MAGA through Manga: How Japanese media have fueled the Western right

MAGA through Manga: How Japanese media have fueled the Western right

Original user content: Is this the real power of memes and animu?

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there's a real correlation between non-weeb anime watching and test. all the manliest guys i know watch anime.

Kek 2d masterrace

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Well, physical ideals are often glorified in anime, so I guess there is that relation. As long as you aren't one of those moeshit retards who dreams of living in japan and getting a "qt 3.14 asian gf", watching certain anime is arguably far less degenerate than watching the kind of movies that are getting put out today.

Not an artform.

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Shit thread, Anime is not an artform.

Faggot from DLSite promoting degeneracy, kill yourself.

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I didn't know why at the time, but this scene reached me deep down as a kid the first time I saw it.

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I can easily pinpoint 3 moments of life were anime inspired me to change.

When I was an unmotivated asocial 16 yo little shit, I saw Gurren Laggan.
Kamina was an inspiration, but even as young as I was, I picked up on the show's sub-message: he was not an hero. He was a dumbass that cared for Simon. That believe in him. After he's gone, Simon became one my role models. The will to punch forward, break through obstacles and loudly scream "I WILL".

Years later, I was 22, in college, meeting retarded slut after slut and wondering if I really should just go with a few of them for all that casual sex and retarded socializing about shit I didn't care about with people that cared even less.
At that time, I played Katawa Shoujo. I only did one route: Lily's.
Lily became a role model: not for me personally, but for the wife I want (and eventually found). Modest, caring and not afraid of being vulnerable.
My own life echoe'd that route: I had to grow some balls and realize the perfect girl wouldn't fall from the sky (or from Tinder and assorted junk). I had to give it my all and then some more when I found someone worth it. And that drive, that will to find happiness was paid in kind.

The later role model I found, long after the anime was out (but I had never picked it up before) was Edward Elric.
He was not a genius: he was resourceful. He didn't work too hard (didn't waste efforts) or too little (wasn't lazy). He had goals, he met obstacles with the same drive that had accompanied me and was humble towards his masters while seeking self-improvement.
That's his major drive: he knows what he can do is great but seeks to do better everyday.

You may start to see a pattern here.
Anime gave me three things I did not find in western media.

Take anything from the west in the last 20 years. Any series, book, music, film, ANYTHING.
Where do you find these values? Or do you find characters the resonate with them?
Western media is a barren wasteland of degeneracy and empty/shallow platitudes that amount to nothing more than a hole you can throw money in (fueled directed to Shekel-Aviv).

Honorable mention to Slavs: all the games/books and music I played from Russia and neighbors always gave me a strange alien vibe. I imagine they think in very strange and different ways compared to us, but that strangeness lead me to be inquisitive and always pose questions.
Seeing things in a new point of view is a byproduct of contacting with a foreign culture after all.

Inb4: Katawa Shoujo isn't Japonese, it's still anime-styled. And yes, I'm aware that there's many other shows far better than what I listed. These are just the one's that gave me a particular message.

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Jewden spotted

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Oh man, the Frieza saga gets me right in the feels every time. Best arc of DBZ


no one is going to read your shit, you're a faggot manchild who likes children garbage / jewish invention for children, no one will take you seriously.

If anime isn't an artform because it isn't always super realistic looking, then your kike Picasso and all of his friends are REALLY fucked, aren't they?

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I understand you're used to reading 150 characters at a time. Here let me help you:

Why are you people so retarded with your non-arguments?
How do you ever expect to convince anybody who doesn't agree with you in the first place?

Smug is an artform.

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God bless the filter

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Don't you have a statue of a man sucking his own dick to be finishing?

>Smug is an (((arform)))

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I don't own eastern relics, they aren't considered art because the east are not creative people, therefore anime isn't art.

Quick reminder to other anons:
Don't reply to bait.
When other anons do a Filter+, your replies to him get filtered aswell.
If you still want to reply to him, simply post responses to other anons separably.

instead of filtering, consider killing yourself instead.

Anime is a great test for sorting people. The people who hate it are terribly stupid, and the people who love it are guaranteed mentally ill. If you can watch a movie or two or endure a season of episodes, you're probably of reasonable intellect. But if you really want to find the garbage of your society, nothing is better than identifying the Hairy Potter, Star Wars, or Marvel Movies fans. Only the fucktardest of fucktards enjoy that jewish kike shit.

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You may proceed to watch The Last Jedi and drink a nice glass of soylent.

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I never talk about Anime and I dont go around telling people who like it why they are childish latent or closeted homosexuals but as a definite man of intellect that is the conclusion I have come to. If youre posting pictures of cartoon female children, youre probably not breaking a nail to stop white genocide let alone shedding blood for your race.

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Correct. These are leftist entertainment. Harry Potter and Star Wars are especially bad.

Or actually, more likely cartoon male children I should say, who look like females. Ive hated that Japanese feminized aesthetic since the final fantasy games on SNES in the 90s.

yeah, you definitely don't watch anime



Sorry kiddo, not an argument.

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Did Peter caddle stole someone dragon ball OC and photoshop trump on it?

i'm pointing out a fact, moron. you don't have to make an argument to a word salad post, fyi. come back when you can count to 16.

I never found the time to really get into anime, dragonball and I think it was called gundam ( with the giant mec-suits ). But this amount of shilling can only mean one thing… Zig Forums is going to write its own anime and I cant wait to see it.

i don't think you know the definition of art

Jews fear the samurai.

Apparently the anime "Angel Cop" is pretty Zig Forums tier. Haven't watched it myself, but judging from this clip I'd say it's pretty Zig Forums

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Anime is art by definition.

The Japanese are really Russians too!

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There a weeb conspiracy about the Japanese government encouraging artists to draw females thicker to encourage men to seek out fertile women to increase Japanese birth rates.

Holy shit user, tnx. I am most definitively going to watch that this weekend. That clip was amazing.

Lol mod deleted it
Here have a boob

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Do think Junko would resent the Jews?

Are they trying to signal the kikes to descend upon anime now? I'm sure the Nips will not appreciate it with all the black budget "have more sex and kids" agenda they have going right now.

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maybe you should them about your favorite 2hu and why you hate kikes.

And what have you done for your race ?

Wow, that's some fucking motivation right there, I'll tell you hwhat.

Suppose that Iji would fit like a glove, since it is western, albeit a freeware game and possibly heavily anime inspired

Play as one of the last few humans alive fighting to save their race and homeland from an invading alien race, that of which is fleeing another, stronger race. Unlike other, modern indie titles hint hint The morality in this game is more down to earth as Iji questions her motives and struggles to do what's right, even as her brother who's been hiding from the tasen and slaving away to translate their tongue encourages her to wipe them out.

I rarely post here but i'll make an exception as you have exactly summed up my view towards anime in a better way than I ever could. Gurren Laggan is especially great because of the reach towards the stars and its 'spiral power' of constant development and improvement seems to be a nearly explicit mention of faustian spirit, as Pierce writes:

Even fluffy meaningless slice of life anime (or the comfy feeling of Amestris in FMA) represents an innocent childhood life that many of us were deprived of because of the (((undermining of high trust society))) and (((multiculturalism))), but we hope that we create such a life for our children. So long as anime is memed responsibly to avoid escapism or gay shit like traps it's staying in the ethnostate.

Fucking leftists and kikes, jesus christ.

people who say DBZ is shit ARE SHIT themselves.

here's a conundrum: if they also acknowledge that it wont ever happen, are they still retarded?

I'm not reading all of that shit but it doesn't look like the writer got the point, which is that there is lots of anime that's explicitly pro-white and nearly all anime characters champion western values like honor, family, romance, and purity. Obviously anime is a medium that can have tragedies, comedies, or have truly reprehensible characters, but unlike Pedowood it still has a plethora of pro-white content, either based on our history like Berserk or our future like Legend of Galactic Heroes.

Correction Western edits to anime did that.

lolno anime is a shit.
If it was actually as good as she makes it out to be I wouldn't have skipped watching any spring or summer anime.

Meanwhile Purge is now a quadrilogy.

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"fourth wave"

Honey Kisaragi had a smaller butt in the 1973 version (which had the same theme song lyrics), though it does grow a bit when transformed into Cutey Honey.

They are trying actively to take down japanese culture from within and hate that japanese media is actively promoting concepts like nationalism and proper roles of the sexes.

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So much racial pride packed into one scene.

holy fuck, this debit card faggot is the epitome of 知ったかぶり屋外国人. it's ironic that people who complain about "wypipo" imposing their culture on others want to do just that to asian countries because they perceive their values as antiquated.

It's very redpilled. The protagonists kill a bunch of degenerate commie terrorists (sound familiar?), then they're framed by the (((press))) as a terrorist organization.

Make sure to watch the uncensored subs. It's very confusing if you don't know about the political climate, but everything in the show clicks once you're wise about the JQ.

Armitage III revolved around the fuck ups of a feminist society. I'm convinced that there has to be more right-leaning anime like this, any suggestions? No metaphors, it has to name them explicitly.

when the fuck did imkikey come back? look at this autistic thread lmfao

These are hypocrites after all.

I love it when anime and manga have red pilled moments. I normally go to >>>/animu/ for anime and manga discussion.

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Actually, I gave birth to two white children from my white husband. What have you done to stop white genocide? Because all I see right now is some faggot whining on the internet about cartoons while spitting out Zig Forums-tier nonsense.

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Feminist generations are called waves. 4th wave is the current crop of rape culture enthusiasts and 3rd wave was the all sex with men is rape group.

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Name me a manga more amusing than this glorious isekai.

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We don’t need manga dumps. Discuss the article.

Truly the peak of Isekai.

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honestly, this piece is not bad at all.
it's probably the best leftist selfcriticism that i've seen in a long while.even though that's normal from people that put ideology over reality everyday and under any circumstance.
Kai version is good too

>(((no fun allowed)))

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Take it somewhere else.

Also, you know, report it.

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This is literally what the article is talking about, you fucking yid.
Disgusting tranny kike.

"Princess on the run" story in America:

"Princess on the run" story in Japan:


They must be extreemly butthurt because there is no place for the left in anime. No space communisms. Only space nazisVSspace democratsVSspace monarchistsVSspace dictatorships
Why no communism in space? Because all the astronausts starved, HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE!

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solid example of how western media glorifies the ugly while eastern media promotes aesthetic ideals. not to mention that "finding yourself/follow your dreams" bullshit that just leads to chaos.

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Pretty much the truth here. Glad you included Star Wars in there; ignoring the obvious plagarism of Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress, the entire SW series is nothing more or less than a prolonged toy commercial for 5 year old boys.

For once, the author seems honestly neutral over the topic. Though anime has been making headway in culture since the 60s, claiming that it's still 'underground' in Japan is like saying that 'social justice', or what passes for it now, is still a 'fringe' mindset. Still, it's nice to see some actual self-reflection from the media. Democrats and their Cuckservative other-halves are so out of touch with the general American, that they still can't figure out how it is Trump won. This is the same for how they can't figure out why their umteempth-million rehash of a series is performing so poorly. People are turning to anime because of the fresh breath of air in the form of creative story-telling people are looking for. It's why the industry is seeing such a major boom. Marvel and DC are failing since SJWs and their ilk have infested comics like parasitical leeches; destroying great icons in their rabid tantrums. They still don't understand that people despise that nanny-finger-wagging Libshits like to do as they look down their noses at the 'unwashed racists'.

The major irony? Small towns are actually more 'diverse' in the sense that Liberals try to preach, without all the PC victimhood shit they try to push when policing peoples' language. It's funny, really.

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Hasn't that been done?

vid related i guess.

could not find better ein videos

mostly referring to young people who feel the need to "find themselves"

Can confirm this. If Zig Forums ever updates it's approved anime list, Angel Cop should be on it, if it in't already. Haven't seen the list in a while, so I'm not sure.

Serial Expriments Lain is the only series I've watched so far (I came to the chans after Gamergate censorship, and took up the culture), and it's worth it.

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A Zig Forums anime/manga recommendation thread would be cool.

Your wish is my image

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