings of the erasure of Alex Jones from nearly every surface of the internet, it should have the hairs on the back of your neck standing straight. Having given their mass unpersoning a good dry with complete success just less than three months away from the midterms, the left-controlled media and tech giants are no doubt colluding behind closed doors as they formulate their next set of plans for the upcoming batch of takedowns.
The execution will most likely be gradual, taking out a few e-celebs here and there in the beginning, but the bulk will occur during the final weeks before the midterms when there will not be time for any legislative response. You can expect major figureheads such as Sargon, Lauren Southern, Jordan Peterson, Candace Owens, and others to be the next targets, wiped from the internet without a trace.
They've already spent the past two years paving the roads for this final moment. Take Twitter as an example who have nearly all conservative/right/republican accounts on squelch. Top conservative figureheads with 100-200k+ followers on Twitter top out at about 30k likes per tweet while small accounts with only hundreds or thousands of followers can produce tweets that garner 200k+ likes in under 24 hours. We can no longer meme. We can no longer trend. This makes it far more difficult for our cries to be heard by the president or legislators who have the power to bring this to a crashing halt. And, yes, Trump has called out Twitter and Jack for the suppression of our speech, but I don't think he's aware of its full magnitude, hence why nothing has been done to bring it to an end.
Not gonna lie, I definitely fear for the future. We are all enslaved by the leftist media machine who has the collective power to zap us right off the face of the internet with the press of a button. At this point, I don't know what can be done to stop it.
yet its a youtube video. There will be no truth coming from youtube content.
Listening to a youtuber is like listening to a preacher in a strip club.
If you are in that forum or use that forum you are part of the problem.
Jackson Ross
i don't think anyone can stop this banning gg from 4chan started gg american news media ganging up on trump strengthened him if you manage to stop this on the internet, we'll be spreading the word the old-fashioned way
The only e-whoring anyone should do is that against the soon-to-be crater out on Palestinian land.
Lincoln Collins
Yeah well, Dave Cullen has a non-white gf! He's part of the ruining of Eire, unlike vid related.
Jeremiah Taylor
So Alex Jones is already on cable TV?
Cameron Diaz
Pretty good apart from her singing.
Easton Cook
Kayden Morales
Reminder that this is what a paid shill looks like.
Aaron Kelly
nah, nah, it's about our conservative principles like freedom of speech, not dying out as a species
Isaiah Smith
Beautiful line. I wish I wrote it.
David Richardson
I was permanently banned from Twitter almost a year ago. I stopped trying to make new accounts a while back. They put too many hurdles in place, they require a phone number now and they won’t accept numbers you can get from burner apps. I’m on Gab and Wrongthink but TBH it’s kind of pointless. Gab has become infested with boomers, Wrongthink is a ghost town. Also with Microsoft succefully blackmailing Torba to delete Patrick Little’s Gab posts it’s clear even that bastion of “free speech” is in danger.
Lincoln Lee
Wrong, retard. Building an alternative is far more achievable than pleading with jewgle. The only remotely viable solution if you're so insistent on giving business to jewgle is to have nation states force jewgle to protect all speech.
Elijah Jackson
Is it though? Didn't Brennan make this place as an alternative which the got DDoS'ed to hell ad back for (((some))) reason so that new people could take over?
Oliver Barnes
Like Dave Cullen has a choice about what women he can fuck. He will take what is offered.
Not true. If you can find mirrors of banned Youtubers before they get taken down, you can occasionally find truth. But clowns like this guy? Yes, 100% controlled, 100% gatekeeper. [spoiler]example of truth: look for mirrors of MrE and buckle in for a wild ride Archive channel: youtube.com/channel/UCGpgrN2ZnLBl9DWoPKuJvbw/videos Example video: youtube.com/watch?v=-QUvFWfIM4I Real fucking truth gets banned. Real eyes realize real lies. [/spoiler]
Evan Carter
Retard strategy. If you haven't noticed, if you make an app that looks like it could be remotely competitive then Facebook buys you out for $20 billion long before you're ever worth that much so you can't refuse to sell and then they just shut your shit down.
Nathaniel Ward
Charles Campbell
Please tell me this is a joke.
Hudson Rogers
It's funny how many people shit on Vox for making infogalactic, Alt-Hero, and his own publishing companies to allow this stuff to exist, yet every single day it's looking more and more like he was right all along, because the leftists are just slowly prying any ability we have to organize online from our hands and the consequences for doing so seem pretty good damn negligible.
Nicholas Johnson
Fuck off with your whining about 'e-celebs'. Judge the message, not the messenger you shit kike.
Mason Sullivan
You realize they got popular because they were sponsored by the US government, right?