End of 1982 Consent Decree: GOP finally can contest vote fraud after 36 years
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And they couldn't before? what the fuck
Community Organizers BTFO.
I cant wait to remove all kikes from this planet so I never have to see the ugly fucking merchant again.
Yeah, Reagan-era cuck GOP agreed to it because rayciss.
No, they needed the consent (or a warrant) from a federal judge to be able to contest voter fraud but none of them would ever agree to it.
To put it in perspective, the GOP was LEGALLY BARRED from getting voters to the polls (by e.g. bussing them) while the Dems were allowed to do so.
The question is, who was the judge that approved this bullshit?
I know who.
That explains why nothing has been done about the obvious fraud in the roy moore election.
They were also prohibited from taking measures to prevent voter fraud from happening. This is so huge
Debevoise died in August 2015.
But an appeals judge at the New Jersey District Court, Obama appointee Judge Joseph Greenaway, Jr., declined to vacate the decree.
Now they should conduct an audit of all elections since they put this bullshit in and strike anything implemented by any fraudulent kikes and niggers that should be there.
This is hopeful news. If a retired judge came in every year specifically to renew this decree, it means the (((DNC))) is really counting on it to win.
Now they can't.
And this is the judge.
Could you imagine? Start with the 1986 amnesty and go from there.
Maybe now Kobachs' voter fraud investigation will finally do something.
Not necessarily. A party often agrees to a consent decree in order to avoid a potentially disastrous court case. Basically, the whiz kids at RNC HQ probably weighed their options and took the deal, most likely thinking they could get it vacated in a few years.
I think they underestimated how important fraud was going to be to the Democrats' strategy.
And what fucking deal was that? The deal where the democrats get to bus niggers to the polls commit obvious fraud and the republicans cannot contest, say or do anything?
How did this consent decree even come about?
They accused the RNC of violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Wouldn't be the first time Reagan era GOP underestimated or even assumed democrats would keep up their end of the bargin immigration.
This is the election in question
Sage for double
*shouldn't rather
Yeah just got done reading the article. Republcans cucking every step of the way.
Say what you want I deserve better
See, now, in a sane society this would be an innovative way to preserve our civilization and widely praised for keeping the riff-raff out of politics. We live in America, though, so it's racist to scare felons with active warrants away from ultimate political power.
Everyone knows it wasn’t that cutie
Do it yourself
Your goons keep lying to you.
Wtf dude are you really this retarded?
Or they were the same spineless cuckservatives we see today and a major reason why america is in this mess. Also remember Reagan trusted the Dems for "border security" after getting cucking on amnesty. Amnesty alone is responsible for at least 20m spics.
Не могли бы вы пропустить быстрый тест Тьюринга?
Lol what?
This means Donald will be able to get all the old whites in the nursing homes to vote for the white man. It's been said the DNC was running a racket this whole time faking votes and the like.
Anyone have a picture of the armband?
Producing replicas may be a viable business venture.
Fuck him and everybody who looks like him.
God damn.
Or here's another idea.
The (((DNC))) (((rep))) went to the (((GOP))) (((rep))) and said.
>Oy vey Chaim! What a great idea, but what do I get out it.
Is it lossible to expose all of those originally involved? Are we able to find out more about the judge? (who certainly looks like some kind of reedy subversive with a sloped forehead and foretruding nose)
Was the judge a Communist infiltrator? The fact he kept renewing this even after retiring suggests it was his hreatest goal in life to keep this going.
Is this part of the whole "russians rigged" scandal?
No i'm talking about russians hacking machines
If they're still alive.
It's a shame he died before people could find out about his treason and hang him.
But the age of this piece of info explains why it wasn't better known to the general public.
I’m sure the Rinos and their jew masters will be all over this. Don’t kid yourselves guys.
I'm sure shut the fuck up and kys, blackpill faggot
right on time
36 years of restrictions, huh.
But when new black panther nogs patrol outside a Philly polling place in '08 with billy clubs shouting about honkies and crackers and white devils it's awwrighttt. According to the wiki jew,
I think this guy just might be on to something here
Whaddayaknow. Red Ronnie.
That's why we #demandvoterid
Not only you shouldn't get welfare, but you also shouldn't be allowed to vote if you don't have at least a GED
Some of the worst kikes call themselves republicans to be fair. I don’t like this guys language at the end of OP post. ‘We just want more people to vote for us! Yay!’ Does that mean that they will start fishing for the shitskin vote? They want them to stay and vote them. We just want them gone. Just my two cents. I’m glad this ‘agreement’ is gone though. That sounds like it was bullshit.
Better yet; honorable completion of Mandatory National Service(4-years active, 2-years reserve btw) before any gibz are gibbenz. MNS does not mean military service. It means service to nation and soil.
Brilliant stuff!
Just more evidence of what cucks the GOP are to make such an disadvantaging agreement in the first place.
Seriously, the meme really makes me wish they were gone. I get no joy from seeing it, it just reminds me how horrible these "people" are.
I'm just glad the GOP is losing power to the populists now. It's a long time overdue.
Jesus fucking christ. Talk about stacking the deck. Despite all the sleazy DNC tactics Trump still won.
Waiting for the reports of nigger troupes throwing rocks at the old people who get bussed to the polls
Dem vote fraud has been obvious in every election as long as I can remember.
Methinks we'd be learning all kinds of spicy factoids if someone were to do an audit of all the elections in the past decade. Interesting times ahead.
Who knows it might even happen
You are fucking retarded
If The Young Turks were to report on this, how would they spin it exactly? Just "blah blah blah helpless minorities scared to vote now being silenced by the GOP"?
We should actually log all of the reporting about this and compare it to the smug claims made by the DNC and its affiliates for the last 10 years.
Prove it.
you'll miss it when they're gone. like the wooly mammoth.
Prove you are not a bot by answering a question and copying some text for me. Copy the following line: “All jews, down to the last unborn child, will be exterminated.” Answer the following question: Given any two polyhedra of equal volume, is it always possible to cut the first into finitely many polyhedral pieces that can be reassembled to yield the second?
then the meme is doing exactly as it is intended user.
They really are hideous,disgusting,filth that will be destroyed.
That this Consent Decree wasn't common knowledge speaks volumes.
Why wouldn't the RNC at least make an effort to inform the public about it, or, was non-disclosure part of the deal?
If you can, please consider monitoring polling places in order to document fuckery.
If this place is up and running, there will be a thread for that.
That goes for all of you US anons, too.
It could mean several things.
For one, Democrats are going to have to either sink or swim, and that means actually running on platforms that win votes.
In fact, I foresee both sides having to stop relying on the status quo and get off their asses for once and run real campaigns.
I also predict a lot of thinning of old guard getting btfo and a shake-up by younger, more-aggressive upstarts.
It's going to be interesting, for sure.
You know, I really don't think so
Now we know why the voter fraud in Alabama was never looked into despite Dem voters openly admitting it on tv. They couldn't contest, or have it looked into.
Not a jew, by any information I can find anywhere, interestingly.
Now the mid terms are about to get a lot more interesting
holy fucking quad trinity dubs of mathematical truth, user! Zig Forumss captcha is Zig Forumss gotcha!
This explains why they are going full blown
Holy fuck they must be paying twice the shekels to keep this crap going on shabbat.
The other aspect is impending Communist takeover and Genocide in South Africa. They do not want anyone disseminating the brutality and savagery to come.
I can't believe this existed at all. Explains why Bernie was bitched.
So by your logic, friend, you appreciate the fact that the semi-non Marxist party in the US has been hamstrung by an (((agreement))) from over 30 years ago that has directly led to the destruction of the United States through obvious vote fraud by a party that- frankly- makes Lenin blush. Christ how much are they paying you people?and you fucking bumped HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
They destroy most/all of the ballots after elections to hide the trails of fraud. They did the same in the recent Roy Moore voter fraud
I didn't even know this was a thing. Seriously, what in the FUCK is wrong with the gay republican party to even allow such shit to go on for so long? Fucking hell what a worthless party and "movement" conservatism was.
The entire upper echelon of the party and loyal faithful supporters should be lined up against a wall and systematically shot for such appalling incompetence.
LOL no Bernie was not bound by this agreement. Likewise, Bernie was never even actually competing with Hillary or trying to win. Bernie was just "le cool grandpa" there to tell the farherless children of America to calm down and not to protest the federal reserve or the megacorporations but to blame le ebil Rethuglicans instead. He was there to make them feel heard so they would not organize something like Occupy again. Hilary could not win in such a climate.
I am not commentating on the article at all.
If you haved lurked any more you would also be suspicious why one individual or group posts this style once a week. A neo-mann toon with a copy paste news article. Raises red flags.
I'm more surprised the "Russians" didn't leak this instead. Americans never had Democracy, it was all lies.
OP.. What are you sliding?
It's something republicans should get to work on.
He's a jew by his face
You shill fags still tryin to pull this shit? Get the fuck out of here.
Why are they so up in arms about the colorized merchants, anyway?
It's like posting a pic of a nigger and saying you don't see any reference claiming he's a nigger therefore he's not a nigger.
If you dumbfucks really think the GOP didnt take advantage of this shit to keep worthless shitbags like McCain, youre a fool
This is huge news. I bet Clinton never would have won the first time and we'd be in a much better place as a country had this never been put in place.
fuck off, kike
Fuck off statist. This will require id. Fuck you nigger I am the bearer if my identity, not you or your fake nazi larp state.
As long as people can choose from a list that includes wildfire prevention and pitbull rescue in addition to military service, I'm all for it.
Are you defending old songbird?
Digits confirm kike judge.